Polkadot: On the Dot ⌚️Polkadot has already made further progress in our primary scenario and should continue the downwards movement. We expect our crypto-friend to arrive in the magenta-colored zone between $6.49 and $6.06 on the dot to finish wave a in green. Then, the altcoin should apply itself to the countermovement of wave b in green, which should lead out of the magenta-colored zone but stop before the resistance at $7.89. Afterwards, Polkadot should take another southwards step by completing wave c in green as well as wave ii in orange. Alternatively, there is a 40% chance that Polkadot could climb above the resistance at $7.89, thus shifting the recent high upwards by developing wave alt.i in orange.
Hang Seng: Wait for It… ☝️Hang Seng is still busy in the magenta-colored zone between 20 867 and 18 707 points. On the one hand, the index has slowed the descent and could very well have completed wave (4) in magenta by now, readying itself to take off. After all, the requirements for the current movement’s conclusion have already been met by touching at the magenta-colored zone. On the other hand, Hang Seng still has got some room to expand wave (4) a bit deeper and could indeed make use of the whole magenta-colored zone. As soon as this low is established, though, the index should turn upwards and climb above the resistance at 22 798 points. However, there is a 36% chance that Hang Seng could develop wave alt.A and alt.B in turquoise first, the latter leading it out of the magenta-colored zone. In that case, wave alt.C should push the index back down into this area, where it should finish wave alt.(4) in magenta as well before moving northwards again.
Honeywell: Into the Honeypot 🍯Honeywell should push its fingers deep into the green honeypot between $194.17 and $178.41, breaking through the support at $196. There, the share should gain new strength by finishing wave 2 in green and turn upwards again. First, it should climb back above $196 and then take off from this mark, aiming for the resistance at $222.56. Once above this level, the course should gather further momentum and continue the ascent.
Silver: TightIt’s getting tight! Silver hasn’t all that much room left to finish wave 4 in green… We expect it to make it in time, though, and to go for the resistance at $20.87 afterwards. Once above this mark, silver should push off into the orange zone between $22.11 and $23.72 to complete wave 5 in green as well as wave iii in orange, before starting a countermovement. However, there is a 45% chance that silver could fail to get its act together early enough and could thus drop below the support at $18.96, which would then trigger further descent below the next marks at $17.89 and $17.40.
Mercedes-Benz Group: In the Parking Lot 🚗 🚗 🚗Mercedes-Benz has found a parking spot in the big green parking lot between €67.31 and €77.90 and is about to finish wave in green. Though, as the course has just turned slightly downwards, the current movement could also already be complete. As soon as this high is finalized, the share should pay its parking ticket, leave the parking lot and drive southwards, crossing the support at €62.41 and subsequently heading for the next one at €50.19 as well.
Ripple: Rip into it! 👊Why so shy? Ripple has kept to the upper half of the turquoise zone between $0.3747 and $0.1720 so far and has not yet dared to go deeper. However, we expect our crypto-friend to rip into the turquoise zone with gusto, breaking through the support at $0.2874. Below this mark, Ripple should finish wave (2) in magenta and subsequently turn upwards again. There is also a 25% chance, though, for the altcoin to climb above the resistance at $0.5587 directly instead.
Fresnillo: Getting Down for Business 👇Since the end of wave B in turquoise, Fresnillo has been continually getting down for business. And the share should keep going as we expect it to march below both the supports at GBP 610 and at GBP 456.60. There is a 35% chance, though, that the course could turn upwards and climb above the resistance at GBP 997 instead. In that case, Fresnillo should enter the turquoise zone between GBP 1085.80 and GBP 1292.80 to develop a new high in the form of wave alt.B in turquoise before moving southwards again.
Tilray: Take Root 🌱Tilray has been developing some vibrant saplings, but the share shouldn’t forget to take root. We expect the course to extend below the support at $2.43 to plant wave II in gray. Then, Tilray should sprout upwards again, climbing back above $2.43 and growing further above the resistance at $5.12 as well. There, the course should complete wave (1) in magenta, before wave (2) in magenta should bring it back towards $5.12. However, there’s a 33% chance that wave alt. II could already be potted, which would be confirmed by the stock directly sprawling above the resistance at $5.12.
