Top 5 Tips to Increase Your Profits in Trading 📈
In this educational article, I will share with you very useful tips how to improve your profitability in trading the financial markets.
1. Decrease the number of financial instruments in your watch list. ⬇️
Remember that each individual instrument in your watch list requires attention. The more of them you monitor on a daily basics, the harder it is to keep focus on them.
In order to not miss early confirmation signals and triggers, it is highly recommendable to reduce the size of your watch list and pay closer attention to the remaining instruments.
2. Avoid taking too many positions. ❌
For some reason, newbie traders are convinced that they should constantly trade and keep many trading positions.
Firstly, I want to remind you that the management of an active position is a quite tedious process that requires time and attention.
Therefore, more positions are opened, more time and effort is required.
Secondly, if the newbies can not spot a good setup, they assume that they are obliged to open some positions and they start forcing the setups.
Remember, that in trading, the quality of the trading setup beats the quantity. I advise taking less trades, but the better ones.
3. Let winners run if the market is going in the desired direction. 📈
Once you caught a good trade and the market is moving where you predicted, do not let your emotions close the trade preliminary.
Try to get maximum from your trade, closing that only after the desired level is reached.
4. Open a trade after multiple confirmations.✅
Analyzing a certain setup remember, that more confirmations you spot, higher is the accuracy of the trade that you take. In order to increase your win rate, it is recommendable to wait for at least 2 confirmations.
5. Don't trade on your cellphone. 📱
A good trade always requires a sophisticated analysis that is impossible to execute on the small screen of the cellphone.
A lot of elements and nuances simply will not be noticed. For that reason, trade only from a computer with a wide screen.
Relying on these tips, you will substantially increase your profits.
Take them into the consideration and good luck to you in your trading journey.
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To understand the price and candlestick analysis, it helps if you imagine the price movements in financial markets as a battle between the buyers and the sellers. Buyers speculate that prices will increase and drive the price up through their trades and/or their buying interest. Sellers bet on falling prices and push the price down with their selling interest.
☑️ If one side is stronger than the other, the financial markets will see the following trends emerging:
1 - If there are more buyers than sellers, or more buying interest than selling interest, the buyers do not have anyone they can buy from. The prices then increase until the price becomes so high that the sellers once again find it attractive to get involved. At the same time, the price is eventually too high for the buyers to keep buying.
2 - However, if there are more sellers than buyers, prices will fall until a balance is restored and more buyers enter the market.
3 - The greater the imbalance between these two market players, the faster the movement of the market in one direction. However, if there is only a slight overhang, prices tend to change more slowly.
4 - When the buying and selling interests are in equilibrium, there is no reason for the price to change. Both parties are satisfied with the current price and there is a market balance.
It is always important to keep this in mind because any price analysis aims at comparing the strength ratio of the two sides to evaluate which market players are stronger and in which direction the price is, therefore, more likely to move.
☑️ The size of the candlestick body shows the difference between the opening and closing price and it tells us a lot about the strength of buyers or sellers.
1 - A long candlestick body, that leads to quickly rising prices, indicates more buying interest and a strong price move.
2 - If the size of the candlestick bodies increases over a period, then the price trend accelerates and a trend is intensified.
3 - When the size of the bodies shrinks, this can mean that a prevailing trend comes to an end, owing to an increasingly balanced strength ratio between the buyers and the sellers.
4 - Candlestick bodies that remain constant confirm a stable trend
5 - If the market suddenly shifts from long rising candlesticks to long falling candlesticks, it indicates a sudden change in trend and highlights strong market forces.
☑️ The length of shadows helps in determining the volatility, i.e. the entire range of price fluctuations.
1 - Long shadows can be a sign of uncertainty because it means that the buyers and sellers are strongly competing, but neither side has been able to gain the upper hand so far.
2 - Short shadows indicate a stable market with little instability.
3 - We can often see that the length of the candlestick shadows increases after long trend phases. Increasing fluctuation indicates that the battle between buyers and sellers is intensifying and the strength ratio is no longer as one-sided as it was during the trend.
4 - Healthy trends, which move quickly in one direction, usually show candlesticks with only small shadows since one side of the market players dominate the proceedings.
☑️ For a better understanding of price movements and market behaviour, the first two elements must be correlated in the third element.
1 - During a strong trend, the candlestick bodies are often significantly longer than the shadows. The stronger the trend, the faster the price pushes in the trend direction. During a strong upward trend, the candlesticks usually close near the high of the candlestick body and, thus, do not leave a candlestick shadow or have only a small shadow.
2 - When the trend slows down, the ratio changes and the shadows become longer in comparison to the candlestick bodies.
3 - Sideways phases and turning points are usually characterised by candlesticks that have a long shadow and only short bodies. This means that there is a relative balance between the buyers and the sellers and there is uncertainty about the direction of the next price movement.
✅With this article we want to show you that you do not have to remember any candlestick formation to understand price. Quite the opposite. It’s very important on your path to becoming a professional and profitable trader that you start thinking outside the box and avoid the common beginner mistakes. Learn how to understand how buyers and sellers push price, who is in control and who is losing control.
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Learn What Will Really Make You Profitable in Trading
What brings the consistent profits in trading?
Talking to hundreds of struggling traders from different parts of the globe, I realized that there are the common misconceptions concerning that subject.
In this educational article, we will discuss what really will make you profitable in trading.
🔔The first thing that 99% of struggling traders are looking for is signals.
Why damn learn if you can simply follow the trades of a pro trader and make money?!
