US10y-US2y Compare with BTCDear friends
The difference between the returns of 10-year and 2-year bonds and the lower the value of these two charts, the slope of the reduction curve (Flat) and vice versa, the more we grow in these two charts, the slope of the curve has increased (Steep).
I compared the behavior of this chart to Bitcoin.
American financial and economic data.
Combined Macro Charts For You!I'm a big fan of exotic charts. It is often tough to gauge the current markets by looking at individual charts so sometimes I like to combine them together. Here is a rough rationale of this chart:
Crypto Total seems to have a good representation small cap behavior and is often a leading indicator of the broader risk-on market.
Large caps, historically it's a trailing indicator, but doesn't have such a long tail as Treasury Yields.
Relatively good indicator of impedance changes. If I'm going to convert my dollars to something else, and then back again, it represents relatively how efficient the economic circuit is. More volatility = conflicting expectations by the market. It is sometimes inversely correlated with risk assets but not always.
Inverted 10Y/02Y. How are investors feeling about the short-term economy vs long-term? When this symbol experiences large downward volatility, the relative health of debt in the economy is unveiled and investors flee risk-on assets.
I weighted each of these symbols 25% by using the 3 Year MA:
(sorry about all the dots, I had to use it to make it line up)
Here is the resulting symbol:
Normalized to 100:
Here is the index without Treasury Yields, so each remaining symbol is now 33% of the chart:
Normalized to 100:
Here is the chart, normalized to 100 along with some rough expectations:
I hope that this is somehow useful. The overall conclusion here seems to indicate the macro environment is currently not friendly at all.
Thanks for taking a look and I hope you enjoyed this idea. Hopefully it makes sense and I don't believe there are any major mistakes. If you spot a mistake, or have an exotic chart of your own you would like to share, please let me know!
Good luck and don't forget to hedge your bets. Take care and be safe.
- your fringe chartist
US10Y-US02Y interesting connection of RVGI indicator and BitcoinUS10Y-US02Y interesting connection of RVGI indicator and Bitcoin
Except at one false signal June 2018 every cross in the extreme area of this indicator marked quite good Entry or Exit points for BTC
Seems the next cross for a possible Entry point is ahead dear Crypto Nation
*not financial advice
do your own research before investing
Forget All Other ChartsIgnore all the other charts right now. They are based on DOLLARS. The dollar is permanently unstable and your imperialist overlords are here to take away your spending power. We're due to see bearish action similar to April 5th (pink dot). The question is, will we see a lower high in relative yields, or will we set a higher low and possibly become uninverted, and return above 1.0 once again? Consider that we just set a higher high in the S&P medium term and it could have simply been a move to fool the crowd. On the other hand, debt is at all time highs, and rates even at this level mean systemic insolvency. Raising rates further means quicker insolvency. I say just get it over with or don't do it at all. Inflation year over year is, realistically, 20-40%, each year since 2020. Key interest rates aren't even 10% of that. There is no way they will be able to control this in any way, shape or form, or manufacture a so called "soft landing".
Rates rise >1.0 = total collapse, then easing
Rates bounce <1.0 = unrealistic rally blow off top, more tightening to trigger the crash
I think I used too many arrows but hopefully it makes sense.
Good luck and don't forget to hedge your bets.
Yield curve inversion cyclesUS10Y treasury yield minus US02Y treasury yield is an accurate predictor of impending economic recession. Here we compare the 10 Aug 2022 yield curve inversion low point to the low points in 2007 and 2000 that pre-dated the Great Recession and Dot Com stock market crashes. While a small inversion (below 0) does not always pre-date a recession, inversions as low as the current 10 Aug 2022 always have.
Even more interesting is when you zoom in to the daily chart. Here we see the 10Y - 2Y moving back towards 0 from 10 Aug 2022 through 22 Aug 2022, even as stocks have begun to decline since release of the Fed minutes and recent commentary from Fed officials about the importance of continuing with additional rate hikes based on current inflation data.
the stagflation paradox. higher real rates + steepen yield curvehi there, dear fellow.
we've recently stumbled upon this chart, in the quest for a leading gauge for the dxy.
this chart depicts a paradox.
in white, US10Y-USIRYY; in orange, US10Y-US02Y.
if you remember our previous idea, namely on the DXY and the yield curve spread (US10Y-US02Y), we've pointed out back then that a steepening of the yield curve would be bearish for the DXY.
well, now we just compared it with our gauge for the real rates, namely US10Y-USIRYY.
what happens is, as it itself is on an extreme low in the last 20y+ (i haven't checked it beyond that, and it doesn't matter), it's likely to eventually revert to the mean. by the way, that's where the fed efforts are pointing to.
that on itself is DXY bullish, untill and unless other CBs beat the fed in hawkishness, which is not the case by now.
the recent tandem between both curves (since feb/21), suggests they're going up together, when and if.
as for the orange curve, that should be dollar (DXY) bearish; as for the white on, bullish.
who wins?
the white one, for as higher real rates make more sense to be dollar bullish than it makes to be dollar bearish under a steepened yield curve.
why? world wide higher inflation.
in short, literally, DXY has a long way to go. our estimate is 2y+ of pain for stocks and cryptos, for as high and higher DXY is risk off for SPX and BTC.
thank you.
