US stocks with the biggest gap in pre-market

Gap is a sharp change in a stock price between sessions when no actual trading occurs. US stocks below have gained the most in pre-market gap. Check their stats and see if you can gain from this sudden change.
Pre-market Gap %
Pre-market Close
Pre-market Chg
Pre-market Chg %
Pre-market Vol
Change %
Market cap
Market cap perf %
TNONTenon Medical, Inc.
+72.78%4.3100 USD3.3319 USD+340.65%102.74 M4.5699 USD+367.22%124.12 M3.07 M USD+45.42%
APREAprea Therapeutics, Inc.
+44.69%2.27 USD0.01 USD+0.44%3.67 K2.26 USD0.00%4.2 K12.28 M USD−47.19%
LDTCLeddarTech Holdings Inc.
+44.39%0.5679 USD0.0000 USD0.00%15.63 K0.5570 USD−1.92%18.95 K24.52 M USD−80.26%
RELIReliance Global Group, Inc.
+30.00%1.30 USD0.00 USD0.00%2181.32 USD+1.54%8703.79 M USD+110.93%
TTOPPToppoint Holdings Inc.
+27.15%1.57 USD0.06 USD+3.97%1.89 K1.57 USD+3.97%3.57 K27.48 M USD
PLRZPolyrizon Ltd.
+26.75%0.6490 USD−0.1005 USD−13.41%1.3 M0.6396 USD−14.66%1.51 M2.81 M USD
STFSStar Fashion Culture Holdings Limited
+25.51%1.17 USD0.09 USD+8.78%10.68 M1.20 USD+11.57%11.77 M13.02 M USD
KKNWKnow Labs, Inc.
+19.05%1.05 USD0.00 USD0.00%16.78 K1.05 USD0.00%27.12 K2.95 M USD−92.06%
EELPWElong Power Holding Limited
+18.14%0.8000 USD0.1000 USD+14.29%22.9 K0.7105 USD+1.50%30.5 K32.98 M USD−71.91%
PETWag! Group Co.
+17.35%0.2090 USD0.0130 USD+6.63%18.64 K0.2120 USD+8.16%24.5 K10.56 M USD−84.52%
POAIPredictive Oncology Inc.
+15.70%2.10 USD0.99 USD+88.34%56.5 M2.17 USD+95.07%69.79 M8.04 M USD−22.28%
CMLSCumulus Media Inc.
+15.13%0.4840 USD−0.0024 USD−0.49%7.17 K0.4760 USD−2.14%7.97 K20.31 M USD−72.32%
JYNTThe Joint Corp.
+14.24%13.18 USD0.40 USD+3.13%20012.78 USD0.00%1.35 K193.94 M USD−1.45%
ALMSAlumis Inc.
+13.91%5.67 USD1.90 USD+50.20%6.32 M5.13 USD+35.89%8.48 M279.11 M USD
APYXApyx Medical Corporation
+11.59%1.42 USD0.04 USD+2.90%1.36 K1.41 USD+2.17%5.16 K53.29 M USD−35.72%
DDGNXDiginex Limited
+11.41%107.99 USD16.57 USD+18.13%1.2 K100.10 USD+9.49%5.58 K2.3 B USD
BSGMBioSig Technologies, Inc.
+11.38%0.5344 USD0.0406 USD+8.22%98.48 K0.5610 USD+13.61%107.79 K12.93 M USD+208.47%
DDCDDC Enterprise Limited
+11.36%0.1890 USD0.0139 USD+7.94%6.55 K0.1750 USD−0.06%20.19 K13.78 M USD−48.92%
HHWHHWH International Inc.
+11.11%1.30 USD−0.14 USD−9.72%7.91 M1.33 USD−7.64%9.06 M8.61 M USD−50.35%
FFAIFaraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc.
+10.87%1.51 USD0.13 USD+9.42%6.35 M1.47 USD+6.67%8.74 M107.37 M USD+1,228.55%
PRTGPortage Biotech Inc.
+10.71%4.01 USD−0.19 USD−4.52%8374.29 USD+2.14%2.72 K4.81 M USD−47.09%
PSIXPower Solutions International, Inc.
+10.63%33.03 USD3.20 USD+10.73%30.1 K33.00 USD+10.63%58.94 K758.99 M USD+1,623.99%
BGIBirks Group Inc.
+10.62%1.15 USD0.02 USD+1.77%7001.11 USD−1.77%6.34 K21.44 M USD−52.52%
FSIFlexible Solutions International Inc.
