Gazprom - the Near future.Gazprom
On average, 90% of all stocks move down with the market, and 75% move up.
The wave principle applies to some extent to individual stocks, but counting waves for them is often confusing and does not have much practical significance. But since 50 % of the shares are owned by the state and the company has a large capitalization, we assume that the state of Gazprom's shares depends on mass psychology./
As of 2019, with sales of more than US $ 120 billion, it is the largest publicly traded gas company in the world and the largest company in Russia by revenue.
The company also has subsidiaries in the industrial sectors, including finance, media, and aviation, as well as a majority stake in other companies.
It provided 97 percent of Bulgaria's gas, 89 percent of Hungary's gas, 86 percent of Poland's gas, almost 75 percent of the Czech Republic's gas, 67 percent of Turkey's gas, 65 percent of Austria's gas, about 40 percent of Romania's gas, 36 percent of Germany's gas, 27 percent of Italy's gas, and 25 percent of France's gas. The European Union receives about 25% of its gas from Gazprom.
Other natural gas producers, such as Novatek, Russia's second-largest gas company, is forced to use Gazprom's capacity to process and transport natural gas.
Until the end of 2013, Gazprom had a monopoly on the export of any gas from Russia. After December 2013, it retained a monopoly on the export of pipeline gas.
Gazprom is listed on the stock markets Moscow, London, Karachi, Berlin, Frankfurt and Singapore. This is the top component of the MICEX and RTS indices.