S&P vs UST YieldsYields are going crazy right now. Everything seems like a disaster. Oddly enough, when these particular yields invert (gray boxes), the 10/2, it is historically not the best time to go short, but rather you would have benefited if you had shorted AFTER yields uninverted above 1.0(red dots). Now, okay, maybe this time is different, a ratio of 0.87 isn't exactly sane at this point and maybe the whole thing comes crashing down. It's also true that about a third of this chart represented a fundamentally bullish and arguably much more healthy market, and this is true, we could have samples that don't exactly reflect current conditions. What I'm not so certain about is the idea that the market being bearish or bullish is somehow a barometer of what's going to happen next. At the end of the day, monetary policy rules market prices and perhaps this can be taken as sign that perhaps we don't *really* know what's going on behind the scenes, which strings are being pulled, and how hard. The market is not the economy. The FED has a trading desk at the NY Stock Exchange. Let us ask this question: if it is not absolutely necessary in their eyes to have such a trading desk, why would it exist? Could it be the case that it's simply there and yet they aren't using it? I think that is the less probable scenario.
Take it as you will. Considering the sharp cataclysm of yield inversion, I'm not sure this could constitute trading advice, but I thought it was interesting, as it could be considered bullish evidence for a "last rally" into a mammoth sized selloff.
What do you think? Still bearish? Bullish all the way? Even more confused now!? Have I gone completely crazy?? Let me know!
Thanks for taking a look, take care, and don't forget to hedge your bets.
Update on long duration bondsHello everybody! I wanted to make a quick update on where I think the 10y and 30y bonds will be headed in the next few months, as in the past, I've been talking quite a bit about deflation and a recession being close. We have seen TLT rise significantly, yet I think there is more upside. In the short term, I can see a further pullback, but in my honest opinion, the drop over the last two days was caused mainly by Pelosi visiting Taiwan and bonds getting overbought on lower timeframes.
The 30y yields were rejected at the monthly pivot, while the 10y yields bounced at support and were denied at resistance. Yields are still in a short-term bearish trend, and there is no confirmation of a reversal yet, although the trend might have changed. It all depends on the situation between China and the US, as the more the tensions between those countries increase, the higher inflation will be, and therefore the higher rates will be. If China starts aggressively selling US bonds, this could create chaos in the funding markets. If the US starts banning Chinese imports or exports, the US bond market could explode, and yields go to the moon. This would force the Fed to step in and do unlimited QE / yield curve control. Essentially we are stuck in a scenario of mutually assured destruction here, and there is no way either one will come out as a winner in the short term.
I believe that we are in a deflationary/disinflationary period, which could be disturbed at any moment if China invades Taiwan. The Russia/Ukraine war pushed inflation higher at a time when inflation was about to start slowing down, and a China/Taiwan war could push inflation higher at a time when inflation was about to slow down. TLT could quickly reach 125-135 in the next few months. However, I don't believe bond yields are going negative soon. It will be challenging for the market to have negative nominal yields when inflation is so high and at a time when the Fed might be forced to intervene and do YCC.
US10Y-US02Y Yields Are Steepening NOWAhead of incredibly important CPI data to be released tomorrow, we are seeing yields steepen in a very dramatic fashion. In comparison to each of the last 3 inversions, this one is not even close to the past.
It is important to understand that when yields steepen , it systematically leads to downside in the SPX/NASDAQ. It has been the indicator of almost every recession since 1980 .
Now we can't jump to conclusions just yet, we can only try to anticipate what comes next.
Tomorrow key CPI data gets released which is why markets are selling off in the face of it. This data will be the reason for the next move up or down.
Focusing back on the chart, we can see just how far yields have deviated from the 200MA. In comparison to the past, this is the farthest divergence on record.
IF yields were to retest that 200MA, it would almost certainly lead the markets down a very dark path rather quickly.
We are seeing a clear momentum gain on the RSI to match this.
Now let's take a look at the previous two inversions not shown in the chart; (2000, 2008)
First, take note of where the 200MA is here in comparison to now. Second, notice when yields are Steepening the SPX is falling. They have an inverse correlation.
Take a look at how extended the NASDAQ is still;
The same can be said about the SPX;
There are very significant moves being made in the markets at this moment, and it will take absolute diligence to ensure survivability if the markets take us down a dark path ahead.
