SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 3-25-25 : Top PatternToday's Top Pattern suggests the SPY/QQQ will find resistance slightly above yesterday's closing price level and attempt to roll over into a bearish price trend.
Watch today's video to see which levels I believe will be the top for the SPY & QQQ.
I do expect metals to rally over the next 3+ weeks and I'm watching for this morning's bounce to carry onward and upward.
Bitcoin should be rolling downward off that FWB:88K top level I predicted months ago.
We are moving into a topping phase - so get ready for the markets to attempt to ROLL DOWNWARD over the next 5+ trading days into a deeper low price level.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade for 3-24-25 : Bozu Trending PatternToday's Bozu Trending pattern suggests a very aggressive price move is likely. I believe this move will be to the upside after my weekend research suggested we are moving into a "blow-off" topping pattern that will act as a Bull Trap.
Overall, I belive the SPY/QQQ have about 2-3 days up upward price trending early this week, then the markets will suddenly roll into a topping pattern and start to aggressively move downward.
The next base/bottom of the continued downward price trend sets up in early/mid April. The March 21-24 base/bottom is likely the minor base/bottom we have seen over the past 3-5+ days.
I believe the breakdown in the SPY/QQQ late this week and into next week will result in a new lower low - causing the Consolidation phase of this downturn to extend down to the 520-525 level on the SPY.
Bitcoin is very close to my $88,000 upper target level (only about $250 off that level). Get ready, BTCUSD should make an aggressive move downward after stalling near the FWB:88K level peak.
Gold and Silver are moving into a trending mode. I believe both Gold and Silver will rally this week and into the next few weeks as we expand into the Expansion phase.
Buckle up. If my research is correct, we are going to see a BIG ROLLOVER this week.
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Trading Is Not Gambling: Become A Better Trader Part III'm so thankful the admins at Tradingview selected my first Trading Is Not Gambling video for their Editor's Pick section. What an honor.
I put together this video to try to teach all the new followers how to use analysis to try to plan trade actions and to attempt to minimize risks.
Within this video, I try to teach you to explore the best opportunities based on strong research/analysis skills and to learn to wait for the best opportunities for profits.
Trading is very similar to hunting or trying to hit a baseball... you have to WAIT for the best opportunity, then make a decision on how to execute for the best results.
Trust me, if trading was easy, everyone would be making millions and no one would be trying to find the best trade solutions.
In my opinion, the best solution is to learn the skills to try to develop the best consistent outcomes. And that is what I'm trying to teach you in this video.
I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade for 3-21-25 : BreakAway PatternToday's Breakaway pattern may show up in the form of an Island Top or break-away to the upside if my analysis is correct.
I see the markets stalling over the past few days, potentially setting up a "last breakaway" type of pattern today.
I've highlighted how these "last" patterns work where price sets up a peak or trough (in this case a peak) as a last/exhaustion move and how this move can sometimes be very aggressive.
I urge traders to stay cautious today as we are moving into a MAJOR REVERSAL weekend.
I believe the markets will suddenly change direction next week (early) and will move back into downward trending by March 25-26.
Gold and Silver may rally today if the markets move into that Exhaustion Peak pattern. Keep an eye out for Gold/Silver/Bitcoin to potentially rally today and into early next week.
Overall, traders should stay very cautious as we move into next week's peak/top/rollover.
Don't get too aggressive trying to prepare for the rollover or any potential upside move over the next 3-5+ days.
Let the markets show us what and when we need to be aggressive.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 3-20-25 : Flat-Down PatternToday's SPY Cycle pattern suggests the SPY/QQQ will stay somewhat muted in trading range today.
I still believe the SPY/QQQ are in a moderate melt-up type of trend - attempting to reach a peak near the end of this week or early next week (see the patterns for March 24, 25, 26).
Even though I believe we are struggling to try to move higher, I do believe any failure of the SPY to move above the 0.382 Fibonacci retracement level would be a technical failure related to the breadth of this pullback.
