Price LevelsAuto plots significant Gann and Fib price levels using the all time range. Useful to quickly identify significant levels of support and resistance.
Range-AnalysisMarkets usually tend to stay within a range during a specific time frame (for example first hour of the regular trading session, the whole regular trading session). For traders before initiating a trade it can be helpful to determine the range potential left for the targeted time frame. So they can decide to either try to ride the current trend further or fade the current trend in the case there is no range potential left for the specific time frame. This could be especially helpful for example in the E-Mini S&P future during the first hour.
The script calculates the average range for the last x days of the session defined and plots a line at the expected range extremes based on that average (for example: RangeExtremeHigh would be currentSessionLow+average Range of the last x days.
Any feedback is appreciated.
6 Multi-Timeframe Supertrend with Heikin Ashi as Source
This is a multiple multi-timeframe version of famous supertrernd only with Heikin Ashi as source. Atr which stands in the heart of supertrend is calculated based on heikin-ashi bars which omits a great deal of noises.
with 6 multiplication of the supertrend, its simply much easier to spot trend direction or use it as trailing stop with several levels available.
this is a great tool to assess and manage your risk and calculate your position volume if you use the heikin ashi supertrend as your stoploss.
Normalized Velocity [Loxx]Velocity (which is often called a "smoother momentum" since it is much smoother than momentum without lagging at all) with an addition of ATR normalization
Since velocity is (even when normalization is applied) is not an indicator with fixed bounds, this indicator is uses floating levels for what is usually called overbought and oversold levels (+ a floating "zero" line is added). Something that would look like a "fixed levels" is easily achieved if you use long floating levels period in which case those levels are quite similar to fixed levels.
This indicator can be used like any momentum indicator (in that case recommended coloring mode is to use either slope coloring or "zero" middle level crossing coloring) or it can be used as a "trending" indicator in which case it is better to use coloring on outer level cross, and longer calculation periods are advised in that case.
Bar coloring
3 signal variations w/ alerts
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
SSL + Wave Trend StrategyStrategy incorporates the following features:
Risk management:
Configurable X% loss per stop loss
Configurable R:R ratio
Trade entry:
Based on strategy conditions below
Trade exit:
Based on strategy conditions below
Configurable backtesting range by date
Trade drawings:
Each entry condition indicator can be turned on and off
TP/SL boxes drawn for all trades. Can be turned on and off
Trade exit information labels. Can be turned on and off
NOTE: Trade drawings will only be applicable when using overlay strategies
Alerts on LONG and SHORT trade entries
Includes section with useful debugging techniques
Strategy conditions
Trade entry:
C1: SSL Hybrid baseline is BLUE
C2: SSL Channel crosses up (green above red)
C3: Wave Trend crosses up (represented by pink candle body)
C4: Entry candle height is not greater than configured threshold
C5: Entry candle is inside Keltner Channel (wicks or body depending on configuration)
C6: Take Profit target does not touch EMA (represents resistance)
C1: SSL Hybrid baseline is RED
C2: SSL Channel crosses down (red above green)
C3: Wave Trend crosses down (represented by orange candle body)
C4: Entry candle height is not greater than configured threshold
C5: Entry candle is inside Keltner Channel (wicks or body depending on configuration)
C6: Take Profit target does not touch EMA (represents support)
Trade exit:
Stop Loss: Size configurable with NNFX ATR multiplier
Take Profit: Calculated from Stop Loss using R:R ratio
Strategy is based on the YouTube video "This Unique Strategy Made 47% Profit in 2.5 Months " by TradeSmart.
It combines the following indicators to determine trade entry/exit conditions:
Wave Trend: Indicator: WaveTrend Oscillator by @LazyBear
SSL Channel: SSL channel by @ErwinBeckers
SSL Hybrid: SSL Hybrid by @Mihkel00
Keltner Channels: Keltner Channels Bands by @ceyhun
Candle Height: Candle Height in Percentage - Columns by @FreeReveller
NNFX ATR: NNFX ATR by @sueun123
Variety N-Tuple Moving Averages w/ Variety Stepping [Loxx]Variety N-Tuple Moving Averages w/ Variety Stepping is a moving average indicator that allows you to create 1- 30 tuple moving average types; i.e., Double-MA, Triple-MA, Quadruple-MA, Quintuple-MA, ... N-tuple-MA. This version contains 2 different moving average types. For example, using "50" as the depth will give you Quinquagintuple Moving Average. If you'd like to find the name of the moving average type you create with the depth input with this indicator, you can find a list of tuples here: Tuples extrapolated
Due to the coding required to adapt a moving average to fit into this indicator, additional moving average types will be added as they are created to fit into this unique use case. Since this is a work in process, there will be many future updates of this indicator. For now, you can choose from either EMA or RMA.
