
PRESSR: Agrifood & cultivating opportunity: Global food security at risk as demand outpaces agricultural output

Muscat: The next Tejarah Talks session, titled “Agrifood: Cultivating Opportunity,” will be held 7:30pm, Tuesday 24 September 2024 at the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre. The event will focus on the challenges and opportunities within the agrifood sector as it faces rising global demand, climate change and the need for sustainable practices.

Agrifood systems are under pressure as the world grapples with feeding a growing population and adapting to climate-related challenges. The FAO estimates over 800 million people globally are undernourished, while food production systems are increasingly vulnerable to environmental changes​. The latest OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook projects that global demand for food will increase significantly in the next decade, adding urgency to the need for innovation and adaptation in agriculture​.

The 24 September Tejarah Talks will cover how digital technology is being used to improve agricultural processes and boost productivity, helping enhance Oman’s long-term food security. Experts will also discuss the resilience of food supply chains, strategies for climate-smart farming, shifting consumer preferences and the role of public-private partnerships in advancing sustainable agrifood initiatives.

Maymuna Al Adawi, Director, PPP, Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Investment Promotion and Tejarah Talks organizer, said: “Oman’s agrifood sector is key to our economic and environmental future. We need to explore new strategies and partnerships to build resilient food systems that can meet domestic as well as global needs.” She went on to add: “Attracting young Omanis into the agrifood sector is essential for the country’s future food security and economic growth. Currently, the average age of farmers globally is over 60 and the sector faces challenges in attracting younger generations. There is an urgent need to engage youth with modern, tech-driven opportunities in agriculture that offer rewarding careers and drive innovation – a theme our panel will be tackling.”

The evening’s discussions will be moderated by Jamal Al Asmi, Executive Producer, Reality CG. Joining Al Asmi will be Dr. Masoud Al Azri, Director General, Marketing, Agriculture & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Wealth & Water Resources; Sayyid Fahar Al Said, Co-founder & CTO, YUZU Agriculture; and Moza Al Kharusi, Head, Research Facilities, Oman Animal & Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Ministry of Higher Education, Research & Innovation. They will share insights into the integration of technology in agriculture and the potential for the sector to drive sustainable economic growth.

Supported by Jindal Shadeed, Nortal, Apex Transgulf Manufacturing, MHD and Oman FM, September’s Tejarah Talks aims to bring together industry leaders, policymakers and innovators to discuss the future of Oman’s agrifood sector and explore opportunities for collaboration. For more information or to register, visit:


For Press Enquires

Ms. Badriya Al Amri

Oman Business Forum Office

Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Investment Promotion

PO Box 550

Muscat, 113

Sultanate of Oman

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