US stocks at their lowest yearly price

Below, US stocks at their 52-week lows are gathered in one list: study their performance and companies' financials to see which ones have potential to grow back.
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
ABOSAcumen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
1.65 USD+2.48%547.08 K1.6699.13 M USD−1.37 USD−23.23%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
ACHVAchieve Life Sciences, Inc.
3.09 USD+0.65%379.92 K1.09106.26 M USD−1.13 USD+46.27%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
AADGMAdagio Medical Holdings, Inc
0.7745 USD−5.88%235.39 K0.1611.77 M USD−17.32 USD−19,537.19%0.00%Health technology
AALURAllurion Technologies, Inc.
2.93 USD−6.09%279.65 K1.887.94 M USD−11.89 USD+87.87%0.00%Health technology
ARTVArtiva Biotherapeutics, Inc.
6.53 USD−3.69%68.07 K1.03158.61 M USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
ASTCAstrotech Corporation
6.58 USD−0.68%5.81 K0.8411.19 M USD−7.30 USD−19.00%0.00%Electronic technology
AATCHAtlasClear Holdings, Inc.
6.50 USD−2.26%86.93 K0.742.52 M USD−625.50 USD−81,471.61%0.00%Technology services
AZTRAzitra Inc
0.2470 USD−8.18%1.75 M0.331.88 M USD−13.36 USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
BGIBirks Group Inc.
1.47 USD+1.10%18.18 K3.5028.31 M USD−0.24 USD+11.94%0.00%Retail trade
BHMBluerock Homes Trust, Inc.
12.40 USD−0.80%9.41 K1.5849.13 M USD−0.98 USD+5.09%0.00%Finance
BIAFbioAffinity Technologies, Inc.
0.6750 USD−6.76%170.77 K0.4110.52 M USD−0.80 USD+5.64%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
CALCaleres, Inc.
19.75 USD−1.94%462.63 K0.66664.17 M USD4.404.49 USD+2.92%1.42%Retail trade
CDTGCDT Environmental Technology Investment Holdings Limited
1.37 USD+9.95%141.94 K0.3114.66 M USD15.170.09 USD−3.42%0.00%Producer manufacturing
CCEROCERo Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.
2.34 USD−6.02%313.88 K0.226.08 M USD−43.79 USD−17.53%0.00%Health technology
CKXCKX Lands, Inc.
11.74 USD−1.75%30.52 K4.0923.8 M USD53.440.22 USD0.00%Miscellaneous
DMDesktop Metal, Inc.
2.19 USD−9.88%547.32 K1.8573.02 M USD−11.15 USD+22.83%0.00%Electronic technology
DNUTKrispy Kreme, Inc.
8.58 USD0.00%2.82 M1.791.46 B USD52.770.16 USD1.63%Distribution services
DYNDyne Therapeutics, Inc.
14.13 USD−4.33%2.48 M0.961.44 B USD−3.56 USD+0.90%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
DDYNXDynamix Corporation
9.80 USD+0.07%606.05 K12.3556.33 M USD0.00%Finance
EVTVEnvirotech Vehicles, Inc.
1.06 USD−6.19%54.05 K1.5421.06 M USD−0.63 USD+80.29%0.00%Producer manufacturing
EYENEyenovia, Inc.
0.0626 USD−5.15%34.89 M0.906.98 M USD−0.73 USD−9.76%0.00%Health technology
FBYDFalcon's Beyond Global, Inc.
5.55 USD−8.32%46.04 K2.06847.14 M USD0.00%Industrial services
FDMT4D Molecular Therapeutics, Inc.
4.58 USD−2.14%927.66 K1.22211.72 M USD0.00%Health technology
FFLOCFlowco Holdings Inc.
30.00 USD+1.01%1.16 MIndustrial services
HCATHealth Catalyst, Inc
5.49 USD−0.18%1.78 M2.29334.05 M USD−1.35 USD+39.34%0.00%Technology services
HHSHarte Hanks, Inc.