For now, pay attention to the data tomorrow. If it is optimistic, we could see some short-term relief. If it is worse than anticipated, watch CLOSELY! The projected CPI tomorrow is 8.4% .
That's your best case going into tomorrow (April 12th) . Use it as a measure.
ICARUS , known to most as 2Y-10Y Yield ~ I am nicknaming the 2-10 year yield "Icarus".
Pushing back towards to the sun with haste it would seem .
Kind of interesting how this is off the media radar today .
Oh my wings! See my two wings! How I love to fly!
-The final words between: Icarus, and his father~
US10Y-US02Y Time To Pay AttentionEveryone is talking about yields inverting and the recession that follows it. Here I am going to do a quick rundown on how to actually use this information to your advantage.
It is not the yields INVERTING that is cause for concern. This is only the first step of a potentially long process. It is when yields start STEEPENING that there is real cause for concern.
There is no question that yields inverting is a recession signal, it has historically proven itself to be since the 1970s. But if you think the market is ready for a recession right at this moment of inversion, you are misinformed.
Pay close attention to when the yield first inverts, to where/when the market actually enters a recession. It is not until after yields STEEPEN is when there is real downside.
Now, this brings us to the chart, where we are potentially seeing the first signs of steepening. Not only from the yields themselves but from the Bullish Divergence on the RSI.
As yields have inverted (gone down), the RSI has trended up, showing a clear divergence. Also, notice how far yields have deviated from the 200MA.
If you compare it to 2000, it is potentially showing a very similar picture
Even in august of 2019 we see the same divergence which signaled yields to begin rising. Which told us it was really time to pay attention in the coming months.
These are just a few insights to hopefully help you understand what this all means in the bigger picture. Right now more than ever is the time to pay attention and to stay vigilant.
Hope this helps!
Here is my initial analysis on yields tightening, as well as the Yield Inversion in relation to the SPX:
Yield Curve Inversion + S&P500 strong retractionsChart showing lead time between the curve inversion and the start of the stock market crashes along the time.
Longest lead time was around 760 days (+2 years)
Shortest lead time was 4-5 months.
Consider a 6 months as a rule for your readiness:
- Build up cash reserves.
- Partial sells of variable income equities (stocks, crypto, etc).
- From 4-6 months forward, start buying OTM SP500 options, specially when VIX is on support levels. (Bear Put Spreads are also a viable alternative).
Start of the crash, what to do:
- When SP500 has fallen around 20-30% from its peak, start buying variable income equities (stocks, crypto, etc).
- Sell your OTM put options
Visualizing Yield InversionWhen investors have a poor outlook for the economy, what do they do? They buy the longest term debt they can because it's one of the ways to price in the uncertainty of "right now" into the long term. Therefore, rational actors would do something like this:
Buy 30 year treasuries. Buying ensues, yield goes down, price goes up. Eventually 20 year yield becomes greater than 30, as described in purple. Right now for example, you'd get about 3% more yield buying the 20 year VERSUS the 30 year (note: relative yield, not nominal yield), giving us a purple line of 0.968.
The teal line (1.0) is where the relative yields are inverted if the price is below this line. Short term debt pays more than long term debt under this line, which is usually not the case and signals that things are awry.
Now simply repeat this cycle until the rational short term outlook is priced into all irrationally priced long term treasuries. Prices are too low, therefore yields are too high, and rational actors begin buying them. Prices go up, yields go down.
Next up, we have 20Y/10Y (red) at 1.235, which is intriguingly lagging behind the shorter term inversions of 10Y/5Y and 5Y/2Y. If anyone knows why, I would be interested to know! I'm not exactly an expert on debt.
Eventually this cycle repeats until the ratio of short term yields are all very close to long term yields. These conditions always precede a recession, which, by the way, is NOT a well defined term. A recession simply describes "a general decline in economic activity". Not very scientific, is it? Economists utilize a wide range of data to attempt to foresee a recession, yet the outcome is inevitable and uncontrollable. As history shows, any attempt to control the economy and avoid recession (1930s, 1970s) often make things much worse than had policy makers simply let the storm pass initially.
I like to use ratios of yields. Some people subtract the yield of one from the other, which is fine too. I think a ratioized signal is much more pure as ratios rule the world around us. Not only that, given that we're monitoring multiple relative yields, we can get a good overall picture of the current landscape.
Unfortunately there's not much history for the longer term instruments, though as I believe the 30 year has been around for atleast 50 years but only has a few years of TradingView data.
Hopefully the illustrations on this chart along with relative yields help you visualize some of what's happening. I keep this chart of relative yields up ALL the time in a tab! If you have any feedback or comments, I would appreciate it.
Good luck and hedge your bets!
