New Highs-New-Lows on US Stock Market - Main Chart Edition#### ENGLISH ####
This script visualizes divergences between the price and new highs and new lows in the US stock market. The indicator should be used exclusively on the US stock indices (timeframe >= D).
This is the indicator for the main chart. It should be used together with the subchart indicator of the same name. In order to get the same results between the main and subchart editions, the indicator settings must be manually adjusted equally in both charts.
The approach:
Let's take a bull market as an example. A bull market is characterized by rising highs and rising lows. We can therefore assume that with the rising prices, the number of stocks that form new highs also rises or at least remains constant. This confirms the upward trend and thus expresses that it is supported by the broad stock market. If the market forms new highs and the number of stocks forming new highs decreases at the same moment, these new index highs are no longer supported by the broad stock market but exclusively by a few highly capitalized stocks. This creates a bearish divergence between the index and the NHNL indicator. This means that the uptrend tends to be overheated and a correction becomes more likely. Stops should be drawn closer.
The approach applies conversely, of course, to downtrends as well.
The indicator itself:
The number of new highs and lows (NHNL) are determined using the data sources included in Tradingview, such as "INDEX:HIGN" for NYSE highs. This data is provided on a daily basis. For higher time units (week, month) the daily numbers are shown summed up and not only the Friday value like most other NHNL indicators.
The signal strength is determined on the basis of two factors. The stronger the signal, the clearer (less transparent) the line/arrow. The two factors are on the one hand the strength of the divergence in and of itself, and on the other hand the strength of the overriding trend. The trend strength is determined using a 50 EMA on the NHNL indicator.
To avoid displaying every small divergence and to reduce false signals, the threshold for the signal strength can be set in the indicator settings.
#### GERMAN #####
Dieses script visualisiert Divergenzen zwischen dem Preis und neuer Hochs sowie neuer Tiefs im US Aktienmarkt. Der Indikator sollte ausschließlich auf den US Aktienindizes verwendet werden (Timeframe >= D).
Dies ist der Indikator für den Hauptchart. Er sollte zusammen mit dem gleichnamigen Subchart Indikator verwendet werden. Um gleiche Ergebnisse zwischen Haupt- und Subchart Edition zu erhalten, müssen die Indikatoreistellung manuell in beiden Charts gleichermaßen eigestellt werden.
Der Ansatz:
Nehmen wir uns als Beispiel einen Bullenmarkt. Ein Bullenmarkt zeichnet sich durch steigende Hochs und steigende Tiefs aus. Man kann also annehmen, dass mit den steigenden Preisen auch die Anzahl der Aktien die neuen Hochs ausbilden steigt oder zumindest konstant bleibt. Dies bestätigt den Aufwärtstrend und drückt somit aus, dass dieser vom breiten Aktienmarkt mitgetragen wird. Wenn der Markt neue Hochs bildet und die Anzahl der Aktien, die neue Hochs bilden im selben Moment sinkt, so werden diese neuen Indexhochs vom breiten Aktienmarkt nicht mehr getragen sonder ausschließlich von wenigen hochkapitalisierten Aktien. Es entsteht eine bärische Divergenz zwischen Index und dem NHNL Indikator. Das bedeutet, dass der Aufwärtstrend tendenziell überhitzt ist und ein Korrektur wahrscheinlicher wird. Die Stops sollten näher herangezogen werden.
Der Ansatz gilt umgekehrt natürlich auch bei Abwärtstrends.
Der Indikator an sich:
Die Anzahl der neuen Hochs und Tiefs (NHNL) werden anhand der in Tradingview enthaltenen Datenquellen wie z.B. "INDEX:HIGN" für die NYSE Hochs ermittelt. Diese Daten werden auf Tagesbasis bereitgestellt. Für höher Zeiteinheiten (Woche, Monat) werden die Tageszahlen aufsummiert dargestellt und nicht wie bei den meisten anderen NHNL Indikatoren nur der Freitagswert.
Die Signalstärke wird Anhand zweier Faktoren ermittelt. Je stärker das Signal um so deutlicher (weniger transparent) die Linie/der Pfeil. Die zwei Faktoren sind zum einen die stärke der Divergenz an und für sich, sowie zum anderen die Stärke des übergeordneten Trends. Die Trendstärke wird anhand eines 50er-EMA auf den NHNL-Indikator ermittelt.
Um nicht jede kleine Divergenz anzuzeigen und um Fehlsignale zu reduzieren, kann die Schwelle für die Signalstärke in den Indikatoreinstellungen festgelegt werden.
New Highs-New-Lows on US Stock Market - Sub Chart Edition#### ENGLISH ####
This script visualizes divergences between the price and new highs and new lows in the US stock market. The indicator should be used exclusively on the US stock indices (timeframe >= D).
This is the indicator for the sub chart. It should be used together with the main chart indicator of the same name. In order to get the same results between the main and subchart editions, the indicator settings must be manually adjusted equally in both charts.
The approach:
Let's take a bull market as an example. A bull market is characterized by rising highs and rising lows. We can therefore assume that with the rising prices, the number of stocks that form new highs also rises or at least remains constant. This confirms the upward trend and thus expresses that it is supported by the broad stock market. If the market forms new highs and the number of stocks forming new highs decreases at the same moment, these new index highs are no longer supported by the broad stock market but exclusively by a few highly capitalized stocks. This creates a bearish divergence between the index and the NHNL indicator. This means that the uptrend tends to be overheated and a correction becomes more likely. Stops should be drawn closer.
The approach applies conversely, of course, to downtrends as well.
The indicator itself:
The number of new highs and lows (NHNL) are determined using the data sources included in Tradingview, such as "INDEX:HIGN" for NYSE highs. This data is provided on a daily basis. For higher time units (week, month) the daily numbers are shown summed up and not only the Friday value like most other NHNL indicators.
The signal strength is determined on the basis of two factors. The stronger the signal, the clearer (less transparent) the line/arrow. The two factors are on the one hand the strength of the divergence in and of itself, and on the other hand the strength of the overriding trend. The trend strength is determined using a 50 EMA on the NHNL indicator.
To avoid displaying every small divergence and to reduce false signals, the threshold for the signal strength can be set in the indicator settings.
