US stocks that lost the most in price

US companies below are the biggest stock losers today. They are outsiders now, but may provide trade opportunities in the future, so make sure to check all their stats.
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
RGCRegencell Bioscience Holdings Limited
−30.07%41.00 USD690.49 K0.18533.53 M USD−0.33 USD+26.73%0.00%Health technology
IIBOImpact BioMedical, Inc.
−27.42%3.60 USD7.07 M0.4141.41 M USD40.310.09 USD0.00%Electronic technology
−27.10%2.26 USD389.46 K0.0615.33 M USD−0.55 USD−214.27%0.00%Finance
AADTXAditxt, Inc.
−25.55%7.17 USD721.35 K0.047.39 M USD−245,412.10 USD+88.52%0.00%Health technology
CRVOCervoMed Inc.
−25.05%10.71 USD3.14 M0.1293.21 M USD−2.02 USD+64.44%0.00%Commercial services
Strong buy
LAZRLuminar Technologies, Inc.
−23.23%6.41 USD9.17 M2.62213.43 M USD−13.35 USD+23.19%0.00%Producer manufacturing
−22.97%7.95 USD980.2 K41.62109.39 M USD−0.08 USD−1,015.22%0.00%Technology services
FBRXForte Biosciences, Inc.
−22.64%6.32 USD100.6 K2.3140.41 M USD−19.39 USD+37.42%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
WWGRXWellgistics Health, Inc.
−20.36%3.95 USD414.81 K1.69205.18 M USD−0.07 USD0.00%Distribution services
PPHHPark Ha Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
−19.73%10.82 USD534.36 K1.09285.37 M USD186.870.06 USD−91.85%0.00%Consumer non-durables
CCLEUChina Liberal Education Holdings Limited
−17.83%2.12 USD224.22 K1.077.14 M USD0.00%Commercial services
MMASK3 E Network Technology Group Ltd
−17.56%3.38 USD114.26 K2.3137.86 M USD24.560.14 USD+55.48%0.00%Technology services
DDGNXDiginex Limited
−16.89%91.42 USD124.38 K1.792.1 B USD−0.25 USD0.00%Commercial services
TTBHBrag House Holdings, Inc.
−16.69%5.24 USD397.86 K0.27Consumer services Inc.
−16.17%4.25 USD108.51 K0.665.29 M USD−39.37 USD−158.44%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
PPLUTPlutus Financial Group Limited
−16.00%2.52 USD186.88 K2.15Finance
UUSARUSA Rare Earth, Inc.
−14.41%9.50 USD396 K1.70162.67 M USD28.160.34 USD0.00%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
RITRReitar Logtech Holdings Limited
−13.75%2.76 USD182.85 K6.67116.26 M USD32.860.08 USD+223.08%0.00%Finance
BBHATBlue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
−13.58%2.29 USD342.89 K0.2511.31 M USD−0.82 USD−140.83%0.00%Consumer durables
OONEGOneConstruction Group Limited
−12.59%2.57 USD17.75 K0.7933.41 M USD0.00%Industrial services
ZIMZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.
−12.35%15.62 USD14.91 M1.641.88 B USD0.8817.83 USD22.28%Transportation
DOGZDogness (International) Corporation
−12.13%29.70 USD141.51 K1.39378.1 M USD−0.55 USD−205.56%0.00%Consumer non-durables
NNAYANAYA Biosciences, Inc.
−12.04%2.41 USD75.42 K1.241.61 M USD−30.54 USD+84.00%0.00%Health services
Strong buy
AWXAvalon Holdings Corporation
−12.01%2.93 USD22.87 K3.0711.43 M USD8.670.34 USD0.00%Industrial services
AUIDauthID Inc.
−11.92%6.50 USD163.08 K1.4070.99 M USD−1.46 USD+92.57%0.00%Electronic technology
SHFSSHF Holdings, Inc.
−11.63%5.41 USD22.05 K3.3015.08 M USD2.582.10 USD0.00%Finance
SSIONSionna Therapeutics, Inc.
−11.61%12.10 USD252.96 K0.96533.91 M USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
EEXOZeXoZymes Inc.
−11.48%13.11 USD11.94 K1.05106.55 M USD0.00%Process industries
BNTCBenitec Biopharma Inc.
−10.99%14.34 USD69.27 K1.08336.29 M USD−2.97 USD+72.73%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
LLZMHLZ Technology Holdings Limited
−10.78%8.86 USD1.15 M2.111.15 B USD0.00%Commercial services
MGRMMonogram Technologies Inc.
−10.69%2.84 USD307.89 K0.08100.22 M USD−0.51 USD+8.75%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
SYNXSilynxcom Ltd.
−10.48%3.76 USD18.99 K1.0219.74 M USD−0.29 USD+39.97%0.00%Electronic technology
CWCOConsolidated Water Co. Ltd.
−10.30%23.77 USD357.28 K1.58377.34 M USD13.461.77 USD−5.28%1.55%Utilities
Strong buy
LRMRLarimar Therapeutics, Inc.
