Top gaining US stocks in pre-market

US stocks below are pre-market gainers: they increased the most in price before the start of regular trading hours. They're sorted by pre-market price change, but other stats are also available.
Pre-market Chg %
Pre-market Close
Pre-market Chg
Pre-market Vol
Pre-market Gap %
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
TNONTenon Medical, Inc.
+339.63%4.3000 USD3.3219 USD102.69 M+72.78%0.9781 USD−2.19%18.15 M3.07 M USD+45.42%
POAIPredictive Oncology Inc.
+92.83%2.15 USD1.03 USD56.37 M+15.70%1.12 USD+0.45%36.09 K8.04 M USD−22.28%
DMDesktop Metal, Inc.
+70.04%3.86 USD1.59 USD7.14 M−0.44%2.27 USD+1.79%168.04 K75.69 M USD−62.85%
DATSDatChat, Inc.
+67.59%3.62 USD1.46 USD11.31 M−6.48%2.16 USD−1.82%138.97 K9.09 M USD+139.45%
WMPNWilliam Penn Bancorporation
+56.25%17.00 USD6.12 USD200−8.09%10.88 USD+2.45%15.12 K100.19 M USD−12.96%
ALMSAlumis Inc.
+51.26%5.71 USD1.94 USD6.31 M+13.91%3.78 USD+0.67%209.2 K205.39 M USD
MULNMullen Automotive, Inc.
+39.68%0.3573 USD0.1015 USD54.74 M−0.27%0.2558 USD−11.49%32.45 M939.71 K USD−95.11%
MKFGMarkforged Holding Corporation
+28.05%4.20 USD0.92 USD240.04 K−8.23%3.28 USD+11.56%104.11 K67.64 M USD−63.30%
DDGNXDiginex Limited
+18.13%107.99 USD16.57 USD1.2 K+11.41%91.42 USD−16.89%124.38 K2.1 B USD
ATNMActinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Delaware)
+16.11%1.73 USD0.24 USD59.35 K+1.34%1.49 USD−3.87%576.91 K46.48 M USD−84.19%
+15.93%2.62 USD0.36 USD3.52 M+0.44%2.26 USD−27.10%389.46 K15.33 M USD−65.95%
RAYRaytech Holding Limited
+14.62%1.49 USD0.19 USD26.21 K0.00%1.30 USD+14.04%6.46 M22.9 M USD
EELPWElong Power Holding Limited
+14.29%0.8000 USD0.1000 USD22.9 K+18.14%0.7000 USD−1.41%65.26 K32.49 M USD−71.91%
GRYPGryphon Digital Mining, Inc
+13.33%0.2185 USD0.0257 USD33.64 K+0.36%0.1928 USD−0.82%302.78 K13.3 M USD−74.34%
MBLYMobileye Global Inc.
+13.04%17.25 USD1.99 USD515.41 K+2.82%15.26 USD+4.81%3.15 M12.39 B USD−52.00%
IICCTiCoreConnect Inc.
+12.64%0.4900 USD0.0550 USD35.82 K+1.17%0.4350 USD−5.37%89.84 K901.77 K USD−92.08%
INDPIndaptus Therapeutics, Inc.
+12.33%0.7418 USD0.0814 USD844.46 K+3.85%0.6604 USD−8.32%488.15 K9.53 M USD−43.88%
GGITSGlobal Interactive Technologies, Inc.
+12.22%2.02 USD0.22 USD444+7.22%1.80 USD−2.17%69.08 K4.75 M USD
SBFMSunshine Biopharma Inc.
+12.18%2.38 USD0.26 USD1.5 K+3.77%2.12 USD−7.02%69.89 K5.74 M USD+4.07%
SHPHShuttle Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.
+11.76%0.4410 USD0.0464 USD4.89 K−1.12%0.3946 USD−6.32%48.84 K2.47 M USD
GTECGreenland Technologies Holding Corporation
+11.02%1.41 USD0.14 USD1.64 K+6.30%1.27 USD+0.79%38 K17.27 M USD−36.59%
CCTORCitius Oncology, Inc.
+10.99%0.7880 USD0.0780 USD5.82 K+4.32%0.7100 USD+14.52%151.56 K50.8 M USD−54.90%
PSIXPower Solutions International, Inc.
+10.90%33.08 USD3.25 USD29.9 K+10.63%29.83 USD−2.32%334.57 K686.08 M USD+1,623.99%
UPXIUpexi, Inc.