The truth is, however, is that in order to repeat the performance of a signal provider you have to open all your trading positions in the same exact moment he does. (And I would not even mention the fact that there will be a delay between the moment the provider opens the trade and the moment he sends you the signal)
Because the signal can be sent at a random moment, quite often it will take time for you to reach your trading terminal and open the position.
Just a 1-minute delay may dramatically change the risk to reward ration of the trade and, hence, the final result.
🤖The second thing that really attracts the struggling traders is trading robots (EA). The systems that trade automatically and aimed to generate consistent profits.
You simply start the program and wait for the money.
The main problem with EA is the fact that it requires constant monitoring. It can stop or freeze in a random moment and may require a reboot.
Moreover, due to changing market conditions, the EA should be regularly updated. Without the updates, at some moment it may blow your account.
Trading robot is the work: trading with the robots means their constant development, monitoring and improvement. And that work requires a high level of experience: both in coding and in trading.
📈The third thing that struggling traders are seeking is the "magic" indicator. The one that will accurately identify the safe points to buy and sell. You add the indicator on the chart, and you simply wait for the signal to open the trade.
The fact is that magic indicators do not exist. Indicator is the tool that can be applied as the extra confirmation. It should be applied strictly in a combination with something else, and its proper application requires a high level of expertise in trading.
🍀The fourth thing that newbie traders seek is luck. They open the trade, and then they pray the God, Powell, Fed or someone else to move the market in their favor.
And yes, occasionally, luck will be on your side. But relying on luck on a long-term basis, you are doomed to fail.
But what will make you profitable then?
What is the secret ingredient.
Remember, that secret ingredient does not exist.
In order to become a consistently profitable traders, you should rely on 4 crucial elements: trading plan, risk management, discipline and correct mindset.
🧠What is correct mindset in trading?
It simply means setting REALISTIC goals and having REALISTIC expectations from the market and from your trading.
📝A trading plan is the set of rules and conditions that you apply for the search of a trading setup and the management of the opened position.
Trading plan will be considered to be good if it is back tested on historical data and then tested on demo account for at least 3 consequent months.
✔️In order to follow the plan consistently, you need to be disciplined. You should be prepared for losing streaks, and you should be strong enough to not break once your trading account will be in a drawdown.
💰Risk management is one of the most important elements of your trading plan. It defines your risk per trade and your set of actions in case of losses. Even the best trading strategies may fail because of poor risk management.
Combining these 4 elements, you will become a consistently profitable trader. Remember, that there is no easy way, no shortcut. Trading is a hard work to be done.
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Top 8 Rules of a Pro Trader
Hey traders,
Consistently profitable traders have a lot of things in common. Watching how they act and following their ideas & thoughts we can spot a lot of commonalities among them.
In this article, I have collected 8 trading habits that a trader should have to become successful.
1️⃣ - Continuous Learning 📚
The markets are infinitely deep in their nature.
Trading & constant monitoring of the market always unveil new, uncharted elements and things.
With 8 years of day trading, I can't help wondering how many new things I learn each and every day.
With continuous learning you evolve, you become better and it improves your trading performance & results.
2️⃣- Emotional Stability 🙏
The market is a wild beast who always wants to bite us.
And most of the time it manages to do that:
drawdowns, losing streaks...
Those who trade for at least 1 year know how unpredictable and unstable the market is.
A perfectly looking trading setup can easily turn into a big losing trade.
Of course, that is painful, of course with more and more losers, the anxiety will pursue us, the stress will overwhelm us.
Only by remaining stable and calm, you will manage to overcome the negative periods.
Learn to control your emotions, learn to take losses!
3️⃣ - Constant Practice 💪
Pro traders never stop, they always watch the charts, they always monitor the prices, and follow the market.
Trading requires constant TRADING.
Just spending one single week on a vacation without charts, you can not imagine how hard it is to return back.
The trading skills must be constantly maintained.
4️⃣ - Trade Journaling 📝
Pro trders always assess their past performance & results.
They track each and every trading position that they opened.
Both losing trades and winning trades require analysis and observations.
Only by studying the past results the trader can improve his trading performance and evolve. Only by identifying mistakes & peculiar commonalities, the trader learns to lose less than he makes.
5️⃣ - Anticipation of Different Outcomes 👁
Everything can happen in financial markets.
Pro trader always reasons in probabilities.
He knows that 100% chances do not exist.
Accepting the probabilities the trader (even while opening the trade) is always ready for completely different outcomes and accepts each and every move of the market.
6️⃣ - Flexibility & Adaptivity 🕺
The markets are always changing.
If you were trading before COVID crisis, I guess you feel how the reality among us shifted. With fundamental changes in our daily lives, the markets changed as well.
It is hard to say what exactly has altered though, however, we all can feel it.
In order to survive in a constantly changing environment, one should adapt . One should look for ways to be one step ahead.
To beat an evolving market, the traders should constantly polish their trading strategies, drop the things that don't work anymore, and adopt the new, reliable ones.
That is the only way to stay afloat.
7️⃣ - Selection of Right Markets 📈
The trader always knows what to trade and he always has a reason.
He admits that some financial instruments are appropriate for his trading style while some are completely not.
Pro trader does not wander around aimlessly from one market to another. He has a plan to follow and rules to rely on.
8️⃣ - Realistic Expectations ⭐️
Many newbie traders drop trading just because of wrong expectations.
The desire to get rich quick, to catch 20/1 risk to reward trades without substantial losses is playing a dirty trick with them.
The true trader is not greedy, in contrast, he is humble and the only thing that he wants is simply to win more than he loses and make that amount sufficient enough to have a good living.
