Agricultural Commodities/Milling

Sri Lankan companies operating in the same agricultural commodities/milling industry

The list below has Sri Lankan companies that operate under the same industry, agricultural commodities/milling. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as NAMUNUKULA PLANTATIONS PLC or those with the best price dynamics like KAHAWATTE PLANTATIONS PLC, thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
BIL.N0000BROWNS INVESTMENTS PLC86.218 B LKR6.0 LKR+1.69%2.565 M0.304.641.29 LKR0.00%Process industries
MAL.N0000MALWATTE VALLEY PLANTATIONS PLC13.866 B LKR65.0 LKR−0.31%5.021 K4.0732.831.98 LKR−63.45%0.25%Process industries
MAL.X0000MALWATTE VALLEY PLANTATIONS PLC13.866 B LKR34.5 LKR0.00%1.51 K0.2217.431.98 LKR−63.45%0.46%Process industries
GRAN.N0000CEYLON GRAIN ELEVATORS PLC10.935 B LKR179.50 LKR−1.64%18.772 K0.433.7248.30 LKR−19.33%9.88%Process industries
NAMU.N0000NAMUNUKULA PLANTATIONS PLC8.123 B LKR343.00 LKR0.00%2.166 K1.614.5974.80 LKR−33.67%3.80%Process industries
TAFL.N0000THREE ACRE FARMS PLC7.222 B LKR301.00 LKR−1.63%9720.112.68112.33 LKR+122.05%9.13%Process industries
AGAL.N0000AGALAWATTE PLANTATIONS PLC5.484 B LKR34.3 LKR−1.15%70.464 K1.065.765.95 LKR−44.32%0.00%Process industries
KVAL.N0000KELANI VALLEY PLANTATIONS PLC5.093 B LKR75.3 LKR+1.76%17.832 K0.964.4916.76 LKR−17.76%7.01%Process industries
MASK.N0000MASKELIYA PLANTATIONS PLC3.291 B LKR63.0 LKR+1.78%150.253 K0.824.1315.26 LKR+32.99%0.00%Process industries
BFL.N0000BAIRAHA FARMS PLC3.142 B LKR174.75 LKR−1.27%5.001 K0.258.7619.96 LKR+146.49%3.25%Process industries
KGAL.N0000KEGALLE PLANTATIONS PLC3 B LKR119.50 LKR+1.06%10.00−5.45 LKR−468.05%2.92%Process industries
BALA.N0000BALANGODA PLANTATIONS PLC2.699 B LKR58.0 LKR+1.93%27.273 K0.185.3310.88 LKR−42.52%0.00%Process industries
HAPU.N0000HAPUGASTENNE PLANTATIONS PLC2.135 B LKR47.4 LKR+1.07%1.395 K0.047.596.24 LKR+31.21%0.00%Process industries
MADU.N0000MADULSIMA PLANTATIONS PLC2.034 B LKR11.6 LKR−0.85%3000.01−1.13 LKR+43.77%0.00%Process industries
KAHA.N0000KAHAWATTE PLANTATIONS PLC1.889 B LKR19.8 LKR+3.13%5.368 K0.07−0.78 LKR+79.45%0.00%Process industries
MCPL.N0000MAHAWELI COCONUT PLANTATIONS LIMITED1.102 B LKR31.4 LKR+1.62%1.563 K0.1413.852.27 LKR+42.55%6.35%Process industries
HOPL.N0000HORANA PLANTATIONS PLC997.5 M LKR39.2 LKR−2.49%2.122 K0.057.025.58 LKR5.26%Process industries
MMFPE.N0000MAHARAJA FOODS PLC5.5 LKR+1.85%3790.00Process industries
Strong buy
AAGPL.N0000AGARAPATANA PLANTA8.7 LKR+2.35%84.98 K0.11Process industries