#### GERMAN #####
Dieses script visualisiert Divergenzen zwischen dem Preis und neuer Hochs sowie neuer Tiefs im US Aktienmarkt. Der Indikator sollte ausschließlich auf den US Aktienindizes verwendet werden (Timeframe >= D).
Dies ist der Indikator für den Subchart. Er sollte zusammen mit dem gleichnamigen Hauptchart Indikator verwendet werden. Um gleiche Ergebnisse zwischen Haupt- und Subchart Edition zu erhalten, müssen die Indikatoreistellung manuell in beiden Charts gleichermaßen eigestellt werden.
Der Ansatz:
Nehmen wir uns als Beispiel einen Bullenmarkt. Ein Bullenmarkt zeichnet sich durch steigende Hochs und steigende Tiefs aus. Man kann also annehmen, dass mit den steigenden Preisen auch die Anzahl der Aktien die neuen Hochs ausbilden steigt oder zumindest konstant bleibt. Dies bestätigt den Aufwärtstrend und drückt somit aus, dass dieser vom breiten Aktienmarkt mitgetragen wird. Wenn der Markt neue Hochs bildet und die Anzahl der Aktien, die neue Hochs bilden im selben Moment sinkt, so werden diese neuen Indexhochs vom breiten Aktienmarkt nicht mehr getragen sonder ausschließlich von wenigen hochkapitalisierten Aktien. Es entsteht eine bärische Divergenz zwischen Index und dem NHNL Indikator. Das bedeutet, dass der Aufwärtstrend tendenziell überhitzt ist und ein Korrektur wahrscheinlicher wird. Die Stops sollten näher herangezogen werden.
Der Ansatz gilt umgekehrt natürlich auch bei Abwärtstrends.
Der Indikator an sich:
Die Anzahl der neuen Hochs und Tiefs (NHNL) werden anhand der in Tradingview enthaltenen Datenquellen wie z.B. "INDEX:HIGN" für die NYSE Hochs ermittelt. Diese Daten werden auf Tagesbasis bereitgestellt. Für höher Zeiteinheiten (Woche, Monat) werden die Tageszahlen aufsummiert dargestellt und nicht wie bei den meisten anderen NHNL Indikatoren nur der Freitagswert.
Die Signalstärke wird Anhand zweier Faktoren ermittelt. Je stärker das Signal um so deutlicher (weniger transparent) die Linie/der Pfeil. Die zwei Faktoren sind zum einen die stärke der Divergenz an und für sich, sowie zum anderen die Stärke des übergeordneten Trends. Die Trendstärke wird anhand eines 50er-EMA auf den NHNL-Indikator ermittelt.
Um nicht jede kleine Divergenz anzuzeigen und um Fehlsignale zu reduzieren, kann die Schwelle für die Signalstärke in den Indikatoreinstellungen festgelegt werden.
[Pt] TICK + Heikin Ashi RSI IndicatorThis indicator combines NYSE TICK and RSI to aim to provide a view of NYSE market trend strength.
What is TICK
NYSE TICK, also known as the TICK index, is a technical analysis indicator that shows the number of stocks on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) that are trading on an uptick or a downtick in a particular period of time. The TICK index is calculated by subtracting the number of stocks trading on a downtick from the number of stocks trading on an uptick. A reading of +1000 on the TICK index, for example, would indicate that there are 1000 more stocks trading on an uptick than on a downtick. The TICK index is often used as a measure of market sentiment, as it can provide insight into whether there is more buying or selling pressure in the market at a given time. A high TICK index reading may suggest that there is strong buying pressure, while a low TICK index reading may indicate that there is more selling pressure in the market.
By default, I am using -800 and 800 for oversold and overbought levels. These are configurable. Also, this indicator includes TICK divergence signals.
The TICK index is usually very volatile, so this indicator is best suited for lower timeframes, such as 1 to 5 min charts.
Idea of TICK neutral zone
As part of this indicator I've identified what I consider as "neutral" range for the TICK. Based on my own personal experience, the market tends to be in consolidation or choppy in this range. By default, I've defined this range to be -200 to 200. This range is configurable.
In combination with RSI and Heikin Ashi RSI (HARSI), which help smooths out the RSI values and make it easier to identify trends and potential reversal points, this indicator aims to generate Bullish vs Bearish signals based on the following conditions:
- bullish / bearish HARSI candle
- Inside bar on HARSI candle
- TICK trend (above or below Neutral zone)
- RSI trend (above or below 0, but not overbought or oversold)
- RSI / HARSI convergence and divergence
When all bullish conditions are met, the signal turns bright green. Bright red when all bearish conditions are met. These generated signals aims to provide users easy to read visual cues to help with their trades.
A table is also provided in attempt to identify the trend in real time:
TICK trend:
- Bullish, Extended
- Bullish
- Neutral w/ Bullish bias
- Neutral w/ Bearish bias
- Bearish
- Bearish, Extended
- Bullish
- Bearish
Note on scale
This indicator is based on the scale for TICK, hence the RSI and HARSI are scaled. By default, standard overbought RSI value of 70 = 800 on this scale, whereas oversold value of 30 = -800.
Heikin Ashi RSI code was borrowed from @JayRogers - Heikin Ashi RSI Oscillator
Fixed Quantum CDVWe took the original script Cumulative delta volume from LonesomeTheBlue, here is the link:
To understand the CDV you can watch traders reality master class about CDV.
This indicator show the ratio of vector color and the ratio of the cumulative delta volume from vector color.
First you select a date range on the chart. Then it calculate all candles in that region. Let's say there is 3 green vectors and 3 red vectors in the region, the ratio of vector color will be 50% for bull and 50% for bear vector. As for the CDV ratio, it will measure the total CDV inside green vector and total CDV inside red vector and make a ratio. But it is a little different.
I twisted the calculation for the ratio of CDV a little bit to make it more comprehensive in the table. Since it's the ratio of the CDV for the bull candles versus the bear candles, the CDV is almost always a positive number for the bull candles and almost always a negative number for the bear candle. So I calculated the bear CDV as a positive number. Formula: Bull_CDV_ratio = Bull_CDV / (Bull_CDV + Bear_CDV), Bear_CDV_ratio = -Bear_CDV / (Bull_CDV - Bear_CDV).