Adapting these 8 habits, you will see dramatic improvements in your trading.
And even though most of them require a substantial effort and many years of practicing, trust me, it is worth it and it will help you in your daily life as well.
Would you add some other habits to this list?🤓
Let me know in a comment section.
Let me know, traders, what do you want to learn in the next educational post?
Why 90% Of Traders Lose Money?
Trading is a tough business and most people who start in the business lose money.
And these numbers aren't small at all, really. In fact, they might even be scary to look at. Therefore, in this article, we will look at some of the most popular reasons why more than 90% of new traders will lose their money in trading.
The most common reason why many traders lose money is simply that they want to become professional traders without learning more about it first. They trade without even learning the differences between assets and how trading works. Other people start trading after seeing the hyped stories of millionaire traders on television.
Some traders just follow the recommendations of others and do not conduct technical analyses of their own.
Traders should review the prices, analyze the volume, check the prior trends and analyze other technical indicators before placing their intraday orders.
Rushing just to place buy or sell orders is one of the biggest mistakes intraday traders make.
One should conduct proper technical analysis and then start trading.
The phrase- “Trend is your best friend” always works in the market. Not following the trend is another biggest mistake that day traders make.
Unless a trader has many years of experience and understanding of the market, traders should try to avoid going against the trend.
If the market is in a strong uptrend, then one should try to trade in the up direction only unless there is any strong resistance or chart pattern breakout.
Some traders follow rumors and recommendations which are spread by the media houses and brokers.
This is another big mistake that intraday traders make. One should not blindly follow the intraday trading tips and rumors without their own analysis.
Going by these recommendations without conducting your own analysis can cause huge losses.
As we have discussed above traders should conduct proper research before following any recommendations or intraday tips. As we all know that the intraday trading is a mixed bag of losses and gains. Not every trade goes right or is profitable. Thus traders should put a stop loss of their trades when doing intraday trading to protect their capital from losses.
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Steps to Becoming a Profitable Trader
This is a roadmap to becoming a profitable trader. Follow these steps to avoid wasting time and bouncing around from idea to idea. We start with a basic strategy idea we like, then build off it. We MAKE it profitable by following the steps outlined.
1. Focus on One Idea or Strategy
Focus on one specific idea.
An idea is not “price action” or “technical analysis”. That is too broad.
But you could start with the idea of day trading an 8 and 21-period moving average crossover.
Or MACD signal crossovers on a 1-minute chart.
Or the rounded top or bottom or pattern, or triangles, or Keltner channel bounces off the center line in strong trends.
Basically, you need an idea and a time frame (1-minute chart, daily chart, etc).
2. Define the Strategy
Since you have your idea, you already know the basic concept of the strategy. If you don’t have a strategy yet, that’s where a bit of research comes in: finding something you like the idea of. There are loads of free strategy articles on this site, in the courses offered, and from other sources such as books, Youtube, etc.
Whatever strategy you decide on, it needs to include these key components:
A trade setup. The trade setup is what needs to happen for us to even consider a trade. It could be a specific chart pattern, moving average crossover, price action signal, etc.
Where, when, and why we enter
A trade trigger is a precise event that tells us to get into the trade. When the “trigger” event occurs, it turns a possible trade setup into an actual trade.
Where, when, and why we exit profitable trades
Where, when, and why we exit losing trades
If and how we trail a stop loss.
3. Polish Your Strategy
Keep practicing. Keep improving your strategy.
Try that on different markets, under different circumstances.
Make it better and better till it starts making money.
Keep it simple and focused on one trading idea.
Get better and better at that idea. Keep refining and building your confidence in the method.
We gain confidence by seeing something work and being able to implement it. And that’s what all these steps are about.
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Learn 4 Classic Trade Confirmations
"Look for a confirmation!"
"Wait for a confirmation!"
When I was learning how to trade and when I was watching and reading different trading educators, these words naturally pissed me off. What the hell are you talking about? What confirmation?
It was a full-blown mystery...🤯
Then, once I started to mature in trading and trade full-time, I became an author on TradingView.
Posting my forecasts and trading setups, I frequently mentioned the confirmation.
And now the newbies that are reading me and learning from me are pissed off...🤬
That is so funny I guess.
But the truth is that the confirmation must become a fundamental part of your trading strategy. It is your key to successful trading.
What exactly is the confirmation?
It depends on many many different things, in this article I will discuss with you the 4 main types of confirmation and give you detailed examples.
That is actually what I prefer.
Analyzing different markets and searching for decent trading opportunities often times we find some peculiar instruments to watch.
Identifying the market trend and key levels we find the potential spots to trade from.
But do we just open the trade once the "ZONE" is spotted?
I wish it could be that simple...
Trading just the zone, without additional clues brings very negative figures. We definitely need something else.
Price action & candlestick patterns can be those clues.
Accurate reflection of the current local market sentiment makes the patterns a very reliable confirmation.
Dodji's, pin bars, double tops/bottoms ...
Proven by history, the skill of identification & reading the patterns will pay off quickly.
Being in some sense the language of the market, the patterns are the fundamental part of my trading strategy.
Fibonacci levels are a very popular technical tool. Being applied properly it helps the trader to confirm or, alternatively, disqualify the identified "ZONE".
With multiple different methods like confluence trading, fibs are applied in hedge funds and various banking institutions.
The main problem with the fibs, however, is complexity and a high degree of subjectivity. Meeting different traders and watching different posts on TradingView I noticed that all traders tend to have their own vision. There is no universal system to apply here, a proper fib.confirmation technique can be built only with long-lasting backtesting and practicing.
