Most actively traded US stocks in pre-market

US stocks below were the most actively traded in the pre-market. They often show large price movements and potential for gains (or additional risk). Stocks are sorted by pre-market volume, but have other important stats too.
Pre-market Vol
Pre-market Close
Pre-market Chg
Pre-market Chg %
Pre-market Gap %
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
TNONTenon Medical, Inc.
102.74 M4.3100 USD3.3319 USD+340.65%+72.78%4.8350 USD+394.33%133.71 M3.07 M USD+45.42%
BBONBon Natural Life Limited
68.91 M0.1510 USD0.0019 USD+1.27%−0.74%0.1501 USD+0.67%73.95 M424.59 K USD−41.57%
POAIPredictive Oncology Inc.
56.5 M2.10 USD0.99 USD+88.34%+15.70%1.91 USD+71.25%73.27 M13.77 M USD−22.28%
MULNMullen Automotive, Inc.
54.81 M0.3600 USD0.1042 USD+40.73%−0.27%0.3772 USD+47.46%64.26 M1.39 M USD−95.11%
DGLYDigital Ally, Inc.
27.56 M0.0369 USD−0.0179 USD−32.66%−10.77%0.0374 USD−31.75%35.31 M2.96 M USD−25.25%
DDMNDamon Inc.
19.95 M0.0366 USD−0.0034 USD−8.50%0.00%0.0357 USD−10.75%27.07 M1.12 M USD
DATSDatChat, Inc.
11.57 M3.71 USD1.55 USD+71.77%−6.48%3.25 USD+50.46%17.63 M13.68 M USD+139.45%
STFSStar Fashion Culture Holdings Limited
10.68 M1.17 USD0.09 USD+8.78%+25.51%1.20 USD+11.57%12.24 M13.02 M USD
LGMKLogicMark, Inc.
9.41 M0.1070 USD−0.0057 USD−5.06%+2.22%0.1070 USD−5.06%9.73 M704.32 K USD−50.61%
HHWHHWH International Inc.
7.91 M1.30 USD−0.14 USD−9.72%+11.11%1.23 USD−14.65%9.15 M7.96 M USD−50.35%
DMDesktop Metal, Inc.
7.18 M3.87 USD1.60 USD+70.48%−0.44%3.99 USD+75.77%9.95 M133.03 M USD−62.85%
FFAIFaraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc.
6.35 M1.51 USD0.13 USD+9.42%+10.87%1.43 USD+3.26%9.44 M103.94 M USD+1,228.55%
ALMSAlumis Inc.
6.32 M5.67 USD1.90 USD+50.20%+13.91%5.13 USD+35.89%8.49 M279.11 M USD
TSLATesla, Inc.
4.6 M283.52 USD5.13 USD+1.84%+2.41%278.18 USD−0.08%15.91 M894.75 B USD+35.61%
PTPIPetros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
4.39 M0.0562 USD−0.0148 USD−20.85%−4.65%0.0577 USD−18.73%4.89 M1.73 M USD−30.76%
PTNPalatin Technologies, Inc.
3.83 M0.8109 USD0.0580 USD+7.70%+5.64%0.7702 USD+2.30%4.22 M20.03 M USD−17.60%
3.53 M2.65 USD0.39 USD+17.26%+0.44%2.59 USD+14.38%4.63 M17.54 M USD−65.95%
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
3.4 M120.57 USD−0.84 USD−0.70%−0.44%120.22 USD−0.98%13.11 M2.93 T USD+26.92%, Inc.
3.4 M3.73 USD0.19 USD+5.37%+3.39%3.76 USD+6.22%7.65 M1.07 B USD+69.83%
HHOLOMicroCloud Hologram Inc.
3.21 M0.98 USD−0.13 USD−11.71%−0.90%0.95 USD−14.39%4.93 M19.52 M USD−48.97%
AGMHAGM Group Holdings Inc.
3.05 M0.0668 USD−0.0032 USD−4.57%0.00%0.0659 USD−5.86%3.76 M1.74 M USD−96.19%
VVPRVivoPower International PLC
2.82 M2.75 USD−0.47 USD−14.60%−3.11%2.54 USD−21.12%4.25 M11.28 M USD−32.58%
DNBDun & Bradstreet Holdings, Inc.
2.78 M8.97 USD−0.02 USD−0.22%−0.22%8.98 USD−0.10%3.2 M3.97 B USD−12.64%
BTOGBit Origin Limited
2.04 M0.2650 USD−0.0074 USD−2.72%+4.63%0.2610 USD−4.19%2.47 M2.23 M USD−92.53%
LYTLytus Technologies Holdings PTV. Ltd.