Note that when the bull CDV and bear CDV are both a positive number or both a negative number, the ratio percentage can be over 100% and under 0%. It means that we expect volatility.
Divergence Strength OscillatorDetects divergence before it has formed a valid divergent pivot, across multiple indicators. After publishing my Strength of Divergence Across Multiple Indicators script, it seemed there were a lot of people who wanted to see the divergence signals before the divergent pivots were actually confirmed. Everyone complains about indicators repainting, yet in the next breath they complain about not wanting to wait for a signal to be confirmed before it appears on their chart! No matter how many times you ask, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
While this isn't exactly cake, it's as close as you're gonna get. This oscillator will calculate the strength of divergence as it forms on any bar that could potentially be a pivot point (e.g. for a pivot low, the preceding bars must be higher than it) and track the net (bullish - bearish) value.
For example:
PLEASE NOTE that this is not intended to be a "Buy" or "Sell" signal, and it would be foolish to use it as such. The purpose of this script is to show you potential divergences as early as possible, so that you have more time to plan and evaluate confluent signals, etc.
The Divergence Strength Calculation:
The total divergence strength value is the sum of the divergence strengths of all indicators for which divergence was detected at a given bar. Each indicator's individual divergence strength is comprised of two basic components: (1) |ΔPrice| - the magnitude of the change in price over the divergence period (pivot-to-pivot), and (2) |ΔIndicator| - the magnitude of the change in indicator value over the divergence period.
Because different indicators' scales and volatility can vary greatly, the Δ values are expressed in terms of standard deviation to ensure that the values are meaningful and equitable across all indicators and assets/instruments/currency pairs, etc:
|ΔIndicator| = |indicator_value_1 - indicator_value_2| / 2 * StDev(indicator_series,100)
Based on work for my Strength of Divergence Across Multiple Indicators script:
Divergence Finder (RSI/Price) with OptionsDivergence finder used to find BUY or SELL Signal based on a divergence between Price and RSI (Price goes UP when RSI goes down / opposite )
You can configure the script with several Options :
Source for Price Buy Div : you can use the close price of the candle (by default) or use the high price of the candle for exemple.
Source for Price Sell Div : you can use the close price of the candle (by default) or use the low price of the candle for exemple.
Source for RSI Div : you can use the close price of the candle (by default) to calculate the RSI .
Theses settings allow you to set a minimum RSI level to reach to activate the Divergence finder (p1 is the first point in time, and p2 is the second one):
Min RSI for Sell divergence(p1) : this is the minimum RSI level to reach for the first of the 2 points of divergence (Default 70) for the SELL Signal
Min RSI for Sell divergence (p2) : this is the minimum RSI level to reach for the second of the 2 points of divergence (Default 60) for the SELL Signal
Max RSI for Buy divergence (p1) : this is the minimum RSI level to reach for the first of the 2 points of divergence (Default 30) for the BUY Signal
Max RSI for Buy divergence (p2) : this is the minimum RSI level to reach for the second of the 2 points of divergence (Default 40 ) for the BUY Signal
Theses settings allow you to set a minimum margin difference between our two points (p1 and p2) to validate the Divergence
Min margin between price for displaying divergence (%) : Set a minimum margin (in % of the price) before the indicator validate this divergence
Min margin between RSI for displaying divergence (%) : Set a minimum margin (in % of the RSI ) before the indicator validate this divergence
Display Divergence label : Choose to display the price of the candle, and the RSI when a divergence is found
Display tops/bottoms : Display where the tops and bottoms are calculated directly on the chart
RSI DivergenceWhat is "RSI Divergence"?
"RSI Divergence" is a indicator that find RSI divergence automatically.
What it does?
When it finds an RSI divergence, it draws a line on the indicator.
How it does it?
The lines are found using the least squares method. If the signs of the linear regression on the graph and the linear regression plotted on the RSI are different, this is considered divergence.
How to use it?
RSI lenght = RSI lenght
source = source of RSI
RSI Divergence Lenght = lenght of lines that draws on indicator
zoom = zoom
Adaptive Fisherized KSTIntroduction
Heyo guys, here is a new adaptive fisherized indicator of me.
I applied Inverse Fisher Transform, Ehlers dominant cycle analysis,
smoothing and divergence analysis on the Know Sure Thing (KST) indicator.
Moreover, the indicator doesn't repaint.
I didn't backtest the indicator, but I recommend the 5–15 min timeframe.
It can be also used on other timeframs, but I have no experience with that.
The indicator has no special filter system, so you need to find an own combo in order to build a trading system.
A trend filter like KAMA or my Adaptive Fisherized Trend Intensity Index could fit well.
If you find a good combo, let me know it in the comments pls.
Zero Line
KST crossover 0 => Enter Long
KST crossunder 0 => Enter Short
KST crossover KST MA => Enter Long
KST crossunder KST MA => Enter Short
Cross Filtered
KST crossover KST MA and KST above 0 => Enter Long
KST crossunder KST MA and KST under 0 => Enter Short
KST crossunder 0 => Exit Long
KST crossover 0 => Exit Short
More to read: KST Explanation
Enjoy and let me know your opinion!
Credits to
- @tista
- @blackcat1402
- @DasanC
- @cheatcountry
Divergence and Pivot - Detector For Any IndicatorI present to you an indicator capable of determining the divergence and convergence points for any indicator you choose. It will also determine Pivot points.
All you need to do is add the indicator to your favorites and call it. Next, you need a second indicator for which you want to find divergences or pivots. Next you need choise 'Oscillator Source' section in my indicator, after that you need to choose the name of the indicator for which you want to find divergences . - Done!
Thanks to the developers of TradingView for posting the source code of the "Divergence Indicator" indicator.
Price Divergence IndicatorThis Price Divergence Indicator indicator modifies the standard Divergence Indicator to look for price divergences between the current chart and any other selected TradingView chart.
The thesis that this indicator is built upon:
Prices on assets or indices that are normally correlated move in lock step. Where there are deviations between the confirmed highs or lows of two assets or indices it is likely that they will "catch up" in the near future.
By default it will load the price data for the SPX and look for price divergences on the current chart timeframe. Any TradingView Symbol can be selected as the 'Comparison Source' and any timeframe. Some of the options I've been trying out include:
UK100 vs NDQM
I've found looking for divergences on a longer timeframe can be useful and don't expect any meaningful results if you set it to shorter than chart timeframes.