The figures in the economic calendar, news, tweets. Actual fundamental news can become your best confirmation tool.
However, the main obstacle right here is the promptness, validity and reliability of the data that you get.
The information shouldn't be delayed and it must be objectively true.
The search for such a source is by itself is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive business not even mentioning its potential costs.
And that is not all. Knowing how to make sense of that data, its proper perception, and understanding requires a solid economical and financial background and experience.
At the end of the day, becoming an expert in fundamental analysis , the trader can easily sort the trading zones and trade only the ones that are confirmed by a decent fundamental trigger.
I believe all the traders apply some indicators. From a simple moving average to some complex composite algorithms, indicators play a very important role in trading.
Being 100% objective and providing up-to-date real numbers and figures, they are our allies in a battle against subjectivity.
For many traders, the various signals from indicators are considered to be accurate and reliable confirmations.
Many algotrading solutions are operating simply relying on such signals and being able to bring consistent profits proves the power of technical indicators.
What confirmation type should you rely on?🧐
I guess the main rule right here is that the confirmation must MAKE SENSE to you. You should feel the logic behind that. It must make you confident in your action, even in case of the occasional losses, it must keep you calm and humble.
Let me know in a comment section what confirmation do you prefer!
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Thank you for reading.
Let me know, traders, what do you want to learn in the next educational post?
Investment Risk Scale
When investing funds in any format, you need to understand the
investment approach and risk involved in the planning you undertake.
Example investment risk categories when investing capital or income are as follows:
Lowest Risk
Very Cautious Risk
You are not prepared to accept any exposure to investment loss although you
are aware that any investment has some possibility of loss, for example if a bank
holding your money was to collapse. The value of your money may also fall in
real terms if inflation exceeds the return that your investment achieves. You
accept that the returns from your investments are likely to be low compared to
the potential returns from investments that have a higher risk rating.
Cautious Risk
You are prepared to accept a higher risk of capital loss in return for the
opportunity to earn more than from deposits and low risk type investments but
do not wish to take as much risk as with a medium risk strategy. While there can
be no guarantee, investments in this category are not likely to fluctuate in value
as sharply or as quickly as a portfolio largely made up of equity investments.
Balanced Risk
You are prepared to accept that the value of your investments will fluctuate
with the aim of achieving higher returns in the medium to long term. You accept
that there is an increased risk of capital loss over investing in more low risk
investments. Medium risk investments can fluctuate in value more rapidly and
quickly over a short periods of time than more low risk investments.
Adventurous Risk
You are prepared to accept fairly high levels of risk with your investments,
with the aim of achieving higher investment returns in the longer term. You
accept that this may mean that the value of your investments may fluctuate
considerably over a short periods of time and that there is an increased risk of
capital loss compared with a lower risk investment strategy.
Therefore, you may consider investments mainly in equities/shares and is likely
to involve investment in various overseas markets as well as UK markets. This
increases risk because of currency fluctuations as well as investment risk. Risk
can be reduced by diversifying your investments across sectors and markets
Highest Risk
Very Adventurous
You are prepared to accept high levels of risk with your investments, with the
aim of achieving higher investment returns in the longer term. You accept that
this may mean that the value of your investments may fluctuate significantly
over a very short periods of time and you could lose a significant proportion
(possibly all) of your investment.
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One Trade Does Not Define Your Trading Performance...
Hey traders,
👨🏻💻I am trading forex for more than 8 years.
During the last 5 years, I am actively posting my analysis & trades on TradingView.
Growing my audience, it was very peculiar for me to contemplate the reaction of my followers to my trading performance.
(by the way, we must say thanks to tradingview where the posting system does not allow to delete the posted trades so that each and every author is easily backtestable).
👩👩👧👧👨👨👧👧Those who follow me at least a half a year know that occasionally I have winning streaks when 9 out of 10 of my forecasts play out nicely. Sometimes, however, I face the drawdowns and catch a sequence of losing trades.
And sometimes the performance is mixed with the probabilities being on my side slightly.
🥇While the reaction to winning streaks is quite predictable:
I am praised by the members and get nice tips.
The reaction to losing streaks is worth discussing in detail.
It turned out that quite a huge portion of a trading community has a completely wrong understanding of a trading nature.
🤬The single loss is considered by them to be a failure, a mistake.
Facing the sequence of losses, they quickly become negatively biased to the person that they have just recently praised.
With the continuation of a drawdown, they blame the analyst and launch a barrage of criticism towards him.
🔍Then they are in a search again. They are looking for a trader that will be constantly right. Catching the new one during a winning streak, the cycle repeats.
At some moment such people become disappointed in trading and drop this business...
❗️Losses, losing streaks and negative days/weeks/months are inevitable. If you want to become a full-time trader, you must be prepared for the fact that trading won't give you a stable income.
Your equity curve will be in constant fluctuation.
Your goal in this game is simply to lose less than you make.
You must become disciplined enough to keep following the rules of your trading strategy no matter what.
You must learn to be consistent in your actions.
You should learn to perceive losing trades not as a failure but simply as the moment when the market takes its share.
Feeding you, giving you the opportunity to make money out of thin air,
the market definitely has a right to claim its dividends from you.
⭐️Change your mindset, learn to lose and the magic thing will happen.
Let me know, traders, what do you want to learn in the next educational post?
MACD Indicator | How Does It Work? | Definition & Examples
MACD is a technical indicator designed to help investors identify price trends, measure trend momentum, and identify acceleration points to fine-tune market entry timing (whether you’re buying or selling).
How does MACD work?
