Global Dow - trend to new lows continuesGlobal Dow continues on its way down to new lows. In the shorter term view, it seems to have finished, or nearly so, minor counter-trend wave 2. The next move should be minor 3, where the most probable target is is below 370. If prices crosses up 418, this analysis should be reviewed. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
Global Dow - end stage of counter-trend rallyAs forecasted in the April 7 post, Global Dow surpassed the target at 377 and just crossed the 0.618 retracement, typical of second waves. Intermediate wave C is tracing minute wave 3 up, therefore we may see a probable additional growth of 5% before the trend reverse in direction to new lows. A possible target is at around 410. If the index cross down 354.80 the probable scenario is that the trend already reversed. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GETUPDATES.
The World is on Fire but Markets are RetracingFirst off, please don't take anything I say seriously or as financial advice. As always, this is on an opinion based basis. That being said, lots of geopolitical events have been dramatically changing markets. First you have Covid19, than the talks of trade wars going on, and now you have chaos on the streets, peaceful and nice protests on other streets. Our geopolitical climate seems like a mess, but it is just another day in 2020. Lots of people in the financial world will get really emotional and this is why you see days where everything is immediately shortened, and days where there is continued growth. Overall though, everything seems to be retracing and the market in general seems to be heading towards a positive pathway for recovery.
-Due to the spread of corona in the world, it is expected that the world after Corona will be different, that is, in the world after Corona, paper money is no longer valid and digital money such as bitcoin will be used instead, so it is expected in the near future. Let's see the extraordinary rise of Bitcoin.
-All factors are currently in place for Bitcoin to rise
-All the descriptions of Bitcoin analysis are given in the chart. Please enter the transaction by observing the stop loss.
Please follow my support and like my posts.
see you later
WWE - Is smacking down on those resistance lines =DGLHF, let me know what you think!
Trade at your own risk.
The IT & telecomms cycle is over. Next one includes health?I think healthcare & renewables are the 2 majors treegroves being mentionned.
Nice predictions, after this people can either:
- Be worried about threats (especially with a world so open) ==> A big focus is put into healthcare
- Lose trust because of the horrific predictions ==> Laugh at warnings and ignore them
A huge contributor is the population expanding waistline. The incredible number of fat people (and increasing) means we need to spend more and more into healthcare, which every one wants to be free, and the healthy must pay for the fat, and the social security "free" healthcare thing is a complete pyramid scheme that feeds on itself and grows and grows like an obese alien parasite, it can only go boom unless Jesus makes a comeback and starts to multiply money...
Maybe the major part of the next cycle is nutrition... Or maybe people start figuring out that eating half a kilogram of salt and sugar every day is making them ravenously hungry (salt doesn't make people thirsty it makes people hungry took a while for science to figure this out and will take a lot longer for common folks to do so). If people figure out what makes them hungry then the healthcare pyramid scheme can deflate and it would actually be possible for the world to have free healthcare like they have in Europe and which the USA communists envy, and actually even better.
Who will invest heavilly in healthcare? Governments? LOL with >100% debt and 1 million different unfunded liabilities ye nope.
The mental health sector should do very well thought.
An EV bubble AGAIN. Falling asleep. Every 70-100 years there is one now, every time enough time has passed for every one to forget, everyone that experienced the previous one passed away...
I think renewables will continue to be developped, but the next cycle won't be the one of renewables, maybe the one after that...
Yes we will run out of fossil fuels eventually, but in a long time. And less and less people believe in the global warming hoax.
Might be some good investments...
I don't know about stocks that well, I don't know Oil companies.
But I know Oil futures.
Here. Just bought 10 mini contracts for the long term.
No big renewable investment for now, I really doubt there will be a big renewable sector boom in the next 50 years.
Currency & Banking
Hitler got elected because of the banking scam. What the NAZI did (atrocities & a world war) as well as their defeat probably prevented the banking scam for being destroyed, althought in 1945-1971 the world adopted the Bretton Woods system.
But the Bretton Woods system ended, and thing have gotten progressively worse, with the banking sect using the NAZI period as an invicibility shield to do anything they want.
