short-term bullish dollar play UUPThe dollar has bounced off its bottom trend line. After having such a long period of weakening, it is due to bounce back a bit. It is extremely rare for the dollar to not reverse the trend after an extended period of strength or weakness.
It may not rally back much, but it will give you some gains in the short-term. Sell half when it hits the upper trend line and let the other half ride. There have been some contrarian calls on Wall Street for a surprisingly strong dollar.
UUP is a way to play the bullish dollar. I currently have a vertical call spread expiring 2/19 with the buy-strike being $24 and the sell-strike being $26.
Weekly Market Update | Week ending on 13th November 2020Hello traders! This is the Weekly Market Update for the week ending on 13th of November 2020.
1. Lets get started with the performance of the major indices day by day first.
On Monday we had strong gains for Dow Jones and S&P 500 - news that the experimental coronavirus vaccine co-developed by Pfizer and BioNTech prevented more than 90% of infections in a large-scale study. However, the indices closed far from the highs of the day, as the frantic rally, as well as last week's strong profits, gave investors the opportunity to secure profits. At the beginning, the Dow Jones jumped to a new all-time high with a jump of 5.5%, while the wider S&P 500 also recorded a rally record of 3.7%.
Dow Jones: + 2.95%
SP500: 1.17%
Nasdaq: -1.53%
On Tuesday we had mixed signs with the Dow Jones industrial average adding another 262 points. The technology Nasdaq recorded strong losses for the second consecutive session and now loses 2.9% since the beginning of the week.
Dow Jones + 0.90%
S&P 500 -0.14% (recovered nicely from the low levels of the period, with an early loss of 1.1%)
Nasdaq -1.37%
On Wednesday we saw positive signs as investors preferred the security of the shares that performed well in the coronavirus crisis.
Dow Jones -0.08
S&P 500 +0.77
Nasdaq + 2.01%
On Thursday, the growing number of cases in the US has raised concerns about the health of the economy as the year draws to a close.
Dow Jones -1.1%
S&P 500 -1%
Nasdaq -0.7%
On Friday, we ended the week with a mini rally, with investors' "appetite" fueled by hopes that an effective coronavirus vaccine may soon be available. However, there are concerns about the number of coronavirus cases both in the US and in other countries with one negative record being broken after another.
Dow Jones + 1.37%
S&P 500 + 1.36%
Nasdaq + 1.02%
On weekly basis the Dow Jones had a gain of +4.1%, the S&P 500 +2.2% while the Nasdaq had a loss of 0.6%
2. The outlook of Wall Street right now is : Uptrend. . The Uptrend was confirmed on 4th of November with our follow through days on Dow and SP500 and on 5th of November with the follow through day on Nasdaq. The distributions days are 1 for SP500 and 2 for the Nasdaq.
3. Technical Analysis for Nasdaq
Resistance : 12081
Support : 11542 (which is also the EMA21)
4. Expectation for the next week : Higher
BUY $MUFG - NR Picks Dec 19ES:
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group es el banco más grande de Japón en términos de capitalización de mercado y activos con una participación del 8,9% de todos los préstamos nacionales a junio de 2020. Es el grupo bancario no chino más grande a nivel mundial y tiene un balance ligeramente mayor que los de JPMorgan Chase y HSBC Holdings.
Mitsubishi como muchas otras compañías del sector financiero, ha sido duramente golpeada por la pandemia. El precio actual de la empresa se encuentra aún 17% por debajo de su precio precovid por lo cual permanece como objetivo de compra.
