SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 2-12: Base Rally PatternAlthough I believe the Base Rally pattern is still valid, the markets have been wound tightly near recent highs and I belive this unwinding/breakdown is what I have been suggesting (the Deep-V breakdown) for more than 35+ days.
I believe the sticky inflation data (CPI) will overpower the Base Rally pattern today and we will see the SPY/QQQ move downward into the Deep-V lows - likely setting up by Friday/Monday of this week.
I'm sorry I'm not able to create a morning video. I'm taking my disabled VET father to his annual checkup this morning. He is still sleeping and I don't want to wake him up.
So, you get this content as a substitute.
Be prepared for the markets to FLUSH OUT a low and try to grab some easy profits throughout today and tomorrow as the markets struggle to find support.
Remember, the broader cycle patterns can sometimes overpower the Daily Cycle Patterns. This happens when NEWS overpowers a Daily cycle pattern construct. In this case, the CPI data is overpowering the Base Rally Daily Cycle Pattern.
Ultimately, the markets will find support and move into a brief recovery phase.
Get some.
SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 2-11 : GAP DefenderThe GAP Defender pattern is where price struggles to maintain a recent open GAP - attempting to defend against closing that GAP.
In my mind, this is the lower GAP window between 601.30 and 602.75 (yesterday's opening GAP range).
If this recent gap is filled, then I suggest the SPY will attempt to move downward (into my Deep-V breakdown) trying to target the lower GAP near 584.29.
Watch Gold and Silver as they continue to breakdown. Any big breakdown in metals should be considered a warning sign the markets are moving into a PANIC phase (selling).
We have lots of news today (Powell and other Fed members testifying) while we just found out Trump initiated a larger tariff on steel. I believe the strength of the US Dollar will continue to put pressure on global currencies - possibly leading to even more foreign market distress. This may result in a broader global market breakdown over the next 5-10 trading days.
Remember, we have the Deep-V pattern setting up this week and another Major Bottom pattern setting up on Feb 21. I interpret this as a dual-breakdown event - where price attempts to move downward and tries to identify solid support.
Bitcoin will likely follow this trend downward over the next 5 to 10+ days.
Buckle up.
It looks like today may be the day my Deep-V breakdown starts to drive prices lower for the SPY/QQQ and other major sectors.
We'll see how things play out.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade Update - Watching Paint Dry...Today's market seems to be trapped in a "go nowhere" zone.
Get thread though. The markets will react to my Deep-V and Breakdown patterns with some aggression in the near future (24 to 48+ hours).
Buckle up.
This is going to get very interesting as the SPY attempts to move down to 585-590 - or lower.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 2-10: EveningStar Island PatternThroughout the past week and a half, I've been watching the markets as I prepare for what I believe will be a sudden and fairly aggressive Deep-V setup between 2-10 and 2-13.
Yes, that means RIGHT NOW we are sitting on top of a potentially aggressive type of FLASH market move to the downside.
Will it come from news, or someone's comments (think Fed comments or news), or will it come from some other source - if it shows up at all.
I'm sticking to my Deep-V analysis because I have no reason to believe it is wrong. We may see a mild type of Deep-V pattern, but I believe it will happen anyway.
So, as we move into this week's trading, I want to urge everyone to stay very cautious of a potential FLASH breakdown into my Deep-V type of price activity.
As you may get trapped into longs and feel comfortable entering some solid bullish price trends/trades, be aware that this FLASH breakdown (Deep-V pattern) may still be lurking behind what appears to be a solid uptrend (for now).
Gold and Silver are falling - which is perfect for my Expansion Phase rally to $4400+ (gold).
Bitcoin is stalling - preparing for a breakdown.
This is the time to prepare for the rest fo 2025. Follow my research to know when you JUMP INTO the markets for greater success.
Get some.
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CRASH - CRASH - CRASH - Don't believe a word of it...I created this video because I'm seeing a bunch of content/videos where everyone is suddenly calling for a CRASH. and I laugh about it.
If you want to believe the markets are going to CRASH - go for it.
Sell everything. Bet the farm on the CRASH. Leverage your house and everything you own to bet on the CRASH.
It's not going to happen soon.
My research is very clear. I believe the first opportunity for a deep (more than 25-35%) market pullback will happen after late 2029 and into 2030.
Until then, we are going to see moderate pullbacks in a very solid uptrend.
