Crypto market

Coins that have gained the most in price

Explore the list below for coins rapidly growing in price and study their key stats like change and volume. Do your research and study this list carefully.
Change %
Market cap
Circ supply
LEGIONLEGION36080.00043173 USD+411.51%30.76 K USD200.26 K USD71.25 M
STRPStrips Finance15811.09152 USD+133.22%4.5 M USD15.04 K USD4.13 M
GTCOINGAMETREE25870.00027633 USD+115.34%885.89 K USD146.77 K USD3.21 B
REBUSRebuschain37740.00017003 USD+83.33%12.5 K USD908 USD73.5 M
JEFFJeff World22210.0080620 USD+79.77%1.47 M USD27.7 K USD181.76 MNFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
CBCheeseball28870.00039106 USD+72.87%391.06 K USD121.37 K USD1 BMemes
BBBitboard24500.00053272 USD+56.47%954.07 K USD400.2 K USD1.79 B
BBUTTCOINThe Next Bitcoin19790.0024606 USD+56.10%2.46 M USD762.31 K USD999.15 M
JJJAMBO6490.39715 USD+55.10%51.63 M USD181.27 M USD130 M
ZENQZenqira27290.0031580 USD+54.78%517.79 K USD74.5 K USD163.96 M
LSSLossless21630.034039 USD+53.90%1.89 M USD358.22 K USD55.57 MData management & AI, Cybersecurity
SILLYSilly Dragon18520.0033279 USD+50.86%3.33 M USD4.88 M USD999.98 M
VALORValor Token16000.107030 USD+50.65%5.38 M USD21.86 M USD50.3 MAsset management
MEDUSAMEDUSA32050.00017989 USD+50.25%179.89 K USD356.11 K USD999.99 MMemes
AAIAventis AI12070.10909 USD+50.09%12.87 M USD112.6 K USD117.98 MSocial, media & Content, Analytics, Education
CTChallenge38000.00029682 USD+49.88%12.23 K USD1.18 K USD41.2 M
BICITYBiCity AI Projects15930.0018798 USD+46.93%5.64 M USD606.13 K USD3 B
SEIYANSeiyan Token19380.0045172 USD+45.83%2.89 M USD309.72 K USD640.36 M
BITBULLBitbull37210.00108717 USD+45.71%22.83 K USD327 USD21 M
FPSWeb3War22770.041824 USD+45.13%1.47 M USD892.88 K USD35.23 MGaming
HIPHIPPOP26840.00055371 USD+44.85%629.85 K USD12.38 K USD1.14 BMemes
EARLearl33340.00012202 USD+42.20%122.01 K USD42.41 K USD999.88 MMemes
MYSTERYMystery14360.000000015780 USD+41.66%6.64 M USD6.63 M USD420.69 TMemes
MNRYMoonray20330.036822 USD+41.38%2.34 M USD11.95 M USD63.56 MGaming
KFCChicken2.1733 USD+40.47%50 USD
NIGHTMidnight Evergreen20250.00073954 USD+39.51%2.22 M USD122.36 K USD3 BGaming
TRTTRUST AI10674.5883 USD+38.10%17.44 M USD827.96 K USD3.8 M
VVICEVICE Token0.037031 USD+37.11%879.69 K USD
EGSEdgeSwap0.00045981 USD+37.09%8.06 K USD
RETARDIORETARDIO8090.035678 USD+36.66%34.81 M USD3.69 M USD975.67 MMemes
JJELLYJELLYJelly-My-Jelly11520.012855 USD+36.52%12.85 M USD49.19 M USD1 B
STMXStormX6430.0051026 USD+36.12%63 M USD56.64 M USD12.35 BSocial, media & Content, Loyalty & Rewards
UDSUndeads Games8390.61607 USD+35.81%28.21 M USD131.37 K USD45.8 MGaming
HOTDOGEHot Doge36070.000044073 USD+35.59%44.07 K USD623.02 K USD1 B
DDCOINDogcoin25300.00081849 USD+35.27%818.49 K USD1.44 M USD1 BMemes
BERTBertram The Pomeranian10380.017983 USD+34.78%17.39 M USD1.99 M USD966.75 MMemes
NNCNodecoin11340.064280 USD+34.76%13.37 M USD46.57 M USD208 MWeb3
MDXMdex19500.0036777 USD+34.69%3.49 M USD858.45 K USD950.25 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
INSCINSC (Ordinals)0.016410 USD+33.54%88.52 K USD
NOMNOMnomnom22280.0015720 USD+32.75%1.52 M USD287.94 K USD967.21 MMemes
SPACEMicroVisionChain20350.39715 USD+32.05%2.3 M USD287.52 K USD5.79 M
BBROCCOLIBroccoli (FirstBroccoli)8870.035978 USD+31.81%35.98 M USD16.17 M USD1 B
BANComedian4630.099775 USD+30.21%99.77 M USD103.38 M USD999.96 MMemes
TTRRUETRRUE23400.0039906 USD+28.97%1.2 M USD698 USD300 M
OLTOneLedger27530.00099338 USD+28.72%503.58 K USD180.71 K USD506.94 MInteroperability
FUELFuel Network6010.015082 USD+28.50%62.19 M USD10.57 M USD4.12 BScaling
AAIRAIRian27430.013801 USD+28.12%507.19 K USD9.13 K USD36.75 M
SAKESakeToken33820.00106874 USD+27.98%108.86 K USD609 USD101.86 MDecentralized exchange, Derivatives
MMB28Mbridge2819300.099490 USD+27.56%2.79 M USD373 USD28 M