This indicator is also considered one of the top 10 forex indicators. See details here:
Additionally, this indicator is a computationally faster, more streamlined version of the following indicators with the addition of 6 stepping functions and 6 different bands/channels types.
STD-Stepped, Variety N-Tuple Moving Averages
STD-Stepped, Variety N-Tuple Moving Averages is the standard deviation stepped/filtered indicator of the following indicator
Last but not least, a big shoutout to @lejmer for his help in formulating a looping solution for this streamlined version. this indicator is speedy even at 50 orders deep. You can find his scripts here:
How this works
Step 1: Run factorial calculation on the depth value,
Step 2: Calculate weights of nested moving averages
factorial(depth) / (factorial(depth - k) * factorial(k); where depth is the depth and k is the weight position
Examples of coefficient outputs:
6 Depth: 6 15 20 15 6
7 Depth: 7 21 35 35 21 7
8 Depth: 8 28 56 70 56 28 8
9 Depth: 9 36 34 84 126 126 84 36 9
10 Depth: 10 45 120 210 252 210 120 45 10
11 Depth: 11 55 165 330 462 462 330 165 55 11
12 Depth: 12 66 220 495 792 924 792 495 220 66 12
13 Depth: 13 78 286 715 1287 1716 1716 1287 715 286 78 13
Step 3: Apply coefficient to each moving average
For QEMA, which is 5 depth EMA , the calculation is as follows
ema1 = ta. ema ( src , length)
ema2 = ta. ema (ema1, length)
ema3 = ta. ema (ema2, length)
ema4 = ta. ema (ema3, length)
ema5 = ta. ema (ema4, length)
In this new streamlined version, these MA calculations are packed into an array inside loop so Pine doesn't have to keep all possible series information in memory. This is handled with the following code:
temp = array.get(workarr, k + 1) + alpha * (array.get(workarr, k) - array.get(workarr, k + 1))
array.set(workarr, k + 1, temp)
After we pack the array, we apply the coefficients to derive the NTMA:
qema = 5 * ema1 - 10 * ema2 + 10 * ema3 - 5 * ema4 + ema5
Stepping calculations
First off, you can filter by both price and/or MA output. Both price and MA output can be filtered/stepped in their own way. You'll see two selectors in the input settings. Default is ATR ATR. Here's how stepping works in simple terms: if the price/MA output doesn't move by X deviations, then revert to the price/MA output one bar back.
The average true range (ATR) is a technical analysis indicator, introduced by market technician J. Welles Wilder Jr. in his book New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems, that measures market volatility by decomposing the entire range of an asset price for that period.
Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is a statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean and is calculated as the square root of the variance. The standard deviation is calculated as the square root of variance by determining each data point's deviation relative to the mean. If the data points are further from the mean, there is a higher deviation within the data set; thus, the more spread out the data, the higher the standard deviation.
Adaptive Deviation
By definition, the Standard Deviation (STD, also represented by the Greek letter sigma σ or the Latin letter s) is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values. In technical analysis we usually use it to measure the level of current volatility .
Standard Deviation is based on Simple Moving Average calculation for mean value. This version of standard deviation uses the properties of EMA to calculate what can be called a new type of deviation, and since it is based on EMA , we can call it EMA deviation. And added to that, Perry Kaufman's efficiency ratio is used to make it adaptive (since all EMA type calculations are nearly perfect for adapting).
The difference when compared to standard is significant--not just because of EMA usage, but the efficiency ratio makes it a "bit more logical" in very volatile market conditions.
See how this compares to Standard Devaition here:
Adaptive Deviation
Median Absolute Deviation
The median absolute deviation is a measure of statistical dispersion. Moreover, the MAD is a robust statistic, being more resilient to outliers in a data set than the standard deviation. In the standard deviation, the distances from the mean are squared, so large deviations are weighted more heavily, and thus outliers can heavily influence it. In the MAD, the deviations of a small number of outliers are irrelevant.
Because the MAD is a more robust estimator of scale than the sample variance or standard deviation, it works better with distributions without a mean or variance, such as the Cauchy distribution.
For this indicator, I used a manual recreation of the quantile function in Pine Script. This is so users have a full inside view into how this is calculated.