2.03 M0.0563 USD−0.0032 USD−5.38%0.00%0.0505 USD−15.13%3.65 M1.57 M USD−74.82%
MMLGOMicroAlgo, Inc.
1.91 M11.35 USD−2.64 USD−18.87%−5.65%10.26 USD−26.66%4.73 M102.32 M USD+0.68%
NVNINvni Group Limited
1.83 M0.1854 USD−0.0102 USD−5.21%+0.20%0.1848 USD−5.52%2.1 M6.17 M USD−83.95%
PLTRPalantir Technologies Inc.
1.8 M97.32 USD0.57 USD+0.59%+0.10%97.37 USD+0.64%6.11 M228.37 B USD+271.21%
SUNESUNation Energy, Inc.
1.65 M0.5400 USD0.0000 USD0.00%+4.26%0.5625 USD+4.17%2.24 M2.47 M USD−54.22%
LITMSnow Lake Resources Ltd.
1.61 M0.6808 USD0.0109 USD+1.63%−0.87%0.6817 USD+1.76%3 M63.47 M USD+129.54%
NVRONevro Corp.
1.53 M5.82 USD0.03 USD+0.52%+0.35%5.83 USD+0.60%1.85 M223.52 M USD−57.03%
GNPXGenprex, Inc.
1.41 M0.3837 USD0.0145 USD+3.93%−0.08%0.3779 USD+2.36%1.5 M3.22 M USD−29.10%
YHCLQR House Inc.
1.37 M0.2455 USD−0.0166 USD−6.35%−4.62%0.2300 USD−12.25%2.24 M5.21 M USD+758.78%
PLRZPolyrizon Ltd.
1.3 M0.6490 USD−0.1005 USD−13.41%+26.75%0.6790 USD−9.41%1.51 M2.98 M USD
1.28 M1.24 USD0.10 USD+8.77%+1.75%1.35 USD+18.42%2.14 M15.91 M USD−24.28%
BACKIMAC Holdings, Inc.
1.19 M0.1544 USD−0.2680 USD−63.45%−5.07%0.1422 USD−66.34%1.33 M1.42 M USD−7.51%
HOODRobinhood Markets, Inc.
1.17 M48.70 USD0.34 USD+0.70%−0.41%49.28 USD+1.91%3.95 M43.64 B USD+133.39%
QBTSD-Wave Quantum Inc.
1.17 M8.55 USD−0.17 USD−1.95%+0.23%8.54 USD−2.01%2.51 M2.49 B USD+972.02%
IMTEIntegrated Media Technology Limited
1.05 M1.55 USD−0.55 USD−26.19%0.00%1.70 USD−19.05%1.54 M5.83 M USD−33.34%
MMGRXMangoceuticals, Inc.
1.03 M4.72 USD−0.03 USD−0.63%0.00%4.58 USD−3.59%1.45 M23.67 M USD
MARAMARA Holdings, Inc.
1 M14.55 USD−0.06 USD−0.41%−2.33%14.58 USD−0.24%2.64 M5.04 B USD−31.65%
LUNRIntuitive Machines, Inc.
997.49 K9.39 USD0.17 USD+1.84%+4.66%9.20 USD−0.25%2.66 M1.38 B USD+59.13%
DJTTrump Media & Technology Group Corp.
984.49 K22.75 USD1.74 USD+8.28%+9.33%23.08 USD+9.85%2.25 M5.09 B USD+252.71%
STSSSharps Technology Inc.
968.9 K0.1569 USD−0.0137 USD−8.03%+2.58%0.1572 USD−7.85%1.2 M1.74 M USD
SAVACassava Sciences, Inc.
939.58 K2.21 USD−0.59 USD−21.07%0.00%2.17 USD−22.56%1.79 M104.75 M USD−86.17%
OKLOOklo Inc.
933.65 K28.90 USD−2.01 USD−6.50%−5.01%30.10 USD−2.62%2.29 M3.68 B USD+633.71%
BBLNEBeeline Holdings, Inc.
901.82 K1.65 USD−0.02 USD−1.20%+7.19%1.68 USD+0.60%1.06 M10.21 M USD+571.12%
ICONIcon Energy Corp.
896.8 K0.0984 USD−0.0021 USD−2.09%0.00%0.0957 USD−4.78%1.43 M
SOFISoFi Technologies, Inc.
869.2 K13.70 USD−0.02 USD−0.14%−0.22%13.82 USD+0.76%2.29 M15.16 B USD+94.18%
INDPIndaptus Therapeutics, Inc.
