
By kaigouthro
Library "EchoMorphicAverage"
Original Self Referencing Moving Average which references
it's own output agsainst itself and the incoming source to dynamically
alter smoothness and length internally per calculation cycle.
Inputs are float length series.
Contact Me for More Dynamic Float Length Indicators.

wema(src, mod, len)
  Waited Echo-Morphic Average
    src: (float) input value
    mod: (float) modifier(0-1) mix of current value
    len: (float) length
  Returns: output processed smoothed value

wemaStack(src, mod, len)
  Stacked Multipass Waited Echo-Morphic Average
    src: (float) input value
    mod: (float) modifier(0-1) mix of current value
    len: (float) length
  Returns: output processed smoothed value

Pine library

In true TradingView spirit, the author has published this Pine code as an open-source library so that other Pine programmers from our community can reuse it. Cheers to the author! You may use this library privately or in other open-source publications, but reuse of this code in a publication is governed by House rules.