−10.24%2.28 USD1.37 M1.57145.48 M USD−1.31 USD−55.32%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
GLMDGalmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
−10.18%2.03 USD270.23 K0.053.36 M USD−12.04 USD+73.90%0.00%Health technology
VHCVirnetX Holding Corp
−9.90%8.01 USD4.75 K0.5033.95 M USD−4.78 USD+38.35%0.00%Technology services
APVOAptevo Therapeutics Inc.
−9.73%2.32 USD90.36 K1.773.38 M USD−452.26 USD+83.04%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
IIVDAIveda Solutions, Inc.
−9.46%2.68 USD64.13 K1.447.53 M USD−1.60 USD−1.01%0.00%Electronic technology
LGLLGL Group, Inc. (The)
−9.34%6.60 USD11.89 K1.9535.46 M USD98.950.07 USD+33.40%0.00%Electronic technology
CCNSPCNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
−8.89%3.38 USD155.11 K0.789.26 M USD−3,750.97 USD+82.41%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
AATLNAtlantic International Corp.
−8.87%5.65 USD49.49 K0.44323.96 M USD−8.24 USD+51.11%0.00%Health technology
UHGUnited Homes Group, Inc
−8.85%3.09 USD157.9 K1.22181.08 M USD3.880.80 USD0.00%Consumer durables
HHUHUHUHUTECH International Group Inc.
−8.72%5.44 USD847.98 K7.32115.18 M USD0.00%Technology services
LODEComstock Inc.
−8.48%2.59 USD300.2 K0.7765.59 M USD−2.96 USD−541.06%0.00%Process industries
ARTVArtiva Biotherapeutics, Inc.
−8.43%3.91 USD180.31 K1.0494.97 M USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
EEHLDEuroholdings Ltd.
−8.36%5.04 USD119.04 KTransportation
CELZCreative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc.
−8.33%2.64 USD85.91 K0.576.69 M USD−3.71 USD+1.11%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
GHLDGuild Holdings Company
−8.25%13.24 USD25.51 K2.33819.61 M USD8.601.54 USD3.47%Finance
OWLTOwlet, Inc.
−8.16%3.94 USD144.47 K4.0065.27 M USD−2.06 USD+54.75%0.00%Consumer durables
Strong buy
MAXNMaxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd.
−8.15%3.38 USD120.14 K0.6051.68 M USD−549.59 USD−55.02%0.00%Utilities
LGF.ALions Gate Entertainment Corporation
−8.15%8.79 USD960.4 K1.511.97 B USD−1.19 USD+75.96%0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
−8.14%14.00 USD21.84 K1.63253.49 M USD6.532.14 USD0.00%Technology services
FEAM5E Advanced Materials, Inc.
−8.08%3.98 USD29.24 K0.2971.62 M USD−25.32 USD−20.54%0.00%Process industries
HYFMHydrofarm Holdings Group, Inc.
−8.07%2.62 USD30.86 K1.2212.09 M USD−14.51 USD−1.84%0.00%Producer manufacturing
SCHLScholastic Corporation
−8.06%19.51 USD1.15 M2.08547.71 M USD32.700.60 USD−58.86%3.77%Consumer services
CCSAICloudastructure, Inc.
−7.92%5.81 USD253.44 K0.3389.81 M USD0.00%Technology services
MHHMastech Digital, Inc
−7.82%9.55 USD44.91 K2.29112.15 M USD33.710.28 USD0.00%Commercial services
PTHLPheton Holdings Ltd
−7.78%3.91 USD63.22 K0.4460.42 M USD−0.05 USD−177.11%0.00%Health technology
RFILRF Industries, Ltd.
−7.65%4.59 USD90.35 K2.3648.97 M USD−0.52 USD−64.80%0.00%Electronic technology
Strong buy
ELSEElectro-Sensors, Inc.
−7.64%4.23 USD8.21 K0.5514.59 M USD32.610.13 USD+61.92%0.00%Electronic technology
UCARU Power Limited
−7.45%2.61 USD3.02 M122.9710.51 M USD−2.79 USD0.00%Consumer durables
SNOASonoma Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
−7.18%3.23 USD130.77 K0.015.22 M USD−3.93 USD+78.93%0.00%Health technology
STAIScanTech AI Systems Inc.
−7.12%2.61 USD521.91 K0.6954.12 M USD14.170.18 USD0.00%Finance
ECORelectroCore, Inc.
−7.06%7.44 USD243.7 K0.9353.48 M USD−1.70 USD+52.18%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
SBFMSunshine Biopharma Inc.
−7.02%2.12 USD69.89 K2.335.74 M USD−155.59 USD+93.40%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
GTBPGT Biopharma, Inc.
−6.80%2.33 USD14.47 K0.345.91 M USD−7.02 USD−26.02%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
SNYRSynergy CHC Corp.
−6.79%3.02 USD50.5 K3.0626.29 M USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
AAARDAardvark Therapeutics, Inc.
−6.76%9.24 USD125.28 K1.10197.59 M USD0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
JJNVRJanover Inc.