In France, the banking cartel waited for general de Gaulle (french WW2 general that refused to surrender and joined the UK, he later became france president) to die to commit a massive scam: The Rothschild law. In 1973 french president Georges Pompidou, which was a directeur general of the Rothschild bank (I am not making this up), and VGE (economy & finance minister at the time, one of the first technocrats), created a law making it harder for the country to borrow from the french central bank and pushing it to borrow money from private banks with balooning interests. And then in 1993 it was made completely impossible for France to borrow from its central bank.
Having some protective mechanisms to avoid Zimbabwe, Germany, Hungary, Yogoslavia, Venezuela, is good. But if these mechanisms are "ok so now the world belongs to bankers" that's not great. The USA central bank is not even separate from the government anymore big fail... European banks are doing negative interest to protect the wealth of the rich at the expense of the 90%...
There is clear room for improvement.
Central banks need to be replaced or changed dramatically. Currencies are imaginary numbers with no value but that's not even a problem if done right.
India have tried going full digital, I'm sure they have no hidden motives kek. Maybe we need real money rather than FIAT I don't know whatever.
A currency that inflates based on gdp growth would be perfect! It's not that hard... Just look at GDP and manipulate the currency accordingly.
And magical infinite brrrr money printing is impossible.
The cryptocurrency bubble has marked the importance of a currency and/or banking revolution (and I mean revolution not reform).
The 90% want a more fair system (where they are not debt slaves) and if it does not come soon they are going to start a civil war or vote for Hitler 2.
End of wageslavery
McDonalds, Youtube, Uber. They all have 1 thing in common: The decentralisation of companies. Not complete decentralisation, but hybrid with some centralisation.
McDonalds & Youtube did great, Uber not so great.
Why would people want to enter indentured servitude?
The future is people running their own business within a firm ==> Large Companies rationalize to cut costs and increase efficiency, and at the same time each location/channel/etc is run by an individual or small group of individuals.
==> By not being entirely decentralized they avoid issues such as everyone having a different opinion.
==> Every "branch" or individual runs his business as he wants to, while respecting the global guidelines.
==> The company leadership does not need to be involved in all the day to day operations, and lets its "franchised" deal with the specifics of their business.
==> Better risk gestion for the company, the franchised has more risk but he will be more involved and make more money and be more independant. Giving up freedom for less risk is not worth it.
==> Advertising is more local & accurate (You avoid ads that tell people to buy "slut" for your child in russia...)
==> International expansion is much easier (mcdonalds - in particular in France they had a very hard time and the model helped them)
==> And more benefits, with a few disadvantages
Alot of people think wageslavery is the normal thing because it was the paradigm their whole lives, but it is only 200 years old - not enough to get a chapter in history books - and the world can function without this on a large scale.
Space exploration
China is planning a special economic zone (capitalist area) on the moon soon.
There might be some ventures... Some things happening out there...
But there is not going to be large scale mining expeditions...
Not going to say much about this, forget it.
Robots and advanced AI
Yeye sure, and flying cars too. In books & movies.
Large scale transportation
It is possible mass transit gets developped strongly, but politicians are the ones taking care of this so...
Going to take 1 or 2 hundred years ;) And be super inneficient.
It is possible there is a big leap forward and transport gets faster and more efficient but doesn't seem likely to happen in the next 100 years, and the next cycle (2020-2070) is not going to include this no way.
This is when a whole cycle is nothing but red :p
Nothing gets created, nothing gets improved, every one gets rekt except bears.
Bear paradise. Nothing but rekt over and over.
This one makes me tingly, but I do not think it will happen.
The absolute rektage will last years but not 50 years I think.
Other ones
"Nanotech" "Human augments" etc.
This is how cycles have always chained and how they always will:
In 1907 bankers "saved the economy", even Jesse Livermoore got convinced by JP Morgan to buy. The crisis ended and there was no depression.
A more severe recession happened in the 1920s and "the economy was saved". And then in 1929 started the biggest depression in history and no one could stop it and then the biggest war in history happened and nuclear bombs were used and entire countries got destroyed and millions of jews got exterminated. Great job. Bulls are good guys that want to make the world a better place. Absolute morons.
Cycles will never change because humans have the predictive abilities of a sea cucumber.
If they were as good at planning as bees then things would be very different.