The MACD indicator has many moving parts and functions, but it’s made up of three general components: the MACD line, which is the difference between two moving averages; a signal line, which is a moving average of the MACD line; and a histogram.
MACD takes the moving average concept a step further. It’s one thing to compare a fast and a slow moving average, but for MACD, that’s only the beginning.
First, the MACD line is calculated by subtracting the 26-day exponential moving average (EMA) from the 12-day EMA (i.e., fast minus slow). Why? The calculation is designed to show the relationship between the two averages, and it does so in a way that places emphasis on more recent price data.
The signal line is a 9-day (or 9-period) EMA of the MACD line. In other words, it’s a moving average of the difference between two moving averages, or a “slower” version of the difference between a fast and a slow moving average.
Why use a moving average of two other moving averages? The signal line calculation “smooths out” the MACD line, creating an even slower moving average that serves as the faster MACD line’s counterpart.
How do you read the MACD?
Pay attention to the moving averages—the MACD and the signal line—and their relation to the histogram.
Note that when the MACD line (the faster moving average) is above the signal line, the bars in the histogram are above the zero line, which is a bullish signal. When the MACD line is below the signal line, the histogram bars are below the zero line, which is generally bearish.
What do you want to learn in the next post?
Forex market players: Who trades Currencies and Why?
The foreign exchange market is used by banks, investment companies, companies and even individuals who want to either cover themselves against the risk of foreign exchange fluctuations or to speculate in hopes of making a profit. 95% of all forex transactions are purely speculative in nature. Only 5% of all forex transactions result from international companies who need to convert their money back to the company's main operating currency.
Commercial banks are the main participants in the forex market, but their "market share" is slowly shrinking. Currently, 43% of all transactions pass through the interbank market, as opposed to 63% in 1998 and 53% in 2004. In terms of forex trading activity, the main role of banks is to serve as middlemen for the other market participants. Their objective is to make profits through "market making", which means that they offer their clients a "buy" price and a "sell" price.
Institutional investors are the second biggest players. They include investment and insurance companies, pension funds and hedge funds. They participate in forex trading in order to cover their stock, bond and currency portfolios and they represent 30% of all foreign exchange transactions.
Central banks intervene to manage their stock of currency and state money. Their transactions represent 5% to 10% of all forex trading volume. The central banks can also intervene in order to defend their respective currencies and to adjust economic or financial inbalances.
Brokers allow private individuals to access the forex market by transmitting their clients' orders to commercial banks or to trading platforms. They get paid from the spread or by charging a commission on each transaction.
Multinational companies participate in forex trading in order to convert their money during import or export activities. Their transactions represent approximately 5% of all global forex transactions. Some companies even have their own trading floors, with traders speculating in order to make profits and to reduce the risks related to exchange rate fluctuations.
Private investors/individuals have recently been trading the forex market as well, thanks to the internet, which allows them to have real-time access to currency exchange rates. Today, their transaction volume adds up to over 5% of all forex transactions.
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Scalping vs Day Trading vs Swing Trading | Learn What is Best
Knowing which trading style suits you best is a difficult question to answer, but the choice you make is not permanent. In fact, many novice traders will experiment with some or all of the various styles before settling on a method and strategy that suits their lifestyle and the funds they have to risk.
The first trading style of this guide is called "scalping". Scalping is a form of trading where traders aim to achieve profits from relatively small price changes.
Scalpers enter and exit the financial markets within a short time-frame, which is usually a matter of a few seconds, or minutes (but the maximum is a few hours) and are known to use higher levels of leverage.
Day trading
Many traders think that day trading and scalping are similar. Although both trading styles do take place within one trading day, there are important differences that we need to highlight. Day traders open and close substantially less setups compared with scalpers. These traders sometimes open one setup a day, and often not more than a couple per trading day.
Although they both trade intraday, the day trader's strategy is to focus on the best opportunities of the day, and to hold on for a larger profit target. Therefore, a day trader usually holds on to a trade for several hours but not more than one full trading day.
Swing trading
The last trading style of our guide is called swing trading, which is a style in which traders enter and exit sporadically, holding trades over a few days or weeks. Swing trading is a system whereby traders are aiming for intermediate-term trading opportunities, and is significantly different to long-term trading.
Whichever trading style applies to you, it's important to find out, as the trading style you choose will have a profound effect on your trading outcomes and your ultimate profitability.
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In this educational article, I will teach you how to properly plan your trading week.
While the markets are closed, it is the best moment to prepare the charts for next week.
First of all, charts should be cleaned after the previous trading week: multiple setups and patterns become invalid or simply lose their significance and their stay on the charts will only distract.
Secondly, key levels: support and resistance, supply and demand zones and trend lines should be updated. Similarly to patterns, some key levels become invalid after a previous week, for that reason, structures should be reviewed.
Analyze the market opening, go through your watch list and check the reaction of the markets.
Flag / mark the trading instruments that you should pay a close attention to. Set alerts and look for trading setups.
Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday.
If you opened a trading position, keep managing that.
Pay attention to your active trades, go through your watch list and monitor new trading setups.
Assess the entire trading week. Check the end result, journal your winning and losing trades. Work on mistakes.
Decide whether to keep holding the active position over the weekend or look for a way to exit the market before it closes.
Stay away from the charts. Meditate, relax and chill while the markets are closed.
Trading for more than 9-years, I found that such a plan is the optimal for successful full-time / part-time trading. Try to follow this schedule and let me know if it is convenient for you
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RISKOMETER Based on Your Trading Style ⚠️
Hey traders,
In this educational post, we will discuss the relation of risk to your trading style.