Alerts can be created based on any of the divergences and the 'Backtest Buy Signal' can be used to send notification to a backtester (bull = 2, hidden bull = 1, neutral = 0, hidden bear = -1, bear = -2), this is plotted to display.none, so enable it in Settings - Style and disable all other plots to see it.
Divergences are measured between the CONFIRMED peaks of the two charts. The confirmation timeframe is set using 'Pivot Lookback Right'. The lower the lookback the quicker the signal and the more likely it is to not have hit an actual peak, a higher lookback will give a much more dependable signal but the move may be finished by the time the alert actually fires. The "Plot When Alerts Fire" option should give you an idea (top and bottom triangles) of what to expect, but you should watch bar replays to understand how your setting will impact when alerts are created and potential false positives.
Next Pivot Projection [Trendoscope]Still experimental. Extending further on the divergence backtest results - in this script we try to project next 2 pivots (including one unconfirmed pivot)
🎲 Previous experiments
1. Divergence-Backtester
2. Divergence-Backtester-V2
🎲 Additions
Apart from collecting the stats on number of occurrences of HH, HL, LH, LL - this script also keeps track of average ratio for each levels and average bars.
Based on these data, we try to calculate the next pivot projections including possible bar and price.
Cloud covering the candles indicate historical levels of average HH, HL, LH, LL projections.
Hover on projection labels to find more details in tooltips.
🎲 Overall method in a nutshell
🎲 Going bit deeper
🎯 Unconfirmed Pivot and its projection - Last pivot of the zigzag is always unconfirmed. Meaning, it can potentially repaint based on further price movements. But, projection of the unconfirmed pivot will not change as it will be based on previous two pivots - both of which are confirmed.
🎯 Next Pivot Projection - Next pivot is projected based on last two pivots - which include last unconfirmed pivot. Hence, these projections can potentially repaint based on the last pivot repaint.
🎯 Historical projections displayed as cloud - Historical projection values are displayed as cloud around pivots.
A cloud above represents area from average lower high range to average higher high range. Cloud color is green if average ratio of pivot high is more than 1. Red Otherwise.
A cloud below represents area from average higher low range to average lower low range. Cloud color is red if average ratio of pivot high is more than 1. Green otherwise
MTF CCI + Realtime DivergencesMulti-timeframe Commodity Channel Index (CCI) + Realtime Divergences + Alerts
This version of the CCI includes the following features:
- Optional 2x sets of triple-timeframe overbought and oversold signals with fully configurable timeframes and overbought and oversold thresholds, can indicate where 3 selected timeframes are all overbought or all oversold at the same time, with alert option.
- Optional divergence lines drawn directly onto the oscillator in realtime, with alert options.
- Configurable pivot periods to fine tune the divergences drawn in order to suit different trading styles and timeframes, including the ability to enable automatic adjustment of pivot period per chart timeframe.
- Alternate timeframe feature allows you to configure the oscillator to use data from a different timeframe than the chart it is loaded on.
- 'Hide oscillator' feature allows traders to hide the oscillator itself, leaving only the background colours indicating the overbought and oversold periods and/or MTF overbought and oversold confluences, as seen in the chart image.
- Also includes standard configurable CCI options, including CCI length and source type. Defaults set to length 20, and hlc3 source type.
- Optional Flip oscillator feature, allows users to flip the oscillator upside down, for use with Tradingviews 'Flip chart' feature (Alt+i), for the purpose of manually spotting divergences, where the trader has a strong natural bias in one direction, so that they can flip both the chart and the oscillator.
- Optional 'Fade oscillator' feature, which will fade out all but the most recent period, reducing visual noise on the chart.
While this version of the CCI has the ability to draw divergences in realtime along with related alerts so you can be notified as divergences occur without spending all day watching the charts, the main purpose of this indicator was to provide the triple-timeframe overbought and oversold confluence signals, in an attempt to add more confluence, weight and reliability to the single timeframe overbought and oversold states, commonly used for trade entry confluence. It's primary purpose is intended for scalping reversal trades on lower timeframes, typically between 1-15 minutes, which can be used in conjunction with the regular divergences the indicator can highlight. The triple timeframe overbought can often indicate near term reversals to the downside, with the triple timeframe oversold often indicating neartime reversals to the upside. The default timeframes for this confluence are set to check the 1m, 5m and 15m timeframes together, ideal for scalping the < 15 minute charts. The default settings for the MTF #1 timeframes (1m, 5m and 15m) are best used on a <5 minute chart.
Its design and use case is based upon the original MTF Stoch RSI + Realtime Divergences found here .
Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
Investopedia has described the popular oscillator as follows:
“The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is a momentum-based oscillator used to help determine when an investment vehicle is reaching a condition of being overbought or oversold.
Developed by Donald Lambert, this technical indicator assesses price trend direction and strength, allowing traders to determine if they want to enter or exit a trade, refrain from taking a trade, or add to an existing position. In this way, the indicator can be used to provide trade signals when it acts in a certain way.”
You can read more about the CCI, its use cases and calculations here .
How do traders use overbought and oversold levels in their trading?
The oversold level, that is traditionally when the CCI is above the 100 level is typically interpreted as being 'overbought', and below the -100 level is typically considered 'oversold'. Traders will often use the CCI at an overbought level as a confluence for entry into a short position, and the CCI at an oversold level as a confluence for an entry into a long position. These levels do not mean that price will necessarily reverse at those levels in a reliable way, however. This is why this version of the CCI employs the triple timeframe overbought and oversold confluence, in an attempt to add a more confluence and reliability to this usage of the CCI. While traditionally, the overbought and oversold levels are below -100 for oversold, and above 100 for overbought, he default threshold settings of this indicator have been increased to provide fewer, stronger signals, especially suited to the low timeframes and highly volatile assets.
What are divergences?
Divergence is when the price of an asset is moving in the opposite direction of a technical indicator, such as an oscillator, or is moving contrary to other data. Divergence warns that the current price trend may be weakening, and in some cases may lead to the price changing direction.
There are 4 main types of divergence, which are split into 2 categories;
regular divergences and hidden divergences. Regular divergences indicate possible trend reversals, and hidden divergences indicate possible trend continuation.