Thus, I believe the markets have at least one more attempt to try to move higher over the next 5+ days before topping and rolling over into a broader downtrend.
Gold and Silver moved solidly lower this morning - almost like a Panic type of selling. I believe this is related to the Flat-Down pattern and I believe Gold/Silver will recover fairly quickly. I do believe this is a huge opportunity for Gold/Silver over the next 30+ days. I believe Gold will attempt to move above $3500-3600 before the end of April.
BTCUSD rolled higher yesterday by more than $4000 - just like I predicted.
And, that is another reason why I believe the SPY/QQQ have more room to the upside than we are seeing right now.
Remember this is a trader's market.
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Trading Is Not Gambling : Become A Better Trade Part IOver the last few weeks/months, I've tried to help hundreds of traders learn the difference between trading and gambling.
Trading is where you take measured (risk-restricted) attempts to profit from market moves.
Gambling is where you let your emotions and GREED overtake your risk management decisions - going to BIG WINS on every trade.
I think of gambling in the stock market as a person who continually looks for the big 50% to 150%++ gains on options every day. Someone who will pass up the 20%, 30%, and 40% profits and "let it ride to HERO or ZERO" on most trades.
That's not trading. That's flat-out GAMBLING.
I'm going to start a new series of training videos to try to help you understand how trading operates and how you need to learn to protect capital while taking strategic opportunities for profits and growth.
This is not going to be some dumbed-down example of how to trade. I'm going to try to explain the DOs and DO N'Ts of trading vs. gambling.
If you want to be a gambler - then get used to being broke most of the time.
I'll work on this video's subsequent parts later today and this week.
I hope this helps. At least it is a starting point for what I want to teach all of you.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 3-19-25 : Top PatternToday's Top pattern suggests the SPY/QQQ will attempt to rally up to resistance, then form a peak/top in price, and then roll over a bit.
After yesterday's fairly consolidated price range, I believe the SPY/QQQ may rally through most of the day and move into the topping pattern near the end of today's trading day.
Overall, I believe the markets are still rolling into the Excess Phase Peak consolidation phase and that means traders need to prepare for extreme price volatility.
What is interesting is how BTCUSD is trying to rally a bit, but not finding upward momentum.
As I stated in today's video, I believe a fairly big move upward, possibly $3000 or more, in BTCUSD could happen between now and the end of this week.
This would be a perfect upward price advance into resistance that could correlate with a move h higher in the SPY/QQQ - targeting the upper level of the Consolidation Phase.
Gold and Silver have reached a "pause" level. I believe Gold and Silver will only pause for 48 to 96 hours before attempting to break higher. So, metals will still attempt to break higher into late March 2025.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade Video for 3-17: GAP PotentialAs we start moving into the Excess Phase Peak pattern consolidation phase, I believe the SPY/QQQ will attempt a moderate rally for about 3-5+ days, then roll into a deep selling mode after March 21-24.
I don't believe we have reached a bottom - yet.
I do see a lot of people talking about "the bottom is in" and I urge all of you to THINK.
What do you believe will be the basis of US and GLOBAL economic growth starting RIGHT NOW?
Can you name one thing that will be the driver of economic expansion and activity?
I can't either.
Thus, I suggest traders prepare for more sideways consolidation range trading over the next 60+ days as hedge assets and currencies attempt to balance risks.
BTCUSD, Gold, Silver should all be fairly quiet this week. I'm not expecting any huge price moves this week.
I expect the SPY/QQQ & BTCUSD to move a bit higher while Gold and Silver melt upward a bit further.
Then, after March 21, I expect bigger volatility and a broad rotation in the SPY/QQQ/Bitcoin where Gold/Silver will start a bigger move higher.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 3-14-25: Temp BottomToday's Cycle Pattern is a Temporary Bottom pattern. I suspect the markets may attempt to move a bit lower in early trading before attempting to find a new base/support level.
Yesterday's low may prove to be very important depending on what the markets do today. Initially, I thought yesterday's low was the Temporary Bottom pattern (one day early). But, I do believe the markets will continue to be volatile in early trading today and may move downward to retest lows before trying to move higher - setting up the Temporary Bottom pattern.
