Most volatile US stocks

Market volatility brings risk, which many traders take hoping for profits. US stocks in the list below are the most volatile in the market. They’re sorted by daily volatility and supplied with important metrics.
Change %
Rel Volume
Market cap
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
ACONAclarion, Inc.
3,249.81%12.12 USD−96.82%146.84 K0.426.15 M USD−20,536.40 USD+73.89%0.00%Technology services
STSSSharps Technology Inc.
293.56%0.0423 USD−72.30%214.39 M39.86468.6 K USD−6.78 USD+61.22%0.00%Health technology
MISTMilestone Pharmaceuticals Inc.
200.00%0.8800 USD−60.89%33.53 M8.0046.95 M USD−0.72 USD+51.19%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
LGMKLogicMark, Inc.
136.11%0.0254 USD−50.20%161.3 M14.68167.19 K USD−223.50 USD+11.14%0.00%Electronic technology
WOLFWolfspeed, Inc.
111.81%2.59 USD−51.86%176.48 M9.54402.93 M USD−7.68 USD−27.51%0.00%Electronic technology
XTIAXTI Aerospace, Inc.
105.00%1.23 USD−50.00%1.82 M5.324.55 M USD0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
ICONIcon Energy Corp.
100.00%0.0520 USD−48.00%27.6 M1.87Transportation
Strong buy
PRTGPortage Biotech Inc.
97.35%9.60 USD+103.82%29.92 M117.8510.76 M USD−65.69 USD+48.91%0.00%Health technology
LLKCOLuokung Technology Corp
96.25%0.8100 USD−47.06%715.8 K4.655.57 M USD−70.38 USD−2,578.36%0.00%Technology services
DRCTDirect Digital Holdings, Inc.
90.00%0.7298 USD−45.13%1.71 M0.6812.64 M USD−1.63 USD−1,269.03%0.00%Commercial services
BBHATBlue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
86.89%1.92 USD+2.67%17.47 M18.049.48 M USD−0.82 USD−140.83%0.00%Consumer durables
86.31%3.87 USD−32.34%84.41 K5.2941.35 M USD0.00%Technology services
MME23andMe Holding Co.
83.33%0.6063 USD−21.26%29.74 M1.5316.27 M USD−15.72 USD−4.12%0.00%Health technology
ECXECARX Holdings Inc.
79.37%1.50 USD−33.63%37.33 M8.20560.6 M USD−0.39 USD+0.41%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
RRCTRedCloud Holdings plc
76.52%2.41 USD−38.21%346.88 K106.59 M USD−1.07 USD0.00%Technology services
NNTHINeOnc Technologies Holdings, Inc.
75.00%16.55 USD+37.92%107.06 K310.24 M USD0.00%Health technology
GATEMarblegate Acquisition Corp.
74.56%40.00 USD−20.00%71.44 K1.37450.86 M USD−0.23 USD+35.15%0.00%Finance
LXRXLexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
69.10%0.5705 USD+64.13%405.86 M97.34206.23 M USD−0.64 USD+18.91%0.00%Health technology
SNSESensei Biotherapeutics, Inc.
68.46%0.5083 USD+17.99%145.94 M130.3512.78 M USD−1.20 USD+1.00%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
AGMHAGM Group Holdings Inc.
68.36%0.0587 USD−36.61%41.78 M0.801.55 M USD−1.59 USD0.00%Technology services
JZXNJiuzi Holdings, Inc.
68.33%4.39 USD−9.79%70.93 K3.3848.37 M USD0.00%Retail trade
SDSTStardust Power Inc.
66.57%0.4950 USD−27.54%997.75 K2.9426.13 M USD−0.92 USD−12,310.81%0.00%Finance
Strong buy
SGLYSingularity Future Technology Ltd.
64.50%0.8001 USD−1.62%8.55 M2.433.36 M USD−0.90 USD+90.93%0.00%Transportation
TWGTop Wealth Group Holding Limited
64.04%0.2000 USD+9.41%139.19 M70.3611.2 M USD0.00%Distribution services
VEROVenus Concept Inc.