1️⃣ High Frequency Trading (HFT)
It is a complex algorithmic approach that is used to operate on second(s) time frames.
Such a style is considered to be the riskiest one.
With a very high frequency of order execution and sophisticated strategies, it requires a very high level of experience and proper software and hardware for successful operations.
2️⃣ Scalping
It is a manual trading style with operations on minutes time frames.
With the average holding period ranging from minutes to hours, scalping requires a high degree of attention and constant charts monitoring.
Being one of the most profitable trading styles for retail traders, scalping involves an extremely high risk and mental load.
3️⃣ Day trading
The form of speculation in which the traders attempt to make profits within a single trading day.
Occasionally, however, day traders may hold their positions overnight.
Day trading is considered to be slower than scalping, with the trade execution on hourly time frames.
Slower pace drastically reduces risks also limiting the potential gains.
4️⃣ Swing trading
It is a style of trading that is aimed to make profits on swing moves, with an average holding period ranging from days to weeks.
4H time frame is the lowest time frame where swing traders usually operate, and a daily time frame is usually the highest one.
The operations on higher time frame dramatically reduces the noise and degree of manipulations, making that style of trading relatively safe.
5️⃣Investing (Position Trading)
Trading / investing style aiming to make long-term profits.
The average holding time of a position trader may expand to years.
In comparison to other trading styles, investing generally produces the smallest gain. That is, however, compensated by extremely low risks.
Correct understanding of relations between trading styles and potential risks is crucially important for a selection of an appropriate style for you.
Shorter is the holding period and operational time frames, higher is the risk, but higher are the potential gains.
You should pick the style that fits your risk-tolerance and expectation.
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Scalper, Day Trader & Swing Trader | Choose Your Path
There are thousands of different ways to trade the market.
During the last 100 years, various trading strategies and techniques were invented.
One of the ways to categorize them is to split them by types of traders.
Such a category type will lean on 2 main elements:
trading frequency and time frame selection.
1️⃣ - Scalper
I guess 99% of newbie traders start from scalping.
Trying to catch quick market moves and become rich quick,
newbies are practicing different scalping strategies.
What is funny about scalping is the fact that such a trading style is considered to be the easiest by the majority while remaining one of the hardest in the view of pros.
The main obstacle with scalping is a constant focus and rapid decision-making.
Scalpers usually open dozens of trading positions during the trading session, most of the time being in front of the screen constantly.
Paying huge commissions to the broker and dealing with complete chaos on lower time frames, the majority simply can't survive the pressure and drop, leaving the pie to true gurus.
2️⃣ - Day Trader
Day trading or intraday trading is the most appealing to me.
Staying relatively active, the market gives some time for the trader for reflection & thinking.
Opening and managing on average 1-2 trades per trading session, the intraday trader is granted a certain degree of freedom.
However, with declining volatility , quite ofter intraday traders get a relatively low risk/reward ratio for their trades,
3️⃣ - Swing Trader
Swing trading is the best choice for traders having a full-time job.
Primarily being focused on daily/weekly time frames, swing trading is not demanding for a daily routine and aims at catching mid-term/long-term market moves.
With an average holding period being around 2 weeks and opening 1-2 trading positions per week, swing trading is considered to be the least emotional and involves low risk.
The main problem with swing trading is patience.
Correctly identifying the market trend and opening a trading position,
the majority tends to close their positions preliminary not being patient enough to let the price reach their target.
Which trading type do you prefer?
Let me know, traders, what do you want to learn in the next educational post?
Learning Plan: 13 Essential Topics to Study in Trading
Hey traders,
I receive dozens of questions each and every day concerning the topics to study to become an expert in technical analysis .
Here I have collected the main subjects that, in my view, are essential for successful trading.
*the order of the topics is spontaneous and there is no logical sequence
1️⃣ - Candlestick patterns
To me, candlesticks are very important for understanding market behavior. A single wick quite often can tell you a story.
Mastering different candle stick patterns, you will be impressed by how much data and information you may derive from analyzing them.
2️⃣ - Price action patterns
At first glance price chart is complete chaos.
The market looks irrational and it feels like there is no way to read it.
Price action patterns are the language of the market.
With them, the price fluctuations start to make sense.
3️⃣ - Support & resistance
All my predictions, all my trades & signals are always based on support & resistance levels.
These are the levels that make the market change its direction, they influence the market so much, therefore you should learn to identify them and constantly hold them on focus.
4️⃣ - Supply & demand zones
The only difference between support & resistance and supply & demand zones is the fact that the first ones are represented as levels while the second ones are represented as the zones.
The identification of these zones is very important for proper market analysis.
5️⃣ - Key levels
Key levels are the strongest supports and resistances.
Of course, spotting various supports and resistances on the chart,
we can not say that they all are equal in their significance.
There is a strong (however subjective) hierarchy of them.
The most significant are called key levels and from them, the most significant moves are always expected.
6️⃣ - Trend analysis
When I teach my students how to analyze the price chart,
I always start with a trend analysis topic.
Knowing where exactly the market is going,
having specific and objective rules for the trend identification
are necessary for successful trading.
7️⃣ - Top-Down analysis
Multi-time frame analysis is my passion.
I am constantly combining the signals & observations from different time frames to make my trading decision and predict future market moves.
It proved to be a very efficient method of trading various markets.
8️⃣ - Financial instruments
Though to many it may sound obvious, in practice I know that a lot of people are struggling with a simple question "What to trade?".
You must learn to properly build your watchlist and you should have strong reasoning behind the selection of each unite that is inside.