- Value
- P/B 0.3x VS 1x de industria
- 11.3% crecimiento estimado en ganancias netas para los próximos 3 años
- ROE 4.4% VS 8.3% de industria
- Nivel de precio tocando SMA 200-100
- Williams R% en niveles de -80%
- RSI (M) Neutral
- +9% upside promedio en el último mes
Después de una corrección de 9% a finales de noviembre, se puede observar que se detuvo la venta en un soporte solido de 4.25$ el cual se ha respetado desde entonces. Como se puede observar en los datos técnicos, el nivel de precios va junto al SMA 200-100 y en cualquier momento puede romper esa tendencia que podría llevarnos al objetivo de 8%. En consecuencia, se ha optado por marcar un nivel de stop loss en el siguiente soporte solido que representa una perdida de 2.7%
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group is Japan's largest bank in terms of market capitalization and assets with an 8.9% share of all domestic loans as of June 2020. It is the largest non-Chinese banking group worldwide and has a slightly larger balance sheet than JPMorgan Chase and HSBC Holdings.
Mitsubishi like many other companies in the financial sector has been hit hard by the pandemic. The company's current price is still 17% below its pre-covid price and remains a target for purchase.
- Value
- P/B 0.3x VS 1x industry
- 11.3% estimated growth in net earnings for the next 3 years
- ROE 4.4% vs 8.3% industry
- Price level touching SMA 200-100
- Williams R% at -80% levels
- RSI (M) Neutral
- +9% average upside in the last month
After 9% correction at the end of November, we can see stock sells was stopped on a solid support of $4.25 which has been respected since then. Regarding the technical data, the price level is next to the SMA 200-100 and at any moment it could break that trend that could lead us to the 8% target. Consequently we have chosen to mark a stop loss level at the following solid support which represents a 2.7% loss
DJI (Wall Street): Pattern in the chaos.In this chart I show a tight summary of what's been happening with the DJI (Wall Street). I apply the theory of curves. It shows weakening momentum in its north side drive.
I refer to just a handful of fundamental issues for both the bulls and the bears . In recent times various forms of 'stimulus' has kept this market afloat. Then in the last 2 weeks, hope and greed surrounding the Consolidated Appropriations Bill 2021, gave some life but volatility in the market.
This evening (2020-20-23), there is nervousness because the Bill was referred to by POTUS as "a disgrace". That is a real cause for nervousness because POTUS has snookered himself i.e. if he doesn't veto the Bill. This is a matter of law and politics but entirely relevant to market volatility. I take no sides. All I know is that there is money to be made (and lost), wherever there is volatility.
But anything is possible, they say in these markets.
It's probable that price can move up as well as it can correct down. The main job of a trader is not be to right, but to limit how wrong s/he might be with controlled affordable losses. The other nice part of the job is letting winning positions run when the market is in his/her favour.
It's so simple - but NOT easy, obviously. 😄
Disclaimers : This is not advice or encouragement to trade securities on live accounts. Chart positions shown are not suggestions. No predictions and no guarantees supplied or implied. Heavy losses can be expected if trading live accounts. Any previous advantageous performance shown in other scenarios, is not indicative of future performance. If you make decisions based on opinion expressed here or on my profile and you lose your money, kindly sue yourself.
BUY $HYLN - NR Picks Dec 06EN: Hyliion Holdings Corp. (HYLN) is a SPAC that develops and sells electrified powertrain solutions for the commercial transportation industry, such as Class 8 trucks. On October 1, 2020, it completed its merger with Tortoise
Acquisition Corp (SNPR) producing approximately US$ 520M of net profits to finance growth plans and long-term goals that we believe are sustainable and profitable.
As all Ev's companies, in November Hyliion went through a 48% rally in their share prices, thanks to new gas emission reduction policies in the UK and the announcement of Tesla's (TSLA) addition to the S&P500 index that
boosted the EV's sector.
In recent weeks a profit-taking has been appreciated in this sector and the company lost much of that rally by placing itself on a sideway channel between $24.01 and $17.85
We expect a new rotation to the Ev's sector taking advantage of the euphoria that Tesla's entry into the S&P500 in the coming weeks and despite the fact that competition in EV's is tough and there're a lot of good
companies. Hyliion has a very interesting operating model where its technology is based on renewable natural compressed gas which in the environmental field makes it one of the best alternatives for investors, that is
why, we like Hyllion over others to take advantage for that possible rebound of the sector, and purchasing a return of approximately 17%.