+10.39%2.55 USD0.24 USD5610.00%2.31 USD−0.86%22.48 K3.05 M USD−71.65%
AVTXAvalo Therapeutics, Inc.
+10.09%8.40 USD0.77 USD7 K+1.57%7.63 USD−0.39%19.38 K81.43 M USD+2,233.23%
ALZNAlzamend Neuro, Inc.
+9.80%1.12 USD0.10 USD129.47 K+2.94%1.02 USD+0.99%193.02 K6.73 M USD−15.30%
SDSTStardust Power Inc.
+9.66%0.7300 USD0.0643 USD46.49 K0.00%0.6657 USD+0.88%344.82 K35.14 M USD−69.03%
DOMHDominari Holdings Inc.
+9.65%6.02 USD0.53 USD45.17 K+2.73%5.49 USD+32.93%1.23 M79.03 M USD+436.27%
CPHIChina Pharma Holdings, Inc.
+9.65%0.2660 USD0.0234 USD17.04 K−0.87%0.2426 USD+2.88%290.79 K4.67 M USD+31.81%
CREVCarbon Revolution Public Limited Company
+9.63%3.30 USD0.29 USD100+9.63%3.01 USD+0.67%38.32 K5.67 M USD−83.83%
FRGEForge Global Holdings, Inc.
+9.62%0.6800 USD0.0597 USD68.67 K+4.97%0.6203 USD+0.26%322.63 K116.7 M USD−68.85%
FLGCFlora Growth Corp.
+9.62%0.7200 USD0.0632 USD150+9.62%0.6568 USD+5.94%91.17 K12.77 M USD+20.25%
SYTASiyata Mobile, Inc.
+9.48%2.54 USD0.22 USD278.86 K+1.72%2.32 USD+9.43%280.49 K2.28 M USD+25.25%
FFAIFaraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc.
+9.42%1.51 USD0.13 USD6.34 M+10.87%1.38 USD+9.52%9.17 M100.66 M USD+1,228.55%
XAIRBeyond Air, Inc.
+9.07%0.3090 USD0.0257 USD170.58 K+3.85%0.2833 USD+5.63%868.78 K25.01 M USD−56.04%
EEDBLEdible Garden AG Incorporated
+9.02%2.78 USD0.23 USD1.07 K+1.96%2.55 USD−0.78%19.15 K3.1 M USD+85.70%
IOBTIO Biotech, Inc.
+9.00%1.0900 USD0.0900 USD5.93 K−1.00%1.0000 USD+4.18%171.3 K65.88 M USD−43.75%
+8.82%0.9141 USD0.0741 USD30.32 K+0.01%0.8400 USD+4.14%774.95 K85.34 M USD−44.79%
FARMFarmer Brothers Company
+8.82%2.47 USD0.20 USD600−2.64%2.27 USD+3.18%281.5 K48.47 M USD−33.76%
NTRPNextTrip, Inc.
+8.80%6.06 USD0.49 USD1.2 K+8.98%5.57 USD+6.30%124.46 K9.86 M USD+89.19%
STFSStar Fashion Culture Holdings Limited
+8.78%1.17 USD0.09 USD10.65 M+25.51%1.08 USD+14.43%4.04 M11.67 M USD
VVINCVincerx Pharma, Inc.
+8.71%0.6092 USD0.0488 USD8.85 K+0.05%0.5604 USD−13.52%725.6 K1.26 M USD−99.01%
CCLEUChina Liberal Education Holdings Limited
+8.68%2.30 USD0.18 USD15.56 K+3.77%2.12 USD−17.83%224.22 K7.14 M USD+86.97%
AENTAlliance Entertainment Holding Corporation
+8.66%4.14 USD0.33 USD1.38 K+3.67%3.81 USD−2.06%37.45 K194.15 M USD+110.45%
VERBVerb Technology Company, Inc.
+8.39%6.20 USD0.48 USD78.62 K+4.55%5.72 USD+4.76%59.56 K5.68 M USD−41.79%
DJTTrump Media & Technology Group Corp.
+8.28%22.75 USD1.74 USD983.79 K+9.33%21.01 USD+3.75%3.46 M4.63 B USD+252.71%
MAXNMaxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd.
+8.24%3.66 USD0.28 USD1.39 K−3.25%3.38 USD−8.15%120.14 K51.68 M USD−65.99%
CRVSCorvus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+8.22%4.60 USD0.35 USD1.45 K+4.94%4.25 USD−1.39%775.07 K273.09 M USD+213.07%
BSGMBioSig Technologies, Inc.