9️⃣ - Trend following trading
As we know, the trend is our friend. And even though the phrase itself is very simple and straightforward, it takes so much effort and time to learn to follow the trend properly.
1️⃣0️⃣ - Counter trend trading
Occasionally the market reverses. Properly identifying early reversal signs and then catching a sharp counter-trend move, huge profits can be made.
Even though such a style of trading is considered to be extremely risky, being applied properly will generate a lot of cash.
1️⃣1️⃣ - Risk management
Losses are inevitable.
They are part of the game and we can do nothing about that.
The only thing that we can do, however, is to control the losses.
Calculating the risk for every single transaction is essential to avoid a margin call.
1️⃣2️⃣ - Leverage trading
Leverage selection, margin are the things that are tightly connected with risk management topic.
These are the terms that you must know how to operate with.
1️⃣3️⃣ - Trading psychology
Playing with real money, occasionally losing significant portions of your trading account can be a tough game.
It takes time to build a strong psyche to deal with the irrationality of the market.
Which topic to start with?
Pick any, learn it, study it.
They all are equally important so at the end of the day you need to cover them all in order to become successful.
Let me know, traders, what do you want to learn in the next educational post?
Who Moves the Forex Market | Forex Market Players
Forex is the largest market in the world, with the tremendous daily trading volumes and millions of market participants.
In this educational article, we will discuss who moves that market and who are its 6 the most significant players.
1. Governments
Governments tend to set economic goals and influence the markets with their political decision. They define the course of their nations, issuing policies and imposing regulations.
2. Central banks
Central banks implement the decisions of the governments, applying multiple instruments:
Central banks control the emission of the money, shifting the supply and demand.
They control interest rates and define the credit policies.
Central banks control the international trade and sustain the exchange rates of the national currencies by interventions and handling the foreign currencies and gold reserves.
3. Commercial banks
Commercial banks handle the international transactions.
Over 70% of total Forex Market transactions directly refers to the actives of commercial banks.
Commercial banks are also involved in speculation activities, benefiting from market fluctuations by relying on various strategies.
4. Corporations
Corporation is the business that operates in multiple countries.
With the constant capital flow between its branches and counterparts, corporations are permanently involved in a currency exchange.
Also, corporations usually hedge currency risks, storing their liquidity in particular currencies.
5. Investment funds
By investment funds, we imply the international or domestic professional money management companies. Dealing with hundreds of millions of investments, they quite often are operating on Forex market, buying foreign assets, speculating and hedging.
6. Retail traders
The main goal of retails traders and speculators is to make short terms profits from their transactions on the market.
Typically, the activities of traders constitute a relatively small portion of total trading volumes.
Knowing which forces move the forex market, you can better understand how it works. The spot prices that you see on the charts reflect the sentiment of all the above-mentioned participants.
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How Leverage Really Works | Margin Trading Explained
Leveraged trading allows even small retail traders to make money trading different financial markets.
With a borrowed capital from your broker, you can empower your trading positions.
The broker gives you a multiplier x10, x50, x100 (or other) referring to the number of times your trading positions are enhanced.
Brokers offer leverage at a cost based on the amount of borrowed funds you’re using and they charge you per each day that you maintain a leveraged position open.
For example, let's take EURUSD pair.
Let's buy Euro against the Dollar with the hope that the exchange rate will rise.
Buying that on spot with 1.195 ask price and selling that on 1.23 price we can make a profit by selling the same amount of EURUSD back to the broker.
With x50 leverage, our return will be 50 times scaled.
With the leverage, we can benefit even on small price fluctuations not having a huge margin.
❗️Remember that leverage will also multiply the potential downside risk in case if the trade does not play out.
In case of a bearish continuation on EURUSD , the leveraged loss will be paid from our margin to the broker.
For that reason, it is so important to set a stop loss and calculate the risks before the trading position is opened.
Let me know, traders, what do you want to learn in the next educational post?
When Your Trading Journey Begins...
Hey traders,
In this article, we will discuss your first steps in trading.
Being interested in financial markets and being attracted by an idea to become a full time trader, you decide to learn how to trade.
The first obstacle that you will most likely face with is a tremendous range of topics and strategies to study:
key levels, price action, technical indicators, fundamental analysis...
The problem is that there is no one single way to learn how to trade.
Each educational article, each guru on YouTube dictates their own specific path.
You will most likely feel lost, not being able to grasp what even to start with.
You will chaotically jump from one topic to another, not being able to understand which concepts do actually work.
The situation will even worsen once you decide to try to trade on real money. I do not know any trade who would not blow his first trading deposit.
Not only you will be paralyzed by the complexity of the subject, but you will also lose money simultaneously.
There will be a lot of times when you will think about leaving this game. Many times, you will consider the entire trading industry to be a scam.
That is the moment where most of the traders quit.
I am telling you all that simply because I want to show you that we all have the same path. We go through the same obstacles and we think the same way.
The only difference between a true winner and a loser, however, is that winners never give up. Winners keep working hard and stay patient. And at the end of the day, magic things happen to them.
After years of practicing and suffering, one day you will certainly realize how the things work. One day you will become a full time trade. Just don't give up, always remember, “The nearer the dawn the darker the night.”
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The U.S. Dollar Index | Everything You Need to Know
The U.S. Dollar Index is a measure of the value of the U.S. dollar against six other foreign currencies. Just as a stock index measures the value of a basket of securities relative to one another, the U.S. Dollar Index expresses the value of the dollar in relation to a “basket” of currencies. As the dollar gains strength, the index goes up and vice versa.