5.19 USD+3.39%20.34 K0.8137.83 M USD−4.11 USD−235.15%0.00%Commercial services
HOWLWerewolf Therapeutics, Inc.
1.33 USD−0.75%179.17 K0.5459.27 M USD−1.50 USD−34.90%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
HHYZNHyzon Motors Inc.
0.8700 USD−2.42%177.86 K0.666.76 M USD−35.11 USD−45.90%0.00%Finance
ICUSeaStar Medical Holding Corporation
1.75 USD+2.34%155.01 K0.677.81 M USD−12.04 USD+84.29%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
IDYAIDEAYA Biosciences, Inc.
22.18 USD−2.38%528.54 K0.651.92 B USD−2.33 USD−19.54%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
IMTXImmatics N.V.
5.35 USD+0.19%1.06 M1.14638.55 M USD−0.65 USD−236.75%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
IMUXImmunic, Inc.
0.9530 USD−3.38%1.72 M1.8485.85 M USD−1.24 USD+61.97%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
IONSIonis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
31.43 USD−2.63%1.37 M0.894.96 B USD−2.44 USD+14.63%0.00%Health technology
IPDNProfessional Diversity Network, Inc.
0.4186 USD−4.32%235.67 K0.376.11 M USD−0.19 USD+58.75%0.00%Commercial services
IISPCiSpecimen Inc.
2.37 USD−16.84%14.79 M33.042.28 M USD−18.93 USD+16.31%0.00%Commercial services
1.47 USD−1.34%47.31 K0.8016.17 M USD−0.22 USD−228.66%0.00%Retail trade
JSPRJasper Therapeutics, Inc.
5.51 USD+3.18%722.12 K0.4882.66 M USD−4.75 USD+42.77%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
6.40 USD−18.99%35.42 K43.42 M USD−0.55 USD−214.27%0.00%Finance
LOOPLoop Industries, Inc.
1.03 USD+3.01%116.23 K0.9249.05 M USD−0.57 USD−155.56%0.00%Process industries
Strong buy
LRHCLa Rosa Holdings Corp.
0.4670 USD+1.52%1 M0.499.99 M USD−1.28 USD−454.88%0.00%Finance
LUCKLucky Strike Entertainment Corporation
9.97 USD−5.85%1.6 M3.601.46 B USD−0.62 USD−200.55%2.21%Consumer services
Strong buy
LVWRLiveWire Group, Inc.
4.04 USD−7.97%96.62 K2.81821.13 M USD−0.51 USD+83.04%0.00%Consumer durables
MBIOMustang Bio, Inc.
5.55 USD−5.61%130.84 K0.1411.88 M USD−89.43 USD+70.57%0.00%Health technology
MGNXMacroGenics, Inc.
3.00 USD−0.99%576.19 K1.12188.29 M USD−1.57 USD−296.97%0.00%Health technology
MMLGOMicroAlgo, Inc.
1.71 USD+0.59%1.87 M0.5217.05 M USD0.00%Technology services
NNCEWNew Century Logistics (BVI) Limited
1.72 USD−2.27%73.37 K1.0736.98 M USD0.00%Transportation
NNOEMCO2 Energy Transition Corp.
9.80 USD−0.20%24.62 K−0.01 USD+58.26%0.00%Finance
OKUROnKure Therapeutics, Inc.
5.79 USD−3.66%89.69 K0.6273.26 M USD−16.85 USD+27.87%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
ORKAOruka Therapeutics, Inc.
12.25 USD−2.78%185.1 K0.56428.73 M USD−6.69 USD−48.01%0.00%Commercial services
Strong buy
ORKTOrangekloud Technology Inc.
1.12 USD−72.14%21.07 M5.30Technology services
PCSAProcessa Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0.8080 USD−6.59%56.5 K0.872.99 M USD−5.02 USD+78.41%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
PEPGPepGen Inc.
2.30 USD−4.96%131.86 K1.0074.97 M USD−2.98 USD+4.49%0.00%Health technology
PHLTPerformant Healthcare, Inc.