63.82%2.75 USD−24.66%370.22 K7.421.81 M USD−88.18 USD−15.21%0.00%Health technology
IIBOImpact BioMedical, Inc.
62.86%1.52 USD−33.33%844.1 K0.0517.49 M USD17.020.09 USD0.00%Electronic technology
WWFFWF Holding Limited
62.35%3.79 USD+1.07%1.81 MMiscellaneous
XXHLDTEN Holdings, Inc.
61.05%1.25 USD−18.30%2.42 M0.0634.2 M USD0.00%Commercial services
Strong buy
AREBAmerican Rebel Holdings, Inc.
56.84%0.0680 USD−31.31%6.84 M0.94183.89 K USD−24.57 USD+16.96%0.00%Consumer non-durables
MYSZMy Size, Inc.
55.87%1.79 USD+42.06%11.89 M807.123.78 M USD−17.95 USD+25.38%0.00%Technology services
XAGELongevity Health Holdings, Inc.
55.00%0.1230 USD−20.65%359.89 K0.883.7 M USD0.00%Consumer non-durables
WNWMeiwu Technology Company Limited
54.31%0.1018 USD−33.03%3.94 M5.886.45 M USD−6.29 USD−5,486.59%0.00%Retail trade
ERNAErnexa Therapeutics Inc.
53.90%0.1744 USD−22.93%924.72 K5.699.11 M USD−7.28 USD−78.47%0.00%Health technology
SLESuper League Enterprise, Inc.
52.02%0.2660 USD−32.83%543.41 K4.674.42 M USD−2.59 USD+79.53%0.00%Technology services
IICCTiCoreConnect Inc.
49.94%0.2971 USD−17.48%4.12 M4.47615.81 K USD−59.67 USD−98.89%0.00%Technology services
CAPTCaptivision Inc.
49.81%0.4906 USD+14.89%12.44 M18.9715.88 M USD0.00%Producer manufacturing
48.85%1.37 USD−25.95%563.86 K2.8417.13 M USD370.270.00 USD0.00%Transportation
RGCRegencell Bioscience Holdings Limited
48.38%25.67 USD−26.38%147.91 K0.09334.04 M USD−0.33 USD+26.73%0.00%Health technology
LYTLytus Technologies Holdings PTV. Ltd.
47.87%0.0982 USD−16.78%54.48 M0.333.06 M USD0.00%Technology services
MULNMullen Automotive, Inc.
47.27%0.1150 USD−28.13%57.74 M0.89422.46 K USD−166,863.47 USD+98.82%0.00%Technology services
SISIShineco, Inc.
47.06%0.9700 USD−22.40%305.02 K1.5416.66 M USD−4.05 USD−220.60%0.00%Process industries
OCGOriental Culture Holding LTD
45.73%2.60 USD+30.66%856.1 K4.8448.28 M USD−0.62 USD−0.32%0.00%Retail trade
KKSCPKnightscope, Inc.
45.38%2.94 USD−28.29%689.57 K2.7012.38 M USD−13.86 USD+49.84%0.00%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
TRSGTungray Technologies Inc
43.47%1.85 USD+15.63%72.06 K0.2121.82 M USD0.00%Producer manufacturing
HHKPDHong Kong Pharma Digital Technology Holdings Limited
43.10%1.27 USD−0.78%580.78 K6.16Transportation
OOSRHOSR Holdings, Inc.
42.38%2.40 USD−19.73%484.15 K0.0546.26 M USD−0.11 USD−304.38%0.00%Health technology
SCNXScienture Holdings, Inc.
42.11%1.55 USD−6.06%1.06 M0.0919.4 M USD−11.60 USD+45.84%0.00%Commercial services
SURGSurgePays, Inc.
42.09%1.79 USD−17.89%2.56 M0.3036.54 M USD−2.31 USD−264.14%0.00%Technology services
DDCDDC Enterprise Limited
41.64%0.1364 USD+0.07%988.13 K1.3710.74 M USD0.00%Technology services
REEREE Automotive Ltd.
