
PRESSR: Gulf Bank’s Wise Platform revolutionizes global investments and supports women’s financial growth

As part of the GB Talks series, Gulf Bank's Assistant Investment Manager, Ms. Hanan Al-Ashwak, discussed the variety of investment options available through Gulf Bank and Invest GB, with a special focus on women.

Al-Ashwak emphasized that the Bank’s digital investment platform, the most innovative in Kuwait, follows a Nobel Prize-winning investment strategy and offers many advantages to clients in global markets. The platform offers an investment solution that is easy, transparent and cost efficient.

Clients can achieve long-term, risk-adjusted returns by investing in diversified international portfolios, while also having the ability to monitor their investments anytime, from anywhere.

In 2023, the platform achieved remarkable returns, exceeding client expectations despite difficult economic and geopolitical conditions. Conservative portfolios saw an average return of 10.7%, while high-risk portfolios delivered 20.9%. The Islamic portfolio "Wise" returned 22%, and the income portfolio achieved a return of 9.2%, supported by annual dividends of 6%.

Al-Ashwak emphasized that the Wise platform is the top choice for global market investments due to its competitive advantages. It consistently offers clients effective solutions for reaching their investment and savings goals by utilizing carefully curated and geographically diverse investment opportunities.

The platform offers customized portfolios designed to align with clients' financial goals, investment timelines, and risk preferences. It provides access to a diverse range of investment options and tools, including Sharia-compliant choices, empowering clients to grow their wealth and achieve their financial objectives.

Clients can fully control their portfolios, adjust investments, or withdraw funds as needed. They can also monitor portfolio performance from their mobile phones and choose to reinvest or withdraw profits. As a digital investment tool, Wise allows clients to invest in globally diversified portfolios with a long-term outlook.

After clients complete a straightforward questionnaire to outline their financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizons, the platform recommends a tailored portfolio. Gulf Bank’s investment managers then continuously monitor and review these portfolios to safeguard and enhance clients' wealth, ensuring that investment performance aligns with their objectives.

The Wise platform is accessible to both Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti clients who have accounts with Gulf Bank, with a minimum investment of $10,000 required to open a portfolio.

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