Gold and Silver will likely continue to melt upward unless there is some big news that disrupts the US Dollar's downward slide. I see Gold trying to rally above $3200 very quickly over the next 15+ days.
Bitcoin is still consolidating and is currently in a short upward price phase (much like the SPY/QQQ). In fact, the SPY/QQQ and Bitcoin are all in an EPP consolidation phase.
So, that means even though we may see a volatile type of price move over the next 15-30+ days, price is ultimately trapped in a consolidated price range and will/should attempt to break downward into the Ultimate Low.
Therefore, if we get a moderate pullback/rally phase over the next 5+ trading days, be aware that the rally upward will end near March 21-24 and turn downward very sharply before the end of March (based on my research).
You have lots of opportunity if this base sets up for a moderate rally in the SPY/QQQ, but play it cautiously as I don't believe we'll see new ATHs anytime soon.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade EOD Update for 3-13-25What a crazy day. The markets certainly decided to burn the longs almost all day.
I got a few messages from traders who continued trying to pick bottoms in this downtrend. FYI, that can be very dangerous.
If you are a short-term trader and are trying to pick a base/bottom all day today - you have to have a limit in terms of how much you are willing to risk within a single day.
I've seen dozens of traders blow up their accounts in a big, trending market.
Please learn from your actions. Develop a STOP POINT related to your trading decisions.
There is no reason to continue to try to execute "bounce" trades when the markets are trending as strongly as they are today.
This video should help you understand what I see as the potential over the next 5+ days.
We are still trying to hold above critical support near the 50% retracement level on the SPY.
Everything depends on what happens in DC and how the markets perceive risks.
Gold/Silver rallied very strong today. This is FEAR related to risks.
If the US government enters a shutdown, Gold and Silver could skyrocket much higher.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade Update For 3-13-25 - Fear Settling InWith the US government only about 39 hours away from a complete SHUT DOWN, I want to warn everyone that metals are doing exactly what they are supposed to do - hedge risks. While the SPY/QQQ are continuing to melt downard.
I created this video to show you the Fibonacci Trigger levels on the 60 min SPY chart, which I believe are very important. Pause the video when I show you the proprietary Fibonacci price modeling system and pay attention to the fact that any upward price trend must rally above 563.85 in order to qualify as a new Bullish price trend.
That means we need to see a very solid price reversal from recent lows or an intermediate pullback (to the upside) which will set a new lower Bullish Fibonacci trigger level.
Overall, the SPY/QQQ are in a MELT DOWN mode and I expect this to last into early next week unless the US government reaches some agreement to extend funding.
This is not the time to try to load up on Longs/Calls.
The US and global markets are very likely to MELT DOWNWARD over the next 2 to 5+ days if the US government does SHUT DOWN.
Gold and Silver may EXPLODE HIGHER.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 3-13-25: Carryover PatternToday's pattern suggests the markets may attempt to continue to find support and move into a sideways pullback (upward) price channel.
I believe the markets have reached an exhaustion point that will move the SPY/QQQ slightly upward over the next 5 to 10+ days - reaching a peak near the 3-21 to 3-24 Bottoming pattern.
This bottoming pattern near March 21-24 suggests the markets will move aggressively downward near that time to identify deeper support.
I believe metals will continue to move higher as risks and fear drive assets into safe havens.
Bitcoin should continue to slide a bit higher while moving through the consolidation phase.
Watch today's video to learn more about what I do and how I help traders find the best opportunities.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade for 3-12-25 : Rally111 PatternToday's Rally pattern in Carryover mode may prompt a powerful base/bottom move in the SPY/QQQ.
In today's video, I explain in great detail how I read these charts and why the Excess Phase Peak (EPP) patterns are so important.
We are moving into the Consolidation Phase of the EPP patterns for the SPY/QQQ.