ES: Hyliion Holdings Corp. (HYLN) es una SPAC que diseña, desarrolla y vende soluciones electrificadas de tren motriz para la industria del transporte comercial, como los camiones Clase 8. El 1 de octubre de 2020 la compañía
logró completar su fusión con Tortoise Acquisition Corp (SNPR) produciendo aproximadamente US$ 520M de ganancias netas para financiar sus planes de crecimiento y objetivos a largo plazo que creemos son sostenibles y
muy rentables.
Como todas las Ev's, durante el mes de noviembre Hyliion atravesó un rally del 48% en el precio de sus acciones, gracias a nuevas políticas de reducción de emisión de gases en el Reino Unido y el anuncio de la incorporación
de Tesla (TSLA) al índice S&P500 que impulsó al sector de EV's en general.
En las últimas semanas se apreció una toma de ganancias en este sector y la compañía perdió gran parte de ese rally ubicándose en un canal lateral entre los US$24.01y US$ 17.85.
Nosotros esperamos una nueva rotación al sector de Ev's aprovechando la euforia que generará el ingreso de Tesla al S&P500 en las próximas semanas, a pesar de que la competencia en las EV's es dura y existen numerosas
compañías. Hyliion tiene un modelo operativo muy interesante donde su tecnología se basa en gas natural comprimido renovable lo que en el ámbito ambiental la convierte en una de las mejores alternativas para los
inversores, es por esto, que nos parece una buena alternativa por sobre otras para aprovechar ese posible rebote del sector, y ofrecernos un retorno de 17% aproximadamente.
PFIZER !!! AMERICAS HOTTEST NEW STOCK !!!!! TESLA WHO !?! PFIZERPFIZER IS ABOUT TO EXPLODED. THE VACCINE THAT WILL SAVE THE WORLD!!! END THE PANDEMIC... IM VERY BULLISH. BUY BUY BUY AND BUY !!!!!!!! DISAgree comment . AGREE comment like and share. You can buy partial shares on robin hood. if you need a link for free stock dm me. LETS GO MONEY TIME!!!!!!!!!
Cinemark Holdings, Inc. (CNK), es una de las compañías de cine más grandes e influyentes del mundo que debido a la naturaleza del sector en el que opera se ha visto perjudicada por la pandemia del Covid-19.
El precio de sus acciones se impulsaron en Noviembre aproximadamente 100% debido al excelente rendimiento de los principales índices que alcanzaron máximos históricos por las noticias positivas relacionadas a las candidatas como vacunas Covid-19.
- Growth
- P/B 1.9x VS 3.9x de industria
- 99% crecimiento estimado en ganancias netas para los próximos 3 años
- ROE 8.4% VS 16.3% de industria
- Precio actual de $16.25 VS $35 Fair Value (50% subvaluado)
- 236% Deuda/Capital
- Rebote SMA 200
- +200% volumen promedio diario (4 Mes)
- RSI (M) sobreventa
- +100% upside promedio en el último mes
Después de una corrección de 20% en diciembre, detectamos un rebote justo en su media móvil de 200 días acompañada de un cruce de su media móvil de 20 días que indicaría que la acción podría dispararse y alcanzar su nivel más alto de Junio que significaría un 24% de retorno, asimismo, limitaremos la perdida con un stop loss de 8%.
Cinemark Holdings, Inc. (CNK), is one of the largest and most influential film companies in the world that due to the nature of the sector in which it operates has been harmed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The price of its shares was boosted in November approximately 100% due to the excellent performance of the market that reached historical highs by positive news related to candidates as Covid-19 vaccines.