My favorite sectors, which I think will be the "big ones" are currency/banking and the end of wageslavery (it will be called differently).
I also think people will disperse more, a major rural exodus type thing, but this is not an investment sector, I'll simply count it in "end of wageslavery".
Critical view at world economyFinancial planners and news tooted alot of news in the last weeks, which are novel to anyone of us.
Not playing devils advocate here, one could generally assume planners would like to keep clients funds and news are overselling events emotionally, to create attention.
Taking a critical look might give clarity in troublesome times.
Ive developed two rather simplified scenarios, namely bull (green) and bear (red).
To be fair, each should be called bear, because its highly unlikely to see growth this year (sp and other index ratings seem to be slashed by analysts on the daily now).
Regarding to the bull scenario, we could likely bounce back into ema region.
-goverments are finaly mobilizing accordingly (looking at you, trump, johnson)
-china seems to be getting back on track again
-effective medication might be available soon, who knows
The bear told me however, we cant comprehent real damage today
-banks wont offer credits to small businesses as promised by governments (germany for example), because they dont want to risk credit default
-people underestimate dangers and stop preventing virus care, second huge outbreak
-fed , european central bank already blew their ammunition - more cash does not cure infections, unfortunatelly - they are not dry, but just creating more money is unreasonable- "bad" companies need to die one way or the other in captialistic systems
-ripple effect accumulated to sum of those events
-ripple scenario : people go full anarchy, recognising their real estate is dilluted, tax payers have to pay all this mess, over 11 years of bullrun flipped into massive wealth-burn (full bananas bear scenario, just a thought exercise)
keep in mind however:
-these are some of the best companies overall, technology and such, high margin, lowish maintenance - the rest will dump much harder
In case 1, I would really consider cashing out and reinvesting at a cheaper point in time, as a long term investor - we hopefully not reach bottom again, but recovery above the next high will take its time - lower overall bip is not priced in yet
In case 2 ? Idk, guns are pretty illegal in europe, so I rely on your opinion on how to survive this mess!
However Id have an eye on cryptos, gold and funding local business or such!
Trade save and keep diamond_handz!
BIGGEST NON CONFIRMATION IN US HISTORY RSI THE CHARTS ON FX ONLY GO BACK SO FAR BUT MY CHARTS GO BACK TO JAN 1902 THIS IS TO SHOW ALL THAT THE PEAK WAS ONE THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT BE IT OIL CRASH OR VIRUS I GAVE ALL THE MAJOR CYCLE PEAK DATES AND PROJECTS BACK IN 2019 .I DID POST AN ALT IDEA BUT WE FAILED TO BREAK MY 3410 3392 . IN SP OR THE NYSE 14200 PEAK 14183 . ALL MY WORK OVER THE LAST 44 YEARS WAS BASED ON FIB AND GOLD RATIO TIME AND PRICE AND SPIRALS IN TIME . When I hired to be a Technical analyst in 1991 I was retiring from the FDNY . IN 1992 I started a hotline called Wavetimer In 1992 I was short term timer of the year . I then was asked to close my hotline to work for a private firm . Who was one of the three floor broker working for the Hunt brothers . and Saudi . In 1993 I walked away from them to have a simple life and family. advice from my uncle CIA Regional ass/director in Vietnam 1966/1972 I only post my work as to past on the knowledge. to help families to help give their kids a better life.. I must warn you all that there is a very Dark group behind a great deal That is why I left . We are at the crossroads in this world . And all things are not what you think . 9/11 .I was there . best of life to all . for the gift is within all of us and that is LIGHT
Crude Oil Corona Depression targetsCrude Oil falls 50-70% during contractions,
Since last crash that was partly caused by shale oil production, USA returned mantile of the biggest oil producer in the world securing its domestic needs and become energy independent,
World of low oil prices might hurt USA but also benefit it. Sub 20 dollar prices will definetely hurt OPEC nations (and OPEC observer nations) even more causing most of them to become even more unstable and even destroy oil production capacaties in some of them during upcoming turmoil.
Welcome to the world of 15-20 dollar oil. Even if United Stated and Europe begin what Milton Friedman called "helicopter money" policy, it will not save rest of the world.
