UK stocks with the best yearly performance

See shares that show the most potential at the moment: UK stocks below are filtered by yearly performance, so you can see how much they gained over 12 months. Compare their stats to make an informed decision.
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Analyst Rating
BANKFIINU PLC ORD GBP0.10+1,284.62%9.00 GBX0.00%435.71 K0.7025.78 M GBP−0.02 GBP−3.23%0.00%Finance
SCGLSEALAND CAPITAL GALAXY LTD ORD GBP0.0001 (DI)+890.83%1.08 GBX−7.69%68.15 M2.5410.14 M GBP0.00%Commercial services
MOSMOBILE STREAMS ORD GBP0.0001+809.09%0.500 GBX0.00%12.78 M0.4547.08 M GBP−0.00 GBP+80.00%0.00%Retail trade
KP2KORE POTASH PLC ORD USD0.001+352.17%2.60 GBX+8.33%430 K0.31105.07 M GBP−0.00 GBP+33.33%0.00%Non-energy minerals
KZGKAZERA GLOBAL PLC ORD GBP0.001+326.67%1.60 GBX0.00%2.19 M0.7515.42 M GBP−0.00 GBP−114.29%0.00%Non-energy minerals
FCHFUNDING CIRCLE HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.001+279.48%108.0 GBX+1.89%464.38 K0.79316.55 M GBP−0.12 GBP−33.69%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
ALTNALTYNGOLD PLC ORD GBP0.1+258.43%320 GBX+3.57%20.28 K0.4284.19 M GBP6.610.48 GBP+197.66%0.00%Non-energy minerals
EUAEURASIA MINING PLC ORD GBP0.001+252.90%5.05 GBX−17.21%56.4 M1.70175.64 M GBP−0.00 GBP+97.96%0.00%Non-energy minerals
RKHROCKHOPPER EXPLORATION ORD GBP0.01+227.43%37.0 GBX−0.27%1.94 M0.60237.65 M GBP21.260.02 GBP−64.63%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
SRBSERABI GOLD PLC ORD GBP0.10+213.27%153.5 GBX+3.02%359.37 K0.61112.84 M GBP7.500.20 GBP+336.25%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
MTECMADE TECH GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0005+212.63%29.7 GBX+6.07%260.55 K0.5341.8 M GBP−0.01 GBP+16.83%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
FTCFILTRONIC PLC ORD GBP0.001+192.50%109 GBX+3.81%2.14 M2.08229.93 M GBP23.090.05 GBP0.00%Electronic technology
CARCARCLO ORD GBP0.05+190.20%22.2 GBX+0.91%150.89 K0.3816.15 M GBP−0.02 GBP+74.38%0.00%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
ZEGZEGONA COMMUNICATIONS PLC ORD GBP0.01+169.05%565 GBX0.00%218.79 K0.714.29 B GBP−0.07 GBP+84.51%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
ZENZENITH ENERGY LTD NPV+167.43%6.75 GBX−18.67%2.36 M2.1420.68 M GBP0.00%Energy minerals
AGYALLERGY THERAPEUTICS ORD GBP0.001+165.38%6.90 GBX+6.15%107.61 K0.35309.82 M GBP−0.01 GBP+62.80%0.00%Health technology
URUURU METALS LTD ORD NPV (DI)+156.00%160 GBX0.00%3120.212.63 M GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
SBTXSKINBIOTHERAPEUTICS PLC ORD GBP0.01+155.24%20.1 GBX0.00%75.23 K0.0846.58 M GBP−0.02 GBP+10.47%0.00%Health technology
MTROMETRO BANK HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.000001+139.19%83.0 GBX−6.43%4.96 M2.13596.93 M GBP13.170.06 GBP−52.91%0.00%Finance
BOOMAUDIOBOOM GROUP PLC ORD NPV+138.50%552 GBX+2.22%192.36 K1.1088.66 M GBP−0.49 GBP+16.89%0.00%Technology services
CNECAPRICORN ENERGY PLC ORD GBP0.06549180+127.27%260.0 GBX−1.70%87.49 K2.17184.78 M GBP−0.86 GBP+51.39%0.00%Energy minerals
AMGOAMIGO HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.0025+125.00%0.450 GBX−5.26%4.54 M1.482.71 M GBP−0.01 GBP+83.06%0.00%Finance
SAVSAVANNAH RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.01+123.84%4.45 GBX+1.14%921.57 K0.7995.6 M GBP−0.00 GBP−22.22%0.00%Non-energy minerals