- Growth
- P/B 1.9x VS 3.9x industry
- 99% estimated growth in net earnings for the next 3 years
- ROE 8.4% VS 16.3% industry
- Current price of $16.25 VS $35 Fair Value (50% undervalued)
- 236% Debt/Capital
- SMA 200 bounce
- +200% average daily volume (4 Month)
- RSI (M) oversold
- +100% upside average in the last month
After a 20% correction in December, we detected a rebound right on his 200-day moving average accompanied by a 20-day moving average crossing that would indicate that the action could jump and reach its highest level in June which would mean a 24% return, plus we will limit the risk with a stop loss of 8%.
China Mobile no solo es el mayor operador de telecomunicaciones de China por el número de suscriptores móviles (946 millones), sino también el más grande del mundo.
El precio de su acción sufrió un retroceso de 18% desde el 11 de noviembre, y se ubica dentro de una tendencia bajista desde el 2015. Este comportamiento es propiamente sectorial y lo podemos corroborar en compañías comparables como Telefónica ($TEF) y América Móvil ($AMX).
- Defensiva
- P/E Ratio de 7.2x, VS 42.3x y 19.8x de la industria y de mercado respectivamente
- P/B 0.7x VS 1.9x de industria
- ROE 9.4% VS 4.8% de industria
- Precio actual de $28.29 VS $142 Fair Value (80% subvaluado)
- 6.2% Deuda/Capital
- Debajo de SMA 200
- +150% volumen promedio diario (1 Mes)
- RSI sobreventa
- +12% upside promedio en los últimos meses (Retroceso Fibonacci)
La compañía no ha sido afectada por problemas operativos debido a que mantiene un nivel de ventas constante y nivel de deuda controlado.
China Mobile is not only China's largest telecom operator by the number of mobile subscribers (946 million), but also the largest in the world.
The price of its stock suffered an 18% decline since November 11, and is within a downtrend since 2015. This behavior is very sectoral and we can corroborate it in comparable companies such as Telefónica ($TEF) and América Móvil ($AMX).
- Defensive
- P/E Ratio of 7.2x, VS 42.3x and 19.8x industry and market respectively
- P/B 0.7x VS 1.9x industry
- ROE 9.4% VS 4.8% industry
- Current price of $28.29 VS $142 Fair Value (80% undervalued)
- 6.2% Debt/Capital
- Under to SMA 200
- +150% average daily volume (1 Month)
- Oversold RSI
- +12% upside average in recent months (Fibonacci)
The company has not been affected by operational issues because it maintains a consistent level of sales and controlled debt level.
US30 07/28/2020Trading the US30 market this week might be a little tricky but here is my personal opinion of what I think the market will do.
I see a new resistance area forming around 26725 and that leaves a possibility of the market breaking the channel's support area at 26393 and being Bearish down till 26093 (which will be my Stop Loss for this trade) before the bulls try to buy back into the market and push price up.
Personally, I believe that if this happens then it is only a short reversal as I expect Price to break the 26725 resistance area and go Long till 26892 which will be my Take Profit 1 and also a possible future resistance area . I'm going to Close some positions in Profit at that point and continue to ride the Uptrend through the Consolidation at Take Profit 1's resistance area until it breaks and shoots up to 27170 which will be my Take Profit 2 .
I expect the resistance at 27170 to be quite strong but I also plan to Hodl some position through it because I believe Price may still go up to 27546 which will be my Take Profit 3 for this trade.
US30 is a very volatile and shifty market and may no go according to analysis. Please stay away from this trade if you're a new trader or your account doesn't have large enough equity to handle draw-downs or losses on this trade. This is my personal opinion on the market behavior and what I think will happen in the future for the particular market and is only shared for educational purposes. I recommend you always back-test before taking any trades given through analysis, always re-analyse to reduce your chances of losing a trade. Also, make sure to use appropriate lot size recommended for your account and equity size. Good Luck!
