UK stocks with the best yearly performance

See shares that show the most potential at the moment: UK stocks below are filtered by yearly performance, so you can see how much they gained over 12 months. Compare their stats to make an informed decision.
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Analyst Rating
00NOOCINKARNA CELJE INC NPV+900.00%134.0 EUR+900.00%0169.8 M GBP80.431.41 GBP−36.00%16.21%Process industries
MMNRGMETALNRG PLC ORD GBP0.0001+836.78%0.490 GBX+11.14%14.74 M0.305.42 M GBP−0.00 GBP+34.62%0.00%Non-energy minerals
KP2KORE POTASH PLC ORD USD0.001+405.26%2.40 GBX−20.00%5.92 M1.19130.57 M GBP−0.00 GBP+33.33%0.00%Non-energy minerals
FFTCFILTRONIC PLC ORD GBP0.001+356.96%74.0 GBX−1.33%314.82 K0.46164.24 M GBP51.390.01 GBP+111.76%0.00%Electronic technology
GMETGUARDIAN METAL RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.01+270.52%29.0 GBX+0.35%51.94 K0.2134.36 M GBP−0.01 GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
PHEPOWERHOUSE ENERGY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.005+260.54%1.022 GBX+2.25%3.92 M0.5541.97 M GBP−0.00 GBP−25.00%0.00%Utilities
MMOSMOBILE STREAMS ORD GBP0.0001+243.24%0.305 GBX−0.07%18.53 M1.0725.82 M GBP0.00%Retail trade
SSYS1SYSTEM1 GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+240.00%610 GBX+0.33%1310.0177.4 M GBP38.200.16 GBP+115.32%0.82%Commercial services
Strong buy
FCHFUNDING CIRCLE HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.001+234.21%127.0 GBX+1.20%418.8 K0.57387.71 M GBP−0.12 GBP−235.60%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
CMCXCMC MARKETS ORD GBP0.25+215.43%296.5 GBX−12.41%1.64 M5.75944.79 M GBP17.600.17 GBP2.45%Finance
ZZNTZENTRA GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+213.33%9.40 GBX+17.50%1.72 K0.083.09 M GBP−0.09 GBP−33.28%0.00%Finance
SSNXSYNECTICS PLC ORD GBP0.20+202.69%312 GBX−1.26%19.25 K0.4953.2 M GBP17.430.18 GBP+610.76%1.59%Technology services
AGYALLERGY THERAPEUTICS ORD GBP0.001+186.52%5.10 GBX−7.27%96.61 K0.24262.15 M GBP−0.01 GBP0.00%Health technology
FFINFINSETA PLC ORD GBP0.01+180.53%35.6 GBX+4.76%245.21 K3.4519.52 M GBP8.100.04 GBP0.00%Retail trade
SRBSERABI GOLD PLC ORD GBP0.10+169.51%91.2 GBX+2.49%162.37 K0.4867.4 M GBP8.040.11 GBP+548.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
CARCARCLO ORD GBP0.05+164.92%31.8 GBX+1.57%101.54 K0.7122.98 M GBP−0.04 GBP−164.88%0.00%Producer manufacturing
IGPINTERCEDE GROUP ORD GBP0.01+156.55%181 GBX+1.12%35.29 K0.81104.61 M GBP18.700.10 GBP+690.98%0.00%Technology services
MMPACMPAC GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.25+155.67%522 GBX−1.23%44.03 K0.53153.3 M GBP17.220.30 GBP+25.54%0.00%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
UURUURU METALS LTD ORD NPV (DI)+154.55%140 GBX+3.70%3540.782.22 M GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
MTROMETRO BANK HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.000001+153.31%100.2 GBX+6.94%3.63 M1.59630.47 M GBP72.610.01 GBP0.00%Finance
MMTLMETALS EXPLORATION(UK) ORD GBP0.0001+148.79%5.72 GBX+4.04%1.04 M0.5395.05 M GBP1.070.05 GBP+2,565.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
BBKSBEEKS FINANCIAL CLOUD GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.00125+147.85%264 GBX−2.59%25.44 K0.14181.54 M GBP85.190.03 GBP+119.01%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
CNSCORERO NETWORK SECURITY ORD GBP0.01+145.16%21.8 GBX−3.24%131.12 K0.70115.24 M GBP167.460.00 GBP−62.86%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
