Regional Banks

Sri Lankan companies operating in the same regional banks industry

The list below has Sri Lankan companies that operate under the same industry, regional banks. The list helps track their performance, income statement, and more. Sorted by any necessary metric, it can show the most expensive stocks of the industry such as COMMERCIAL BANK OF CEYLON PLC or those with the best price dynamics like CARGILLS BANK PLC, thus assisting in designing strategies of any focus.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
COMB.X0000COMMERCIAL BANK OF CEYLON PLC228.01 B LKR122.00 LKR−0.81%38.74 K0.223.4035.92 LKR+135.80%3.40%Finance
Strong buy
COMB.N0000COMMERCIAL BANK OF CEYLON PLC228.01 B LKR142.25 LKR−0.87%97.27 K0.223.9635.95 LKR+135.20%2.94%Finance
Strong buy
DFCC.N0000DFCC BANK47.35 B LKR109.00 LKR+0.46%93.21 K0.394.8522.48 LKR+15.01%2.61%Finance
SEYB.N0000SEYLAN BANK PLC39.77 B LKR74.0 LKR−0.67%3.74 K0.134.6815.81 LKR+58.34%1.28%Finance
SEYB.X0000SEYLAN BANK PLC39.77 B LKR51.8 LKR−0.38%45.03 K0.283.2815.78 LKR+59.28%1.79%Finance
PABC.N0000PAN ASIA BANKING CORPORATION PLC15.93 B LKR36.0 LKR0.00%96.67 K0.173.859.34 LKR+122.90%0.69%Finance
ABL.N0000AMANA BANK PLC13.01 B LKR23.9 LKR+0.84%2.34 K0.067.433.22 LKR−29.20%5.08%Finance
CBNK.N0000CARGILLS BANK PLC7.75 B LKR8.4 LKR+2.44%9.74 K0.1011.540.73 LKR+46.28%0.00%Finance
SDB.N0000SANASA DEVELOPMENT BANK PLC5.89 B LKR35.9 LKR−0.28%12.31 K0.1614.402.49 LKR−19.03%0.00%Finance
MBSL.N0000MERCHANT BANK OF SRI LANKA & FINANCE PLC3.15 B LKR5.9 LKR0.00%1.4 K0.0211.810.50 LKR0.00%Finance
HDFC.N0000HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION BANK OF SL2.88 B LKR43.5 LKR−2.90%5.62 K0.1119.162.27 LKR−90.14%0.00%Finance