Visual A Happy New Year.This visualization transforms price data into a dynamic constellation of interconnected points, moving beyond linear time series analysis to explore hidden dimensions of market behavior. It leverages the human brain's pattern recognition abilities to potentially reveal insights invisible on standard charts.
This visualization breaks free from the constraints of linear time by connecting data points based on relationships beyond chronological order. This approach allows for the exploration of non-linear patterns and multi-dimensional time series analysis, leveraging the speed of visual information processing in the human brain. It's a demonstration where a logarithm is swinging back and forth sweeping to look for patterns that the lines cross along common frequencies.
• Non-Linear Pattern Detection: Identify patterns and correlations invisible on standard charts, such as subtle shifts in market sentiment or recurring motifs signaling trend changes.
• Multi-Dimensional Time Series Analysis: Explore dimensions beyond time, such as volatility, volume, or sentiment, to uncover hidden drivers of market behavior.
• Visual Intuition: Leverage the brain's pattern recognition to intuitively grasp complex market dynamics obscured by traditional methods.
This visualization demonstrates the power of creative coding with Pine Script and the potential of platforms like TradingView to develop innovative market analysis tools.
The focus on visuals stems from the brain's rapid processing of visual information compared to text or numbers, enabling faster pattern and trend identification.
1 — What relationships between data points are visualized (price proximity, volatility, volume, etc.)?
In this case, it's a demonstration where a logarithm is swinging back and forth sweeping to look for patterns that the lines cross along common frequencies.
2 — How can we quantify and automatically detect/classify emerging patterns and clusters?
By measuring when lines cross pivots, distance of points from patterned averages, density between two lines... Many possible ideas.
3 — How can we incorporate additional dimensions to enrich market behavior understanding?
By Trying, by testing, experimenting in ways beyond what you saw before.
This is a starting point for further research. Continued exploration could lead to sophisticated tools integrating multiple market data dimensions, allowing navigation through a visualized landscape for better predictions and strategies. Imagine a future where traders and analysts can navigate through a 3D visualised landscape of market data with overlapping colours, transparencies, layers indicating correlations, zooming in on specific patterns and lighting up in ways that show us moments of significance that were previously invisible.
Experiment with Pine Script and share your visualizations. Collective creativity and innovation can drive this field forward. Let's explore, experiment, and push the limits of visual thinking together. This visualisation is only one of many starting points, you can find a number of other greet works by browsing through the scripts available on Trading view, I am sharing this as an invitation to think outside the box.
BTC in critical state.. Visualising its outcome..And here we are at the aftermath of 2017..
The sentiment is right. Everything feels like BTC and crypto in general is on its rise again. But the ghosts of 2017 is still hiding in the shadows. I believe that we have had the lows, that I was talking about in my previous idea at around 6.4k.
The sentiment has alot of real value with it this time around. People are anticipating the halving in around 90 something days from now. For good reason cos the logscale narrative is intact. Further more there is the development of taproot/schnoor signature coming up. And the SEC has has a proposal for a 3 years "safe harbour" for crypto. Meaning non constrict regulation for cryptos that within 3 years can prove its development as something useful.
In my opinion there is more to it than meets the eye. And it sparks alot of positivity in the crypto market. Hence the rise for now.
For now BTC might see a pullback to around 9.6. But being short is risky at the moment. We might get a breakout to around 10. The hard part is to stay above 10k cos it is a MAJOR resistance. all the way back from 2017. But if BTC succedes at staying above the 10k line and cosolidating there. This support will become a new MAJOR support. Now if we imagine we get there, the price levels of BTC will now chop around inside the top baseline and bottom baseline of 2017. At this time around the halvening is in and thats when I think the bullrun of 2020-2021 is going to reach new ATH.
Now where we top out, is up to you to find out. Cos at that time everyone and his cousin and the taxidriver has got the Eminem Syndrom "palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy"..
Now go eat your moms Spaghetti and make a plan..!
P.s When we top out I believe a retrace to 8k and 6k as the bottom floor!