ALTNALTYNGOLD PLC ORD GBP0.1+144.94%230 GBX+2.68%10.18 K0.5561.23 M GBP4.760.48 GBP−14.35%0.00%Non-energy minerals
TRSTTRUSTPILOT GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+143.85%283.0 GBX+1.11%734.45 K0.591.16 B GBP90.160.03 GBP0.00%Technology services
TTRDTRIAD GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+137.19%320 GBX−1.48%4.75 K0.3954.18 M GBP71.960.04 GBP1.85%Commercial services
DDGIDG INNOVATE PLC ORD GBP0.0001+135.00%0.0752 GBX−2.97%9.55 M0.159.22 M GBP−0.00 GBP0.00%Miscellaneous
RR.ROLLS ROYCE HOLDINGS ORD GBP0.20+121.11%534.2 GBX+1.52%10.69 M0.3844.75 B GBP19.320.28 GBP0.00%Electronic technology
OXBOXFORD BIOMEDICA ORD GBP0.50+119.95%413.5 GBX+0.24%45.3 K0.22436.93 M GBP−1.44 GBP−445.56%0.00%Health technology
SSISSCIENCE IN SPORT PLC ORD GBP0.1+116.67%26.0 GBX−1.89%800.1 K0.7761.01 M GBP−0.06 GBP+37.75%0.00%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
ZEGZEGONA COMMUNICATIONS PLC ORD GBP0.01+116.00%324 GBX0.00%684.29 K2.052.46 B GBP−0.07 GBP+80.51%0.00%Finance
MMSMNMOSMAN OIL & GAS LTD ORD NPV (DI)+114.21%0.0408 GBX+1.75%160.82 M0.347.8 M GBP0.00%Energy minerals
MMTECMADE TECH GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0005+112.47%23.0 GBX+1.10%1.67 M2.7933.96 M GBP−0.02 GBP−680.95%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
SSEASEASCAPE ENERGY ASIA PLC ORD GBP0.10+111.97%39.9 GBX−0.37%332.4 K0.4122.84 M GBP−0.37 GBP−282.68%0.00%Industrial services
Strong buy
RRTCRTC GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+111.35%110 GBX+7.22%370.0113.95 M GBP8.210.13 GBP5.46%Commercial services
HOCHOCHSCHILD MINING PLC ORD GBP0.01+111.15%231.0 GBX+1.76%610.96 K0.371.17 B GBP51.560.04 GBP−18.40%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
PBEEPENSIONBEE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.001+106.94%149.0 GBX0.00%13.01 K0.06351.72 M GBP−0.02 GBP+82.12%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
SMDSSMITH(DS) ORD GBP0.10+106.23%579.5 GBX+0.87%722.02 K0.147.91 B GBP20.790.28 GBP+37.61%3.13%Process industries
AAQXAQUIS EXCHANGE PLC ORD GBP0.10+103.49%700 GBX−0.71%5.07 K0.07194.12 M GBP38.720.18 GBP+28.32%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
KKZGKAZERA GLOBAL PLC ORD GBP0.001+101.60%1.24 GBX+0.90%270.09 K0.1611.81 M GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
EECRECR MINERALS PLC ORD GBP0.00001+98.85%0.432 GBX+0.35%23.81 M1.128.19 M GBP−0.00 GBP+29.41%0.00%Non-energy minerals
CCNCCONCURRENT TECHNOLOGIES ORD GBP0.01+97.99%142.5 GBX+1.10%89.44 K0.22120.96 M GBP24.330.06 GBP+130.71%0.71%Electronic technology
Strong buy
NWGNATWEST GROUP PLC ORD GBP1.0769+93.63%398.1 GBX+0.28%17.57 M0.8631.88 B GBP7.670.52 GBP+10.40%4.28%Finance
GGBPGLOBAL PETROLEUM LIMITED NPV+92.53%0.1830 GBX−1.14%18.29 M0.427.25 M GBP−0.00 GBP+75.00%0.00%Energy minerals
AALUALUMASC GROUP ORD GBP0.125+92.40%310 GBX+0.08%16.5 K0.19110.9 M GBP12.860.24 GBP−9.53%3.47%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
MGNSMORGAN SINDALL GRP PLC ORD GBP0.05+89.58%3,820 GBX−0.52%226.96 K2.541.8 B GBP14.582.62 GBP+24.03%3.11%Industrial services
Strong buy
AALGWALPHA GROWTH PLC ORD GBP0.001+85.90%2.12 GBX+8.21%4.94 M35.599.12 M GBP−0.00 GBP−13.64%0.00%Commercial services
AMGOAMIGO HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.0025+85.71%0.650 GBX−13.33%3.17 M0.484.28 M GBP−0.03 GBP−107.92%0.00%Finance
TTRTTRANSENSE TECHNOLOGIES ORD GBP0.10+85.00%185 GBX+2.78%5.2 K0.3327.4 M GBP18.260.10 GBP+94.06%0.00%Electronic technology