We are already into the Consolidation Phase of an EPP pattern for Bitcoin
Gold and Silver are a bit mixed. Yet Silver has already broken above the upper EPP Peak, rallying into a new EPP Peak level. Meanwhile, Gold is still struggling to find momentum for a bullish breakout.
While I don't believe the US markets are poised for a big downward price move, today's video shows you what may be likely 4 to 12+ months into the future.
So, pay attention to today's video. It clearly illustrates how to use the EPP patterns with Fibonacci and shows you what I believe could happen over the next 6 to 12+ months.
If the SPY/I continues to try to rally higher today, it will be interesting. This means we have potentially found our consolidation base and are now moving into a very volatile sideways consolidation phase.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 3-11-25: BreakAway PatternToday's Breakaway pattern offers a fairly strong potential the SPY/QQQ will attempt to find support today. I know I've been telling everyone the markets should find support and are seeking support for the past 3+ trading days. But, the SPY has recently crossed the 50% Fibonacci pullback level and the QQQ has recently crossed the 61.8% pullback level.
These levels will act as moderate support. So, I'm urging traders to patiently wait out the early morning volatility. Today could be incredibly volatile while the markets attempt to hammer out critical support.
BTCUSD has moved to consolidation lows and will likely attempt a moderate rally up to consolidation highs.
This is another reason I believe the SPY/QQQ are attempting to base/bottom near current lows.
Gold and silver have recovered from recent lows very aggressively and are moving into a CRUSH pattern. I believe that the CRUSH pattern will resolve to the upside for metals.
At this point, I believe the markets are relatively well exhausted to the downside. But, we must let price be the ultimate dictator of trending and opportunity.
Thus, it is essential to let the markets FLUSH OUT this potential base/bottom in early trading today before getting aggressive with any trades.
Ultimately, we need to see the markets identify support in this downtrend. If we don't find any support before the end of this week, then we are going to see a very large downward price move that will invalidate many of my expectations, potentially leading to a very large breakdown in US/global markets.
Buckle up. The markets are nearing the DO or DIE phase due to how these Excess Phase Peak patterns are playing out.
I see support setting up and a base/bottom building. If I'm wrong, we'll see a continued downward price trend.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 3-10-25: Gap/BreakawayToday's Gap Breakaway pattern suggests the markets will attempt to gap at the open, then move into a breakaway trending phase.
Given the downward price trend currently in place, I believe the markets will gap downward, then possibly attempt to move higher as we pause above the 568 (pre-election) support level.
Ultimately, I see the markets entering a brief pause/sideways price trend (maybe 2 to 5 days) before rolling downward again into the April 14 and May 2 base/bottom patterns.
I see very little support in the markets right now - other than a potential BOUNCE setup this week and into early next week.
I'm not suggesting this bounce will be a very big bullish price reversion. My upper levels are still in the 590 to 600 area for the SPY. But I do believe the markets are likely to try to find support near the 565-575 level.
Gold and silver will move into a Harami Pattern today (sideways consolidation). I don't expect much related to a big move in metals today.
Bitcoin is still consolidating in a very wide range. I expect the next move for Bitcoin to be a bit higher over the next 3-5+ days, so I believe the SPY/QQQ may trend a bit higher for about 3-5 days.
Overall, I suggest traders stay very cautious of volatility this week. Obviously, the trend is still bearish and the current EPP phase setups suggests we are consolidating into a sideways channel before moving downward seeking the Ultimate Low patterns.
Therefore, any bounce/pause in price will be very short-lived.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 3-7-24 : Rally PatternAs many of you know, I've been expecting the SPY/QQQ to find support (seeking a base/bottom) for the past 3+ days. The amount of selling has been somewhat extreme. We are currently in a downtrend.
So, my expectation of a base/bottom is related to the breakdown of the Excess Phase Peak pattern and the previous support levels (pre-election and recent lows) that suggest price will attempt to hold/base/bottom near recent support.
As of yesterday's close, price had broken downward, still within the support range.
So, again, I urge caution as I believe price will be very volatile while attempting "hammer out a base/bottom" (if it happens).
