Basha Dashboard

By johnbasha3
closeGapsPartially = input.bool(false, "Close Gaps Partially", display = display.data_window)
boxLimitInput =, "Max Number of Gaps", minval = 1, maxval = 500, display = display.data_window)
minimalDeviationTooltip = "Specifies the minimal size of detected gaps, as a percentage of the average high-low range for the last 14 bars."
minimalDeviationInput = nz(input.float(30.0, "Minimal Deviation (%)", tooltip = minimalDeviationTooltip, minval=1, maxval=100, display = display.data_window) / 100 * ta.sma(high-low, 14))
limitBoxLengthBoolInput = input.bool(false, "Limit Max Gap Trail Length (bars)", inline = "Length Limit", display = display.data_window)
limitBoxLengthIntInput =, "", inline = "Length Limit", minval = 1, display = display.data_window)

groupName = "Border and fill colors"
colorUpBorderInput = input.color(, "Up Gaps", inline = "Gap Up", group = groupName, display = display.data_window)
colorUpBackgroundInput = input.color(, 85), "", inline = "Gap Up", group = groupName, display = display.data_window)
colorDownBorderInput = input.color(, "Down Gaps", inline = "Gap Down", group = groupName, display = display.data_window)
colorDownBackgroundInput = input.color(, 85), "", inline = "Gap Down", group = groupName, display = display.data_window)

type AlertInfo
int countOpenGap
int countClosedGap

method hasOpenedGap(AlertInfo this) =>
this.countOpenGap > 0

method hasClosedGap(AlertInfo this) =>
this.countClosedGap > 0

AlertInfo alertInfo =, 0)

//type A representation of a chart gap and all box drawings that it consists of.
//Field isActive If 'true', the gap has not yet been closed and is still being extended on the chart.
//Field isBull The direction of the gap: 'true' for upward gaps and 'false' for downward ones.
//Field inactiveBoxes An array of all boxes that have been drawn for this gap. The last element of the array is the box on the chart that is currently extended further.
type Gap
bool isActive
bool isBull
array<box> boxes

//Function Deletes all of the boxes that were drawn to represent the gap.
method delete(Gap this) =>
for _box in this.boxes

//Function Closes the gap partially, stopping the previous box and creating a new, smaller box to continue the gap instead.
method partialClose(Gap this) =>
activeBox = this.boxes.last()

top = this.isBull ? activeBox.get_top() : low
bottom = this.isBull ? high : activeBox.get_bottom()

this.isBull ? colorDownBorderInput : colorUpBorderInput,
bgcolor = this.isBull ? colorDownBackgroundInput : colorUpBackgroundInput))

//Function Closes the gap fully, stopping the box from being extended.
method fullClose(Gap this) =>
alertInfo.countClosedGap += 1
activeBox = this.boxes.last()
this.isActive := false
if closeGapsPartially

method checkForClose(Gap this) =>
if this.isActive
activeBox = this.boxes.last()
top = activeBox.get_top()
bot = activeBox.get_bottom()
isBull = this.isBull

if (high > bot and isBull) or (low < top and not isBull)
if closeGapsPartially

bool forceCloseBoxExceededLengthLimit = (limitBoxLengthBoolInput and bar_index - activeBox.get_left() >= limitBoxLengthIntInput)
if ((high > top and isBull) or (low < bot and not isBull)) or forceCloseBoxExceededLengthLimit

var allGaps =<Gap>()

// Detect gaps.
isGapDown = high < low[1] and low[1] - high >= minimalDeviationInput
isGapUp = low > high[1] and low - high[1] >= minimalDeviationInput
isGap = isGapDown or isGapUp
boxBorderColor = isGapDown ? colorDownBorderInput : colorUpBorderInput
boxBgcolor = isGapDown ? colorDownBackgroundInput : colorUpBackgroundInput

registerNewGap(bool isGapDown) =>
alertInfo.countOpenGap += 1

newBox =
bar_index - 1,
(isGapDown ? low[1] : low),
(isGapDown ? high : high[1]),
border_color = boxBorderColor,
bgcolor = boxBgcolor,
extend = extend.right)

allGaps.push(, isGapDown, array.from(newBox)))

if allGaps.size() > boxLimitInput

// Detect covering of gaps.
for gap in allGaps

// Add a box for each new gap, removing the oldest one if needed.
if isGap

if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory and allGaps.size() == 0
noGapText = "No gaps found on the current chart. \n The cause could be that some exchanges align the open of new bars on the close of the previous one, resulting in charts with no gaps. Alternatively, your Minimal Deviation might be too high."
var infoTable =, 1, 1)
table.cell(infoTable, 0, 0, text = noGapText, text_color = chart.bg_color, bgcolor = chart.fg_color)

alertcondition(alertInfo.hasOpenedGap(), "New Gap Appeared", "A new gap has appeared.")
alertcondition(alertInfo.hasClosedGap(), "Gap Closed", "A gap was closed.")
Chart patterns

Open-source script

In true TradingView spirit, the author of this script has published it open-source, so traders can understand and verify it. Cheers to the author! You may use it for free, but reuse of this code in publication is governed by House rules. You can favorite it to use it on a chart.

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