Watch this video and learn why real research and modeling systems don't react to the Crash-Dummies that continually push out CLICK-BAIT.
It's time to get real about your trading and investing.
If you are following someone who continually calls for a market crash - good luck.
At some point, you are going to come to the realization they are wrong 90% of the time. Try to find someone you trust who provides clear, timely, and ACCURATE forecasts.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 2-7-25: Where's The Deep-VShortly after I created the morning video, the markets opened with a BANG.
First rallying, then rolling over - just as I predicted.
Granted, I never expected the markets to rally above 606 before rolling downward, but the breakdown move into a potential Deep-V looks to be playing out very nicely right now.
Come Monday (2-10), and possibly carrying into the 13th, we could see a very sharp deep-V type price move that pushes the SPY below 580 for a period of time.
That could be a very big move from the 606+ levels we saw this morning.
And you know I'll be saying, "Just as I predicted," for at least 3 to 5 days starting early next week if that happens.
Again, I put my research out to the public like this to either live or die by my work. Very few people are able to do this - or they flip/flop all the time (every 2-3 hours).
My research is different. I'm really trying to make a difference by telling traders what to expect now and in the future.
I know I'm starting to make a difference for many people because I'm getting emails and messages from individuals who use my research to identify great trade opportunities.
Are you going to be the next person to share your success story with me?
Remember, have a safe weekend and GET SOME come Monday morning.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 2-7-25: Carryover PatternAs many of you know, I'm still expecting a breakdown in the markets leading to my Deep-V pattern on the 9th and the secondary Major Bottom on the 10th.
Why haven't we started to move downward yet? I really don't know. I suspect the markets are being pushed higher by Market Makers trying to crush the shorts (premium).
Either way, we'll know how this is going to play out over the next 5+ days.
If I'm right, we'll see the SPY break downward towards 580-590 over the next 5+ days.
The QQQ should move down 510-515 throughout that same breakdown (possibly a bit lower).
I expect Gold and Silver to also move downward if this breakdown in the SPY/QQQ happens as I expect. Metals tend to move downward when the SPY/QQQ makes a sudden impulsive breakdown move.
Bitcoin also appears to be poised for a breakdown event.
It seems that all the indexes and symbols I follow in the morning video are already standing near the edge of a cliff, just waiting to jump off.
I urge traders to move into a protective mode (protecting open longs and hedging against any breakdown event) over the next 5-10+ days.
We'll eventually see another bounce/rally off some lows, but right now, everything looks ready to JUMP (off the cliff).
Get Some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 2-6-25: Counter-Trend RALLY Today's pattern is a counter-trend Rally pattern. I read this as a downward trending type of rally phase/bar.
Much like yesterday's rally in the markets. Today should be just the opposite - a downward trending bar.
I believe this is a move downward setting up the Deep-V pattern which should hit early next week.
I suggest traders prepare for a rollover-topping pattern near this upper resistance area and prepare for the markets to move downward - seeking support.
Gold and Silver will likely move downward as well if the market does roll over, as I suspect. Gold and Silver tend to move downward when the markets shift into a downward trend.
Bitcoin is trapped within a range (again), and it appears that over the next few days, it will attempt to move downward with the markets.
Again, the next four to five days will be a do-or-die type of move. I've been telling all of you this Deep-V breakdown will happen for more than thirty days, so I'm watching to see if it really does happen.
Either way, it is now a bad idea to take some profits near these highs in preparation for any potential breakdown.
Get Some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade : Where's The Deep-V Bottom?I created this video to help illustrate what I believe are nearly perfect setups of multiple Excess Phase Peak Patterns over the past 30+ days in the SPY and QQQ.
It is incredible how these patterns continue to form/setup in a broadening sideways price channel. If we didn't know to look for these patterns, we could easily mistake this volatility as some type of longer-term buying opportunity.
Remember, if my research is correct, we are going to see an almost immediate reversal of the trend over the next 48 hours - leading to a Deep-V set up in the early few days of next week.
I've been wrong before, but I really do believe this Deep-V downward trend is about to happen.
I believe some news event over the weekend could send the markets into a minor panic-type selloff.
Additionally, I believe the disruptions related to what is happening in DC and other areas may be enough to send the markets searching for support.