Regular bullish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current downtrend, to an uptrend.
Regular bearish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current uptrend, to a downtrend.
Hidden bullish divergence: An indication of a potential uptrend continuation.
Hidden bearish divergence: An indication of a potential downtrend continuation.
How do traders use divergences in their trading?
A divergence is considered a leading indicator in technical analysis , meaning it has the ability to indicate a potential price move in the short term future.
Hidden bullish and hidden bearish divergences, which indicate a potential continuation of the current trend are sometimes considered a good place for traders to begin, since trend continuation occurs more frequently than reversals, or trend changes.
When trading regular bullish divergences and regular bearish divergences, which are indications of a trend reversal, the probability of it doing so may increase when these occur at a strong support or resistance level . A common mistake new traders make is to get into a regular divergence trade too early, assuming it will immediately reverse, but these can continue to form for some time before the trend eventually changes, by using forms of support or resistance as an added confluence, such as when price reaches a moving average, the success rate when trading these patterns may increase.
Typically, traders will manually draw lines across the swing highs and swing lows of both the price chart and the oscillator to see whether they appear to present a divergence, this indicator will draw them for you, quickly and clearly, and can notify you when they occur.
Setting alerts.
With this indicator you can set alerts to notify you when any/all of the above types of divergences occur, on any chart timeframe you choose, and also when the triple timeframe overbought and oversold confluences occur.
Configurable pivot period.
You can adjust the default pivot period values to suit your prefered trading style and timeframe. If you like to trade a shorter time frame, lowering the default lookback values will make the divergences drawn more sensitive to short term price action. By default, this indicator has enabled the automatic adjustment of the pivot periods for 4 configurable timeframes, in a bid to optimise the divergences drawn when the indicator is loaded onto any of the 4 timeframes. These timeframes and the auto adjusted pivot periods on each of them can also be reconfigured within the settings menu.
Disclaimer: This script includes code adapted from the Divergence for Many Indicators v4 by LonesomeTheBlue . With special thanks.
Divergence Finder [Multigrain]█ OVERVIEW
This indicator is a divergence finder, designed to be overlayed on top of any oscillator. By utilizing an Exponential Moving Average, rather than built-in pivot functions, this allows for insignificant pivots of the oscillator to be filtered out. Additionally, by sampling more than just the previous oscillator pivot, this allows for divergences to be found that would otherwise be overlooked through other methods.
Interim Price Threshold
A new metric used when determining valid divergences is the Interim Price Threshold (IPT). The IPT is the maximum percent delta the price is allowed to "poke-through" the divergent line at any given time.
Interim Oscillator Threshold
Similar to the Interim Price Threshold, the Interim Oscillator Threshold (IOT) is the maximum percent delta the oscillator is allowed to "poke-through" the divergent line at any given time.
Dynamic Midline
Commonly a static midline is utilized when determining whether a divergence may be bullish or bearish. By utilizing the built-in percentile nearest rank function, the midline is automatically and dynamically determined based on the previous 250 bars. As a result certain divergences which may otherwise be overlooked will be discovered.
Oscillator Source: The oscillator in which you want find divergences from. Default to a MACD oscillator when unchanged.
Price Source: The price source in which you want to find divergences from.
Moving Average Length: The length of the exponential moving average used when determining the pivot points of the selected oscillator.
Divergence in technical analysis can indicate a significant bullish or bearish price move. A bullish divergence occurs when an asset's price makes a new low while an indicator begins to rise. A bearish divergence occurs when the price makes a new high but the indicator under consideration makes a lower high.
Relative Strength Index (RSI) + Realtime DivergencesRelative Strength Index (RSI) + Realtime Divergences
This version of the RSI indicator includes the following features:
- Optional divergence lines drawn directly onto the oscillator in realtime.
- Configurable alerts to notify you when divergences occur.
- Configurable lookback periods to fine tune the divergences drawn in order to suit different trading styles and timeframes.
- Background colouring option to indicate when the RSI oscillator has crossed above or below its centerline.
- Alternate timeframe feature allows you to configure the oscillator to use data from a different timeframe than the chart it is loaded on.
- Fadeout oscillator feature will fade out all but the most recent history, leaving your chart free of visual noise.
- Flip oscillator feature can be used with the Tradingview 'Flip chart' feature (Alt+i) in order to flip both the chart and the oscillator, too. This feature is to help traders manually spot divergences that may have a strong natural bias in one direction.
- Optional centerline and range bands.
- Various optional moving average types, bollinger bands etc.
This indicator adds additional features onto the standard RSI whose core calculations remain unchanged. Namely, the configurable option to automatically, quickly and clearly draw divergence lines onto the oscillator for you as they occur in realtime. It also has the addition of unique alerts, so you can be notified when divergences occur without spending all day watching the charts. Furthermore, this version of the RSI comes with configurable lookback periods, which can be configured in order to adjust the sensitivity of the divergences, in order to suit shorter or higher timeframe trading approaches.
What is the Relative Strength Index ( RSI )?
Investopedia describes the Relative Strength Index as follows:
“The relative strength index (RSI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis. RSI measures the speed and magnitude of a security's recent price changes to evaluate overvalued or undervalued conditions in the price of that security. The RSI is displayed as an oscillator (a line graph) on a scale of zero to 100. The indicator was developed by J. Welles Wilder Jr. and introduced in his seminal 1978 book, New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems.
The RSI can do more than point to overbought and oversold securities. It can also indicate securities that may be primed for a trend reversal or corrective pullback in price. It can signal when to buy and sell. Traditionally, an RSI reading of 70 or above indicates an overbought situation. A reading of 30 or below indicates an oversold condition.”
The RSI is also commonly used to spot divergences.
You can read more about the RSI and its calculations here
What are divergences?
Divergence is when the price of an asset is moving in the opposite direction of a technical indicator, such as an oscillator, or is moving contrary to other data. Divergence warns that the current price trend may be weakening, and in some cases may lead to the price changing direction.
There are 4 main types of divergence, which are split into 2 categories;
regular divergences and hidden divergences. Regular divergences indicate possible trend reversals, and hidden divergences indicate possible trend continuation.
Regular bullish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current downtrend, to an uptrend.
Regular bearish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current uptrend, to a downtrend.
