BNBBTC ShortTime Frame: 4H Symbol: BNBBTC Entry: 0.013200 TP: 0.012692 SL: 0.013539 Bias: Short We are planning a short trade from the existing price pattern. Our goal is to go after a selling opportunity. Shortby NationCryptoSignals1
ADAUSDT LongTime Frame: 4H Symbol: ADAUSDT Entry: 0.5587 TP: 0.5892 SL: 0.5416 Bias: Long The current volatility structure and the trend pattern is showing a long bias and we are planning a long trade from the current price perspective.Longby NationCryptoSignals5
ETHUSDT ShortTime Frame: 4H Symbol: SOLUSDT Entry: 44.27 TP: 39.49 SL: 47.09 Bias: Short We are to go short for this pair. As we see the short bias is still prevalent and we can expect a high probability selling trade. Shortby NationCryptoSignals0
ETHUSDT ShortTime Frame: 4H Symbol: ETHUSDT Entry: 1899.92 TP: 1802.60 SL: 1987.82 Bias: Short The current price pattern is convenient for a short opportunity. The price will drop further and create a positive ambience for going short. Shortby NationCryptoSignals110
BTCUSDT LongTime Frame: 4H Symbol: BTCUSDT Entry: 24032.47 TP: 25014.25 SL: 23418.86 Bias: Long We are planning a long trade from the current price context. The pair is moving upward slowly creating bullish opportunities at different price points. Longby NationCryptoSignals113
BNBBTC LongTime Frame: 4H Symbol: BNBBTC Entry: 0.013465 TP: 0.014148 SL: 0.012961 Bias: Long We are bullish for this instrument. The price may reverse and get back to its original direction.Longby NationCryptoSignals0
ADAUSDT NeutralTime Frame: 4H Symbol: ADAUSDT Bias: Neutral We are neutral for this instrument .We do not see any strong trading opportunity here. by NationCryptoSignals0
SOLUSDT ShortTime Frame: 4H Symbol: SOLUSDT Entry: 42.54 TP: 38.42 SL: 45.43 Bias: Short For this pair our bias is short and we can expect a high probability short trade from the current price pattern. Shortby NationCryptoSignals222
ETHUSDT LongTime Frame: 4H Symbol: ETHUSDT Entry: 1889.73 TP: 1995.39 SL: 1787.48 Bias: Long We are bullish for this instrument following the beaten track. The history repeats itself and so is the case with this one.Longby NationCryptoSignals1
BTCUSDT ShortTime Frame: 4H Symbol: BTCUSDT Entry: 23655.56 TP: 22599.26 SL: 24530.79 Bias: Short We are bearish for this pair. There is a high probability of a strong price fall following by the current price oscillations that we have seen recently.Shortby NationCryptoSignals7
BNBBTC LongTime Frame: 4H Symbol: BNBBTC Entry: 0.013437 TP: 0.014077 SL: 0.013000 Bias: Long We plan a long trade for this instrument considering the current price pattern. Longby NationCryptoSignals0
ADAUSDT ShortTime Frame: 4H Symbol: ADAUSDT Entry: 0.5441 TP: 0.5196 SL: 0.5643 Bias: Short The price is rangebound and does not show any promise for strong move but from the current price context, we may expect a short trade. Shortby NationCryptoSignals0
SOLUSDT ShortTime Frame: 4H Symbol: SOLUSDT Entry: 44.87 TP: 40.84 SL: 47.16 Bias: Short For this pair our bias is bearish .We can expect a reversal move from the current price level. Shortby NationCryptoSignals0
ETHUSDT ShortTime Frame: 4H Symbol: ETHUSDT Entry: 1945.22 TP: 1824.92 SL: 2026.70 Bias: Short The price pattern of this instrument is showing a bearish opportunity. Shortby NationCryptoSignals111
BTCUSDT ShortTime Frame: 4H Symbol: BTCUSDT Entry: 24621.90 TP: 23524.28 SL: 25468.63 Bias: Short We plan a short trade for this pair. As the price is oscillating between short term support and resistance levels, our bias is short at this point. Shortby NationCryptoSignals114
BNBBTC LongTime Frame: 4H Symbol: BNBBTC Entry: 0.013767 TP: 0.014167 SL: 0.013398 Bias: Long We are planning a long trade from the current price level considering the scope of current volatility. Longby NationCryptoSignals0
ADAUSDT LongTime Frame: 4H Symbol: ADAUSDT Entry: 0.5321 TP: 0.5557 SL: 0.5043 Bias: Long Our bias is long for this pair. We can avail a buy opportunity considering the price structure . Longby NationCryptoSignals2
SOLUSDT ShortTime Frame: 4H Symbol: SOLUSDT Entry: 41.77 TP: 37.47 SL: 44.56 Bias: Short We are looking for a short opportunity considering the current price and volatility structure. Shortby NationCryptoSignals111
ETHUSDT LongTime Frame: 4H Symbol: ETHUSDT Entry:1778.53 TP: 1911.55 SL: 1670.85 Bias: Long We are planning a long trade for this instrument. Longby NationCryptoSignals6
BTCUSDT NeutralTime Frame: 4H Symbol: BTCUSDT Bias: Neutral We do not have any high probability bias for this instrument. We have to wait to see any strong directional NationCryptoSignals2
BNBBTC LongTime Frame: 4H Symbol: BNBBTC Entry: 0.013756 TP: 0.014326 SL: 0.013400 Bias: Long We are long for this excellent opportunity. We can see a high probability trading opportunity from the current price level.Longby NationCryptoSignals1
ADAUSDT NeutralTime Frame: 4H Symbol: ADAUSDT Bias: Neutral We are neutral for this instrument. We have to wait for a better trading opportunity. by NationCryptoSignals2
SOLUSDT NeutralTime Frame: 4H Symbol: SOLUSDT Bias: Neutral We are neutral for this pair. We do not see any strong or high probability trade set up NationCryptoSignals112