Snow lake resources = life changing moneySnow lake has been developing an admirable portfolio of drill sites to their repertoire. With multiple drill sites containing a slew of significant resources, and the snow lake site appraised with an estimated NPV of 1.7 billion. This company seems like a no brainer. Their drill site results should be published soon this month or in Feburary, and they have done three cash offerings to raise cash on hand and capital. The company is well positioned to drill on their sites. I have estimated that they will be making 150 million a year in revenue just off of the lithium in their snow lake site. They have found Uranium and Gallium at their drill sites as well. Gallium is crucial for semiconductor fabrcation and is considered one of the most valuable resources on this day. Most of Gallium and semicoductor production is found in Taiwan and this discovery raises an eye when it comes to valuation on this company. With Ai needing more power for the data centers Uranium/nuclear power has become a major point when it comes to pwoering these data centers. With a market cap of 100million currently this company is considered seriously undervalued with just the estimated profit from lithium drilling at snow lake. I think you will see this company reach a valuation of around 1billion-5billion and you might see these shares rise up from around 1.00 to 20-40 dollars a share in a few years time.