Efficiency-Ratio Adaptive ATR
Average True Range (ATR) is widely used indicator in many occasions for technical analysis . It is calculated as the RMA of true range. This version adds a "twist": it uses Perry Kaufman's Efficiency Ratio to calculate adaptive true range
See how this compares to ATR here:
ER-Adaptive ATR
Mean Absolute Deviation
The mean absolute deviation (MAD) is a measure of variability that indicates the average distance between observations and their mean. MAD uses the original units of the data, which simplifies interpretation. Larger values signify that the data points spread out further from the average. Conversely, lower values correspond to data points bunching closer to it. The mean absolute deviation is also known as the mean deviation and average absolute deviation.
This definition of the mean absolute deviation sounds similar to the standard deviation (SD). While both measure variability, they have different calculations. In recent years, some proponents of MAD have suggested that it replace the SD as the primary measure because it is a simpler concept that better fits real life.
For Pine Coders, this is equivalent of using
See the information above for how bands/channels are calculated. After the one of the above deviations is calculated, the channels are calculated as output +/- deviation * multiplier
Green is uptrend, red is downtrend, yellow "L" signal is Long, fuchsia "S" signal is short.
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Bar coloring
6 bands/channels types
6 stepping types
Related indicators
3-Pole Super Smoother w/ EMA-Deviation-Corrected Stepping
STD-Stepped Fast Cosine Transform Moving Average
ATR-Stepped PDF MA
STD-Filtered, ATR-Adaptive Laguerre Filter [Loxx]STD-Filtered, ATR-Adaptive Laguerre Filter is a standard Laguerre Filter that is first made ATR-adaptive and the passed through a standard deviation filter. This helps reduce noise and refine the output signal. Can apply the standard deviation filter to the price, signal, both or neither.
What is the Laguerre Filter?
The Laguerre RSI indicator created by John F. Ehlers is described in his book "Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures". The Laguerre Filter is a smoothing filter which is based on Laguerre polynomials. The filter requires the current price, three prior prices, a user defined factor called Alpha to fill its calculation. Adjusting the Alpha coefficient is used to increase or decrease its lag and it's smoothness.
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Step Generalized Double DEMA (ATR based) [Loxx]Step Generalized Double DEMA (ATR based) works like a T3 moving average but is less smooth. This is on purpose to catch more signals. The addition of ATR stepped filtering reduces noise while maintaining signal integrity. This one comes via Mr. Tools.
The double exponential moving average (DEMA), was developed by Patrick Mulloy in an attempt to reduce the amount of lag time found in traditional moving averages. It was first introduced in the February 1994 issue of the magazine Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities in Mulloy's article "Smoothing Data with Faster Moving Averages". The way to calculate is the following :
The Double Exponential Moving Average calculations are based combinations of a single EMA and double EMA into a new EMA:
1. Calculate EMA
2. Calculate Smoothed EMA by applying EMA with the same period to the EMA calculated in the first step
3. Calculate DEMA
DEMA = (2 * EMA) - (Smoothed EMA)
This version:
For our purposes here, we are using Tim Tillson's (the inventor of T3) work, specifically, we are using the GDEMA of GDEMA for calculation (which is the "middle step" of T3 calculation). Since there are no versions showing that "middle step, this version covers that too. The result is smoother than Generalized DEMA, but is less smooth than T3 - one has to do some experimenting in order to find the optimal way to use it, but in any case, since it is "faster" than the T3 (Tim Tillson T3) and still smooth, it looks like a good compromise between speed and smoothness.
You can use it as any regular average or you can use the color change of the indicator as a signal.
Bar coloring
Loxx's Expanded Source Types
Damiani Volatmeter [loxx]I wasn't going to publish this since it's one my go to private indicators, but I decided to push this out anyway. This is a variation on Damiani Volatmeter to make it easier to understand what's going on. Damiani Volatmeter uses ATR and Standard deviation to tease out ticker volatility so you can better understand when it's the ideal time to trade. The idea here is that you only take trades when volatility is high so this indicator is to be coupled with various other indicators to validate the other indicator's signals. This is also useful for detecting crabbing and chopping markets.
Shoutout to user @xinolia for the DV function used here.
Anything red means that volatility is low. Remember volatility doesn't have a direction. Anything green means volatility high despite the direction of price. The core signal line here is the green and red line that dips below two while threshold lines to "recharge". Maximum recharge happen when the core signal line shows a yellow ping. Soon after one or many yellow pings you should expect a massive upthrust of volatility. The idea here is you don't trade unless volatility is rising or green. This means that the Volatmeter has to dip into the recharge zone, recharge and then spike upward. You can also attempt to buy or sell reversals with confluence indicators when volatility is in the recharge zone, but I wouldn't recommend this. However, if you so choose to do this, then use the following indicator for confluence.