+10.24%5.10 USD−0.07 USD−1.36%2005.20 USD+0.57%1.11 K64.77 M USD+180.24%
ONDSOndas Holdings Inc.
+10.20%0.8554 USD0.0434 USD+5.34%464.77 K0.8536 USD+5.12%699.6 K90.25 M USD+19.78%
NNEHCNew Era Helium Inc
+9.94%1.89 USD0.08 USD+4.26%4081.79 USD−1.10%3.61 K25 M USD−46.87%
SOPASociety Pass Incorporated
+9.73%1.20 USD0.07 USD+6.19%3.05 K1.14 USD+0.88%5.66 K4.24 M USD−14.31%
CREVCarbon Revolution Public Limited Company
+9.63%3.30 USD0.29 USD+9.63%1003.15 USD+4.65%7735.94 M USD−83.83%
FLGCFlora Growth Corp.
+9.62%0.7200 USD0.0632 USD+9.62%1500.6999 USD+6.56%4.25 K13.6 M USD+20.25%
+9.62%1.05 USD0.01 USD+0.96%2.73 K1.03 USD−0.96%7.12 K40.15 M USD−20.50%
OCEAOcean Biomedical, Inc.
+9.55%0.0630 USD−0.0009 USD−1.41%446.12 K0.0631 USD−1.25%613.62 K8.87 M USD−94.71%
PRPHProPhase Labs, Inc.
+9.48%0.4437 USD0.0144 USD+3.35%94.45 K0.4230 USD−1.47%156.62 K12.64 M USD−88.06%
DJTTrump Media & Technology Group Corp.
+9.33%22.75 USD1.74 USD+8.28%984.49 K22.64 USD+7.76%1.49 M4.99 B USD+252.71%
RNAZTransCode Therapeutics, Inc.
+9.14%0.7000 USD0.0073 USD+1.05%688.25 K0.7104 USD+2.56%892.18 K494.62 K USD−86.98%
NTRPNextTrip, Inc.
+8.98%6.07 USD0.50 USD+8.98%1.46 K5.85 USD+5.09%4.39 K10.36 M USD+89.19%
FFBGLFBS Global Limited
+8.77%1.22 USD0.08 USD+7.06%145.6 K1.27 USD+11.40%163.13 K
ENVBEnveric Biosciences, Inc.
+8.57%1.71 USD−0.04 USD−2.29%2.89 K1.74 USD−0.57%3.72 K3.34 M USD−49.47%
AACTUActuate Therapeutics, Inc.
+8.33%7.29 USD0.09 USD+1.25%2.37 K7.27 USD+0.97%2.94 K141.99 M USD
AASBPAspire Biopharma Holdings, Inc.
+8.02%0.6397 USD−0.0064 USD−0.99%18.91 K0.6417 USD−0.68%19.88 K29.52 M USD
XPONExpion360 Inc.
+8.00%1.0500 USD0.0500 USD+5.00%1.34 K1.0700 USD+7.00%2.76 K3.36 M USD
GGDHGGolden Heaven Group Holdings Ltd.
+7.65%2.00 USD0.04 USD+2.04%659.64 K1.89 USD−3.83%679.58 K65.08 M USD−84.54%
FFGLFounder Group Limited
+7.63%1.39 USD0.08 USD+6.11%3.48 K1.32 USD+0.76%3.96 K22.33 M USD
PEPGPepGen Inc.
+7.61%1.74 USD0.04 USD+2.35%1.53 K1.73 USD+1.76%4.68 K56.56 M USD−86.27%
UAVSAgEagle Aerial Systems, Inc.
+7.41%1.38 USD0.03 USD+2.21%16.27 K1.36 USD+0.74%19.52 K15.75 M USD+127.69%
+7.37%12.76 USD0.00 USD0.00%70012.74 USD−0.16%1.96 K331.7 M USD−27.46%
LLUDLuda Technology Group Limited
+7.32%5.13 USD0.35 USD+7.32%7944.98 USD+4.18%2.12 K
RVYLRyvyl Inc.
+7.26%1.16 USD0.06 USD+5.45%3001.14 USD+3.64%9029.52 M USD−59.88%
BBHILBenson Hill, Inc.
+7.23%0.3750 USD0.0197 USD+5.54%15.03 K0.3751 USD+5.57%16.45 K2.29 M USD−91.50%
ONMDOneMedNet Corp
+7.23%0.5439 USD−0.0343 USD−5.93%5.53 K0.5690 USD−1.59%6.3 K15.92 M USD−39.00%
BBLNEBeeline Holdings, Inc.