KLRKELLER GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.10+83.90%1,508 GBX+1.21%31.37 K0.151.09 B GBP8.861.70 GBP+86.21%3.21%Industrial services
Strong buy
BARCBARCLAYS PLC ORD GBP0.25+83.75%260.05 GBX+0.42%14.27 M0.4037.37 B GBP8.980.29 GBP3.17%Finance
FDPFD TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP0.005+83.37%1,742 GBX+0.46%5.11 K0.07489.33 M GBP−1.45 GBP−733.55%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
WWNWDWINDWARD LTD ORD NPV (DI)+82.58%120.5 GBX−1.63%94.79 K1.87108.6 M GBP−0.07 GBP+61.14%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
AVONAVON TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP1+80.02%1,360 GBX+0.22%30.52 K0.31406.36 M GBP180.980.08 GBP1.31%Health technology
SSFTSOFTWARE CIRCLE PLC ORD GBP0.01+78.86%22.0 GBX−4.35%2500.0089.72 M GBP−0.01 GBP−51.02%0.00%Commercial services
XLMXLMEDIA PLC ORD USD0.000001+78.65%12.00 GBX−1.94%512.71 K0.9031.42 M GBP−0.18 GBP−1,135.59%0.00%Commercial services
ASAIASA INTERNATIONAL GROUP PLC ORD GBP1+77.78%64.0 GBX+0.39%6.5 K1.4463.75 M GBP4.220.15 GBP+3.48%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
HHEXHELIX EXPLORATION PLC ORD GBP0.01+75.83%21.2 GBX−4.95%934.1 K0.2827.43 M GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
PTECPLAYTECH PLC ORD NPV+75.56%724 GBX+0.42%133.2 K0.532.2 B GBP23.390.31 GBP−69.44%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
SEPLSEPLAT ENERGY PLC NGN0.5 (DI)+75.20%216 GBX−0.69%43 K0.281.28 B GBP19.480.11 GBP+190.29%4.40%Energy minerals
AJBAJ BELL PLC ORD GBP0.000125+75.00%458.5 GBX+1.21%277.08 K0.391.87 B GBP23.300.20 GBP+107.59%2.54%Finance
CCLCARNIVAL PLC ORD USD1.66+74.83%1,778.0 GBX+0.42%126.79 K0.1524.81 B GBP20.380.87 GBP0.00%Consumer services
SAVSAVANNAH RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.01+73.75%4.17 GBX+4.25%233.57 K0.0786.91 M GBP−0.00 GBP−10.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
COSTCOSTAIN GROUP ORD GBP0.01+72.98%99.0 GBX−2.60%627.06 K0.87272.8 M GBP8.960.11 GBP1.18%Industrial services
PLUSPLUS500 LIMITED ORD ILS0.01 (DI)+72.14%2,496 GBX−0.32%97.63 K0.571.85 B GBP9.282.69 GBP−8.51%6.02%Finance
BPTBRIDGEPOINT GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.00005+69.21%337.2 GBX+1.58%25.24 K0.062.73 B GBP40.930.08 GBP2.71%Finance
MCBMCBRIDE ORD GBP0.10+68.63%100.0 GBX−0.90%73.1 K0.21175.16 M GBP5.320.19 GBP0.00%Consumer non-durables
Strong buy
SSUPSUPREME PLC ORD GBP0.10+67.76%166.0 GBX+1.76%65.24 K0.61190.08 M GBP9.150.18 GBP+59.74%2.88%Producer manufacturing
AADVTADVANCEDADVT LIMITED ORD NPV (DI)+67.06%140 GBX0.00%88.93 K0.24186.48 M GBP19.940.07 GBP0.00%Finance
PPRIMPRIMORUS INVESTMENTS PLC ORD GBP0.002+66.67%4.20 GBX+5.00%15.2 K0.185.59 M GBP6.360.01 GBP0.00%Non-energy minerals
CEYCENTAMIN PLC ORD NPV (DI)+66.14%147.7 GBX+4.01%10.02 M1.751.68 B GBP26.050.06 GBP−31.44%2.31%Non-energy minerals
HHERCHERCULES SITE SERVICES PLC ORD GBP0.001+65.77%43.0 GBX−1.15%4040.0234.63 M GBP43.430.01 GBP3.95%Industrial services
Strong buy
PPALMPANTHER METALS PLC ORD NPV.+65.52%120 GBX−2.04%1.68 K0.095.18 M GBP−0.40 GBP−407.16%0.00%Non-energy minerals
TTIMETIME FINANCE PLC ORD GBP0.1+65.31%61.0 GBX+0.50%185.24 K0.4856.06 M GBP12.480.05 GBP+383.17%0.00%Commercial services
ELIXELIXIRR INTERNATIONAL PLC ORD GBP0.00005+65.31%810 GBX+1.89%11.91 K0.22380.05 M GBP22.240.36 GBP+61.15%1.86%Commercial services
Strong buy