Intuit: Trust Your Gut 😊After it had started the ongoing descent so confidently at first, Intuit has been struggling in a sidewards movement. Now, the share should trust its gut and decide or rather intuit – pardon the pun! – to continue its journey to the south. We expect the course to drop below the support at $339.36, where it should complete wave B in green at about $303.29 before taking off again. Alternatively, Intuit could have already finished wave alt.B in green and thus climb above the resistance at $457.94 by now. We rate this alternative scenario with a probability of 38%.
Walgreens Boots Alliance: Take Your Medicine 💊Walgreens Boots Alliance should take its medicine as the share needs some more strength to make it above the resistance at $42.29. From there, the course should rise into the green zone between $52.38 and $59.29 to conclude wave 3 in green before we anticipate a countermovement. A 38% chance remains, though, that WBA could drop below the support at $32.70 instead, subsequently slipping below the support at $30.39 as well.
Nasdaq: Nas-duck? 🦆Like a (Nas-)duck before the thunderstorm, Nasdaq is facing the ascent we expect in the course of wave iii in orange. The index has been struggling to proceed with the upwards movement for some time – however, appropriate impulses are visible. Now, Nasdaq should climb further northwards to complete wave iii in orange before starting a countermovement into the orange zone between 13 082 and 12 277 points. There, the index should conclude wave iv in orange and subsequently veer upwards again. There is a 40% chance, though, for Nasdaq to drop below the support at 10 636 points. In that case, the index would first develop new lows in the turquoise zone between 10 326 and 9 779 points before rising again.
Dow Jones: Defenses 🍵When it’s cold outside, it’s always important to strengthen your body’s defenses. To boost its own immune system, Dow Jones is currently taking an invigorating sip of hot turmeric-ginger tea in the form of the orange zone between 33 283 and 31 689 points. We expect the index to expand this healthy swig to finish wave iv in orange. Afterwards, it should be bolstered enough to tackle the resistance at 34 707 points. There’s a 30% chance, though, that the warm beverage might relax Dow Jones too much so that the index could slip through the orange zone. In that case, it should drop into the blue zone between 30 955 and 29 934 points first before climbing upwards again.
Amazon: A Vision in WhiteAlthough Amazon is currently moving sideways after following a downwards slope, we expect the course to drop down further below the support line at $87.59 to reach the white target zone between $85.73 and $65.73, where wave (IV) in white should hit its low. Afterwards, the course should turn back up and push above the support at $87.59. As soon as the course exceeds this mark, it should wander further North to climb above the resistance line at $104.87 and carry on with the upwards trend. There’s also a 30% chance that Amazon could make it above $104.87 earlier already, thus skipping the white zone.
Hang Seng: Falling for FallThe Hang Seng Index has been going through a constant change of ups and downs. Going into November, we are expecting the index to drop down to ideally 13 715 points and make its way up again. As long as it stays within the green area between 14 451 and 13 119 points, chances are high of the HSI going up to 18 772 by the end of this fall.
Ripple: Let It Rip(ple)!Ripple is in the doldrums, dilly-dallying sideways and occasionally drifting downwards, while the altcoin should actually let it rip and develop strong upwards momentum. We expect it to get its act together and make it above the resistance at $0.5587, heading for the yellow zone between $0.7710 and $0.9060. However, there is a 48% chance that Ripple could slip below the support at $0.4173 and take a short detour to finish wave alt.(2) in yellow first before moving upwards.
S&P500: More Pep!S&P500 needs some more pep to make it above the resistance at 3820 points, so let’s cheer it on! S&P, you are strong enough to climb above 3820 points and to hop into the upper blue zone between 3943 and 4015 points overlapping with the pink zone between 3963 and 4052 points. After you have finished wave (III) in blue there as well as concluded a countermovement in the course of wave (IV) in blue, you will continue to rise further. Although there is a 33% chance that you could lose your grip and drop below the support at 3502 points, that would only activate a detour through the lower blue zone between 3455 and 3285 points overlapping with the pink zone between 3362 and 3271 points. In that case, you would just complete wave alt.4 in turquoise and start the ascent afterwards.