Overall, my bias is to the downside because of the current trend. Yet, The RALLY pattern today suggests we may see a recovery above 577 on the SPY which may lead to a rally targeting 580+.
Gold and Silver are holding up well and should setup a base/bottom today on the Counter-Trend Top/Resistance Pattern. I don't expect Gold and Silver to rally very strong today. I expect more of a melt-up in trend for metals.
Bitcoin is still consolidating and moving into a very tight Flag Apex range. As I pointed out in today's video, a shorter-term Flag apex will be reached on Sunday (3-9). I believe Bitcoin will become very volatile over the next 3+ days - attempting to break away from a GETTEX:13K consolidation range.
This apex volatility could drive the SPY/QQQ into extreme volatility as well.
Unless you are very skilled at targeting short-term price swings - stay very cautious of this volatility as it could end up turning and biting back.
It's Friday. I'm planning on watching and only trading when I believe there is a very clear opportunity for profits.
I got dinged around (took some lumps yesterday) trying to trade while driving and handling family issues. Lesson learned - don't force it.
The markets will settle into a trend next week. So, be prepared to sit and watch if you don't like what you see on the charts today.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade for 3-6-25: Breakaway PatternToday's Breakaway pattern suggests the SPY/QQQ will attempt to move away from yesterday's open/close price range.
Given the fairly strong downward pre-market trending in the SPY/QQQ, I'm cautiously optimistic we will see a fairly strong MELT-UP in price related to the recent support/rejection levels near 575.
I'm urging my followers to be cautious of the first 30-60 minutes of market activity today. Jobs data (or other data) could disrupt price after the open and I believe price will be very volatile in the first 30-60 minutes of trading today.
In other words, price may try to SHAKE-OUT early positions with wild volatility before settling into a MELT-UP or MELT-DOWN trend.
As I shared in my video, today's BreakAway pattern could break upward or downward. I believe the upward trend potential has about a 60-70% chance of happening IF the 575 level holds as support. If not, then we will probably break downward.
The fact that BTCUSD is holding up quite well suggests the SPY/QQQ may actually MELT-UPWARD. Again, we need to see how things play out in early trading today.
Gold & Silver are consolidating into a range which may continue over the next 3-4 days. The current bias for Gold and Silver is an uptrend. So, I do believe metals will continue to appreciate throughout this 3-4 day consolidation phase.
The only reason I urge traders to stay cautious for the first 30-60 minutes is because of the Jobs data and how the markets may react to news items. You can't kick the markets to go in a certain direction.
So, often, it is better to let the morning SHAKE-OUT happen, then wait for more clear trending to setup.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 3-5-25: Flat-Down PatternToday's pattern suggests the SPY will move into a sideways type of stalling pattern. Based on yesterday's rejection off the lows, I suspect we may see some continued upward reversion trending, then we'll likely see the SPY move into a stalling pattern near 579.
Ultimately, the Flat-Down pattern does not suggest big trending will take place today.
Yesterday's price rejection off the lows adds a bit to the overall picture that the SPY may attempt to move away from that lower support level - thus, we may see some upward "melt-up" type of trend today.
But, overall, I'm not confident we'll see any big price trends today. I expect the SPY to stay somewhat flat/muted today. Same thing with the QQQ.
If we do see any big price move today, it will likely be news-related.
Gold and Silver are both sitting near 618 pause levels and continuing to try to push higher. I believe both gold and silver will make an expansion move over the next 5 to 7+ trading days and begin a very solid rally phase. Where gold will attempt to break above $3000 and Silver will attempt to rally above $35.
Bitcoin is still struggling in the Consolidation phase. This wide-range consolidation should continue until sometime near March 19-24.
Don't expect Bitcoin to do much except consolidate into the flagging sideways price trend for the next week or two.
Go get some today.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade for 3-4-25: Top Resistance PatternToday's pattern is a Top Resistance pattern.
Usually, these types of patterns reflect a market where price moves higher - attempting to find a peak/resistance level, then rolls downward (confirming that resistance level).