WAIWiener AI22730.000027583 USD+27.55%1.35 M USD3.83 K USD49 B
DOGED.O.G.E (Solana)33771.0194e-12 USD+27.40%101.94 K USD16.12 K USD100,000 T
GEMGems0.000043773 USD+27.38%148 USDJobs
HTMHatom11250.87614 USD+26.70%14.6 M USD1.35 M USD16.67 M
GOUTGOUT12790.000070856 USD+26.51%10.99 M USD340.5 K USD155.06 B
LITLitentry7870.83900 USD+26.45%37.89 M USD10.42 M USD45.17 MData management & AI, Identity, DeFi, Web3
DFLDeFi Land21710.00023455 USD+26.12%1.67 M USD5.81 K USD7.14 BGaming
OCBOneCoinBuy11420.0025279 USD+25.72%13.42 M USD16.41 M USD5.31 B
ULTIUltiverse9200.0057284 USD+25.53%23.05 M USD9.72 M USD4.02 BGaming
OXYOxygen21670.041900 USD+25.53%1.7 M USD313.68 K USD40.69 M
ORBOrbCity33860.00029252 USD+24.67%101.19 K USD1.79 K USD345.91 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
PPOWERPowerloom20060.051838 USD+24.32%2.39 M USD413 K USD46.2 M
ORNOrion8570.95100 USD+24.31%32.47 M USD964.44 K USD34.15 MDecentralized exchange, DeFi
XACTXActRewards0.0039575 USD+23.65%
FRIENDFriend.tech24140.067958 USD+23.54%992.11 K USD54.19 K USD14.6 MSocial, media & Content
GOMDGOMDori34830.0000100058 USD+23.51%73.64 K USD22.03 K USD7.36 B
DDESCISUI Desci Agents19800.0025194 USD+23.43%2.52 M USD1.19 M USD1 B
CFNCockfight Network23741.1307 USD+23.02%1.1 M USD215.94 K USD974.82 K
PPUMPITBOGDANOFF15350.0057264 USD+22.65%5.73 M USD588.48 K USD1 B
NCTPolySwarm5940.033336 USD+22.38%62.86 M USD16.24 M USD1.89 BSmart contract platforms, Cybersecurity, Web3
SOUTHDeepSouth AI22481.4191 USD+22.32%1.42 M USD65.19 K USD1 M
ASMAsMatch27110.25207 USD+22.23%470.53 K USD57.62 K USD1.87 M
HERESphereX21810.0018069 USD+22.15%1.63 M USD39.23 K USD900 MDecentralized exchange
MSNMeson Network19630.093482 USD+22.11%3.13 M USD7.35 M USD33.46 MDistributed computing & Storage, DePIN
FSynFutures6360.037739 USD+22.08%53.24 M USD54.77 M USD1.41 BDecentralized exchange, Derivatives, DeFi
BBIGBALLSEdward Coristine0.00051038 USD+21.93%
CHAPZChappyz23590.00047171 USD+21.87%1.12 M USD440.68 K USD2.37 BData management & AI, Social, media & Content, Marketplace
DOGADOGAMÍ20190.0029552 USD+21.79%2.34 M USD307.02 K USD790.74 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
BBBBitgreen22880.030181 USD+21.50%1.3 M USD557 USD42.93 M
BBNBXBTBNBXBT15540.0058734 USD+21.48%5.87 M USD6.68 M USD1 B
MICHImichi (SOL)9150.042737 USD+20.97%23.75 M USD9.85 M USD555.77 MMemes
LSDL737380.00045172 USD+20.86%18.49 K USD2.95 K USD40.94 MAsset management, Web3
PURSEPundi X PURSE0.000106234 USD+20.56%284.19 K USD
PIKAPika0.00076952 USD+20.50%428.56 K USD
AXOAxo27280.40785 USD+20.40%596.64 K USD1.73 K USD1.46 M
AAIXCBaixCB by Virtuals13230.0092043 USD+20.30%9.14 M USD78.8 K USD993.51 MMemes
ROCKIROCKI36520.0043543 USD+20.28%35.08 K USD64.67 K USD8.06 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Social, media & Content
SISealwifhat32640.00015211 USD+20.23%149.55 K USD63.47 K USD983.15 MMemes
ZODIZodium38860.00012022 USD+20.05%301 USD454 USD2.5 M
PLASTIKPlastiks32780.00096840 USD+19.98%147.63 K USD36 USD152.45 MNFTs & Collectibles
APESAPES33380.00012592 USD+19.90%125.92 K USD181.22 K USD999.99 M
LKRLokr36770.0012252 USD+19.90%31.4 K USD290.27 K USD25.63 M
GODEGode Chain0.00030071 USD+19.69%6.59 K USD
BIRDBird.Money33741.1173 USD+19.23%106.08 K USD1.1 K USD94.94 KOracles, Data management & AI, Analytics
XXSEEDMXS Games31220.00013182 USD+18.94%229.57 K USD2.75 K USD1.74 BGaming
PMONProtocol Monsters30660.074112 USD+18.78%252.74 K USD254 USD3.41 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
GCOINGalaxy Fight Club36560.0024985 USD+18.56%35.94 K USD752 USD14.38 M
NERDNerd AI36720.0024215 USD+18.47%32.05 K USD13.24 M
BEFIBeFi Labs25900.0095241 USD+18.15%739.5 K USD292.63 K USD77.64 MDecentralized exchange
SNOWSnowSwap34420.16823 USD+17.98%83.38 K USD179 USD495.6 K
ORTXREATORS35480.00070211 USD+17.62%56.79 K USD1.01 K USD80.89 M