+8.22%0.5344 USD0.0406 USD98.48 K+11.38%0.4938 USD−9.41%1.31 M11.38 M USD+208.47%
SUGPSU Group Holdings Limited
+8.13%0.9840 USD0.0740 USD100+8.13%0.9100 USD+13.74%60.66 K12.6 M USD−73.70%
PPHHPark Ha Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
+8.12%11.70 USD0.88 USD200+1.76%10.82 USD−19.73%534.36 K285.37 M USD
OVIDOvid Therapeutics Inc.
+8.04%0.4800 USD0.0357 USD4.86 K+3.53%0.4443 USD+4.52%196.42 K31.58 M USD−82.78%
IMNNImunon, Inc.
+7.98%1.15 USD0.08 USD60.09 K+0.47%1.07 USD+12.11%295.59 K15.57 M USD+84.91%
DTSSDatasea Inc.
+7.97%2.48 USD0.18 USD17.81 K+0.13%2.30 USD+4.41%45.45 K17.2 M USD−22.02%
DDCDDC Enterprise Limited
+7.94%0.1890 USD0.0139 USD6.55 K+11.36%0.1751 USD+0.06%384.44 K13.79 M USD−48.92%
+7.89%1.23 USD0.09 USD1.28 M+1.75%1.14 USD−3.39%20.86 M13.43 M USD−24.28%
PROKProKidney Corp.
+7.84%1.10 USD0.08 USD6.21 K+2.94%1.02 USD+6.23%240.76 K298.55 M USD−15.46%
+7.83%0.3718 USD0.0270 USD69.21 K+4.06%0.3448 USD+1.41%87.09 K2.99 M USD−84.17%
FUFUBitFuFu Inc.
+7.62%4.80 USD0.34 USD5.75 K+1.35%4.46 USD+4.21%220.56 K727.46 M USD+431.97%
ILAGIntelligent Living Application Group Inc.
+7.62%0.4731 USD0.0335 USD12.52 K−1.27%0.4396 USD+4.37%325.97 K8.39 M USD
FEAM5E Advanced Materials, Inc.
+7.57%4.28 USD0.30 USD220+7.57%3.98 USD−8.08%29.24 K71.62 M USD−8.04%
LLUDLuda Technology Group Limited
+7.32%5.13 USD0.35 USD794+7.32%4.78 USD0.00%8.85 K
PTNPalatin Technologies, Inc.
+7.31%0.8079 USD0.0550 USD3.81 M+5.64%0.7529 USD−6.98%277.12 K19.58 M USD−17.60%
UPLDUpland Software, Inc.
+7.25%3.55 USD0.24 USD2.9 K+5.74%3.31 USD−2.65%146.66 K93.24 M USD+30.78%
GPUSHyperscale Data, Inc.
+7.11%2.56 USD0.17 USD100+7.11%2.39 USD−1.24%11.87 K3.01 M USD−74.69%
FFBGLFBS Global Limited
+7.06%1.22 USD0.08 USD145.6 K+8.77%1.14 USD+22.98%1.38 M
OCGNOcugen, Inc.
+7.00%0.6820 USD0.0446 USD139.88 K+1.99%0.6374 USD+5.43%2.78 M186.13 M USD−49.61%
ALGSAligos Therapeutics, Inc.
+6.96%12.44 USD0.81 USD900+6.96%11.63 USD+8.19%126.68 K71.11 M USD−49.70%
IISPCiSpecimen Inc.
+6.93%1.44 USD0.09 USD237+1.48%1.35 USD−1.46%21.78 K1.3 M USD−53.02%
EEXOZeXoZymes Inc.
+6.79%14.00 USD0.89 USD381+6.79%13.11 USD−11.48%11.94 K106.55 M USD
NETCloudflare, Inc.
+6.66%132.18 USD8.25 USD111.66 K−0.72%123.93 USD+3.95%3.11 M42.77 B USD+22.58%
PETWag! Group Co.
+6.63%0.2090 USD0.0130 USD18.64 K+17.35%0.1960 USD−20.42%1.5 M9.76 M USD−84.52%
CNNECannae Holdings, Inc.
+6.56%19.98 USD1.23 USD12.93 K+0.37%18.75 USD+0.05%1.41 M1.18 B USD−34.39%
RLYBRallybio Corporation
+6.51%0.6476 USD0.0396 USD200+6.53%0.6080 USD−9.25%146.21 K25.3 M USD−52.25%
MMWYNMarwynn Holdings, Inc.