The strength of the dollar can be considered a temperature read of U.S. economic performance, especially regarding exports. The greater the number of exports, the higher the demand for U.S. dollars to purchase American goods.
The index is a geometric weighted average of six foreign currencies. Since the economy of each country (or group of countries) is of different size, each weighting is different. The countries included and their weights are as follows:
Euro (EUR): 57.6 percent
Japanese Yen (JPY): 13.6 percent
British Pound (GBP): 11.9 percent
Canadian Dollar (CAD): 9.1 percent
Swedish Krona (SEK): 4.2 percent
Swiss Franc (CHF): 3.6 percent
The index is calculated using the following formula:
USDX = 50.14348112 × EURUSD^-0.576 × USDJPY^0.136 × GBPUSD^-0.119 × USDCAD^0.091 × USDSEK^0.042 × USDCHF^0.036
When the U.S. dollar is used as the base currency, as in the example above, the value is positive. When the U.S. dollar is the quoted currency, the value will be negative.
We constantly monitor the performance of DXY because very often it gives us great trading opportunities.
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Market Reversal & Candlestick Pattern | Spot & Trade It Like Pro
Candlestick patterns are frequently applied for the identification of early trend reversal signs.
Here are the three most common reversal formations that you may encounter trading different markets:
1️⃣ - Equal inside bar formation
Once the price reaches some important pivot point quite often it tends to form a weak candle with a long rejection wick (long in comparison to the buddy of the candle).
In case if the consequent candle's body has the same range, we call that the equal inside bar.
It can be treated as the reversal formation ONLY with additional confirmation.
Without an additional trigger, chances will be high that the market will start a sideways movement instead.
2️⃣ - Engulfing candle
Once the price reaches some important pivot point quite often it tends to form a weak candle with a long rejection wick (long in comparison to the buddy of the candle).
In case if the consequent candle's body engulfs (has a bigger range) the previous candle, we call that the engulfing candle.
By itself, it is a quite strong reversal signal and can be applied as a trigger for opening a trading position.
3️⃣ - Engulfing candle (2X)
Sometimes, the engulfing candle engulfs not only the previous candle but also one more preceding one.
We also can call such a candle a high momentum candle.
It is considered to be the strongest reversal formation (among these 3) and can be applied as a signal for a trade entry.
❗️Remember that candlestick patterns work only on strong pivots /structure levels. Being formed on random levels, the performance of these formations is relatively low.
Let me know, traders, what do you want to learn in the next educational post?
What News to Follow | Top 5 Forex Fundamentals
Economic indicators and announcements are an essential part of fundamental analysis. Even if you’re not planning on finding trades using fundamentals, it’s a good idea to pay attention to how the overall economy is performing.
Here’s a cheat sheet covering six key indicators and announcements to watch out for.
1. Non-farm payrolls (NFP)
The non-farm payrolls report estimates the net number of jobs gained in the US in the previous month – excluding those in farms, private households and non-profit organisations.
2. Consumer price index (CPI)
The chief measure of inflation is the consumer price index, which measures the changing prices of a group of consumer goods and services.
3. Central bank meetings
As we’ve seen, most traders follow economic figures so they can anticipate what a central bank might do next. So, it only makes sense that we pay attention to what happens when they actually meet and make decisions.
4. Consumer and business sentiment reports
Multiple organisations are constantly surveying consumers and business leaders to create sentiment reports. While the number of reports they produce is staggering, they all play their part in shaping the markets’ expectation for the future.
5. Purchasing manager index (PMI)
Purchasing manager indices measure the prevailing direction of economic trends in a given industry, according to the view of its purchasing managers. They are used as an indicator of the overall health of a sector.
Pay close attention to these fundamentals.
They play a crutial role in trading.
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Full Time Trading VS Full Time Job | Everything You Need to Know
Hey traders,
In this educational article, we will compare full-time trading and full-time job.
And I guess, the essential thing to start with is the money aspect.
Full-time job guarantees you a stable month-to-month income with the pre-arranged bonuses.
In contrast, trading does not give any guarantees. You never know whether a current trading month will be profitable or not.
Of course, the average annual earnings of a full-time trader are substantially higher than of an employee. However, you should realize the fact that some trading periods will be negative, some will be around breakeven and only some will be highly profitable.
In addition to a stable salary, a full time job usually offers a paid sick-leave and vacation, while being a full-time trader, no one will compensate you your leaves making the position of an employee much more sustainable.
Being an employee, you usually work in an office with the fixed working hours. Taking into consideration that people often spend a quite substantial time to get to work and then to get home, a full-time job usually consumes at least 10 hours, not leaving a free-time.
In contrast, full-time traders are very flexible with their schedule.
Even though they usually stick to a fixed working plan, they spend around 3-4 hours a day on trading. All the rest is their free time, that they can spend on whatever they want.
Moreover, traders are not tied to their working place. They can work from everywhere, the only thing that they need is their computer and internet connection.
Traders normally work alone. The main advantage of that is the absence of a subordination. You are your own boss and you follow your own rules. However, such a high level of freedom breeds a high level of personal responsibility. We should admit the fact that not every person can organize himself.
In addition to that, working alone implies that you are not building social connections and you don't have colleagues.
Being an employee, you are the part of a hierarchy. You usually have some subordinates, but you have a supervisor as well.
You are constantly among people, you build relationships, and you are never alone.
There is a common bias among people, that full time trading beats full time job in all the aspects. In these article, I was trying to show you that it is not the fact. Both have important advantages and disadvantages. It is very important for you to completely realize them before you decide whether you want to trade full time or have a full time job.
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