And last reminder, volatility doesn't have a direction ! Red doesn't mean short, and green doesn't mean long, Red means don't trade period regardless of direction long/short, and green means trade no matter the direction long/short. This means you'll have to add an indicator that does show direction such as a mean reversion indicator like Fisher Transform or a Gaussian Filter. You can search my public scripts for various Fisher Transform and Gaussian Filter indicators.
Price-Filtered Spearman Rank Correl. w/ Floating Levels is considered the Mercedes Benz of reversal indcators
How signals work
RV = Rising Volatility
VD = Volatility Dump
White line is signal
Thick red/green line is the Volatmeter line
The dotted lower lines are the zero line and minimum recharging line
Bar coloring
Related indicators
Variety Moving Average Waddah Attar Explosion (WAE)
Price based ATR%This script shows upto two lines that represent a deviation from the price based on a multiple of the ATR%
close + ( (close / 100) * ( atr * upperMultiplier) )
close - ( (close / 100) * ( atr * lowerMultiplier) )
Zero-line Volatility Quality Index (VQI) [Loxx]Originally volatility quality was invented by Thomas Stridsman, and he uses it in combination of two averages.
This version:
This doesn't use averages for trend estimation, but instead uses the slope of the Volatility quality. In order to lessen the number of signals (which can be enormous if the VQ is not filtered), some versions similar to this are using pips filters. This version is using % ATR (Average True Range) instead. The reason for that is that :
Using fixed pips value as a filter will work on one symbol and will not work on another
Changing time frames will render the filter worthless since the ranges of higher time frames are much greater than those at lower time frames, and, when you set your filter on one time frame and then try it on another, it is almost certain that it will have to be adjusted again
Additionally, this version is made to oscillate around zero line (which makes the potential levels, which are even in the original Stridsman's version doubtful, unnecessary)
You can use the color change as signals when using this indicator
Cumulative ATR Distance Oscillator// A Price/ATR oscillator with cumulative waves.
// Based on Cumulative Volume Delta, but using price movement alone.
// Public Domain
// By Jolly Wizard
Ichimoku ATR Oscillator// An oscillator that visualizes Ichimoku trend line distances in terms of ATR.
// Public Domain
// By JollyWizard
SKYtrend Bruteforce Open Source✨SKYtrend Bruteforce Now Open Source✨
📌This indicator analyzes the trend and calls Long/Short which is fully custom to fit your style of trading.
📌Custom Take Profit Levels currently have 3 TP levels for Long and Short you can decide which % each TP will be in settings.
📌2 Custom Stoploss levels. For Long or Short. Can Enable or Disable either.
📌Can set alert For Long, Short , TP Long 1-3, TP Short 1-3, SL 1-2
📌Has built in ichimoku cloud
If you like it, like it. :)
KTP ATR , TR and DATR by Mitraj ThakkarThis indicator provides values of ATR, TR and DATR values side by side which makes it easy for user to compare it for current
candle and takes decision. It is not a complete system for trading but it aids in taking decision for entry and exit. for eg. ema crossover is formed for entry, we can take entry 5% of datr above pattern and keep stop loss 10% datr below pattern.
ATR stands for Average true range of last 14 candles.
TR stands for true range of each candle.
DATR stands for Daily Average True Range.
Daily/Weekly ExtremesBACKGROUND
This indicator calculates the daily and weekly +-1 standard deviation of the S&P 500 based on 2 methodologies:
1. VIX - Using the market's expectation of forward volatility, one can calculate the daily expectation by dividing the VIX by the square root of 252 (the number of trading days in a year) - also know as the "rule of 16." Similarly, dividing by the square root of 50 will give you the weekly expected range based on the VIX.
2. ATR - We also provide expected weekly and daily ranges based on 5 day/week ATR.
- This indicator only has 1 option in the settings: choosing the ATR (default) or the VIX to plot the +-1 standard deviation range.
- This indicator WILL ONLY display these ranges if you are looking at the SPX or ES futures. The ranges will not be displayed if you are looking at any other symbols
- The boundaries displayed on the chart should not be used on their own as bounce/reject levels. They are simply to provide a frame of reference as to where price is trading with respect to the market's implied expectations. It can be used as an indicator to look for signs of reversals on the tape.
- Daily and Weekly extremes are plotted on all time frames (even on lower time frames).
Swing Trend StrategyThis script is a trend following system which uses a long term Moving Average to spot the trend in combination with the Average True Range to filter out Fakeouts, limiting the overall drawdown.
Default Settings and Calculation:
- The trend is detected using the Exponential Moving Average on 200 periods.