41.35%2.75 USD−18.40%655.82 K2.4977.23 M USD−9.26 USD+32.34%0.00%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
ICUSeaStar Medical Holding Corporation
40.96%1.70 USD−22.73%645.07 K2.7314.83 M USD−7.59 USD+75.26%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
ZSPCzSpace, Inc.
40.53%8.19 USD−19.63%119.21 K1.40187.14 M USD−0.92 USD−59.01%0.00%Technology services
40.12%4.37 USD−25.61%60.81 K1.822.29 M USD−203.36 USD+98.55%0.00%Health technology
GNPXGenprex, Inc.
40.00%0.2711 USD−20.73%3.62 M0.502.31 M USD−11.92 USD+51.51%0.00%Health technology
PLAGPlanet Green Holdings Corp.
40.00%1.02 USD−16.39%67.91 K3.467.43 M USD−1.39 USD+71.89%0.00%Consumer non-durables
CJETChijet Motor Company, Inc.
39.70%1.73 USD+2.37%320.39 K3.409.27 M USD−9.21 USD−678.13%0.00%Consumer durables
CODXCo-Diagnostics, Inc.
39.67%0.3200 USD−18.26%846.01 K2.7110.74 M USD−1.22 USD−3.48%0.00%Health technology
TNONTenon Medical, Inc.
39.30%2.47 USD−11.79%5.22 M0.1415.31 M USD−22.81 USD+87.83%0.00%Health services
Strong buy
AXILAXIL Brands, Inc.
39.22%5.42 USD−22.20%22.22 K1.7035.02 M USD26.700.20 USD+80.11%0.00%Consumer non-durables
COSMCosmos Health Inc.
39.11%0.4510 USD−5.57%269.3 K2.8310.49 M USD0.00%Health technology
HHCAIHuachen AI Parking Management Technology Holding Co., Ltd.
38.93%6.40 USD−13.63%396.23 K2.27203.04 M USD0.00%Producer manufacturing
BCABBioAtla, Inc.
38.73%0.3733 USD−4.92%1.45 M2.8421.66 M USD−1.44 USD+44.38%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
JJNVRJanover Inc.
38.66%5.50 USD+19.83%41.09 K2.887.86 M USD−1.96 USD+38.82%0.00%Finance
DGLYDigital Ally, Inc.
38.39%0.0340 USD−20.75%42.19 M0.712.69 M USD−6.69 USD+39.17%0.00%Commercial services
OCEAOcean Biomedical, Inc.
38.33%0.0636 USD−18.46%46.31 M0.388.94 M USD−0.84 USD+78.12%0.00%Health technology
ASNSActelis Networks, Inc.
37.68%0.7100 USD−25.26%1.11 M2.016.04 M USD−0.87 USD+70.13%0.00%Electronic technology
Strong buy
CTXRCitius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
37.60%1.55 USD+19.23%663.67 K9.5513.32 M USD−5.80 USD+8.99%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
TNXPTonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.
37.33%20.17 USD−24.37%2.15 M0.95129.79 M USD−29.46 USD−241.81%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
SMTKSmartKem, Inc.
36.84%3.01 USD−12.45%287.58 K1.8710.72 M USD−6.63 USD−1,319.33%0.00%Electronic technology
UGROurban-gro, Inc.
36.81%0.4524 USD−13.00%767.19 K9.125.74 M USD−1.60 USD+3.49%0.00%Distribution services
Strong buy
RNAZTransCode Therapeutics, Inc.
36.73%0.4900 USD−5.77%23.1 M0.8511.44 M USD−265.83 USD+98.97%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
DDUOFangdd Network Group Ltd.
36.67%0.3040 USD−4.73%13.98 M9.6810.28 B USD−0.00 USD0.00%Technology services
ABVEAbove Food Ingredients Inc.
36.35%0.5841 USD−15.31%390.02 K0.9016.67 M USD0.00%Consumer non-durables
GLMDGalmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
36.23%1.59 USD−5.36%205.57 K0.042.63 M USD−12.04 USD+73.90%0.00%Health technology
VMARVision Marine Technologies Inc.