NEXSNEXUS INFRASTRUCTURE PLC ORD GBP0.02+118.54%165 GBX+3.13%16.66 K0.8814.45 M GBP−0.31 GBP−104.34%1.88%Industrial services
STJST JAMES'S PLACE PLC ORD GBP0.15+118.54%1,101 GBX+4.06%5.15 M2.675.71 B GBP15.170.73 GBP1.32%Finance
GFINGFINITY PLC ORD GBP0.0001+112.50%0.0850 GBX−5.56%13.52 M0.233.61 M GBP−0.00 GBP0.00%Technology services
GMETGUARDIAN METAL RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.01+111.04%32.6 GBX−1.52%187.68 K1.0241.92 M GBP−0.01 GBP−27.06%0.00%Non-energy minerals
CNSCORERO NETWORK SECURITY ORD GBP0.01+110.35%18.7 GBX−2.60%203.79 K0.7398.34 M GBP143.850.00 GBP0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
ANPANPARIO ORD GBP0.23+109.38%478 GBX+4.95%52.01 K0.9693.04 M GBP26.860.18 GBP+56.24%2.36%Process industries
Strong buy
TRDTRIAD GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+109.23%390 GBX−1.27%4100.0465.85 M GBP87.640.04 GBP1.52%Commercial services
TUNTUNGSTEN WEST PLC ORD GBP0.01+108.33%3.13 GBX0.00%172.74 K0.735.9 M GBP−0.08 GBP−1.18%0.00%Non-energy minerals
AAZANGLO ASIAN MINING ORD GBP0.01+108.33%112.5 GBX−4.66%100.92 K1.16134.81 M GBP−0.20 GBP−2,923.61%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
PATPANTHERA RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.01+107.79%12.00 GBX+26.32%5.53 M2.7819.08 M GBP−0.01 GBP+40.49%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
SAESIMEC ATLANTIS ENERGY LTD ORD NPV (DI)+107.27%2.15 GBX0.00%188.8 K0.4715.54 M GBP1.050.02 GBP+325.00%0.00%Utilities
RR.ROLLS ROYCE HOLDINGS ORD GBP0.20+107.15%776.8 GBX+4.41%37.55 M0.9463.27 B GBP26.100.30 GBP+3.69%0.00%Electronic technology
IGEIMAGE SCAN HLDGS ORD GBP0.01+104.55%2.26 GBX0.00%330.08 K1.193.08 M GBP15.000.00 GBP+66.67%0.00%Electronic technology
WNWDWINDWARD LTD ORD NPV (DI)+104.50%205 GBX0.00%2600.00181.3 M GBP−0.07 GBP+53.96%0.00%Technology services
BORBORDERS & SOUTHERN PETROLEUM ORD GBP0.01+102.52%5.40 GBX−0.46%428.55 K0.2144.89 M GBP−0.00 GBP0.00%0.00%Energy minerals
CNCCONCURRENT TECHNOLOGIES ORD GBP0.01+101.82%176.5 GBX+6.33%434.88 K1.85142.41 M GBP30.120.06 GBP+175.12%0.60%Electronic technology
Strong buy
MSMNMOSMAN OIL & GAS LTD ORD NPV (DI)+100.66%0.0306 GBX−7.58%385.06 M1.446.45 M GBP0.00%Energy minerals
NWGNATWEST GROUP PLC ORD GBP1.0769+100.46%480.3 GBX+0.31%52.34 M1.4138.54 B GBP9.030.53 GBP+11.04%3.65%Finance
CADCADOGAN ENERGY SOLUTIONS PLC ORD GBP0.03+99.62%5.25 GBX−4.55%111.41 K0.5913.81 M GBP9.720.01 GBP+5,300.00%0.00%Energy minerals
SNXSYNECTICS PLC ORD GBP0.20+98.02%360 GBX0.00%24.04 K1.0660.8 M GBP1.39%Technology services
CRDLCORDEL GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+97.70%7.75 GBX0.00%7.3 K0.0616.81 M GBP−0.00 GBP−78.26%0.00%Technology services
GKPGULF KEYSTONE PETROLEUM LIMITED COM SHS USD1.00 (DI)+97.35%186.5 GBX−1.95%540 K0.63412.74 M GBP0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
HOCHOCHSCHILD MINING PLC ORD GBP0.01+97.00%183.6 GBX+0.11%797.43 K0.37943.52 M GBP40.980.04 GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
AQXAQUIS EXCHANGE PLC ORD GBP0.10+96.82%705 GBX0.00%2950.05194.12 M GBP38.990.18 GBP+2.44%0.00%Finance
FABFUSION ANTIBODIES PLC ORD GBP0.04+96.73%7.36 GBX−5.16%1.41 M2.127.44 M GBP−0.02 GBP+78.16%0.00%Health services
JUSTJUST GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.10+94.64%167.2 GBX+0.12%1.64 M0.531.73 B GBP19.490.09 GBP+41.82%1.32%Finance
Strong buy