2.31 USD−1.70%142.44 K0.81180.85 M USD−0.11 USD+11.34%0.00%Commercial services
Strong buy
PMAXPowell Max Limited
0.6400 USD−22.87%4.17 M1.049.36 M USD17.340.04 USD0.00%Communications
PTIXProtagenic Therapeutics, Inc.
0.4390 USD−2.01%41.77 K0.253.18 M USD−1.27 USD−40.51%0.00%Health technology
PZZAPapa John's International, Inc.
36.01 USD−1.64%2.95 M1.891.18 B USD12.502.88 USD+23.11%5.11%Consumer services
RFACRF Acquisition Corp.
11.45 USD+0.88%67.19 K4.9653.24 M USD−0.26 USD−3,522.37%0.00%Finance
RIMEAlgorhythm Holdings, Inc.
0.0416 USD−1.65%387.14 M2.613.92 M USD0.00%Consumer services
RTCBaijiayun Group Ltd - Class
1.94 USD−5.37%20.44 K0.3049.7 M USD−3.47 USD−2,942.02%0.00%Technology services
SAMBoston Beer Company, Inc. (The)
252.43 USD−0.12%189.41 K0.962.9 B USD37.006.82 USD+0.69%0.00%Consumer non-durables
SCPXScorpius Holdings, Inc.
0.3700 USD−1.86%6.24 M0.611.8 M USDHealth technology
SDSTStardust Power Inc.
2.04 USD−7.27%83.5 K1.1797.91 M USD−1.01 USD−381.94%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
SGHTSight Sciences, Inc.
2.83 USD−0.35%694.25 K2.80143.64 M USD−1.01 USD+20.46%0.00%Health technology
SHOTSafety Shot, Inc.
0.5435 USD−3.72%1.04 M0.8934.13 M USD−0.85 USD−19.32%0.00%Health technology
SSLXNSilexion Therapeutics Corp
0.8800 USD−6.38%968.39 K0.403.52 M USD−19.71 USD−4,434.67%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
SPCEVirgin Galactic Holdings, Inc.
5.15 USD−2.46%2.19 M1.30148.71 M USD−17.33 USD+53.36%0.00%Electronic technology
SSTAIScanTech AI Systems Inc.
1.75 USD−10.03%532.94 K0.2532.76 M USD9.500.18 USD0.00%Finance
SSTBXStarbox Group Holdings Ltd.
1.02 USD−0.49%3.84 M5.9056.48 M USD0.00%Commercial services
TCRXTScan Therapeutics, Inc.
2.40 USD−2.44%238.54 K0.63128.09 M USD−0.94 USD+61.82%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
THRDThird Harmonic Bio, Inc.
5.79 USD+1.94%229.38 K0.75260.89 M USD−0.96 USD+9.55%0.00%Health technology
TMDXTransMedics Group, Inc.
57.20 USD−1.41%2.67 M0.701.92 B USD61.280.93 USD0.00%Health technology
TTTGTTechTarget, Inc.
17.39 USD−2.79%133.99 K0.551.24 B USDTechnology services
VVCIGVCI Global Limited
1.30 USD0.00%7.05 M3.9929.78 M USD0.00%Commercial services
WENWendy's Company (The)
14.60 USD−1.68%4.07 M0.922.98 B USD15.530.94 USD+0.57%6.85%Consumer services
WNWMeiwu Technology Company Limited
0.3675 USD+19.32%11.54 M0.9123.29 M USD−6.29 USD−5,486.59%0.00%Retail trade
YYAIConnexa Sports Technologies Inc.
0.8300 USD−20.19%602.48 K1.0812.09 M USD−91.86 USD+89.35%0.00%Process industries
ZNTLZentalis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
2.24 USD−6.28%3.17 M1.77159.63 M USD−2.53 USD+45.44%0.00%Health technology
ZURAZura Bio Limited
1.77 USD−1.67%393.55 K1.16115.57 M USD−0.59 USD−376.05%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy