Crypto-DX Crypto Directional Index [chhslai]Crypto-DX can be used to help measure the overall strength and direction of the crypto market trend.
Furthermore, it can be used as a screener to find out cryptocurrencies which are accumulating momentum and tends to potentially pump or dump.
How this indicator works :
If the Crypto-DX cross above the zero-level, it could be an indication that there is a trend reversal into upward. You should close your short position or place a long order right away.
If the Crypto-DX cross below the zero-level, it could be an indication that there is a trend reversal into downward. You should close your long position or place a short order right away.
If the Crypto-DX is consolidated around the zero-level, it could be an indication that the trend may be ended and followed by a sideway market. You are suggested not to place any order and wait for the market moves.
Divergence based trading strategy is fully applicable, just like the MACD.
Screener features :
Plot "Crypto Index" and "5 Custom Crypto"
Plot "Crypto Index" and "Top 30 Crypto"
Cryptocurrency Top10 IndexThis is so called TOP10 Cryptocurrency Index. Automatically calculated from ten of biggest crypto pairs to USD: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, BSV, LTC, EOS, XTZ, XLM, XMR.
So far all pairs came from one exchange: Bitfinex. In the future I will add one or two more.
It is coded as Indicator, but you can make it full screen by double-click into its background.
This script is invite-only for the members of our trading group (info in signature).
Polish description:
Niniejszy skrypt stanowi sztuczny twór imitujący indeks jednych z dziesięciu największych kryptowalut w parze do USD: BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, BSV, LTC, EOS, XTZ, XLM, XMR.
Na początek wszystkie pary pochodzą tylko z jednej giełdy: Bitfinex. W przyszłości dodam jedną lub dwie giełdy więcej.
Skrypt jest zaprogramowany jako tzw. wskażnik/indicator ale możesz powiększyć go do pełnego ekranu, klikając dwukrotnie w tło skryptu.
Nardzędzie jest publikowane na zasadzie invite-only(konieczność przydzielenia dostępu na TradingView), a zatem dostępny jest tylko dla aktywnych użytkowników naszej grupy traderskiej, do której link można znaleść w mojej sygnaturze poniżej.
FTX Index Advance Decline LineAs of publishing, all the tickers from FTX with the word "index" in it, plus bitcoin.
This is your regular ADL except instead of hundreds in the basket you've got them condensed into 7 (for now) and in open/close candle form instead of a line.
I'm a bit disappointed because I thought I'd lever more utility from indexes. It may just need some tweaking.
Doesn't it look like Renko?
Some notes:
Reason why it expands:
Total number of constituents is a static 7, to fix that use time to change the total variable based on dates of introduction.
Reallly looks like Renko:
Renko with ATR, length 14, hourly chart.
MKAST-IndexThis is one of my free for all Indicators.
The TJ-Index is something I have been working on for quite a while and always was wanting to have on my charts, yet it took me longer than expected to finally finish it.
Now it is done and you can simply favourite this script and add it to your chart.
It is made out of 2 main parts.
Part 1:
15 Indicators and conditions like
-Delta MACD,
-Crypto Indicator,
-Raw Buy and Sell Volume Domination,
-Super Guppy,
-Volume Weighted MACD,
-Golden cross/Death Cross
Part 2:
The white line - the index itself.
So how this works is, you see 15 horizontal lines in green and red alternating, mentioned in that order above, if a bullish condition islet the horizontal line turn green, if it is a bearish condition, it is red.
The white index line, is basically depicting the number of bullish conditions at the same time.
I have seen that it is extremely powerful for divergences and especially thinking to take any position, checking if the index is high or low at the time.
An extra feature is that if ALL bullish or bearish conditions are met, the background of the oscillator will color itself green or red.
You can also turn on and off the horizontal lines for the easier user of the TJ-Index.
For now, the code will remain hidden, since I still have some important parts of this Index in my main Invite Only Indicator.
I will be publishing an open version of the TJ-Index soy ou can incorporate it in your own indicators.
Should you be interested in my main indicator or scripting work, feel free to DM me.
LTC/ETH/BCH Market Cap Weighted IndexAn index of LTC, ETH, and BCH sans SV equally weighted by market cap.
The index is weighed to 10,000 on the 1st of September, 2018.
The formula used should be the same as the one found in BGCI, with the result being the product of all individual market caps to the power of their own cap that is divided by the sum of all caps.
If you enjoy my scripts and would like to show appreciation, I take tips in the form of depreciating assets:
BTC: 3DhmwiW4w2anuFZ1kRiuUNqcmwfzXoKKSZ
ETH: 0x2B44E7B0aB0fcF72ac8C543350A85cb9129Bb480
XRP: rEb8TK3gBgk5auZkwc6sHnwrGVJH8DuaLh | 106703134
NEO: ALDBnY8MhposcQmm748mQKhpHmgDMixCRf
HODL5 Market Cap Advance Decline Line [NeoButane]The Advance-Decline Line (AD Line) is a breadth indicator based on Net Advances, which is the number of advancing stocks less the number of declining stocks. Net Advances is positive when advances exceed declines and negative when declines exceed advances. The AD Line is a cumulative measure of Net Advances. While the shape of the AD Line is important, the actual value holds no meaning.
Currently, this version of the AD Line is based on the Net Advances of the market capitalization for the 4* coins in the Amun Crypto Basket Index. Because the cryptocurrency market moves in a homogeneous nature, there are more confirming moves than divergences compared to something like an AD Line of the NYSE.
*BCH has been removed, likely because of its split fork, but has an option to add. For accuracy, include BCH(ABC) prior to live trading of the index; 21 Nov. 2018 and before.
The current index is based on: BTC, ETH, XRP, and LTC.
Market cap is calculated as (current USD price * circulating supply).
Market cap is from TradingView's CRYPTOCAP tickers
Relative Strength CryptoMeasures Relative Strength of a crypto asset to the an index consisting of top 10 alts + btc