Polygon: Hammer time! ☝️According to the principle “U Can’t Touch This”, Polygon is pulling the M. C. Hammer move above the blue zone between $0.68 and $0.40, meaning that the altcoin just won’t touch it. Nevertheless, we still expect the cryptocurrency to dive into the blue Zone to finish wave (ii) in blue before rising above the resistance at $0.94, thus affirming further ascent. However, there is also a 42% chance that Polygon could indeed not touch the blue zone at all and instead climb above $0.94 directly.
WTI: StretchingWTI is done recovering and has finished wave b in blue. Already, it is stretching upwards, striving to work on our primary scenario. We expect the marker crude to climb above the resistance at $97.66 and into the turquoise zone between $99.97 and $113.53, where it should complete wave b in turquoise. After this feat, WTI should relax once more and fall into the green zone between $70.12 and $35.77 to conclude the overarching downwards movement. There is a 35% chance, though, that WTI could tackle this task directly, dropping below the support at $76.25 earlier already.
Dow Jones: Bar ExercisesOur athletic Dow Jones! After it has hopped from line to line, all the while finishing not only the overarching downwards movement in the course of wave iv in magenta but also waves (i) and (ii) in blue, the index has continued its fitness training with some bar exercises at the resistance line at 30513 points. We expect it to upswing from this mark, rising into the blue zone between 32567 and 33685 points to complete wave (iii) in blue, before starting a countermovement. However, there is a 45% chance that Dow Jones could lose its grip and drop below the support at 29640 points, thus triggering further descent below the next mark at 28635 points.
First Majestic: Shy…While First Majestic had actually already made it to the upper edge of the turquoise zone between $6.89 and $12.36, it has shied away and drawn back again until the retracement at 61.80%. Thus, we still give it some time to finish wave 2 in turquoise – although it could also continue the ascent from here. As soon as wave 2 in turquoise is completed, First Majestic should indeed move upwards, heading for the resistance at $19.41. However, there is also a 40% chance that First Majestic could slip through the turquoise zone and drop below the support at $5.30. In that case, it should extend the downwards movement until $2.91.
GLD: Sandbox ⛱After the hard work of finishing wave iv in magenta, we expect GLD to play a bit in the yellow sandbox between $150.72 and $140.40, all the while completing wave (4) in yellow. Then, it should get down to business again – or rather get up to business, as we expect GLD to climb northwards, crossing the resistance at $171.23. There is a 35% chance, though, that GLD could rise above this mark directly and without amusing itself in the yellow sand.
Decred: Get Up!Decred should be done relaxing on the yellow beach strip between $35.04 and $6.98 – or rather on the support at $19.87. As the altcoin has already finished wave (2) in yellow, we expect it to get up and hop above the resistance at $84.82. Once there, Decred should gain enough upwards momentum to make it above the next mark at $191.48 as well. However, there is a 45% chance that the altcoin could drop below the support at $19.87 instead and develop a new low in the course of wave alt.(2) in yellow.
Fresnillo: ReasonableFresnillo is back to being reasonable and – in accordance with our expectations – has moved downwards again. Now, it should keep up this drive to make it below the support at GBP 456.60 and thus into the turquoise zone between GBP 473.60 and GBP 250.00, where it should finish wave (2) in yellow. There is a 35% chance, though, that Fresnillo could escape above the resistance at GBP 997.60, thus triggering further ascent above the next mark at GBP 1379.
Cosmos: ComebackCosmos has come back below the green strip between $12.75 and $12.17 and should be very careful now, as there isn’t much room left until the support at $11.54. There already is a 40% chance that the altcoin could drop below this mark, which would then trigger further descent. However, as long as Cosmos abides above $11.54, we still primarily expect it to get its act together and to develop strong upwards momentum. Thus, Cosmos should be able to rise above the resistance at $16.96, heading for the green zone between $22.38 and $25.88.