TRUE Vibration 2.0

By TrueCrypto28
True Vibration was designed as a Comprehensive Trading Tool for active traders.

All Markets and all assets constantly chop on all time frames. No asset is exempt from this.

Our goal in trading is (should be) to utilize Technical Analysis in order to identify what the masses are likely thinking and to identify when and where they are likely wrong (or trapped). Generally speaking, the masses tend to do well during trends and they tend to perform terribly at inflection points. I designed this tool in an effort to help Traders better identify these areas in both TRENDING and RANGING markets.

There is a lot happening in this oscillator (by design). The key outputs provided through the oscillator include:

-Identification of Market Structure (Rule #1 of trading & yet it is also the first thing most traders forget)

-Potential Pivots for Longs and Shorts

-A simple Trend identification feature

-A bursting feature for areas showing confluence which often leads to bigger moves

-Multiple variations of unique momentum indicators

-Divergence on the momentum indicator

and much more...

"A tool is only as good as its user". What many will find is that the more time they invest in learning the intricacies of this tool the better they will become at using it and receiving benefits from it. Intro and instruction video(s) will be made available to give users a head start on the learning curve with this tool.
Release Notes
True Vibration was designed as a Comprehensive Trading Tool for active traders.

All Markets and all assets constantly chop on all time frames. No asset is exempt from this.

Our goal in trading is (should be) to utilize Technical Analysis in order to identify what the masses are likely thinking and to identify when and where they are likely wrong (or trapped). Generally speaking, the masses tend to do well during trends and they tend to perform terribly at inflection points. I designed this tool in an effort to help Traders better identify these areas in both TRENDING and RANGING markets.

There is a lot happening in this oscillator (by design). The key outputs provided through the oscillator include:

-Identification of Market Structure (Rule #1 of trading & yet it is also the first thing most traders forget)

-Potential Pivots for Longs and Shorts

-A simple Trend identification feature

-A bursting feature for areas showing confluence which often leads to bigger moves

-Multiple variations of unique momentum indicators

-Divergence on the momentum indicator

and much more...

"A tool is only as good as its user". What many will find is that the more time they invest in learning the intricacies of this tool the better they will become at using it and receiving benefits from it. Intro and instruction video(s) will be made available to give users a head start on the learning curve with this tool.
Release Notes
The MAIN addition to True Vibration 2.0 is an additional tool that can be turned ON within the settings. The tools is called the Directional Bias Indicator (DBI) and this tool is very helpful in showing the path of least resistance for a given time frame. While the user is always the most important part in any trade, the DBI has the ability to strengthen the EDGE of any preferred technique which also includes all the EDGE-based techniques/signals that already exist within True Vibration 2.0.

Release Notes
True Vibration has been updated with multiple strategies that have tremendous EDGE to them and make the user experience easier to use and learn.
Release Notes
We have added a mid point line (50 line) and the FSR pivot signals which are to be used on m15 and m10 as part of the H1 trading strategy.

Here is are the rules for this strategy (from this video ).

FSR 15 min (and 10 min) Scalping w/ H1 anchor

1) 1-hour chart True Vibration set to 8/45 w/ FSR on ONLY
2) We are focused on the color changes. Green stays green until we see Red and Red stays Red until we see Green
3) Go to m15 (split screen). Set True Vib on the 15 min to the same settings (8/45)
4) When the 1 hr is green AND the 15min is Green we will scalp LONG WHEN FSR is ABOVE 50 and switches from FALLING to RISING (Don't mess this up)... See examples in video
4b) When the 1 hr is RED AND the 15min is RED we will Scalp SHORT WHEN FSR is BELOW 50 and switched from RISING to FALLING
(I will also show you this on the 10 minute chart or just know you can do it w/ m10. DO NOT DO this w/ m5)

Use the things you that you know to improve upon this... SFP, H&S, dbl tops & bottoms, etc...

We also added alerts for the FSR pivots (Do not forget that these alerts only look at the TF of your chart or your alert (tf you chose for the alert). It is up to the user to make sure that all rules have been met.
Release Notes
Alert Bug correction
Release Notes
Small changes on this update. We went from version 4 to version 5. We did a little clean up. We changed the 70/30 lines to 80/20 be default (but, you cand change those if you'd like. We have a dashed 50 line on by default currently(this can be changed as well). Enjoy!
confluenceMoving AveragesOscillatorstrendTrend Analysistruecrypto28truevibration

Invite-only script

Access to this script is restricted to users authorized by the author and usually requires payment. You can add it to your favorites, but you will only be able to use it after requesting permission and obtaining it from its author. Contact TrueCrypto28 for more information, or follow the author's instructions below.

Please note that this is a private, invite-only script that was not analyzed by script moderators. Its compliance to House Rules is undetermined. TradingView does not suggest paying for a script and using it unless you 100% trust its author and understand how the script works. In many cases, you can find a good open-source alternative for free in our Community Scripts.

Author's instructions

DM me @TrueCrypto28 for no-cost access.

Want to use this script on a chart?

Warning: please read before requesting access.