- The Average True Range is calculated on 10 periods.
- The Market is considered in an Uptrend when the price closes above the EMA + ATR.
- The Market is considered in a Downtrend when the price closes below the EMA - ATR.
- The strategy will open a LONG position when the market is in an Uptrend.
- The strategy will close its LONG positions when the price closes below the EMA.
- The strategy will open a SHORT position when the market is in a Downtrend.
- The strategy will close its SHORT positions when the price closes above the EMA.
This script is best suited for the 4h timeframe, and shows good results on BTC and ETH especially.
The options allow to modify the type of moving average to use, the period of the moving average, the ATR multiplier to add as well as the possibility to open short trades or not.
ER-Adaptive ATR [Loxx]Average True Range (ATR) is widely used indicator in many occasions for technical analysis. It is calculated as the RMA of true range. This version adds a "twist": it uses Perry Kaufman's Efficiency Ratio to calculate adaptive true range
You can use this indicator the same way you'd use the standard ATR.
Strategy Myth-Busting #1 - UT Bot+STC+Hull [MYN]This is part of a new series we are calling "Strategy Myth-Busting" where we take open public manual trading strategies and automate them. The goal is to not only validate the authenticity of the claims but to provide an automated version for traders who wish to trade autonomously.
Our first one is an automated version of the " The ULTIMATE Scalping Trading Strategy for 2022 " strategy from " My Trading Journey " who claims to have achieved not only profits but a 98.3% win rate. As you can see from the backtest results below, I was unable to substantiate anything close to that that claim on the same symbol (NVDA), timeframe (5m) with identical instrument settings that " My Trading Journey " was demonstrating with. Strategy Busted.
If you know of or have a strategy you want to see myth-busted or just have an idea for one, please feel free to message me.
This strategy uses a combination of 3 open-source public indicators:
UT Bot Alerts by QuantNomad
STC Indicator - A Better MACD By shayankm
Basic Hull Ma Pack tinkered by InSilico
Trading Rules:
5 min candles
New Buy Signal from UT Bot Alerts Strategy
STC is green and below 25 and rising
Hull Suite is green
New Sell Signal from UT Bot Alerts Strategy
STC is red and above 75 and falling
Hull Suite is red
ATR-Adaptive JMA [Loxx]Not many know that the JMA (Jurik Moving Average) is already an adaptive indicator (it is adapting using the usual market volatility monitoring mode). Hence, making it adaptive "once more" makes it double adaptive. Fro the adaptivity in this case, we are use ATR (Average True Range) to make the JMA double adaptive. The ATR period is the same as the JMA period (there is no separate setting for that) so the usage of the indicator is as simple as it gets.
What is Jurik Volty used in the Juirk Filter?
One of the lesser known qualities of Juirk smoothing is that the Jurik smoothing process is adaptive. "Jurik Volty" (a sort of market volatility ) is what makes Jurik smoothing adaptive. The Jurik Volty calculation can be used as both a standalone indicator and to smooth other indicators that you wish to make adaptive.
What is the Jurik Moving Average?
Have you noticed how moving averages add some lag (delay) to your signals? ... especially when price gaps up or down in a big move, and you are waiting for your moving average to catch up? Wait no more! JMA eliminates this problem forever and gives you the best of both worlds: low lag and smooth lines.
Bar coloring
The Average True Range Multiplier (ATRX) is a simple technical indicator that takes the value of the ATR indicator and multiplies it by a user-specified amount.
This indicator is primarily used to set key levels based on historical volatility. The ATR indicator alone measures the historical volatility of the selected instrument, this indicator just multiplies that value to save the hassle of doing that yourself.
Volatility Pivot Support and Resistance [Loxx]Volatility Pivot Support and Resistance calculates "pivots" (support/resistance lines) based on current symbol/timeframe Average True Range calculated volatility.
What is Average True Range?
The average true range (ATR) is a technical analysis indicator, introduced by market technician J. Welles Wilder Jr. in his book New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems, that measures market volatility by decomposing the entire range of an asset price for that period.
The true range indicator is taken as the greatest of the following: current high less the current low; the absolute value of the current high less the previous close; and the absolute value of the current low less the previous close. The ATR is then a moving average, generally using 14 days, of the true ranges.
-Bar coloring
ATR-Stepped PDF MA [Loxx]ATR-Stepped PDF MA is and ATR-stepped moving average that uses a probability density function moving average.
What is Probability Density Function?
Probability density function based MA is a sort of weighted moving average that uses probability density function to calculate the weights.
-Toggle on/off bar coloring
-Toggle on/off signals
-Alerts long/short