Most actively traded Russian stocks

The most active Russian stocks in the market can be found below. Companies are sorted by daily volume and supplied with other stats to help you find out why they are so popular right now.
Vol * Price
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
TCSGIPJSC TCS Holding25.494 B RUB2,573.0 RUB+3.67%9.908 M1.80494.676 B RUBFinance
SBERSberbank14.869 B RUB255.98 RUB+2.01%58.086 M1.145.667 T RUB3.5472.28 RUBFinance
GAZPGazprom8.768 B RUB135.90 RUB+0.28%64.516 M1.253.208 T RUBEnergy minerals
LKOHLUKOIL6.874 B RUB7,172.0 RUB+0.56%958.43 K0.824.942 T RUBEnergy minerals
SMLTSamolet6.582 B RUB1,325.0 RUB+4.21%4.968 M1.6478.298 B RUBFinance
AFKSAFK Sistema5.065 B RUB14.481 RUB+6.50%349.776 M1.59131.211 B RUBCommunications
GMKNNorNickel GMK4.642 B RUB111.58 RUB+1.97%41.606 M1.561.673 T RUB0.11973.47 RUB−74.11%Non-energy minerals
YDEXYANDEX3.725 B RUB3,888.0 RUB+2.01%958.019 K0.97
VTBRVTB3.581 B RUB80.20 RUB+1.39%44.654 M1.43424.762 B RUB5,207.790.02 RUBFinance
AFLTAeroflot3.438 B RUB60.73 RUB+2.90%56.615 M1.25234.65 B RUBTransportation
MTLRMechel2.855 B RUB105.15 RUB+1.37%27.156 M0.8257.95 B RUBNon-energy minerals
ROSNRosneft2.797 B RUB481.50 RUB+1.26%5.809 M0.885.039 T RUB3.30146.11 RUB+208.02%Energy minerals
NVTKNOVATEK2.262 B RUB944.8 RUB+2.34%2.394 M1.082.803 T RUB4.36216.67 RUB+849.42%Energy minerals
TATNTatneft-32.252 B RUB595.5 RUB+3.03%3.782 M1.141.344 T RUBEnergy minerals
FESHDVMP1.955 B RUB49.91 RUB+9.26%39.167 M12.33134.813 B RUB16.812.97 RUB−78.27%Transportation
PLZLPolus1.936 B RUB14,746.0 RUB−0.77%131.313 K0.542.021 T RUB6.262,353.96 RUB+90.75%Non-energy minerals
NLMKNLMK1.719 B RUB130.82 RUB+0.26%13.137 M0.86781.996 B RUBNon-energy minerals
MOEXMoscowExchange1.624 B RUB210.50 RUB+3.57%7.714 M1.19462.679 B RUBFinance
SIBNGazprom neft1.617 B RUB577.10 RUB+1.82%2.801 M1.452.687 T RUBEnergy minerals
POSIPJSC Positive Group1.593 B RUB2,204.8 RUB−2.85%722.31 K1.72149.78 B RUBFinance
MGNTMagnit1.55 B RUB4,856.5 RUB+1.67%319.224 K0.91486.78 B RUB8.65561.51 RUB+0.28%Retail trade
CHMFSeverstal1.5 B RUB1,209.8 RUB+3.05%1.24 M1.36983.482 B RUBNon-energy minerals
ALRSALROSA1.215 B RUB52.92 RUB+1.77%22.961 M1.00382.978 B RUBNon-energy minerals
VKCOVK International Public JS Com1.181 B RUB320.6 RUB+5.18%3.683 M1.5069.456 B RUBTechnology services
UWGNOVK1.146 B RUB57.55 RUB+2.04%19.911 M1.28163.892 B RUBProducer manufacturing
PIKKPIK SZ994.76 M RUB510.2 RUB+4.16%1.95 M0.84323.512 B RUBConsumer durables
SNGSSurgut967.435 M RUB25.335 RUB+1.81%38.186 M0.911.326 T RUBEnergy minerals
HEADIPJSC Headhunter913.677 M RUB4,399 RUB+1.99%207.701 K0.53
RUALRUSAL912.065 M RUB38.310 RUB+2.41%23.808 M0.77568.371 B RUB15.142.53 RUB−82.51%Non-energy minerals