Hidden bullish divergence: An indication of a potential uptrend continuation.
Hidden bearish divergence: An indication of a potential downtrend continuation.
How do traders use divergences in their trading?
A divergence is considered a leading indicator in technical analysis , meaning it has the ability to indicate a potential price move in the short term future.
Hidden bullish and hidden bearish divergences, which indicate a potential continuation of the current trend are sometimes considered a good place for traders to begin, since trend continuation occurs more frequently than reversals, or trend changes.
When trading regular bullish divergences and regular bearish divergences, which are indications of a trend reversal, the probability of it doing so may increase when these occur at a strong support or resistance level . A common mistake new traders make is to get into a regular divergence trade too early, assuming it will immediately reverse, but these can continue to form for some time before the trend eventually changes, by using forms of support or resistance as an added confluence, such as when price reaches a moving average, the success rate when trading these patterns may increase.
Typically, traders will manually draw lines across the swing highs and swing lows of both the price chart and the oscillator to see whether they appear to present a divergence, this indicator will draw them for you, quickly and clearly, and can notify you when they occur.
Setting alerts.
With this indicator you can set alerts to notify you when any/all of the above types of divergences occur, on any chart timeframe you choose.
Configurable pivot periods.
You can adjust the default pivot periods to suit your prefered trading style and timeframe. If you like to trade a shorter time frame, lowering the default lookback values will make the divergences drawn more sensitive to short term price action.
Disclaimer: This script includes code from the stock RSI by Tradingview as well as the Divergence for Many Indicators v4 by LonesomeTheBlue.
PDs - MID ADVANCE DIRECTION----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Multi-Indicator Divergence ScreenerHere is a new screener for everyone.
I have applied my Better Divergence On Any Indicator logic to scan 3 different indicators and up to 6 different assets at one time. Shoutout to LonesomeTheBlue and QuantNomad for their respective work on divergence and scanner scripts. I've implemented similar logic to put together this scanner.
So far, I have added support for RSI, OBV, MACD, MFI, Stochastic, and FSR, though I'm happy to add more by request. Please note, for simplicity, I have removed the logic to filter for only overbought/oversold divergences. Because this can scan both centered oscillators and non-centered indicators, overbought/oversold does not apply to all of them. I may try to find a way to work in back in later, as time allows.
Personally, I like to find confluences different types of indicators. For instance, agreeable divergence with a centered strength oscillator like RSI and a volume based indicator like OBV gives me more confidence that there will be follow-through.
Like in the Better Divergence script, you can opt to scan for confirmed divergences, potential divergences, or both.
You have the option to show or hide a table that will tell you exactly which assets have divergence, on which indicator they were found, and how many points of divergence were identified. By default, bull divergences will be green, bear will be red, but you can change these base colors to your liking. Confirmed divergences are shown with a solid background, while potentials (if selected) are shown with transparent background. If all 3 of your chosen indicators have divergence in the same direction, the asset name will show in the bull or bear color to highlight the confluence.
Alerts have also been set up to fire on bar close. The message will essentially tell you the same thing the table does, but in condensed format.
You can choose to have alerts fire any time there is any divergence detected across all assets, only when there are divergences on at least 2 of the chosen indicators for a given asset, or limit them to only when all 3 indicators show divergence in agreement.
Divergence BacktesterThere is n number of possible ways in which we can backtest divergence and this is just a start :)
In this script, we are trying to count how many times the pivots made HH, HL, LH, LL after a particular divergence state.
An example of using data is as below:
The script keeps track of each pivot sentiment and resulting next pivot state. As mentioned in the chart snapshot, we can look at two of the previous pivot states and collect stats on how each of these state impacted price action.
As mentioned before, this is just tip of iceberg. Further combinations for which we can do backtest are:
1. m X n combinations of last pivot and last to last pivot divergence state
2. divergence combined with double divergence state.
Only issue to explore further is lack of space on the chart as tables can take up huge space.
PS: As you can see based on historical stats, probability of divergence impacting the change of trend is very low in most cases.
SQueezeVergenceThis is my SQueezeVergence indicator. It fires Buy and Sell signals based on squeeze momentum and trend. **It also creates Bull and Bear signals based on MACD divergence which should only be used as areas of support and resistance being as these signals repaint based on a 5 candle look back of pivots.** All settings are editable for better use. The default settings are what I use on the 1 Minute chart of ES to scalp. This is a simple indicator to help me get alerts on when I need to scalp. The divergence signals work well for areas of significance. I like to watch for breaks of these levels along with support and resistance. I hope this helps.
Divergence for Many Panel (D4MP+)Divergence for Many Panel (D4MP+)
This Divergence for Many Panel indicator is built upon the realtme divergence drawing code originally authored by LonesomeTheBlue, now in the form of a panel indicator.
The available oscillators, hand picked for their ability to identify high quality divergences currently include:
- Ultimate Oscillator (UO)
- True Strength Index (TSI)
- Money Flow Index (MFI)
- Relative Strength Index (RSI)
- Stochastic RSI
- Time Segmented Volume (TSV)
- Cumulative Delta Volume (CDV)
Note : this list of available oscillators may be added to or altered at a later date.
The indicator includes the following features:
- Ability to select any of the above oscillators
- Optional divergence lines drawn directly onto the oscillator in realtime .
- Configurable alerts to notify you when divergences occur.
- Configurable pivot lookback periods to fine tune the divergences drawn in order to suit different trading styles and timeframes, including the ability to enable automatic adjustment of pivot period per chart timeframe.
- Background colouring option to indicate when the selected oscillator has crossed above or below its centerline.
- Alternate timeframe feature allows you to configure the oscillator to use data from a different timeframe than the chart it is loaded on.
- Oscillator name label, so you can clearly see which oscillator is selected, in the case you have multiple loaded onto a chart.
- Optional adjustable range bands.
- Automatic adjustment of line colours, centerlines and range band levels on a per oscillator basis by default.
- Ability to customise the colours of each of the oscillators.
What is the Ultimate Oscillator ( UO )?
“The Ultimate Oscillator indicator (UO) indicator is a technical analysis tool used to measure momentum across three varying timeframes. The problem with many momentum oscillators is that after a rapid advance or decline in price, they can form false divergence trading signals. For example, after a rapid rise in price, a bearish divergence signal may present itself, however price continues to rise. The ultimate Oscillator attempts to correct this by using multiple timeframes in its calculation as opposed to just one timeframe which is what is used in most other momentum oscillators.”