−6.69%4.60 USD15.19 K1.116.51 M USD−1.96 USD+38.82%0.00%Finance
OCCOptical Cable Corporation
−6.69%3.35 USD35.78 K1.3627.47 M USD−0.50 USD−1,591.92%0.00%Electronic technology
REBNReborn Coffee, Inc.
−6.68%4.05 USD143.7 K1.0213.51 M USD−2.30 USD+10.16%0.00%Consumer services
AURAAura Biosciences, Inc.
−6.67%7.00 USD500.46 K3.06349.66 M USD−1.73 USD+11.26%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
ENGNenGene Holdings Inc.
−6.65%4.63 USD17.91 K0.60236.03 M USD−1.52 USD−29,373.08%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
POCIPrecision Optics Corporation, Inc.
−6.55%4.42 USD14.91 K1.2133.76 M USD−0.65 USD−124.17%0.00%Health technology
NENNew England Realty Associates Limited Partnership
−6.54%78.41 USD2780.13274.48 M USD17.584.46 USD+87.62%1.91%Finance
LLSELeishen Energy Holding Co., Ltd.
−6.49%6.20 USD135.81 K0.08105.56 M USD12.920.48 USD−31.73%0.00%Industrial services
LUCYInnovative Eyewear, Inc.
−6.44%3.15 USD25.73 K2.127.7 M USD−9.61 USD+32.94%0.00%Retail trade
MASS908 Devices Inc.
−6.40%4.24 USD686.37 K0.47149.8 M USD−2.11 USD−86.45%0.00%Health technology
BKTIBK Technologies Corporation
−6.21%29.90 USD10.38 K0.56106.54 M USD21.831.37 USD0.00%Electronic technology
Strong buy
BBJDXBluejay Diagnostics, Inc.
−6.21%3.93 USD74.09 K2.082.17 M USD−1,402.01 USD+63.82%0.00%Health technology
BIOXBioceres Crop Solutions Corp.
−6.19%4.09 USD80.83 K0.27256.49 M USD286.010.01 USD−95.88%0.00%Process industries
Strong buy
NRXSNeuraxis, Inc.
−6.06%2.17 USD14.22 K0.6815.66 M USD−1.23 USD+63.79%0.00%Health technology
MNPRMonopar Therapeutics Inc.
−6.00%37.60 USD24.1 K0.70229.46 M USD−1.98 USD+44.30%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
FRDFriedman Industries Inc.
−5.99%16.17 USD8.82 K0.54112.71 M USD19.990.81 USD−67.95%0.93%Non-energy minerals
SLNGStabilis Solutions, Inc.
−5.96%4.89 USD9.71 K0.4690.94 M USD19.770.25 USD+3,890.32%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
INKTMiNK Therapeutics, Inc.
−5.82%8.57 USD4.41 K0.3833.99 M USD−2.91 USD+55.52%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
DALNDallasNews Corporation - Series A
−5.82%5.50 USD19.47 K0.2729.44 M USD224.490.02 USD2.74%Consumer services
EVTLVertical Aerospace Ltd.
−5.81%4.05 USD291.9 K1.09342.44 M USD−0.39 USD−35.90%0.00%Electronic technology
LIONLionsgate Studios Corp.
−5.76%7.52 USD299.92 K1.782.17 B USD−0.64 USD−285.78%0.00%Consumer services
Strong buy
CEADCEA Industries Inc.
−5.75%8.10 USD21.05 K0.646.5 M USD−4.40 USD+7.83%0.00%Producer manufacturing
−5.74%5.09 USD356.2 K1.2611.13 M USD−238.04 USD−130.39%0.00%Transportation
Strong buy
CCJMBCallan JMB Inc.
−5.65%4.84 USD24.95 K0.50Transportation
BYNDBeyond Meat, Inc.
−5.63%3.35 USD4.03 M1.45255.04 M USD−2.43 USD+53.78%0.00%Consumer non-durables
TENXTenax Therapeutics, Inc.
−5.63%6.20 USD51.93 K2.4723.48 M USD−15.94 USD+85.73%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
UGUnited-Guardian, Inc.
−5.62%9.07 USD34.95 K4.6141.67 M USD12.820.71 USD+25.93%7.28%Process industries
GIFIGulf Island Fabrication, Inc.
−5.56%6.28 USD99.26 K1.58102.65 M USD7.130.88 USD0.00%Producer manufacturing
APREAprea Therapeutics, Inc.
−5.44%2.26 USD11.93 K0.6912.28 M USD−2.81 USD+86.90%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
MINDMIND Technology, Inc.
−5.39%6.67 USD295.19 K1.8253.16 M USD14.670.45 USD0.00%Industrial services
Strong buy
TSETrinseo PLC
−5.39%4.04 USD420.17 K1.00143.35 M USD−9.86 USD+50.55%0.94%Process industries
ZSPCzSpace, Inc.
−5.36%10.77 USD63.11 K0.71246.09 M USD−0.95 USD0.00%Technology services