O que aconteceu com USDBRL entre 2010-2016 em 7 eventos(A) 1a Eleição de Dilma Rousseff
(B) Início do rally do DYX US Dollar Index
(C) Reeleição de Dilma Rousseff
(D) Eduardo Cunha, presidente da Câmara de Deputados, aceita pedido de impeachement da Presid. Dilma Rousseff
(E) Câmara de Deputados instaura processo de impeachment de Dilma Rousseff, com mais de 2/3 dos votos
(F) Enfraquecimento do rally do DYX
(G) Referendo brexit
É interessante comparar a evolução percentual do par dolar americano x real (USDBRL) com a evolução do DYX, índice que compara valor do USD com cesta de principais moedas do mundo. De 2010 a 2016 houve uma valorização do USD de uma forma geral, mas o impacto na moeda brasileira foi extraordinário.
Note como surge uma diferença significativa entre a evolução percentual dos índices já no segundo ano do mandato de Dilma, em 2012, quando o USDBRL cresce cerca de 10% a mais que o DYX. Essa diferença será fortemente ampliada após a releeição, chegando a um pico de mais de 100% no início de 2016.
No contraponto, os sinais de troca de governo forçam uma tendência de queda para o par USDBRL, já em Fevereiro-2016, reduzindo a diferença percentual. Somada a queda experimentada pelo DYX a partir de Maio-2016, o movimento de USDBRL ganha ainda mais vigor. Mas até quando? Esse movimento de entrada de dolares é tido pelos analistas com um dos principais drivers da tendência bullish da Bovespa (IBOV) nos últimos meses.
Comentários são muito bem vindos!
SUZB5: Time to shot!Last monday I published an idea about some perpectives to long SUZB5; Unfortunatelly, it couldn't came true, as the stock closed under the expected price...
Now, opportunity has come! After weeks of bearish trend, SUZB5 reachs again a support line (blue), proving it at 9.60.
My bet is a fast trade; Buy $ 9.61, Stop $9.35, Take profit 9.89.
More details about this stock in the previous idea!
SUZB5: Eyes open for next week new'sThe context:
* A large percentage of company's sales is done in USD (exportations), so high USDBRL -1.21% is good for the company.
* The BEK prices (Bleached Eucalyptus Kraft) suffered a donw trend in the last months, affecting all the players of the sector (See ETF 0.00%% WOOD), but there is a moviment of price growning in course.
* The company's 2Q/20216 results were considered "over analists expectations", with an important Private Equity bank targeting R$ 20 p/s in the next 12 months.
So, when we take this context with the market data it's possible to see bullish trend forming soon; Special attention must be given to RSI hiting 20% and the divergence between WOOD and SUZB5 -3.31% since 14/Jul.
Now, the only factor that may be blocking an bullish trend in this stock is the USDBRL -1.21% , wich reached an accumulation point this week.
My bet: If in the next monday (01/Aug) the price stock forms an nice candle, crossing R$10.3, it's time to buy; Target R$10.80, but it may change with the next market new's ( USDBRL -1.21% ).
Comments are welcome!
(@Anacarsis thank you for the help)
Brazilian Bovespa Index: Long Term Fairly high probability we see the Bovespa index trade to the downside. This is a great trade because it presents us with multiple opportunities if the stop gets triggered (with a close on the weekly time frame).
Pay Attention to the correlation between USDBRL and Bovespa Index - extremely important as Brazil´s equity market has proven to be extremely sensitive to its currency (for now). Notice Brazil trades lower when BRL weakens ' quite the opposite with other markets, such as the Nikkei and the Yen.
If we see the 3.20´s get hit while the reaching resistance in the Bovespa it should indicate a great entry. (Though this is usually unlikely to occur at the same time.)
Sugar going sidewaysSideway action as the trend slope of the trend has become steeper.
Not saying the uptrend is over, but stalling, especially since RSI and Stochastik start to indicate some divergence.
Short call spreads seems to be good risk/reward IMHO.
Wouldn't be buying puts as the premium will deteriorate as long as the market doesn't sell off.