What is the True Strength Index ( TSI )?
"The true strength index (TSI) is a technical momentum oscillator used to identify trends and reversals. The indicator may be useful for determining overbought and oversold conditions, indicating potential trend direction changes via centerline or signal line crossovers, and warning of trend weakness through divergence."
What is the Money Flow Index ( MFI )?
“The Money Flow Index ( MFI ) is a technical oscillator that uses price and volume data for identifying overbought or oversold signals in an asset. It can also be used to spot divergences which warn of a trend change in price. The oscillator moves between 0 and 100. Unlike conventional oscillators such as the Relative Strength Index ( RSI ), the Money Flow Index incorporates both price and volume data, as opposed to just price. For this reason, some analysts call MFI the volume-weighted RSI .”
What is the Relative Strength Index ( RSI )?
"The relative strength index (RSI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis. RSI measures the speed and magnitude of a security's recent price changes to evaluate overvalued or undervalued conditions in the price of that security. The RSI can do more than point to overbought and oversold securities. It can also indicate securities that may be primed for a trend reversal or corrective pullback in price. It can signal when to buy and sell. Traditionally, an RSI reading of 70 or above indicates an overbought situation. A reading of 30 or below indicates an oversold condition. It is also commonly used to identify divergences."
What is the Stochastic RSI (StochRSI)?
"The Stochastic RSI (StochRSI) is an indicator used in technical analysis that ranges between zero and one (or zero and 100 on some charting platforms) and is created by applying the Stochastic oscillator formula to a set of relative strength index (RSI) values rather than to standard price data. Using RSI values within the Stochastic formula gives traders an idea of whether the current RSI value is overbought or oversold. The StochRSI oscillator was developed to take advantage of both momentum indicators in order to create a more sensitive indicator that is attuned to a specific security's historical performance rather than a generalized analysis of price change."
What Is Time Segmented Volume?
"Time segmented volume (TSV) is a technical analysis indicator developed by Worden Brothers Inc. that segments a stock's price and volume according to specific time intervals. The price and volume data is then compared to uncover periods of accumulation (buying) and distribution (selling)."
What is Cumulative Volume Delta ( CDV )?
"The CDV analyses the net buying at market price and net selling at market price. This means, that volume delta is measuring whether it is the buyers or sellers that are more aggressive in taking the current market price. It measures the degree of intent by buyers and sellers, which can be used to indicate who is more dominant. The CDV can be used to help identify possible trends and also divergences"
What are divergences?
Divergence is when the price of an asset is moving in the opposite direction of a technical indicator, such as an oscillator, or is moving contrary to other data. Divergence warns that the current price trend may be weakening, and in some cases may lead to the price changing direction.
There are 4 main types of divergence, which are split into 2 categories;
regular divergences and hidden divergences. Regular divergences indicate possible trend reversals, and hidden divergences indicate possible trend continuation.
Regular bullish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current downtrend, to an uptrend.
Regular bearish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current uptrend, to a downtrend.
Hidden bullish divergence: An indication of a potential uptrend continuation.
Hidden bearish divergence: An indication of a potential downtrend continuation.
Setting alerts.
With this indicator you can set alerts to notify you when any/all of the above types of divergences occur, on any chart timeframe you choose.
Configurable pivot periods.
You can adjust the default pivot periods to suit your prefered trading style and timeframe. If you like to trade a shorter time frame, lowering the default lookback values will make the divergences drawn more sensitive to short term price action.
How do traders use divergences in their trading?
A divergence is considered a leading indicator in technical analysis , meaning it has the ability to indicate a potential price move in the short term future.
Hidden bullish and hidden bearish divergences, which indicate a potential continuation of the current trend are sometimes considered a good place for traders to begin, since trend continuation occurs more frequently than reversals, or trend changes.
When trading regular bullish divergences and regular bearish divergences, which are indications of a trend reversal, the probability of it doing so may increase when these occur at a strong support or resistance level . A common mistake new traders make is to get into a regular divergence trade too early, assuming it will immediately reverse, but these can continue to form for some time before the trend eventually changes, by using forms of support or resistance as an added confluence, such as when price reaches a moving average, the success rate when trading these patterns may increase.
Typically, traders will manually draw lines across the swing highs and swing lows of both the price chart and the oscillator to see whether they appear to present a divergence, this indicator will draw them for you, quickly and clearly, and can notify you when they occur.
Disclaimer : This script includes code from several stock indicators by Tradingview as well as the Divergence for Many Indicators v4 by LonesomeTheBlue. With special thanks.
MFI + Realtime DivergencesMoney Flow Index (MFI) + Realtime Divergences + Alerts
This version of the MFI indicator adds the following 5 additional features to the stock MFI:
- Optional divergence lines drawn directly onto the oscillator in realtime.
- Configurable alerts to notify you when divergences occur.
- Configurable lookback periods to fine tune the divergences drawn in order to suit different trading styles and timeframes, including the ability to enable automatic adjustment of pivot period per chart timeframe.
- Background colouring option to indicate when the MFI oscillator has crossed above or below its centerline, or optionally when both the MFI has crossed its centerline and an external oscillator, which can be linked via the settings, has also crossed its centerline.
- Alternate timeframe feature allows you to configure the oscillator to use data from a different timeframe than the chart it is loaded on.
This indicator adds additional features onto the standard MFI , whose core calculations remain unchanged. Namely the configurable option to automatically, quickly and clearly draw divergence lines onto the oscillator for you as they occur in realtime. It also has the addition of unique alerts, so you can be notified when divergences occur without spending all day watching the charts. Furthermore, this version of the TSI comes with configurable lookback periods, which can be configured in order to adjust the sensitivity of the divergences, in order to suit shorter or higher timeframe trading approaches.
What is the Money Flow Index ( MFI )?
Investopedia describes the True Strength Indicator as follows:
“The Money Flow Index ( MFI ) is a technical oscillator that uses price and volume data for identifying overbought or oversold signals in an asset. It can also be used to spot divergences which warn of a trend change in price. The oscillator moves between 0 and 100.