MBTMOBILE TORNADO GRP ORD GBP0.02+93.33%1.45 GBX0.00%3.15 K0.026.37 M GBP−0.00 GBP+16.67%0.00%Commercial services
LIVLIVERMORE INVESTMENTS GROUP LTD ORD NPV+92.02%64.0 GBX+0.39%3.52 K0.29105 M GBP6.770.09 GBP+1,612.73%5.13%Finance
STANSTANDARD CHARTERED PLC ORD USD0.50+91.27%1,268.5 GBX−0.04%10.71 M1.2330.57 B GBP11.771.08 GBP+25.51%1.88%Finance
RM.RM ORD GBP0.0228571428571+88.65%102 GBX+3.28%76.44 K2.2881.88 M GBP0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
BARCBARCLAYS PLC ORD GBP0.25+88.41%311.10 GBX−0.06%47.89 M0.7844.72 B GBP5.750.54 GBP+91.21%2.70%Finance
ALUALUMASC GROUP ORD GBP0.125+87.22%339 GBX−0.73%64.08 K1.09121.99 M GBP12.950.26 GBP+18.83%3.17%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
SFTSOFTWARE CIRCLE PLC ORD GBP0.01+87.18%29.2 GBX+0.69%129.65 K0.92113.12 M GBP243.330.00 GBP0.00%Commercial services
OXBOXFORD BIOMEDICA ORD GBP0.50+82.18%317.0 GBX−3.94%435.32 K1.63349.72 M GBP−1.44 GBP−125.86%0.00%Health technology
SPTSPIRENT COMMUNICATIONS ORD GBP0.03333+81.44%188.7 GBX+1.73%3.34 M2.091.06 B GBP105.420.02 GBP−81.77%0.00%Electronic technology
GOODGOOD ENERGY GROUP ORD GBP0.05+80.83%481 GBX−0.21%14.95 K0.3387.91 M GBP−0.38 GBP−131.72%0.70%Utilities
MAFLMINERAL & FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS LTD ORD GBP0.01 (DI)+79.37%20.0 GBX−14.89%412.32 K2.468.72 M GBP3.810.05 GBP+30.60%0.00%Finance
ALKALKEMY CAPITAL INVESTMENTS PLC ORD GBP0.02+76.06%125.0 GBX+2.04%76.82 K1.4911.66 M GBP−0.15 GBP+55.81%0.00%Finance
CRLCREIGHTONS ORD GBP0.01+71.79%33.6 GBX−0.89%16.26 K0.1823.13 M GBP−0.04 GBP−352.23%1.33%Consumer non-durables
AEXAMINEX NPV (POST REV SPLIT)+71.76%1.460 GBX+12.31%4.61 M1.3454.85 M GBP−0.00 GBP+57.14%0.00%Energy minerals
PBEEPENSIONBEE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.001+71.28%159.5 GBX0.00%53.51 K0.39377.21 M GBP−0.02 GBP+64.41%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
SISSCIENCE IN SPORT PLC ORD GBP0.1+69.70%28.0 GBX0.00%35.38 K0.2064.46 M GBP−0.06 GBP−30.20%0.00%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
VLEVOLVERE ORD GBP0.0000001+69.64%1,900 GBX0.00%250.0141.97 M GBP13.441.41 GBP+250.20%0.00%Consumer non-durables
BKSBEEKS FINANCIAL CLOUD GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.00125+69.46%284 GBX−1.39%56.35 K0.29192.82 M GBP91.000.03 GBP0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
LNDLANDORE RESOURCES LTD ORD NPV+69.23%3.30 GBX−2.94%1.25 M1.9510.64 M GBP−0.01 GBP+24.71%0.00%Non-energy minerals
COSTCOSTAIN GROUP ORD GBP0.01+68.48%108.5 GBX+0.46%1.41 M0.55290.27 M GBP9.840.11 GBP+39.09%1.11%Industrial services
Strong buy
PTECPLAYTECH PLC ORD NPV+67.96%734 GBX+0.14%197.91 K0.722.23 B GBP23.720.31 GBP0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
PLUSPLUS500 LIMITED ORD ILS0.01 (DI)+67.53%2,858 GBX+1.93%137.82 K0.532.06 B GBP10.582.70 GBP+7.47%6.17%Finance
Strong buy
MWEMTI WIRELESS EDGE ORD ILS0.01+66.89%61.0 GBX+6.09%439.52 K2.8349.56 M GBP15.680.04 GBP+6.58%4.26%Electronic technology
ITIMITIM GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.05+66.67%55.0 GBX0.00%97.61 K1.5117.17 M GBP−0.00 GBP+97.01%0.00%Technology services
NWORNATIONAL WORLD PLC ORD GBP0.001+66.54%22.4 GBX−0.44%23.41 K0.2260.22 M GBP16.840.01 GBP+2.31%3.33%Technology services
SEASEASCAPE ENERGY ASIA PLC ORD GBP0.10+66.26%37.5 GBX0.00%141.34 K0.9123.56 M GBP−0.37 GBP−4.47%0.00%Industrial services
Strong buy