US30 Long 12/09/2020I expect to see a pushback to the resistance area and see price break through the consolidation to go for a long. This is my personal belief for what I believe the market will do, kindly double check and re-analyze before taking a trade with this analysis. And be careful with Volatile Markets. Good Luck!
BUY $UVXY - NR Picks Dec 06EN:
The investment seeks daily investment results, before fees and expenses, that correspond to one and one-half times (1.5x) the performance of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index for a single day. The index seeks to offer exposure to market volatility through publicly traded futures markets and is designed to measure the implied volatility of the S&P 500 over 30 days in the future.
We view levels 11 - 12 as key for the remainder of the year and some volatility could be observed in the following weeks considering the market situation that reached all-time highs in recent weeks.
Este índice busca ofrecer exposición a la volatilidad del mercado a través de los mercados de futuros que cotizan en bolsa y está diseñado para medir la volatilidad implícita del S&P 500 durante 30 dÍas en el futuro.
Consideramos los niveles 11 - 12 como claves para lo que queda del año y se podría observar algo de volatilidad en las siguientes semanas considerando la coyuntura del mercado que alcanzo máximos históricos en las últimas semanas.
BUY $FE - NR Picks Dec 06EN: FirstEnergy is one of the largest utilities in the United States with ten distribution companies serving six million customers in six Mid-Atlantic and Midwest states.
FistEnergy is an operationally good company, but it continues to have bribery problems on the directors which has pushed the share price down to low levels. The company also shows stability in dividends, the delivery is
quarterly and the yield is greater than 3% in the last 5 years.
The company has a low exposure to the market, therefore, it is a good option to avoid a lot of exposure to the market. Let us remember that optimism is reaching a drain. With respect to the company, being a Utility
generates constant income which allows it to meet its annual financial obligations.
ES: FirstEnergy es una de las empresas de servicios públicos más grandes de los Estados Unidos con diez empresas de distribución que atienden a seis millones de clientes en seis estados del Atlántico medio y del medio oeste.
FistEnergy es una compañía operacionalmente buena, pero continua con problemas de soborno sobre los directivos lo cual la ha hecho retroceder el precio de la accion a niveles minimos. La compañía tambien muestra
estabilidad en dividendos, la entrega es trimestral y el rendimiento mayor al 3% los ultimos 5 años.
La compañía tiene una baja exposición al mercado, por lo cual, es una buena opcion para evitar mucha exposición al mercado. Recordemos que el optimismo esta llegando a un desgate. Con respecto a la empresa, al ser
una utility genera ingresos constantes los cuales permiten poder cumplir con sus obligaciones financieras anuales.
Projection off of Vol Candle x100 Tezos potential ETH DominanceLook at the massive accumulation candle from the March 2020 Dip! That's a lot of buying power.
I'm generally bullish on any coin I believe has interesting and groundbreaking technology. Sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong. I know the space is crowded, but so is The Nasdaq.
I really like the Tezos set up for a massive bull run potential.
This is not trading advice.
WALL STREET | US30USD | Multitime Frame Analysiswe can see,
from the Monthly prespecive a strong Resistance line "TREND LINE",
Weekly, the price brom the Resistance line and confirmed it with red candle stick,
Daily we have strong Resistance area, the Red line, before reaching the new High price,
4H frame, i drew to white arrows, predecting the movement of the market, wait for the last confirmation from there,
I hope you will enjoy it,
have a good trading days,
you are welcome to reach me by privet messages,
enjoy it.
Viscious Wall Street Bulls on the MEGAPHONE!So, Corona is on everyone's lips but how long will it keep the raging bulls from taking charge?
Any signs of, mitigation measures against the pandemic will provide massive reprieve for the fallen giant DOW Jones!
It may as well have begun....
The image above shows a classic MEGAPHONE in a bullish trend, We have just jumped out of the bear trap, cannot say it's over, but when it does, it will be viscious, the momentum will obliterate the alarms.
I'll be looking to cut my Short positions and prepared to begin the "Long" return home :)
Will you Join me?