
Russian companies engaged in utilities sector

These Russian companies operate in the same sector, utilities. They're equipped with price, change, and other stats to help you get the most details. The list contains stocks for any strategy: giants with large caps like Inter RAO, top gainers like "Omskoblgaz" ORD, and more. Filter the list and check companies' performance in a convenient way.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
IRAOInter RAO400.165 B RUB3.8540 RUB+0.55%6.297 M0.06
HYDRRusGidro223.42 B RUB0.5039 RUB+0.32%10.497 M0.04
FEESFGC ROSSETI154.917 B RUB0.07376 RUB+0.63%131.75 M0.06
LSNGRosseti LenEnrg124.835 B RUB12.62 RUB+0.48%38 K0.12
UPROUnipro PAO101.698 B RUB1.617 RUB+0.25%4.142 M0.05
MSNGMosEnrg87.21 B RUB2.2000 RUB+0.27%2.938 M0.26
MSRSRosseti Moscow Region54.649 B RUB1.1240 RUB+0.18%568 K0.042.370.48 RUB+148.02%
KUBERosseti Kuban51.866 B RUB130.4 RUB+0.31%1.88 K0.28
MRKSRosseti Sibir51.342 B RUB0.5430 RUB+0.28%249 K0.06
YAKGYaTEK48.209 B RUB58.25 RUB−0.09%5.8 K0.15
CCENHAO "Centerenergyholding" ORD42.286 B RUB0.4100 RUB−2.40%1
DVECDEC41.335 B RUB2.449 RUB+2.04%130 K0.14
OGKBOGK-236.876 B RUB0.3340 RUB+0.03%5.174 M0.06
MRKPRosseti Centr i Privoljye35.691 B RUB0.3191 RUB+0.76%5.93 M0.09
MRKKRosseti Severnyy Kavkaz35.126 B RUB16.90 RUB+0.72%2.03 K0.05
MRKURosseti Ural32.017 B RUB0.3690 RUB+0.76%1.63 M0.05
KCHEKamchatskenergo30.644 B RUB0.524 RUB+0.19%10 K0.02
TNSEPAO GK "TNS energo"28.293 B RUB2,320 RUB+12.08%2520.99
VRSBTNS energo Voroneg26.662 B RUB435.5 RUB+0.93%3.54 K0.30
TGKATGK-126.102 B RUB0.006846 RUB+1.09%180.2 M0.07
RTSBTNS energo Rostov-na-Dony22 B RUB2.600 RUB+1.96%1 K0.00
ELFVEl5-Ener19.249 B RUB0.5472 RUB+0.55%3.594 M0.123.970.14 RUB
MRKCRosseti Centr17.504 B RUB0.4170 RUB+0.58%2.845 M0.022.880.14 RUB+80.67%
NNSBTNS energo Nizhniy-Novgorod16.024 B RUB3,870 RUB+2.93%560.22
YRSBTNS energo Yaroslavl'14.039 B RUB772 RUB+1.58%1500.54
PMSBPerm' EnergoSbyt11.383 B RUB233.7 RUB0.00%5900.03
MRKVRosseti Volga11.261 B RUB0.06025 RUB+0.75%11.32 M0.16
SAGOSamaraEnergo11.087 B RUB2.760 RUB+0.55%1 K0.01
TGKNTGK-1410.443 B RUB0.00774 RUB+0.65%366.2 M0.06
TGKBTGK-210.263 B RUB0.007160 RUB+3.77%170 M0.24
LPSBLESK10.039 B RUB65.15 RUB+0.93%5.6 K0.09
KRSBKrashojarskenergosbyt9.252 B RUB12.20 RUB+0.66%1.6 K0.06
MRKYRosseti South8.621 B RUB0.05695 RUB+0.18%1.62 M0.05
BBGESAO "Boguchanskaya GES" ORD7.375 B RUB13.000 RUB+13.04%4.091 K
KBSBTNS energo Kuban Company7.157 B RUB400.5 RUB+1.26%1.22 K1.07
MISBTNS energo Mariy El6.2 B RUB48.0 RUB+2.56%1.6 K0.08
KGKCKurganskaja Gener.Kompanija6.154 B RUB44.6 RUB+0.45%100.006.856.51 RUB+742.47%
RZSBJSC "Ryazanenergosbyt"5.649 B RUB27.88 RUB+2.12%1.1 K0.03
YKENYakutskEnergo5.435 B RUB0.489 RUB+2.95%1.04 M0.97
RTGZGazprom gazorasp. Rostov5.279 B RUB43,900 RUB0.00%10.05
MRKZRosseti Severo-Zapad5.244 B RUB0.05535 RUB+1.10%8.6 M0.08
VGSBVolgograd Energo Sbyt4.488 B RUB11.46 RUB−2.72%1 K0.02
SLENSakhalinenergo4.225 B RUB3.440 RUB+0.73%7000.00
STSBStavropolEnergoSbyt3.451 B RUB3.010 RUB−1.15%19 K0.06
TORSPAO Rosseti Tomsk2.594 B RUB0.618 RUB+1.31%30 K0.18
SARESaratovEnergo2.291 B RUB0.410 RUB+2.50%50 K0.04
TASBTambov EnergoSbyt Company2.187 B RUB1.376 RUB+3.46%10 K0.10
KLSBKalugsk. Sbyt. Company1.985 B RUB22.86 RUB+5.35%92.9 K0.45
MAGEMagadanenergo1.908 B RUB3.35 RUB0.00%3000.00
TTVEOGazprom gazoraspr. Tver1.596 B RUB10,950 RUB−8.71%1
ASSBAstrakhan Energo Sbyt1.378 B RUB1.800 RUB+1.12%1 K0.00
MRSBMordovskaya EnergoSbyt Comp.1.116 B RUB0.788 RUB−5.06%3.8 M0.57
KTSBKSB559.3 M RUB0.5578 RUB+0.02%1
SSTKG"Gazprom GR Stavropol" ORD57.211 M RUB27,198 RUB+2.63%1
OOMOG"Omskoblgaz" ORD13.675 M RUB500.0 RUB+20.63%3
IIVOGAO ""GR Ivanovo" ORD7,000 RUB20
VVTGKT Plus1.3005 RUB−2.22%4
SSGAZAO "Saratovgaz" ORD16,995 RUB+0.12%1
KKZSBPAO "Kuzbass Pow Company" PFR12.000 RUB0.00%510
TTGKJForward Energy63.80 RUB+1.35%154
RRZOGAO "GR Ryazanskaya obl" ORD800.0 RUB5
MMOEKJSC "MIPC"444 RUB+4.47%16
LLEOGAO "GR Leningradskaya obl" ORD100,000 RUB0.00%1
SSBEN"Novosibirskenergosbyt" ORD800.00 RUB+0.25%1
KKESKAO "Komi energosbyt komp" ORD0.17405 RUB−0.46%664
SSMOGAO "GR Smolensk" ORD3,275 RUB+9.17%7