
By robbatt
Library "lib_drawing_composite_types"
User Defined Types for basic drawing structure. Other types and methods will be built on these. (added type Triangle and Polygon to

  TriangleProperties object
    border_color (series color): Box border color. Default is
    fill_color (series color): Fill color
    fill_transparency (series int)
    border_width (series int): Box border width. Default is 1
    border_style (series string): Box border style. Default is line.style_solid
    xloc (series string): defines if drawing needs to be done based on bar index or time. default is xloc.bar_index

  Triangle object
    p1 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): point one
    p2 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): point two
    p3 (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): point three
    properties (TriangleProperties): Triangle properties
    l12 (series line): line object created
    l23 (series line): line object created
    l31 (series line): line object created

  Trianglefill object
    triangle (Triangle): to create a linefill for
    fill_color (series color): Fill color
    transparency (series int): Fill transparency range from 0 to 100
    object (series linefill): linefill object created

  Polygon object
    center (Point type from HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2): Point that triangles are using as common center
    triangles (Triangle[]): an array of triangles that form the Polygon

  Polygonfill object
    _polygon (Polygon): to create a fill for
    _fills (Trianglefill[]): an array of Trianglefill objects that match the array of triangles in _polygon
displaydrawingdrawingtoolslibraryMarket GeometryMATHtoolkitwizardry

Pine library

In true TradingView spirit, the author has published this Pine code as an open-source library so that other Pine programmers from our community can reuse it. Cheers to the author! You may use this library privately or in other open-source publications, but reuse of this code in a publication is governed by House rules.