PHORPhosAgro865.408 M RUB5,560 RUB+5.40%155.649 K2.81683.112 B RUB7.34757.24 RUB+0.98%Process industries
MTSSMTS850.294 M RUB198.25 RUB+3.34%4.289 M0.98383.39 B RUBCommunications
MAGNMMK769.64 M RUB38.325 RUB+1.11%20.082 M0.95423.563 B RUBNon-energy minerals
SFINSFI557.051 M RUB1,497.8 RUB+1.01%371.913 K1.0874.491 B RUBFinance
SVCBSovcombank538.087 M RUB13.280 RUB+1.53%40.519 M1.12
FLOTSovcomflot530.34 M RUB97.15 RUB+1.28%5.459 M1.12227.809 B RUBTransportation
RTKMRostelecom529.322 M RUB66.73 RUB+2.88%7.932 M1.10225.824 B RUB7.189.29 RUB−6.60%Communications
IRAOInter RAO472.032 M RUB3.9210 RUB+0.04%120.386 M1.07409.196 B RUBUtilities
UPROUnipro PAO471.932 M RUB1.787 RUB+1.77%264.092 M2.16110.714 B RUBUtilities
ASTRAstra Group435.979 M RUB499.20 RUB+0.02%873.356 K2.22
BSPBBSP434.614 M RUB351.82 RUB+3.16%1.235 M1.30157.224 B RUBFinance
RNFTRussNeft NK422.825 M RUB144.20 RUB−0.35%2.932 M0.5842.559 B RUBEnergy minerals
SGZHSegezha402.854 M RUB1.780 RUB+0.06%226.323 M0.3827.913 B RUBProcess industries
MVIDM.video365.178 M RUB101.3 RUB+2.01%3.605 M1.2517.851 B RUB−60.57 RUB−16.29%Distribution services
IRKTYakovlev-3357.655 M RUB30.65 RUB+1.66%11.669 M0.88363.346 B RUBElectronic technology
SPBESPB Exchange330.93 M RUB133.1 RUB−0.37%2.486 M0.8017.748 B RUBFinance
FEESFGC ROSSETI285.071 M RUB0.07814 RUB+2.55%3.648 B1.71161.046 B RUBUtilities
RASPRaspadskaya247.494 M RUB284.60 RUB+3.30%869.62 K1.78183.41 B RUB67.534.21 RUB−97.26%Energy minerals
UGLDUGC244.537 M RUB0.5974 RUB−0.65%409.335 M0.58
NMTPNMTP243.506 M RUB8.890 RUB+2.60%27.391 M3.39166.886 B RUBTransportation
TRMKTMK242.333 M RUB110.38 RUB+0.88%2.195 M0.91115.11 B RUB11.089.96 RUB+47.59%Non-energy minerals
EUTREvroTrans232.18 M RUB112.80 RUB+0.40%2.058 M0.49
DATAArenadata Group201.517 M RUB119.32 RUB+1.55%1.689 M2.16
WUSHWHOOSH Holding199.66 M RUB169.30 RUB+1.32%1.179 M2.08
GTRKGTM197.002 M RUB304.9 RUB+0.56%646.12 K0.7417.726 B RUBTransportation
LEASEuroplan167.396 M RUB612.5 RUB+2.12%273.3 K0.80
SELGSeligdar147.483 M RUB44.44 RUB−0.22%3.319 M0.9145.876 B RUBNon-energy minerals
HYDRRusGidro134.592 M RUB0.5215 RUB+2.27%258.086 M1.03226.8 B RUBUtilities
TGKNTGK-14130.202 M RUB0.00791 RUB+4.77%16.46 B2.6510.252 B RUBUtilities
ENPGEN+ GROUP IPJSC ORD SHS122.541 M RUB331.10 RUB+0.96%370.102 K1.35209.51 B RUBNon-energy minerals
BANEBashneft ANK116.559 M RUB2,371.5 RUB+0.02%49.15 K0.79387.66 B RUBEnergy minerals
SVAVSollers Avto115.093 M RUB774.0 RUB+2.11%148.699 K0.9923.866 B RUBConsumer durables
LSRGLSR103.853 M RUB727.4 RUB−1.17%142.773 K0.2975.83 B RUB2.40303.04 RUB+59.14%Finance
MDMGMD Medical Group IPJSC101.642 M RUB859.0 RUB+2.12%118.326 K0.71
SOFLSoftline97.044 M RUB122.98 RUB+0.62%789.1 K0.68
UNACOb.aviastroitelnaya korp.93.36 M RUB0.7220 RUB+0.84%129.307 M1.16712.016 B RUBElectronic technology