End of an era is upon us my friends. Welcome to the rearing 20's
EURCAD Jan 20, 2020Strong support retested again for the 4th time. We can also see that the RSI is under 50 which shows that the pair has been oversold. I am waiting for the pair to make a move to the upside and touch the trendline, and therefore I am willing to take a long trade.
This post does not provide financial advice. It is for educational purposes only! You can use the information from the post to make your own trading plan for the market. But you must do your own research and use it as the priority. Trading is risky, and it is not suitable for everyone. Only you can be responsible for your trading.
I would like to copyright this formationThis is not in nay book afaik. So I am claming it for myself.
I would like for it to be called "Bitcoin is a ponzi" top, or you can call it "Bitcoin hater pattern" if you prefer. Interchangeably.
On the higher top the price has to go back to the rectangle area for it to be valid otherwise it's just a correction followed by continuation higher.
Winrate is pretty good. But on the other side of the ring is the plunge protection team, making the rich richer, buying time and convincing people the economy is doing great.
Since people attribute the economy to the government...
The great depression of the 2020s gonna be lit.
I am trying to sum up all that is waiting for us that is "unforeseen" by the sheeple:
Rise of socialism & facism.
US civil war
India-pakistan war
Europe & japan aging population & migrants issues
Euro ww 3 maybe
China (civil) wars
Dying vultures (plagues propagation)
Polluted water
Not enough water for everyone
Running out of phosphate fertilisers
Loss of Arable land
Food chain gets broken with global warming etc
People angrier with heat waves
IQs keep falling
The US keep declining and cannot protect surrounded Israel anymore
The Samson Option
Big antisemitism with all the protection the jews have (can't criticize them), all the pedos, the rich & powerful
Africa population triples and they keep killing each other but they get bigger weapons eventually maybe nukes
Genocide in south africa (migrants / whites / blacks other than bantu)
Sweden just explodes and implodes
Russia takes over europe while the US are busy, as their demographics get worse, they get desperate
China attacks Japan
China takes over the philipines
South America just going to get worse and explode
The Global Debt Crisis - the End of the Bubble is NearGFDEBTN Monthly
8:00PM EST
At current rate of acceleration, total Federal Government Public Debt will double by April 2023 (4.5 years from today) and then double again by October 2026, just 3.5 years later. By January 2028, total federal government debt will have doubled again in an even shorter time where it will hit a red line - having gone gone fully vertical - doubling every month, week, then day.
Obviously this is impossible, and likely there will be major economic consequence before this date.
The data does not lie. The world is in serious trouble with the most massive debt bubble to have ever existed. The consequence of this debt bubble is yet to be seen, however, terms such as, “The Great Reset,” amongst others come to mind.
It is difficult to fathom the consequence of this bubble, however, we would like to believe that there is a recovery strategy on the horizon. One thing is certain, the path is on track to a 2028 or sooner GLOBAL DEBT MELTDOWN and perhaps the end of modern day finance as we know it.
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$ACWI bumping up against massive resistanceThe All Country World Index ETF is facing stiff resistance once more at the 75$ level (5th test since Feb 2018). We have had a tremendous rally since the lows seen in December last year, but unless this level can break i would really be cautious chasing world markets. It is clear some US indices have broken to new highs, but the fact that we are still battling to break out on the ACWI ETF gives us an indication that the markets in the rest of the world are lagging those in the US. What also concerns me is the lack of volume seen in the recent rise since the December lows (infact - volume has been declining) as this ETF has moved higher..
MSCI World Index: Correction then 2.5% further Upside to 6015MSCI World Futures Index USD FMWO1!
An excellent day for bulls all over the world.
Now most markets are testing important resistance levels (Hang Seng, Sensex, SPX and Nasdaq)
and are vulnerable to fairly light profit taking in the very near term.
The MSCI World Index is also very close to resistance at 5873.
Has to break above here to confirm further strength back to the 6000-6015 range - about a 2.5% burst.
It looks likely to manage this sooner or later.
If it's to be later it should find good support on any retest of the rising dynamic at around the 5752 level.
Look for confirmation to buy a favored major market again either here - or if we don't get it then on a break above 5875 looking for an averaged rise of about 2.5%.