Because of yesterday's strong selling after Trump's Tariff comments, I suggest the peak in today's price activity may be set in very early trading.
We're going to have to watch the charts to see how price reacts to more news and the continued restructuring of global economies.
One thing is obvious: the markets are resettling based on Trump's expectations and tariff comments. I checked out TLT and a few other symbols last night, and it appears the Predator Fed comments I made over the past 12+ months are still holding up very well.
Inadvertently, the US has moved into a position of being the 900 lb gorilla of the global markets.
Higher Fed rates for longer are putting pressure on global currencies and many global economies.
If Trump is able to secure more US manufacturing and a more secure US economy (reducing deficit spending), I can see the next 3+ years being very disruptive for the global markets.
Ultimately, though, building a strong US economy and going through this disruption will lead to explosive growth in 2026 and beyond. You may not see it now, but if we are able to organize our government/finances better going forward - start to think about how powerful that could be for the next 15 to 25+ years.
Next, thank you for all the great comments. Love it.
Gold and Silver are starting to make that recovery rally move after the last 7+ days of selling. This could be a very powerful move to the upside for metals and miners.
Bitcoin is still struggling and will likely stay trapped in a sideways range. that range could be $10k to GETTEX:13K in size - so stay cautious of wild volatility in BTCUSD if you are trading it.
Again,I want to urge all of you to consider your trading as "taking calculated risks" - not gambling.
I talked to a friend just yesterday, and he told me how I changed his life by helping him to stop the gambling-style of trading he was doing. Once you realize that trading is not about those HUGE WINS (sure they are nice) - but it is about staying agile, getting in and out with decent profits, and growing your account efficiently.
So, I urge you to step back and consider every new trade you take as "how much am I really risking if things go wrong". When you do that, you'll find you can still take the trade, but you'll teach yourself to manage your capital more efficiently.
Ok. Go Get Some!
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade Update for 3-3-25 : Absolutely PerfectThis quick little update is for everyone who follows my research.
Today was absolutely PERFECT in terms of my expectations and how the SPY moved so far today.
A nearly perfect downward price trend targeting the 588 level.
Now, we'll see if we get a base and a squeeze higher before the end of trading today.
I'm so impressed with my ability to pinpoint these type of opportunities for everyone.
Remember, trading is about taking the opportunity to position your assets for gains.
Get some.
And please share your success stories if you have them.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 3-3-25 : Up-Down-UP Pattern CounterToday's pattern, and Up-Down-Up in counter-trend mode, suggests the markets will attempt to move downward after the open and attempt to retrace some (or most) of Friday's gain.
I do believe this downward price move is essential for the markets to build a moderate base before attempting to move higher into the march 11-16 topping pattern my research suggests will prompt another breakdown in price.
Ultimately, these moves up and down over the past 30+ days are establishing a sideways (mega-phone type) price structure that I warned was likely to happen more than 90+ days ago (back in December 2024).
What we are seeing right now is a rolling of price while uncertainty continues to drive capital away from technology, semis and innovation - moving into safety and security.
This will continue until July or August 2025, then capital will suddenly shift back into risk-ON in my opinion.
By the time everyone thinks the markets are breaking downward (crashing), that is when I think the markets will make a sudden shift toward growth and innovation as the US resumes a growth phase in late 2025 (carrying into 2026).
Currently, we are in a minor little "pause/rally" phase after the last bout of selling. This rally will likely end sometime after March 11 - leading to a breakdown in price starting between 3-14 and 3-17.
This is a trader's market.
Gold/Silver appear to have found a footing and seem to be bouncing. We'll see if Gold/Silver move above critical resistance and continue to rally higher.
BTCUSD has rebounded back to support/resistance, but has also moved into a new DUAL Excess Phase Peak pattern that suggests increased price volatility for Bitcoin. I still believe we are moving into a very side-range consolidation pattern for Bitcoin.
I suggest staying fairly cautious today and setting up some trades for the pause/rally I expect to carry through this week for the SPY/QQQ. No need to get too greedy on a Monday.
Get some.
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