Recent earnings have not been fantastic, and we are moving into a relatively complacent Q1:2025. So, I still believe we are moving into a broadening "megaphone" price range on the SPY and QQQ.
One thing is certain right now: In about 4 to 7 days, we'll know whether my Deep-V base/bottom pattern call (from more than 30 days ago) was accurate.
Buckle up, folks. This is when things get really interesting.
Get Some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade 2-5-25 Update : Rally PatternRight now, the markets continue to struggle to move higher. We are seeing a solid upward price trend, but I'm watching the MNQ and metals for any signs of weakness.
At this stage of the market's price action, I'm cautiously waiting for the ROLLOVER to setup.
My patterns suggest we move into a Counter-Trend Rally phase tomorrow (which would be a downward trending bar).
I believe the end of the trading day may see a very solid Long-Squeeze (trending downward) today.
And, as of right now - I'm just sitting on my trades, waiting for the Rollover to happen.
I would not suggest taking any big long trades right now unless you are prepared for the risks.
Sometimes, this is what trading is all about.
Looks like things are going to get very exciting over the next 3-5+ days.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 2-5-25: Rally PatternFor some reason, the first video I created did now complete the UPLOAD to Tradingview. Don't know why.
I waited more than 60 minutes for it to upload, then gave up, saved it, and uploaded it to another location so you could access it. Check my profit for more info.
This is a short video highlighting why I believe the markets will rally a bit in early trading and then roll over into a strong downward trend through the end of this week.
Gold and Silver should continue to try to rally higher.
Bitcoin is about to break downward - targeting 80-85k
That is the short update today.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For Feb 4, 2025: Rally PatternToday's rally pattern will attempt to provide some relief related to the recent breakdown in the SPY. Overnight, the ES/NQ rallied to FILL THE GAP. So, today, I believe the SPY will attempt to rally back above 600-601, then stall out and consolidate.
Today may be a "GO GOLFING" day in the markets.
I would not advise anyone to get Uber-Long in the markets right now. My research suggests the markets will roll downward near the end of this week - seeking the DEEP-V bottom/base I've predicted near 2-10~2-13.
Gold and Silver should attempt another rally phase over the next 3 to 4 days. I expect metals to continue to rally into this expansion phase, and I'm initially targeting $3200 for gold.
Bitcoin is trapped in a big Excess Phase Peak pattern that I believe will resolve into a breakdown price trend.
The Deep-V and other breakdown patterns, which my cycle research says are pending, will drive Bitcoin downward, possibly targeting the $72k levels again.
Today may be a relatively FLAT type of Rally day. So, play cautiously.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade Feb 3, 2025 Afternoon UpdateWell, it seems everyone did quite well playing my prediction of a breakdown (again) in the markets today. Last week, I continued to warn the markets were very fragile and would likely break downward aggressively.
Of course, the political drama (tariffs) helped to move the markets a bit this weekend. But, still, it was great to hear from everyone who made a healthy profit today.
I also have been getting questions about the RALLY - RALLY - (counter-trend) RALLY setting up on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. So, I created this video to help you understand why I believe those RALLY days will be rather muted on Wednesday/Thursday and maybe a type of topping pattern on Tuesday.
I see the markets as breaking downward (breaking away from the dual Excess Phase Peak patterns), and because of that, I see the markets should attempt to move aggressively downward over the next 15+ days. I don't see any reason for the markets to mount a big rally right now - unless we are talking about a pullback in a downtrend.
So, watch this video, pay attention to what I see, and then we'll see how things play out.
Go GET SOME. This is a true trader's market.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 2-3-25 : Breakaway PatternOn a day like today, where the markets broke down with a huge GAP downward, what can I say except...
Just like I predicted.
For months I've been warning of the Jan 21-23 Inauguration peak/top that will lead to a Deep-V breakdown on Feb 9-12. And, like clockwork, the markets peaked just after January 23 and rolled downward into the breakdown phase - headed towards my Deep-V base/bottom setup near Feb 9-12.
At this point, I'm just going to sit back and collect my profits. You should be doing the same thing today - BOOK those profits.
Gold and Silver are moving into an upward CRUSH pattern. It could be very explosive.
Bitcoin has broken downward again - just like I predicted.
Over the next 30+ days, the markets will enter a very volatile and rotating price phase. Be prepared for wild price rotations.
This is a true trader's market. Go get some.