845.06 K0.7418 USD0.0814 USD+12.33%+3.85%0.7300 USD+10.54%1.03 M10.53 M USD−43.88%
KULRKULR Technology Group, Inc.
789.15 K1.77 USD0.06 USD+3.51%0.00%1.78 USD+3.80%1.23 M424.72 M USD+1,293.70%
SMCISuper Micro Computer, Inc.
783.98 K41.61 USD−0.11 USD−0.26%−0.67%42.82 USD+2.63%3.72 M25.41 B USD−52.54%
WLGSWang & Lee Group, Inc.
781.08 K0.7027 USD−0.0482 USD−6.42%+1.88%0.6930 USD−7.71%1.02 M89.74 M USD
RGTIRigetti Computing, Inc.
777 K9.54 USD−0.24 USD−2.45%−0.92%9.70 USD−0.82%2.13 M2.77 B USD+946.67%
AEPAmerican Electric Power Company, Inc.
733.87 K102.90 USD−1.28 USD−1.23%−1.04%102.68 USD−1.44%1.45 M54.75 B USD+29.45%
TGLTreasure Global Inc.
731 K0.1046 USD−0.0079 USD−7.02%−5.33%0.1009 USD−10.31%1.1 M5.29 M USD−9.06%
GGCTKGlucoTrack, Inc.
707.81 K0.2418 USD−0.0282 USD−10.44%−4.81%0.2381 USD−11.81%1.12 M2.48 M USD−48.26%
PLUGPlug Power, Inc.
705.83 K1.55 USD0.01 USD+0.65%+0.65%1.58 USD+2.60%1.66 M1.54 B USD−39.31%
XXHLDTEN Holdings, Inc.
703.78 K1.76 USD−0.39 USD−18.14%−13.49%1.86 USD−13.48%1.35 M50.89 M USD
IONQIonQ, Inc.
700.37 K25.60 USD−0.52 USD−1.99%−0.84%25.60 USD−1.99%1.95 M5.7 B USD+160.28%
SISIShineco, Inc.
693.57 K0.8149 USD−0.1384 USD−14.52%0.00%0.7900 USD−17.13%756.29 K13.57 M USD+222.26%
OPTTOcean Power Technologies, Inc.
692.17 K0.5380 USD0.0110 USD+2.09%+2.05%0.5384 USD+2.16%832.65 K92.63 M USD+410.39%
RNAZTransCode Therapeutics, Inc.
688.25 K0.7000 USD0.0073 USD+1.05%+9.14%0.6914 USD−0.19%989.8 K481.39 K USD−86.98%
GGDHGGolden Heaven Group Holdings Ltd.
659.64 K2.00 USD0.04 USD+2.04%+7.65%1.89 USD−3.65%696.01 K65.2 M USD−84.54%
QUBTQuantum Computing Inc.
657.53 K8.64 USD−0.11 USD−1.26%−1.71%8.71 USD−0.51%1.54 M1.19 B USD+1,132.98%
INTCIntel Corporation
657.25 K24.16 USD−0.06 USD−0.25%−0.33%24.27 USD+0.21%3.41 M105.09 B USD−41.46%
CCNSPCNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
553.38 K1.55 USD−1.83 USD−54.14%+0.30%1.56 USD−53.97%732.91 K9.26 M USD+242.27%
WCTWellchange Holdings Company Limited
552.96 K0.2003 USD−0.0147 USD−6.84%+1.40%0.2060 USD−4.17%601.23 K4.38 M USD
APDNApplied DNA Sciences, Inc.
552.26 K2.19 USD0.07 USD+3.25%+5.66%2.18 USD+2.83%812.4 K2.41 M USD−74.00%
MBLYMobileye Global Inc.
518.54 K17.23 USD1.97 USD+12.91%+2.82%16.30 USD+6.82%1.21 M13.23 B USD−52.00%
CRMDCorMedix Inc.
512.69 K8.53 USD−2.24 USD−20.80%+3.71%7.75 USD−28.05%870.15 K470.19 M USD+218.59%
SESSES AI Corporation
498.54 K0.5780 USD−0.0091 USD−1.55%0.00%0.5595 USD−4.70%880.28 K204.03 M USD−64.91%
BDTXBlack Diamond Therapeutics, Inc.
484.58 K1.63 USD−0.05 USD−2.98%0.00%1.64 USD−2.09%650.63 K93.2 M USD−59.47%
SOUNSoundHound AI, Inc.
478.72 K10.23 USD−0.08 USD−0.78%−1.45%10.24 USD−0.68%1.14 M4.09 B USD+59.49%
ONDSOndas Holdings Inc.