FDPFD TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP0.005+65.25%1,636 GBX+0.62%11.14 K0.26359.25 M GBP−1.78 GBP−350.82%0.00%Technology services
XPSXPS PENSIONS GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0005+65.20%375 GBX+1.35%414.79 K0.54763.9 M GBP13.350.28 GBP+298.02%2.89%Finance
Strong buy
IMBIMPERIAL BRANDS PLC GBP0.10+64.78%2,821 GBX+0.93%7.42 M3.7723.15 B GBP9.432.99 GBP+19.21%5.49%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
FARFERRO-ALLOY RESOURCES LTD ORD NPV+64.71%8.40 GBX+1.82%222.07 K0.4040.01 M GBP−0.01 GBP−23.30%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
BAKKBAKKAVOR GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.02+64.65%154.5 GBX+2.66%144.28 K0.97872.04 M GBP14.200.11 GBP+435.96%5.03%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
FARNFARON PHARMACEUTICALS OY ORD NPV (DI)+64.57%175 GBX+2.94%43.63 K4.41185.06 M GBP−0.26 GBP+23.51%0.00%Health technology
ORCHORCHARD FUNDING GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+64.45%28.6 GBX0.00%20.2 K3.926.09 M GBP3.860.07 GBP−7.86%0.00%Finance
ELCOELECO PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY ORD GBP0.01+63.80%138 GBX−2.47%23.18 K1.52117.89 M GBP39.540.03 GBP+40.73%0.60%Technology services
Strong buy
FRESFRESNILLO PLC ORD USD0.50+62.15%754.0 GBX+1.55%678.57 K0.465.47 B GBP28.180.27 GBP+7.13%1.14%Non-energy minerals
III3I GROUP ORD GBP0.738636+61.68%4,013 GBX+1.42%1.34 M1.0438.16 B GBP9.224.35 GBP−6.25%1.64%Finance
RPIRASPBERRY PI HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.0025+60.14%576.5 GBX−3.11%335.01 K0.761.15 B GBP0.00%Electronic technology
CHSSWORLD CHESS PLC ORD GBP0.0001+60.00%5.20 GBX+9.47%300 K3.1533.97 M GBP−0.01 GBP0.00%Technology services
WWSLWORLDSEC LD ORD USD0.001+60.00%2.00 GBX0.00%01.7 M GBP0.00%Finance
QLTQUILTER PLC ORD GBP0.08167+59.25%153.2 GBX+1.06%1.31 M0.562.05 B GBP42.200.04 GBP+68.84%3.56%Finance
TRSTTRUSTPILOT GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+58.75%307.5 GBX+0.99%692.26 K0.601.26 B GBP97.930.03 GBP0.00%Technology services
CTGCHRISTIE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.02+58.49%105 GBX0.00%780.0327.5 M GBP−0.13 GBP−975.68%0.95%Commercial services
MCBMCBRIDE ORD GBP0.10+57.78%142.0 GBX−2.07%233.32 K0.75251.47 M GBP6.250.23 GBP+125.30%0.00%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
ASAIASA INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC ORD GBP1+56.48%84.0 GBX+0.60%10.83 K1.4183.25 M GBP5.520.15 GBP+110.54%2.84%Finance
Strong buy
ALPHALPHA GROUP INTERNATIONAL PLC ORD GBP0.002+55.81%2,680 GBX−1.11%332.12 K0.931.14 B GBP12.172.20 GBP+59.29%0.61%Finance
Strong buy
RWIRENEWI PLC ORD GBP1+54.25%853 GBX+0.12%1.35 M1.00683.41 M GBP−0.64 GBP−232.77%0.59%Industrial services
AVONAVON TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP1+54.21%1,482 GBX+3.49%118.5 K1.84428.5 M GBP197.070.08 GBP1.30%Health technology
LLOYLLOYDS BANKING GROUP ORD GBP0.1+53.85%72.34 GBX−0.88%244.9 M1.0244.25 B GBP3.97%Finance
DXRXDIACEUTICS PLC ORD GBP0.002+53.16%146 GBX−3.00%170.04 K1.26126.7 M GBP−0.03 GBP−33,600.00%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
MKSMARKS & SPENCER GROUP ORD GBP0.01+53.11%364.7 GBX+2.79%28.52 M5.387.17 B GBP15.080.24 GBP+23.48%0.85%Retail trade
IGPINTERCEDE GROUP ORD GBP0.01+53.03%152 GBX−1.94%18.72 K0.1390.32 M GBP15.410.10 GBP+278.08%0.00%Technology services