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Plan Your Trade : Behind The Scenes - Learning PerspectiveI created this video to help answer a question from a follower.
One of the biggest concerns for traders is how to use my research/info in a way that benefits them.
My Plan Your Trade videos are based on Daily & Weekly price patterns/cycles. I won't delve into the Intraday research much because it is almost impossible to predict 2 to 10-minute price bars/action throughout the day when new hits and external price data may dramatically change how price moves throughout the day. I would have to continue making videos every 30 to 45 minutes to help you understand the dynamics of intraday price action.
Either way, watch this video to learn a bit more about my research and why I'm trying to help traders learn to make better decisions.
I'm really not here to tell you what to trade - or when to trade. I'm here to help you learn to make better trading decisions ON YOUR OWN.
I try to help you learn to become a more knowledgeable and skilled trader by sharing some of my advanced research and demonstrating patterns, setups, price levels, and Cycle Patterns.
The only thing I can do to help you become a better trader is to help you learn better skills and techniques. If you treat trading like gambling, you'll go broke (often). If you understand trading as a process of grabbing profits when efficient and limiting risks, you'll survive and grow your account over time.
It's really that simple.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For Jan 31 : GAP PotentialAs we move into the end of January 2025, I'm still watching for technical failure near these higher levels. On Monday, we saw a huge breakdown in the markets just days after my Jan 21-23 Top prediction. Now, as we are moving into the Feb 9-11 DeepV base/bottom pattern - I've been expecting the markets to move into a downward trending phase - which has not happened yet.
The way I see the markets right now and how I would offer a general interpretation of the trend is "struggling to find/set a new trend".
In other words, the markets are really congested in a wide range. I believe the markets will attempt to move downward after today's opening GAP higher.
I believe the markets are going to continue to struggle to find support and trade in a downward-sloping consolidated price range until Q3/Q4:2025.
I believe the markets are reacting to earnings and continued support right now, but that will ultimately resolve as a breakdown phase over the next 60+ days - leading to the multiple BASE/BOTTOM patterns my cycle research suggests will happen.
So, I continue to explain what I see in the context of the broader cycle phases.
Gold and Silver may rally a bit today - but we have a CRUSH pattern on Monday - so try not to carry any positions over the weekend.
BTCUSD is struggling to move away from very strong consolidation. It is also setting up multiple Excess Phase Peak patterns. I believe we need to be patient as BTCUSD struggles to find a new trend. Right now, I see more downside potential than upside potential.
I would offer one warning about today. Today's opening GAP will likely prompt a breakdown in price (moving downward) as we head into next week.
I believe next week will be very volatile. Buckle up.
Get Some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade for 1-30 : Top PatternToday's Top pattern suggests the markets will attempt a minor rally in early trading, possibly targeting the 605 resistance level, then shift/rollover into a downward price trend (the TOP pattern) and being to move downward into the pre-DeepV low levels I've suggests (possibly near 585-588).
At that point, I suspect we'll get a few days of consolidation before we see the DeepV breakdown take place near Feb 11-13 (which may actually start on Friday the previous week).
Overall, I'm expecting the markets to roll into downward trending over the next 7 to 10+ days.
Gold and Silver are moving higher - which is great to see (finally). Maybe all Gold needed was to roll to the newer contract to finally break above the $2820 level. lol
Who knows.
This is the start of the BIG RALLY (Expansion Phase) in metals that should last almost all year. If my research is correct, Gold and Silver will reach a peak level near July-October 2025.
Bitcoin has moved into an inverted Excess Phase Peak pattern that may prompt a rally up to resistance near $108,450.
At this point, the inverted EPP pattern is in the consolidation phase and I'm watching for it to break above $105,500 (moving to the ultimate high), or below $100,270 (as an invalidation breakdown move).
The next 5+ trading days should be very interesting for everyone.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 1-29 : GAP ReversalToday's pattern suggests the markets are going to start off with a bit of a bang.
Although I expect the markets to try to hold up with some support, I believe, ultimately, the markets will break downward - continuing into the Deep-V Feb 9-10 bottom my cycles are projecting.
Gold and Silver are acting to attempt to hedge the global risks and could explode much higher over the next 30 - 60+ days.
Bitcoin looks like it will continue to move downward, first to 98k, then to 92k.
I'm seeing lots of Excess Phase Peak patterns in price action. This suggests the markets are struggling for direction right now and could move aggressively into a downward cycle phase before the Feb 9-10 Deep-V base/bottom.