+6.47%4.61 USD0.28 USD967+2.31%4.33 USD−2.70%37.78 K
NEOVNeoVolta Inc.
+6.28%2.85 USD0.17 USD8.22 K−1.12%2.68 USD+1.90%98.55 K89.56 M USD+183.10%
SOPASociety Pass Incorporated
+6.19%1.20 USD0.07 USD3.05 K+9.73%1.13 USD−2.59%49.38 K4.2 M USD−14.31%
LEXXLexaria Bioscience Corp.
+6.18%1.87 USD0.11 USD625+0.57%1.76 USD−0.56%75.01 K30.89 M USD−44.81%
CCOEPCoeptis Therapeutics Holdings, Inc.
+6.16%9.99 USD0.58 USD850−2.23%9.41 USD−0.95%45.18 K30.51 M USD+175.78%
+6.15%0.4469 USD0.0259 USD1.03 K+6.08%0.4210 USD−2.09%80.43 K120.48 M USD−91.28%
FFGLFounder Group Limited
+6.11%1.39 USD0.08 USD3.48 K+7.63%1.31 USD−2.96%73.49 K22.16 M USD
KALVKalVista Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+6.04%12.99 USD0.74 USD5.97 K−4.49%12.25 USD+3.03%497.89 K609.02 M USD+16.59%
OECOrion S.A.
+5.84%14.50 USD0.80 USD400−4.38%13.70 USD+1.86%401.57 K776.16 M USD−42.17%
JZXNJiuzi Holdings, Inc.
+5.82%5.27 USD0.29 USD100+5.82%4.98 USD+3.11%34.88 K54.84 M USD−84.12%
HSDTHelius Medical Technologies, Inc.
+5.82%0.4180 USD0.0230 USD5.04 K+5.80%0.3950 USD−8.14%46.39 K2.42 M USD−50.86%
WATTEnergous Corporation
+5.77%0.3099 USD0.0169 USD30.31 K+3.17%0.2930 USD−1.45%423.14 K8.92 M USD−3.55%
HTOOFusion Fuel Green PLC
+5.77%0.3045 USD0.0166 USD29.87 K+0.73%0.2879 USD+5.50%194.25 K6.74 M USD−73.93%
NUKKNukkleus Inc.
+5.74%17.88 USD0.97 USD7.67 K−1.54%16.91 USD−3.81%321.36 K81.01 M USD+530.35%
ATAIATAI Life Sciences N.V.
+5.73%1.66 USD0.09 USD20.13 K+5.73%1.57 USD+8.28%2.24 M311.34 M USD−4.45%
YCBDcbdMD, Inc.
+5.69%0.2899 USD0.0156 USD500+5.69%0.2743 USD+1.22%92.04 K1.72 M USD−18.52%
GIGMGigaMedia Limited
+5.59%1.72 USD0.09 USD1 K+5.59%1.63 USD+1.56%19.02 K17.96 M USD+22.81%
BBHILBenson Hill, Inc.
+5.54%0.3750 USD0.0197 USD15.03 K+7.23%0.3553 USD+1.51%1.43 M2.17 M USD−91.50%
MMDCXMedicus Pharma Ltd.
+5.52%3.44 USD0.18 USD213+1.84%3.26 USD−1.76%24.33 K38.52 M USD+360.44%
XAGELongevity Health Holdings, Inc.
+5.51%0.1770 USD0.0092 USD16.55 K+1.52%0.1678 USD−8.03%631.45 K5.05 M USD−90.11%
PALIPalisade Bio, Inc.
+5.51%0.7396 USD0.0386 USD6.63 K+2.57%0.7010 USD−1.38%119.62 K1.94 M USD−36.31%
RVYLRyvyl Inc.
+5.45%1.16 USD0.06 USD300+7.26%1.10 USD−5.17%25.23 K9.19 M USD−59.88%
LVLULulu's Fashion Lounge Holdings, Inc.
+5.45%0.4547 USD0.0235 USD5.38 K+0.02%0.4312 USD−4.18%103.7 K18.12 M USD−70.91%
VSVersus Systems Inc.
+5.42%2.14 USD0.11 USD1.05 K+1.97%2.03 USD−0.98%15.33 K5.58 M USD+8.87%, Inc.
+5.37%3.73 USD0.19 USD3.4 M+3.39%3.54 USD+19.19%48.99 M1.01 B USD+69.83%
MISTMilestone Pharmaceuticals Inc.
+5.37%2.16 USD0.11 USD107.83 K+5.37%2.05 USD+7.89%3.51 M109.38 M USD+33.18%