CBOMMKB84.759 M RUB6.754 RUB+4.10%12.55 M0.90216.892 B RUBFinance
GEMCIPJSC UMG82.93 M RUB702.3 RUB+4.00%118.083 K2.4760.777 B RUBHealth services
KMAZKAMAZ82.649 M RUB120.7 RUB+4.23%684.75 K1.5681.897 B RUB13.199.15 RUB−9.37%Producer manufacturing
ABIOARTGEN81.298 M RUB89.92 RUB−0.55%904.12 K0.348.377 B RUB30.572.94 RUB+1,176.14%Health services
RENIRenaissance Insurance71.692 M RUB98.20 RUB+0.68%730.06 K1.2054.325 B RUBFinance
RBCMGK RBK70.615 M RUB12.120 RUB+3.37%5.826 M2.814.287 B RUBTechnology services
MSNGMosEnrg68.474 M RUB2.3770 RUB+6.64%28.807 M2.0888.601 B RUBUtilities
AQUAINARCTIKA51.126 M RUB611.5 RUB+1.58%83.608 K1.0352.902 B RUB9.9461.53 RUB−63.92%Process industries
DELICarsharing Russia49.933 M RUB204.20 RUB+2.23%244.531 K2.27
BELUNovaBev Group48.387 M RUB640 RUB−0.31%75.604 K0.7510.144 B RUBConsumer non-durables
MBNKMTS Bank45.944 M RUB1,400.0 RUB+0.97%32.817 K0.6848.013 B RUBFinance
LENTLenta IPJSC ORD SHS41.707 M RUB1,028.5 RUB−1.25%40.551 K0.68120.799 B RUBRetail trade
UTARUTAir Aviacompany40.748 M RUB15.70 RUB+21.61%2.595 M24.96101.939 B RUBTransportation
OZPHOzon Pharmaceuticals37.014 M RUB30.33 RUB+3.76%1.22 M0.73
ROLORusolovo PAO36.652 M RUB0.6500 RUB+0.96%56.387 M0.9519.315 B RUBNon-energy minerals
IVATPJSC IVA35.845 M RUB218.75 RUB+3.82%163.862 K2.84
OGKBOGK-232.865 M RUB0.3514 RUB+1.01%93.525 M1.2038.422 B RUBUtilities
MSTTMostotrest31.922 M RUB166.80 RUB+1.43%191.38 K1.1446.41 B RUBIndustrial services
TGKATGK-131.899 M RUB0.007020 RUB+0.92%4.544 B1.5026.811 B RUBUtilities
HNFGHENDERSON29.858 M RUB565.1 RUB−0.11%52.836 K1.34
MRKCRosseti Centr29.777 M RUB0.4400 RUB+2.66%67.676 M0.5318.095 B RUB3.040.14 RUB+80.67%Utilities
DIASDiasoft29.664 M RUB4,575.0 RUB+0.49%6.484 K0.37
VSMOCorp. VSMPO-AVISMA25.841 M RUB24,540 RUB+1.49%1.053 K0.76278.784 B RUBNon-energy minerals
BLNGBelon24.226 M RUB18.370 RUB+1.05%1.319 M1.2220.907 B RUBEnergy minerals
MRKPRosseti Centr i Privoljye23.192 M RUB0.3299 RUB+1.54%70.3 M1.0336.616 B RUBUtilities
NKHPNKHP19.677 M RUB701.5 RUB+0.94%28.05 K1.3246.98 B RUBTransportation
ELFVEl5-Ener19.402 M RUB0.5584 RUB+0.79%34.746 M0.9219.596 B RUB4.050.14 RUBUtilities
AMEZAshinckiy metzavod PAO19.11 M RUB76.90 RUB+0.79%248.5 K0.4238.032 B RUBNon-energy minerals
APTKApteki 36,618.07 M RUB10.800 RUB+0.58%1.673 M0.4881.936 B RUBRetail trade
VSEHVI.ru17.909 M RUB93.95 RUB−0.05%190.621 K0.42
ABRDAbrau-Durso14.464 M RUB201.2 RUB+1.21%71.89 K1.2319.482 B RUBConsumer non-durables
PRMDPROMOMED13.9 M RUB330.10 RUB−0.63%42.108 K0.92
TGKBTGK-213.733 M RUB0.007305 RUB+3.11%1.88 B3.1510.558 B RUBUtilities
ZAYMZaymer12.164 M RUB140.30 RUB+1.30%86.7 K1.11
LSNGRosseti LenEnrg10.471 M RUB13.11 RUB+2.74%798.7 K3.30127.598 B RUBUtilities