Quick note: In March 2020 not only did the FED setup new centralized repo facilities directly (reverse repo, unprecedented, it's ILLEGAL by the way) and at the same time, engaged in "QE Infinity". In essence there's more avenues at which they are "forced" to buy things that nobody wants. Albeit, they buy it at about market price, assume that's the right price and that they are somehow protecting the economy by pricing in bankruptcy in one asset class and spreading it to the rest of the economy. Belligerent and thoughtless, what more could you want? At the same time, they've sucked a lot of excess cash out of the system once again by offering banks an interest rate of 0.05% for their cash in exchange for some FED junk assets. So suddenly banks are bagholding assets nobody wanted, in order to get interest on their cash, genius huh? OH yeah, and banks are SHORTING those assets on the open market! Effectively making the cash tend towards zero value (the real contract value of those assets which were originally exchanged). Next time something goes wrong, they will unload this ~1.5T diaper of dollars directly into our faces, probably sooner than later, causing more inflation.
Welcome to 2018 but way worseIt took less than a year for relative yields to do what took 5 years in the previous cycle. Last time it was gentle and made us fall asleep at the wheel. This time, it's forcefed down our throat and the economy will be dragged down by these companies who have made harmful malinvestiments for years with no recourse. Look at half the companies on the Russell with no profits, for example, and how "well" the index has done while they roll around in fresh fake money.
One of the Most Important Charts You Will Ever SeeThe bond market often has an inverse relationship with the stock market since it is considered a 'risk off' asset. Bonds generally yield more interest for longer maturities. For example, a bond investor in a healthy economy would expect a greater yield for a 10 year treasury compared to a shorter duration. However, the yield curve can 'invert' (shorter term bond actually pays greater interest) when bond traders believe a recession is imminent. Since the Fed's reaction to a recession is to drop short-term rates to 0% and recessions cause 'risk on' assets like stocks to drop, the smart money will rotate from higher risk stocks (like tech, since it's future cash flows are highly sensitive to the cost of capital) and hide out in bonds to weather the storm and minimize downside risk.
Yield inversion info:
This chart shows the interest spread between 10 and 2 year treasuries in blue.
Shaded vertical boxes show where the yield curve inverted in the past.
The S&P is in red (at least I think it's red. I am color blind). Note how the shaded boxes start just prior to the peak, the GFC peak, and even the Covid recession.
Currently the interest spread is heading back towards zero as the Fed is set to hike short-term rates to combat inflation, likely beginning in March. At it's current drop rate, the spread will invert in ~Q4 of this year, which means a recession is on the table for the first half of 2023.
Keep checking back for updates as I will be watching this one VERY closely.
Black Swan - Risk Parity EventIdea for Bonds:
- US05Y and US02Y printed immense spikes in the pre-market. Glitch? Probably not. Bond market in general is having extreme events globally, US markets not immune.
- Not shown on TV, but HYG also printed -7% in the AH on Friday... and traded there for several minutes.
- Dollar is unstoppable with global shortage. Pension funds have elected to use leverage to meet a 5.5 trillion dollar liability gap. I'm betting they will not succeed.
In the context of everything, more likely it is a dark pool trade and people are running for the exits.
My Forecasts: PostscriptLet me say this from the outset; within the 2's5's curve is a manual, given that I do not have a great deal of time, it is not possible for me to go into great dimensions or detail I have chosen. Instead we will have to content ourselves with the revolutionary charts/diagrams both before and of the period where I have gone into more details. The same is true of the other important charts (VIX and Unemployment Claims) I refer to below. So now that we are all prepared and understand the knowledge, we must start to turn the dusty pages.
Firstly lets review a chart on which I stack tremendous value: I would not wish to enter into conspiracies. There have been a handful of inversions in the manuscripts over the past three decades which all speak historical truth in advance of the crisis. The advance in the 5 year suggests salvation from the Fed can only come in the medium term as the 2 year lags behind.
And now to the point around Alpha Protocol Seeking Immediate Extraction .
The 2's5's is already under the nature in an impulsive form. The prior three inversions (Housing and Credit, Dot com, GFC) also suffered from a lagging Fed, that of being at least 10-12 months behind! This means that it is not uninteresting to highlight the totally overlooked inversion in 2019, it was a loud SOS signal that the economy was clearly running out of steam.
I was the one who was able to properly understand that manoeuvre in both Unemployment Claims and Vix ahead of time, calling the move from 12 to 85; with complex inversions, always look to play against the crowd. See our opening in US Claims and VIX before the fact:
Given we are facing both inflation via contractions in globalisation and deflation via advancements in technology etc all at the same time, it is causing a major paradox/dissonance across the board. It would serve no purpose to mention or not hint at what will happen next; my personal sense is that because the Fed ALWAYS lags behind, we will see another example of the long end of the curve driving the flows ( for those interested in bull steepening and bear flattening I have also omitted the exclamations in bold ). This would suggest that it is likely that we could be heading into an environment where you see nominal yields receiving a booster shot while real yields flatten causing further pressure on USD.