Process Industries

Sri Lankan companies engaged in process industries sector

These Sri Lankan companies operate in the same sector, process industries. They're equipped with price, change, and other stats to help you get the most details. The list contains stocks for any strategy: giants with large caps like BROWNS INVESTMENTS PLC, top gainers like MALWATTE VALLEY PLANTATIONS PLC, and more. Filter the list and check companies' performance in a convenient way.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
BIL.N0000BROWNS INVESTMENTS PLC84.781 B LKR6.0 LKR+1.69%4.17 M0.534.641.29 LKR0.00%
GLAS.N0000PIRAMAL GLASS CEYLON PLC27.838 B LKR29.3 LKR−0.34%26.017 K0.468.683.37 LKR+9.01%5.29%
MGT.N0000HAYLEYS FABRIC PLC20.774 B LKR50.0 LKR−1.96%1.081 M2.709.695.16 LKR+2,328.30%4.00%
Strong buy
MAL.N0000MALWATTE VALLEY PLANTATIONS PLC13.655 B LKR63.9 LKR+4.58%1300.0626.612.40 LKR−2.07%0.25%
MAL.X0000MALWATTE VALLEY PLANTATIONS PLC13.655 B LKR34.5 LKR+0.29%250.0114.362.40 LKR−2.07%0.47%
GRAN.N0000CEYLON GRAIN ELEVATORS PLC10.95 B LKR183.00 LKR+0.55%22.648 K0.523.7948.30 LKR−19.33%9.86%
NAMU.N0000NAMUNUKULA PLANTATIONS PLC8.598 B LKR360.00 LKR+1.84%8.422 K4.795.3966.76 LKR−29.80%3.59%
TAFL.N0000THREE ACRE FARMS PLC7.158 B LKR303.00 LKR+1.51%13.441 K1.452.70112.33 LKR+122.05%9.21%
EBCR.N0000E B CREASY & COMPANY PLC6.263 B LKR24.5 LKR0.00%6.516 K0.7215.351.60 LKR−36.62%6.07%
AGAL.N0000AGALAWATTE PLANTATIONS PLC5.625 B LKR36.0 LKR+1.69%190.378 K2.526.055.95 LKR−44.32%0.00%
KVAL.N0000KELANI VALLEY PLANTATIONS PLC5.27 B LKR77.5 LKR+0.39%448.43 K8.454.3717.71 LKR+21.11%6.77%
PACK.N0000EX-PACK CORRUGATED CARTONS PLC4.733 B LKR14.1 LKR+0.71%247.683 K0.808.351.69 LKR−29.93%5.14%
AGST.N0000AGSTAR PLC3.942 B LKR8.0 LKR+1.27%198.534 K0.83−0.26 LKR−109.10%0.00%
LCEY.N0000LANKEM CEYLON PLC3.757 B LKR75.4 LKR+1.89%170.0034.392.19 LKR−91.85%13.70%
MASK.N0000MASKELIYA PLANTATIONS PLC3.383 B LKR62.6 LKR−1.42%57.467 K0.293.1719.77 LKR+146.86%0.00%
BFL.N0000BAIRAHA FARMS PLC3.08 B LKR175.00 LKR+0.57%5840.038.7719.96 LKR+146.49%3.31%
KGAL.N0000KEGALLE PLANTATIONS PLC3.013 B LKR120.50 LKR+0.42%7850.51−3.58 LKR+66.97%2.90%
BALA.N0000BALANGODA PLANTATIONS PLC2.77 B LKR59.0 LKR−1.50%54.385 K0.485.4210.88 LKR−42.52%0.00%
HAPU.N0000HAPUGASTENNE PLANTATIONS PLC2.177 B LKR47.6 LKR−1.04%5.87 K0.327.636.24 LKR+31.21%0.00%
MADU.N0000MADULSIMA PLANTATIONS PLC2.068 B LKR12.2 LKR+0.83%5270.03−1.13 LKR+43.77%0.00%
APLA.N0000ACL PLASTICS PLC1.92 B LKR457.00 LKR+1.33%3.784 K1.203.83119.38 LKR+19.53%4.39%
KAHA.N0000KAHAWATTE PLANTATIONS PLC1.909 B LKR19.0 LKR−5.94%78.216 K1.5412.611.51 LKR0.00%
CHMX.N0000CHEMANEX PLC1.371 B LKR86.5 LKR−1.70%2830.048.6210.04 LKR+249.61%2.86%
HEXP.N0000HAYLEYS EXPORTS PLC1.222 B LKR52.0 LKR−0.76%13.907 K0.42−1.65 LKR−211.45%0.00%
MCPL.N0000MAHAWELI COCONUT PLANTATIONS LIMITED1.071 B LKR30.6 LKR−0.65%5.625 K0.4613.502.27 LKR+42.55%6.54%
UCAR.N0000UNION CHEMICALS LANKA PLC1.062 B LKR690.50 LKR−0.93%170.044.42156.05 LKR−3.05%6.36%
HOPL.N0000HORANA PLANTATIONS PLC1.01 B LKR40.4 LKR+1.25%15.567 K0.457.245.58 LKR5.20%
SIL.N0000SAMSON INTERNATIONAL PLC643.381 M LKR151.75 LKR−0.98%6552.91−61.35 LKR−85.04%1.32%
AAGPL.N0000AGARAPATANA PLANTA8.8 LKR0.00%469.946 K0.89
MMFPE.N0000MAHARAJA FOODS PLC5.5 LKR+1.85%26.405 K0.61