+7.19%1.65 USD−0.02 USD−1.20%901.82 K1.69 USD+1.20%1.06 M10.27 M USD+571.12%
RDGTRidgetech, Inc.
+7.12%0.8850 USD−0.0476 USD−5.10%9880.8937 USD−4.17%1.81 K5.52 M USD+12.04%
GPUSHyperscale Data, Inc.
+7.11%2.56 USD0.17 USD+7.11%1002.59 USD+8.51%4.74 K3.27 M USD−74.69%
HRTGHeritage Insurance Holdings, Inc.
+7.09%13.88 USD0.06 USD+0.43%20013.86 USD+0.29%3.69 K593.76 M USD+100.11%
ALGSAligos Therapeutics, Inc.
+6.96%12.44 USD0.81 USD+6.96%90011.63 USD0.00%2.07 K71.11 M USD−49.70%
ORISOriental Rise Holdings Limited
+6.90%1.21 USD0.05 USD+4.05%8.42 K1.17 USD+0.86%9.9 K25.75 M USD
SSTSystem1, Inc.
+6.79%0.4320 USD0.0019 USD+0.44%6.58 K0.4310 USD+0.21%11.95 K40.18 M USD−65.98%
EEXOZeXoZymes Inc.
+6.79%14.00 USD0.89 USD+6.79%38113.98 USD+6.64%584113.62 M USD
CISOCISO Global, Inc.
+6.60%0.4328 USD−0.0171 USD−3.80%335.54 K0.4466 USD−0.73%386.2 K6.47 M USD−38.21%
CENNCenntro Inc.
+6.54%0.9241 USD0.0287 USD+3.21%1.89 K0.9681 USD+8.12%4.5 K29.88 M USD−31.28%
RLYBRallybio Corporation
+6.53%0.6476 USD0.0396 USD+6.51%2000.6323 USD+4.00%40726.31 M USD−52.25%
SXTCChina SXT Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
+6.41%2.71 USD−0.10 USD−3.56%1.57 K2.81 USD0.00%2.53 K38.67 M USD+395.75%
FBLGFibroBiologics, Inc.
+6.31%1.11 USD0.00 USD0.00%4.31 K1.14 USD+2.61%8.8 K41.47 M USD−90.90%
GTECGreenland Technologies Holding Corporation
+6.30%1.41 USD0.14 USD+11.02%1.64 K1.28 USD+0.79%2.42 K17.4 M USD−36.59%
SPCBSuperCom, Ltd.
+6.27%7.50 USD0.16 USD+2.18%1.95 K7.36 USD+0.27%2.88 K25.58 M USD+1,462.53%
BBHATBlue Hat Interactive Entertainment Technology
+6.11%2.37 USD0.08 USD+3.49%4.94 K2.37 USD+3.49%11.57 K11.7 M USD+38.86%
SMXSMX (Security Matters) Public Limited Company
+6.09%2.41 USD0.11 USD+4.78%4182.40 USD+4.35%7946.89 M USD−52.37%
CNTXContext Therapeutics Inc.
+6.01%0.8000 USD0.0360 USD+4.71%7.44 K0.8269 USD+8.23%9.35 K62.02 M USD+234.62%
TLRYTilray Brands, Inc.
+5.86%0.6897 USD0.0074 USD+1.08%210.31 K0.6879 USD+0.82%393.97 K645.01 M USD−59.05%
ISTRInvestar Holding Corporation
+5.85%17.66 USD−0.29 USD−1.62%41117.91 USD−0.22%1.03 K175.98 M USD+9.49%
HSDTHelius Medical Technologies, Inc.
+5.80%0.4180 USD0.0230 USD+5.82%5.04 K0.4024 USD+1.87%5.28 K2.47 M USD−50.86%
BRDGBridge Investment Group Holdings Inc.
+5.77%10.00 USD−0.40 USD−3.85%40010.44 USD+0.38%1.28 K3.67 B USD+110.95%
LWAYLifeway Foods, Inc.
+5.76%24.41 USD0.44 USD+1.84%75624.25 USD+1.18%1.77 K368.73 M USD+72.30%
UPLDUpland Software, Inc.
+5.74%3.55 USD0.24 USD+7.25%2.9 K3.40 USD+2.63%3.61 K95.69 M USD+30.78%
OFIXOrthofix Medical Inc.
+5.73%16.81 USD0.07 USD+0.42%60016.97 USD+1.37%3.01 K662.21 M USD+24.28%
ATAIATAI Life Sciences N.V.