35.24%0.4800 USD−15.49%905.14 K3.524.99 M USD−114.37 USD−14.26%0.00%Consumer durables
DDMNDamon Inc.
35.15%0.0343 USD−23.09%313.54 M2.411.08 M USD0.00%Finance
LNZALanzaTech Global, Inc.
35.10%0.2135 USD−22.95%4.42 M2.1042.23 M USD−0.66 USD+32.69%0.00%Industrial services
PRPHProPhase Labs, Inc.
34.85%0.4400 USD−4.35%3.29 M1.3813.14 M USD−1.50 USD−141.83%0.00%Health technology
34.50%1.16 USD−23.68%3.4 M0.0713.67 M USD−1.89 USD+57.97%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
MMLGOMicroAlgo, Inc.
34.50%17.35 USD+8.85%42.78 M0.84173.03 M USD0.00%Technology services
IPWiPower Inc.
34.34%0.5169 USD−10.88%114.3 K1.1616.26 M USD−0.00 USD+99.38%0.00%Retail trade
NUKKNukkleus Inc.
34.32%12.66 USD−18.32%187.99 K1.0860.65 M USD−6.93 USD−663.85%0.00%Commercial services
33.75%0.8805 USD−17.71%56.66 K2.777.6 M USD0.00%Consumer durables
KOPNKopin Corporation
33.68%0.9501 USD−25.19%9.57 M4.00150.88 M USD−0.41 USD−115.20%0.00%Electronic technology
Strong buy
EQEquillium, Inc.
33.52%0.4054 USD−16.93%457.54 K2.5714.44 M USD−0.23 USD+40.60%0.00%Health technology
33.43%2.61 USD−16.88%66.84 K1.1832.76 M USD18.190.14 USD0.00%Technology services
BBONBon Natural Life Limited
33.33%0.1160 USD−22.15%40.3 M0.70328.13 K USD1.140.10 USD−77.16%0.00%Health technology
CHROChannel Therapeutics Corporation
33.12%1.59 USD+7.43%24.95 K4.639.71 M USD−1.73 USD−144.62%0.00%Health technology
CDTConduit Pharmaceuticals Inc.
32.77%0.8900 USD+15.89%5.79 M12.844.19 M USD−21.07 USD−3,100.85%0.00%Health technology
GGNSGenius Group Limited
32.38%0.2653 USD−10.37%2.19 M1.2918.19 M USD−0.15 USD+95.74%0.00%Technology services
NNAYANAYA Biosciences, Inc.
32.22%2.00 USD−15.97%36.91 K0.441.33 M USD−30.54 USD+84.00%0.00%Health services
Strong buy
VRMEVerifyMe, Inc.
31.56%0.6710 USD−6.84%265.95 K1.388.29 M USD−0.37 USD−3.25%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
TNMGTNL Mediagene
31.53%0.8352 USD−18.12%118.81 K1.7321.92 M USD−0.31 USD0.00%Technology services
31.50%0.5507 USD−10.50%246.5 K2.113.73 M USD−4.16 USD+39.60%0.00%Producer manufacturing
BBLNEBeeline Holdings, Inc.
31.34%1.68 USD−15.15%537.78 K0.1210.21 M USD−35.89 USD+80.45%0.00%Commercial services
VIVKVivakor, Inc.
31.26%0.7710 USD−18.26%23.96 K0.6832.61 M USD−0.42 USD+60.47%0.00%Process industries
GGITSGlobal Interactive Technologies, Inc.
31.18%1.34 USD−10.07%265.12 K2.343.54 M USD0.00%Technology services
TGLTreasure Global Inc.
30.96%0.0800 USD−22.18%7.91 M0.704.19 M USD−3.61 USD−625.88%0.00%Commercial services
QLGNQualigen Therapeutics, Inc.
30.30%3.80 USD+0.53%1 M119.742.8 M USD−55.30 USD+69.07%0.00%Health technology
GTECGreenland Technologies Holding Corporation
29.94%1.73 USD−20.28%1.97 M0.2223.52 M USD1.671.03 USD0.00%Producer manufacturing