Branch CurveLibrary "branch"
Generates a branch made of segments with a starting angle
and a turning angle for each segment. The branch is generated from a starting point
and a number of nodes to generate. The length of each segment and angle of each segment
can be adjusted. The branch can be generated in 2D or 3D, render as you wish.
method branch(origin, nodes, segment_length, segment_growth, angle_start, angle_turn)
# Branch Generation.
- `origin`: CommonTypesMath.Vector3 - The starting point of the branch. If the z value is not zero, it will be used as the starting angle.
- `nodes`: int - The number of nodes to generate.
- `segment_length`: float - The length of each segment.
- `segment_growth`: float - The growth of each segment. 0 = no growth, 100 = double the length of the previous segment.
- `angle_start`: float - The starting angle of the branch in degrees.
- `angle_turn`: float - The turning angle of each segment in degrees.
Namespace types: CommonTypesMath.Vector3
origin (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : The starting point of the branch. If the z value is not zero, it will be used as the starting angle.
nodes (int) : The number of nodes to generate.
segment_length (float) : The length of each segment.
segment_growth (float) : The growth of each segment. 0 = no growth, 100 = double the length of the previous segment.
angle_start (float) : The starting angle of the branch in degrees.
angle_turn (float) : The turning angle of each segment in degrees.
@return segments The list of segments that make up the branch.
TurntLibraryLibrary "TurntLibrary"
Collection of functions created for simplification/easy referencing. Includes variations of moving averages, length value oscillators, and a few other simple functions based upon HH/LL values.
ma(source, length, type)
Apply a moving average to a float value
source : Value to be used
length : Number of bars to include in calculation
type : Moving average type to use ("SMA","EMA","RMA","WMA","VWAP","SWMA","LRC")
Returns: Smoothed value of initial float value
curve(src, len, lb1, lb2)
Exaggerates curves of a float value designed for use as an exit signal.
src : Initial value to curve
len : Number of bars to include in calculation
lb1 : (Default = 1) First lookback length
lb2 : (Default = 2) Second lookback length
Returns: Curved Average
fragma(src, len, space, str)
Average of a moving average and the previous value of the moving average
src : Initial float value to use
len : Number of bars to include in calculation
space : Lookback integer for second half of average
str : Moving average type to use ("SMA","EMA","RMA","WMA","VWAP","SWMA","LRC")
Returns: Fragmented Average
maxmin(x, y)
Difference of 2 float values, subtracting the lowest from the highest
x : Value 1
y : Value 2
Returns: The +Difference between 2 float values
oscLen(val, type)
Variable Length using a oscillator value and a corresponding slope shape ("Incline",Decline","Peak","Trough")
val : Oscillator Value to use
type : Slope of length curve ("Incline",Decline","Peak","Trough")
Returns: Variable Length Integer
hlAverage(val, smooth, max, min, type, include)
Average of HH,LL with variable lengths based on the slope shape ("Incline","Decline","Trough") value relative to highest and lowest
val : Source Value to use
include : Add "val" to the averaging process, instead of more weight to highest or lowest value
Returns: Variable Length Average of Highest Lowest "val"
Convert a positive float / price to a percentage of it's highest value on record
val : Value To convert to a percentage of it's highest value ever
Returns: Percentage
hlrange(x, len)
Difference between Highest High and Lowest Low of float value
x : Value to use in calculation
len : Number of bars to include in calculation
Returns: Difference
midpoint(x, len, smooth)
The average value of the float's Highest High and Lowest Low in a number of bars
x : Value to use in calculation
smooth : (Default=na) Optional smoothing type to use ("SMA","EMA","RMA","WMA","VWAP","SWMA","LRC")
Returns: Midpoint