Stock market industries of Czech Republic

The table below is comprised of stocks that are grouped by industries. Analyze them using a variety of performance metrics and data such as market cap, volume and number of stocks included just to name a few.
Market cap
Div yield % (indicated)
Change %
Integrated Oil5.06 T CZK4.87%+8.13%3Energy minerals2
Major Telecommunications3.67 T CZK3.07%+1.20%23Communications1
Household/Personal Care3.43 T CZK3.22%0.00%3Consumer non-durables1
Electric Utilities2.5 T CZK4.71%+1.13%68.31 KUtilities7
Major Banks1.33 T CZK6.07%+1.46%27.41 KFinance4
Investment Banks/Brokers854.02 B CZK2.64%+1.94%27Finance2
Telecommunications Equipment588.01 B CZK2.80%+2.58%225Electronic technology2
Oil Refining/Marketing442.85 B CZK8.56%−0.18%496Energy minerals2
Packaged Software415.89 B CZK1.82%−0.15%290Technology services2
Real Estate Development229.3 B CZK2.94%−0.30%913Finance2
Multi-Line Insurance157.5 B CZK5.66%+0.12%156Finance2
Other Metals/Minerals137.63 B CZK1.28%−0.06%37Non-energy minerals1
Industrial Machinery123.34 B CZK5.08%−0.25%1.68 KProducer manufacturing2
Steel79.63 B CZK3.95%−2.24%50Non-energy minerals1
Regional Banks63.36 B CZK2.42%+0.16%244.24 KFinance1
Aerospace & Defense35.31 B CZK2.96%+0.64%13.86 KElectronic technology4
Tobacco32 B CZK7.30%−0.36%235Consumer non-durables1
Miscellaneous Commercial Services17.06 B CZK0.00%10.14 KCommercial services2
Electronic Components13 B CZK+3.72%50Electronic technology1
Beverages: Non-Alcoholic8.46 B CZK1.88%+0.25%3.16 KConsumer non-durables1
Movies/Entertainment6.95 B CZK0.00%10Consumer services1
Tools & Hardware4.6 B CZK+0.73%422Consumer durables1
Information Technology Services1.49 B CZK0.00%3Technology services1
Home Furnishings942 M CZK1.06%−1.26%25Consumer durables1
Metal Fabrication358.4 M CZK+0.72%1Producer manufacturing1
Drugstore Chains287.09 M CZK+1.42%6.39 KRetail trade1
Computer PeripheralsElectronic technology1
Apparel/Footwear RetailRetail trade1
Apparel/FootwearConsumer non-durables1
TextilesProcess industries1