Our opinion on the current state of MC-MINING(MCZ)MC Mining (previously "Coal of Africa") (MCZ) is a small metallurgical coal-mining company with a single producing mine, Uitkomst. Aside from Uitkomst, the company is developing the Makhado project, the Vele colliery, and MbeuYashu. The Makhado project is the company's flagship operation in the Limpopo province. It is an opencast mine with a life of 16 years and the potential to be extended. In January 2019, the company announced the acquisition of surface rights which will make the Makhado project viable. Production is now expected to commence at the end of 2020, and the mine is expected to produce 800,000 tons of hard coking coal and 1 million tons of export thermal coal. The Makhado purchase improves the risks substantially and makes this into a viable investment.
The IDC has provided R245m for the project, but a further R530m is still needed. The company owns 69% of Baobab Mining and Exploration, which owns the Makhado project.
In its results for the six months to 31st December 2023, the company reported revenue up 80% and a headline loss of 145c (US) per share - up from a loss of 50c in the previous period. The company said, "International thermal coal prices remained under pressure during the period and the average API4 export coal price for the six months was $112/t (H1 FY2023: $265/t). Despite the depressed coal prices, Uitkomst Colliery generated pleasing results for the period with revenue of $16.3 million (H1 FY2023: $14.0 million), yielding a gross profit of $1.5 million (H1 FY2023: $3.9 million) and operating cash flows of $5.1 million."
On 8th April 2024, Business Day reported that Goldway Capital had received acceptances from shareholders amounting to 83.67% of the issued shares - more than the 82.15% required for the takeover to proceed. On 24th June 2024, the company announced that Godfrey Gomwe would resign with effect from 30th June 2024.
Technically, the share spiked up between July and September 2022 before falling back again to lower levels. This remains a volatile commodity share with about R280,000 worth of shares changing hands on average each day, high debt levels, and all the risks of mining exploration and development.