464.77 K0.8554 USD0.0434 USD+5.34%+10.20%0.8150 USD+0.37%850.33 K86.17 M USD+19.78%
OCEAOcean Biomedical, Inc.
446.12 K0.0630 USD−0.0009 USD−1.41%+9.55%0.0627 USD−1.88%720.96 K8.81 M USD−94.71%
ONCOOnconetix, Inc.
438.54 K0.1140 USD−0.0058 USD−4.84%0.00%0.1143 USD−4.59%673.51 K1.66 M USD−52.15%
RXRXRecursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
434.19 K6.74 USD−0.05 USD−0.74%−0.15%6.71 USD−1.19%891 K2.7 B USD+1.81%
AMDAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc.
430.76 K113.26 USD−0.59 USD−0.52%+0.75%113.92 USD+0.06%2.22 M184.6 B USD−40.72%
TEMTempus AI, Inc.
426.35 K58.90 USD−0.10 USD−0.17%+1.19%59.85 USD+1.44%1.56 M10.31 B USD
BURUNuburu, Inc.
395.31 K0.2236 USD0.0039 USD+1.78%+0.09%0.2159 USD−1.73%465.04 K4.38 M USD−18.13%, Inc.
376.84 K203.51 USD0.25 USD+0.12%+0.05%203.69 USD+0.21%2.24 M2.16 T USD+11.88%
RIOTRiot Platforms, Inc.
368.78 K8.72 USD0.00 USD+0.05%−1.61%8.79 USD+0.78%1.27 M3.08 B USD−13.34%
ACHRArcher Aviation Inc.
368.55 K8.86 USD−0.07 USD−0.78%0.00%8.82 USD−1.27%1.43 M4.78 B USD+188.66%
CYCUCycurion, Inc.
363.79 K0.6845 USD0.0266 USD+4.04%0.00%0.6703 USD+1.88%438.54 K7.96 M USD−80.55%
CLSKCleanSpark, Inc.
359.1 K8.77 USD−0.02 USD−0.23%−2.39%8.86 USD+0.80%1.13 M2.49 B USD−43.92%
HIMSHims & Hers Health, Inc.
358.96 K37.94 USD0.53 USD+1.42%+1.04%38.37 USD+2.57%1.2 M8.52 B USD+113.18%
CISOCISO Global, Inc.
335.54 K0.4328 USD−0.0171 USD−3.80%+6.60%0.4455 USD−0.98%399.02 K6.45 M USD−38.21%
LCIDLucid Group, Inc.
321.36 K2.47 USD0.00 USD0.00%−0.40%2.49 USD+0.61%1.43 M7.53 B USD+15.27%
RDDTReddit, Inc.
319.42 K124.29 USD−0.65 USD−0.52%+0.18%125.89 USD+0.76%549.14 K22.77 B USD
TTDThe Trade Desk, Inc.
314.49 K60.52 USD1.18 USD+1.99%+0.44%60.98 USD+2.76%851.94 K30.25 B USD−32.76%
MURAMural Oncology plc
310.01 K1.81 USD−2.02 USD−52.74%−10.97%1.65 USD−56.92%595.19 K65.98 M USD−4.90%
309.52 K3.12 USD−0.04 USD−1.27%+0.32%3.11 USD−1.54%657.46 K348.48 M USD
306.87 K0.1800 USD0.0022 USD+1.24%−0.06%0.1778 USD0.00%329.22 K2.78 M USD−81.36%
APLDApplied Digital Corporation
305.43 K8.00 USD0.01 USD+0.13%−2.00%8.04 USD+0.63%1.02 M1.79 B USD+185.16%
RRRichtech Robotics Inc.
304.84 K2.61 USD0.01 USD+0.38%0.00%2.55 USD−1.88%746.2 K292.12 M USD
NUNu Holdings Ltd.
302.94 K11.37 USD−0.32 USD−2.74%−0.34%11.38 USD−2.63%2.58 M54.42 B USD−1.17%
HEPAHepion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
295.36 K0.7270 USD−0.0150 USD−2.02%−0.24%0.6862 USD−7.52%421.56 K741.1 K USD−93.08%
REKRRekor Systems, Inc.
293.19 K1.18 USD0.03 USD+2.61%0.00%1.12 USD−2.61%545.55 K118.05 M USD−37.27%
RLMDRelmada Therapeutics, Inc.
283.93 K0.3169 USD0.0149 USD+4.93%−4.11%0.3120 USD+3.31%362.18 K9.41 M USD−93.23%