WW7LWARPAINT LONDON PLC ORD GBP0.25+64.66%540 GBX+2.86%68.38 K0.33408.15 M GBP24.460.22 GBP+213.64%1.71%Distribution services
Strong buy
PHLLPETERSHILL PARTNERS PLC ORD USD0.01+64.26%238.5 GBX−6.29%61.97 K0.102.75 B GBP9.760.24 GBP5.88%Finance
CCLBSCELEBRUS TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP0.02+64.22%303 GBX0.00%21.31 K0.45120.23 M GBP30.650.10 GBP+138.41%1.04%Technology services
Strong buy
JUSTJUST GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.10+63.56%136.8 GBX−0.29%936.13 K0.471.43 B GBP15.940.09 GBP1.60%Finance
EELCOELECO PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY ORD GBP0.01+63.51%139 GBX+1.45%36.07 K2.07114.07 M GBP39.820.03 GBP+27.37%0.62%Technology services
Strong buy
GGCMGCM RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.01+63.35%1.63 GBX−9.25%30.93 K0.054.97 M GBP−0.01 GBP+45.05%0.00%Energy minerals
GYMGYM GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0001+62.60%159.8 GBX−0.75%51.03 K0.20287.74 M GBP−0.01 GBP0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
III3I GROUP ORD GBP0.738636+62.59%3,512 GBX+1.27%302.18 K0.2533.45 B GBP8.074.35 GBP+17.71%1.76%Finance
OORRORIOLE RESOURCES PLC ORD GBP0.001+62.08%0.324 GBX+0.47%1.01 M0.0612.56 M GBP−0.00 GBP+60.00%0.00%Non-energy minerals
DLARDE LA RUE ORD GBP0.4486857+62.06%97.4 GBX−1.22%36.19 K0.06193.35 M GBP−0.10 GBP−197.71%0.00%Commercial services
EEPWNEPWIN GROUP PLC GBP0.0005+61.95%107.5 GBX+0.65%6.66 K0.04148.16 M GBP17.260.06 GBP−32.10%4.58%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
CURYCURRYS PLC ORD GBP0.001+61.24%76.60 GBX−1.56%862.28 K0.35861.61 M GBP5.230.15 GBP+142.22%0.00%Distribution services
MOTRMOTORPOINT GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01+59.97%123.5 GBX−0.80%6.15 K0.07105.83 M GBP−0.10 GBP−150.29%0.00%Retail trade
Strong buy
PPEBPEBBLE BEACH SYSTEMS GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.025+59.37%10.2 GBX−2.86%50 K3.6013.08 M GBP8.230.01 GBP+110.17%0.00%Technology services
MMBTMOBILE TORNADO GRP ORD GBP0.02+58.93%1.79 GBX+5.18%70.89 K0.737.46 M GBP−0.00 GBP+7.41%0.00%Commercial services
SSITSERAPHIM SPACE INVESTMENT TRUST PLC ORD GBP0.01+58.19%54.2 GBX−1.47%225.67 K0.67130.46 M GBP19.150.03 GBP+100.71%0.00%Miscellaneous
YU.YU GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.005+58.00%1,860 GBX−0.69%25.74 K0.69314.71 M GBP8.812.11 GBP+358.75%2.13%Utilities
Strong buy
GFRDGALLIFORD TRY HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.5+57.58%365 GBX−2.46%48.07 K0.33372.95 M GBP10.520.35 GBP+536.51%3.07%Industrial services
Strong buy
PPCIPPCI-PAL PLC ORD GBP0.01+56.77%65.0 GBX−2.17%2 K0.0448.16 M GBP−0.02 GBP+61.33%0.00%Finance
XPSXPS PENSIONS GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0005+56.25%350 GBX−2.23%1.02 M2.75739.11 M GBP14.190.25 GBP+456.66%2.79%Finance
Strong buy
PAGPARAGON BANKING GROUP PLC ORD GBP1+56.01%729.5 GBX+0.83%63.93 K0.081.46 B GBP8.340.87 GBP+12.67%5.47%Finance
BMYBLOOMSBURY PUBLISHING ORD GBP0.0125+55.76%648 GBX−0.92%45.4 K0.14529.08 M GBP14.220.46 GBP+105.09%2.28%Consumer services
Strong buy
IHPINTEGRAFIN HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.01+54.90%379.5 GBX+0.66%912.29 K2.091.25 B GBP24.030.16 GBP+1.28%2.71%Miscellaneous
IHGINTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP ORD GBP0.208521303+54.78%9,556 GBX+0.38%65.76 K0.1615.05 B GBP31.083.07 GBP+73.66%1.31%Consumer services
QLTQUILTER PLC ORD GBP0.08167+54.39%141.4 GBX−0.06%135 K0.111.91 B GBP38.960.04 GBP−74.49%3.82%Finance