+5.73%1.66 USD0.09 USD+5.69%22.43 K1.63 USD+3.75%116.47 K323 M USD−4.45%
GGROBrazil Potash Corp.
+5.71%3.38 USD−0.12 USD−3.43%1.4 K3.41 USD−2.57%2.58 K130.73 M USD
YCBDcbdMD, Inc.
+5.69%0.2899 USD0.0156 USD+5.69%5000.2800 USD+2.08%1.32 K1.75 M USD−18.52%
QMMMQMMM Holdings Limited
+5.66%1.10 USD0.04 USD+3.77%4.88 K1.07 USD+0.94%7.5 K18.41 M USD
APDNApplied DNA Sciences, Inc.
+5.66%2.19 USD0.07 USD+3.25%552.26 K2.17 USD+2.21%730.24 K2.39 M USD−74.00%
PTNPalatin Technologies, Inc.
+5.64%0.8109 USD0.0580 USD+7.70%3.83 M0.8073 USD+7.23%4.09 M20.99 M USD−17.60%
MODDModular Medical, Inc.
+5.45%1.15 USD0.05 USD+4.55%25.42 K1.20 USD+9.09%50.26 K48.8 M USD−36.07%
WBXWallbox N.V.
+5.44%0.3320 USD0.0010 USD+0.30%1.16 K0.3391 USD+2.45%14.61 K86.09 M USD−71.35%
MMNTSMomentus Inc.
+5.41%2.30 USD0.08 USD+3.60%2.3 K2.21 USD−0.45%23.87 K7.26 M USD+20.18%
OPHCOptimumBank Holdings, Inc.
+5.39%4.45 USD0.18 USD+4.22%4154.41 USD+3.28%1.48 K51.82 M USD+44.93%
MISTMilestone Pharmaceuticals Inc.
+5.37%2.16 USD0.11 USD+5.37%107.83 K2.10 USD+2.44%213.9 K112.04 M USD+33.18%
CCJMBCallan JMB Inc.
+5.32%5.10 USD0.26 USD+5.32%1005.08 USD+4.96%851
HTCOHigh-Trend International Group
+5.32%0.9515 USD0.0115 USD+1.22%8.69 K0.9590 USD+2.02%22.8 K115.98 M USD+510.66%
SOWGSow Good Inc.
+5.17%1.19 USD0.03 USD+2.59%3.86 K1.16 USD0.00%10.7 K11.88 M USD−37.01%
VOCVOC Energy Trust
+5.17%3.22 USD−0.07 USD−2.13%8973.26 USD−0.91%2.07 K55.42 M USD−44.59%
BTMDBiote Corp.
+5.13%4.10 USD0.20 USD+5.13%1003.90 USD0.00%2.76 K213.37 M USD−60.87%
IMUXImmunic, Inc.
+5.09%1.22 USD0.05 USD+4.25%17.72 K1.19 USD+1.71%28.65 K107.19 M USD−15.80%
AALLRAllarity Therapeutics, Inc.
+5.00%1.0100 USD0.0100 USD+1.00%148.59 K1.0099 USD+0.99%192.87 K4.48 M USD+104.43%
CPIXCumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc.
+5.00%4.62 USD0.22 USD+5.00%1004.38 USD−0.45%1.51 K61.18 M USD+165.72%
PRSOPeraso Inc.
+5.00%0.7884 USD0.0000 USD0.00%2000.7800 USD−1.07%1.46 K2.99 M USD+2.77%
APGEApogee Therapeutics, Inc.
+5.00%42.88 USD2.04 USD+5.00%15040.82 USD−0.05%4.92 K2.43 B USD−37.44%
RAPPRapport Therapeutics, Inc.
+4.99%10.73 USD0.51 USD+4.99%10010.35 USD+1.27%982377.74 M USD
JJFBJFB Construction Holdings
+4.99%4.42 USD0.21 USD+4.99%2244.14 USD−1.66%403
KRUSKura Sushi USA, Inc.
+4.99%64.85 USD3.08 USD+4.99%20062.25 USD+0.77%3.29 K751.06 M USD−46.75%
EVOKEvoke Pharma, Inc.
+4.98%2.95 USD0.14 USD+4.98%1502.84 USD+1.07%4764.24 M USD−2.93%
CCTNTCheetah Net Supply Chain Service Inc.
+4.97%1.60 USD−0.01 USD−0.55%4.59 K1.65 USD+2.48%5.55 K5.31 M USD−97.93%