Either way, we are going to find a lot of opportunities over the next 30+ days as traders.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 1-28 : Temp Bottom PatternToday's SPY Cycle Pattern is a Temp Bottom.
After yesterday's big breakdown and consolidation, I believe the SPY will attempt to identify support, possibly near 597, and attempt to move higher a bit today.
Ultimately, a Temp Bottom pattern is where the price seeks out support (moving downward or retesting recent support levels) and then rolls to the upside, creating a base/bottom type of pattern.
The QQQ should follow the same pattern.
Gold and Silver seem trapped for the next 2-3 days (possibly melting a bit higher as the US Dollar appears to be moving downward a bit).
I don't see Gold/Silver starting to make any big moves until Jan 31 or in early Feb.
Bitcoin will likely stall out, just like the SPY/QQQ, over the next 2-3 days, then move into a downward price phase - attempting to move back towards $92k.
I believe the markets are stalling and in a bit of shock at the moment. Don't get too aggressive in any trades unless you are confident in your ability to manage risk levels.
Some sectors/symbols will trend. But the SPY/QQQ will likely stall out for another 2-3 days before making another big move.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 1-27 : Consolidation PatternToday is an incredible day in my world.
I have been warning of a major peak/top near Jan 20-23 for more than 45+ days. I have continued to warn traders of a major top/peak near the Inauguration and how I believe the markets would suddenly shift downward - targeting the Feb 9-11 Deep-V bottom.
All of my predictive analysis is based on Gann, Tesla (Energy frequency, amplitude, vibration) and Fibonacci research.
The reason I state this is because I want you to start thinking of price action in terms of energy expulsion and consolidation.
Price is the ultimate indicator. My research proves we can attempt to predict future price moves (tops, bottoms, strength, weakness, and others) with a moderate degree of accuracy.
As I continue to expand my research, tools, and resources, I will continue to improve my analysis/predictive capabilities.
To me, this is very exciting.
Today, I would expect the markets to consolidate in a fairly wide/volatile range.
Gold and Silver will likely continue to try to recover/rally out of these flagging/pennant formations. Silver is set in more of a range-bound price channel, whereas Gold is clearly moving into a Pennant/Flag setup.
BTCUSD appears to have broken the EPP Flag channel and should attempt to move down to GETTEX:92K over the next 5+ days.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 1-24 : CRUSH patternToday's CRUSH pattern should resolve as a very big and very volatile price move. Based on my experience with CRUSH patterns, I believe today's move will be to the downside.
The current trend is bullish/up (over the past 3+ days) and the SPY has just closed at a new closing price ATH.
The QQQ is still below ATH levels and is moving cleanly in an EPP Flagging channel.
I believe the SPY will stall out and revert downward today - essentially touching the new ATH levels yesterday, then rolling downward into my 1-20 through 1-23 topping pattern.
Gold and Silver are moving strongly higher today as metals finally start to hedge against global risk factors. Get ready, I see metals moving much higher over the next 60 to 90+ days.
BTCUSD has moved into a dual flagging pattern that I believe will resolve to the downside by about 9AM PT (12 noon ET). If my analysis is correct, this breakdown in BTCUSD could be the catalyst for a broader market downturn.
It sure looks like today is going to be a great day for traders.
Get some.
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SPY/QQQ Plan Your Trade For 1-23-25 : Carryover PatternToday's Carryover pattern suggests the markets will attempt to hold near recent support while attempting to determine trend. I view it as move of an indecisive day - looking to see if the markets can break to new all-time highs or if the markets have reached the top I've been discussing.
In my opinion, today will be a pause/consolidation day in the SPY/QQQ - leading to the big CRUSH pattern tomorrow.
Gold and Silver are under quite a bit of pressure this morning. The metals pattern is a BOTTOM pattern. So, I expect this selling in metals to be reflective of issues that will drive the SPY/QQQ downward tomorrow (the CRUSH pattern) and likely result in a moderate downward trend in the SPY/QQQ over the next 2 weeks.
Metals will recover and try to move higher as metals continues to hedge against global risks.
BTCUSD is moving downward - trying to break below the Flag Support level of the EPP pattern.
I believe tomorrow will be a pivotal day for the markets and today will be a fairly consolidated day overall.
Get some.
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