Government bonds

Japanese bonds

Low-risk investors buy Japanese bonds to gain a stable income, while high-risk investors use them to balance portfolios. We've gathered all JGBs in the list below to help you study the Japanese bond market.
Yield %
Maturity date
Term to maturity
Change %
JP03MYJapan 3 Month LSEG Government Bonds Yield0.00%0.231%2025-06-2389 days99.933 PCTPAR−12.17%−0.032 PCTPAR
JP06MYJapan 6 Month LSEG Government Bonds Yield0.00%0.372%2025-09-10168 days99.821 PCTPAR−5.10%−0.020 PCTPAR
JP01YJapan 1 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield0.40%0.710%2026-06-011 year 67 days99.631 PCTPAR−0.84%−0.006 PCTPAR
JP02YJapan 2 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield0.80%0.864%2027-03-011 year 340 days99.871 PCTPAR−1.14%−0.010 PCTPAR
JP03YJapan 3 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield0.30%0.990%2028-06-203 years 86 days97.838 PCTPAR0.00%0.000 PCTPAR
JP04YJapan 4 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield0.50%1.131%2029-06-204 years 86 days97.451 PCTPAR−0.18%−0.002 PCTPAR
JP05YJapan 5 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield1.10%1.169%2029-12-204 years 269 days99.690 PCTPAR−0.34%−0.004 PCTPAR
JP06YJapan 6 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield0.10%1.269%2031-06-206 years 86 days93.237 PCTPAR+0.40%0.005 PCTPAR
JP07YJapan 7 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield0.20%1.357%2032-06-207 years 86 days92.379 PCTPAR+0.52%0.007 PCTPAR
JP08YJapan 8 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield0.40%1.452%2033-06-208 years 86 days92.250 PCTPAR+0.35%0.005 PCTPAR
JP09YJapan 9 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield1.10%1.522%2034-06-209 years 86 days96.583 PCTPAR+0.46%0.007 PCTPAR
JP10YJapan 10 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield1.20%1.580%2034-12-209 years 269 days96.810 PCTPAR+0.45%0.007 PCTPAR
JP15YJapan 15 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield0.40%2.261%2040-06-2015 years 86 days78.913 PCTPAR−0.57%−0.013 PCTPAR
JP20YJapan 20 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield2.00%2.294%2044-12-2019 years 269 days96.006 PCTPAR−0.35%−0.008 PCTPAR
JP30YJapan 30 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield2.30%2.597%2054-12-2029 years 269 days95.016 PCTPAR+0.27%0.007 PCTPAR
JP40YJapan 40 Year LSEG Government Bonds Yield2.20%2.943%2064-03-2038 years 360 days86.542 PCTPAR−0.17%−0.005 PCTPAR