Unlike conventional oscillators such as the Relative Strength Index ( RSI ), the Money Flow Index incorporates both price and volume data, as opposed to just price. For this reason, some analysts call MFI the volume-weighted RSI .”
What are divergences?
Divergence is when the price of an asset is moving in the opposite direction of a technical indicator, such as an oscillator, or is moving contrary to other data. Divergence warns that the current price trend may be weakening, and in some cases may lead to the price changing direction.
There are 4 main types of divergence, which are split into 2 categories;
regular divergences and hidden divergences. Regular divergences indicate possible trend reversals, and hidden divergences indicate possible trend continuation.
Regular bullish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current downtrend, to an uptrend.
Regular bearish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current uptrend, to a downtrend.
Hidden bullish divergence: An indication of a potential uptrend continuation.
Hidden bearish divergence: An indication of a potential downtrend continuation.
Setting alerts.
With this indicator you can set alerts to notify you when any/all of the above types of divergences occur, on any chart timeframe you choose.
Configurable pivot periods.
You can adjust the default pivot periods to suit your prefered trading style and timeframe. If you like to trade a shorter time frame, lowering the default lookback values will make the divergences drawn more sensitive to short term price action.
How do traders use divergences in their trading?
A divergence is considered a leading indicator in technical analysis , meaning it has the ability to indicate a potential price move in the short term future.
Hidden bullish and hidden bearish divergences, which indicate a potential continuation of the current trend are sometimes considered a good place for traders to begin, since trend continuation occurs more frequently than reversals, or trend changes.
When trading regular bullish divergences and regular bearish divergences, which are indications of a trend reversal, the probability of it doing so may increase when these occur at a strong support or resistance level . A common mistake new traders make is to get into a regular divergence trade too early, assuming it will immediately reverse, but these can continue to form for some time before the trend eventually changes, by using forms of support or resistance as an added confluence, such as when price reaches a moving average, the success rate when trading these patterns may increase.
Typically, traders will manually draw lines across the swing highs and swing lows of both the price chart and the oscillator to see whether they appear to present a divergence, this indicator will draw them for you, quickly and clearly, and can notify you when they occur.
Disclaimer: This script includes code from the stock MFI by Tradingview as well as the Divergence for Many Indicators v4 by LonesomeTheBlue.
RF+ Divergence Scalping SystemRF+ Divergence Scalping System + Custom Signals + Alerts.
This chart overlay indicator has been developed for the low timeframe divergence scalper.
Built upon the realtime divergence drawing code from the Divergence for Many indicator originally authored by Lonsometheblue, this chart overlay indicator bundles several additional unique features and modifications to serve as an all-in-one divergence scalping system. The current key features at the time of publishing are listed below (features are optional and can be enabled or disabled):
- Fully configurable realtime divergence drawing and alerting feature that can draw divergences directly on the chart using data sourced from up to 11 oscillators selected by the user, which have been included specifically for their ability to detect divergences, including oscillators not presently included in the original Divergence for Many indicator, such as the Ultimate Oscillator and TSI.
- Optional on chart table showing a summary of key statuses of various indicators, and nearby divergences.
- 2 x Range Filters with custom settings used for low timeframe trend detection.
- 3 x configurable multi-timeframe Stochastic RSI overbought and oversold signals with presentation options.
- On-chart pivot points drawn automatically.
- Automatically adjusted pivot period for up to 4 configurable time frames to fine tune divergences drawn for optimal divergence detection.
- Real-price line for use with Heikin Ashi candles, with styling options.
- Real-price close dots for use with Heikin Ashi candles, with styling options.
- A selection of custom signals that can be printed on-chart and alerted.
- Sessions indicator for the London, New York, Tokyo and Sydney trading sessions, including daylight savings toggle, and unique ‘invert background color’ option, which colours the entire chart - except the trading session you have selected, leaving your chart clear of distracting background color.
- Up to 4 fully configurable moving averages.
- Additional configurable settings for numerous built in indicators, allowing you to alter the lengths and source types, including the UO, TSI, MFI, TSV, 2 x Range Filters.
- Configurable RSI Trend detection signal filter used in a number of the signals, which filters buy signals where the RSI is over the RSI moving average, and only prints sell signals where RSI is under the moving average.
- Customisable on-chart watermark, with inputs for a custom title, subtitle, and also an optional symbol | timeframe | date feature.
The Oscillators able to be selected for use in drawing divergences at the time of publishing are as follows:
- Ultimate Oscillator (UO)
- True Strength Indicator (TSI)
- Money Flow Index (MFI)
- Cumulative Delta Volume (CDV)
- Time Segmented Volume (TSV)
- Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
- Awesome Oscillator
- Relative Strength Index (RSI)
- Stochastic
- On Balance Volume (OBV)
- MACD Histogram
What are divergences?
Divergence is when the price of an asset is moving in the opposite direction of a technical indicator, such as an oscillator, or is moving contrary to other data. Divergence warns that the current price trend may be weakening, and in some cases may lead to the price changing direction.
There are 4 main types of divergence, which are split into 2 categories;
regular divergences and hidden divergences. Regular divergences indicate possible trend reversals, and hidden divergences indicate possible trend continuation.
Regular bullish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current downtrend, to an uptrend.
Regular bearish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current uptrend, to a downtrend.
Hidden bullish divergence: An indication of a potential uptrend continuation.
Hidden bearish divergence: An indication of a potential downtrend continuation.
Setting alerts.
With this indicator you can set alerts to notify you when any/all of the above types of divergences occur, on any chart timeframe you choose, also when the triple timeframe Stochastic RSI overbought and oversold confluences occur, as well as when custom signals are printed.
Configurable pivot period values.
You can adjust the default pivot period values to suit your prefered trading style and timeframe. If you like to trade a shorter time frame, lowering the default lookback values will make the divergences drawn more sensitive to short term price action. By default, this indicator has enabled the automatic adjustment of the pivot periods for 4 configurable time frames, in a bid to optimize the divergences drawn when the indicator is loaded onto any of the 4 time frames selected. These time frames and their associated pivot periods can be fully reconfigured within the settings menu. By default, these have been further optimized for the low timeframe scalper trading on the 1-15 minute time frames.
How do traders use divergences in their trading?
A divergence is considered a leading indicator in technical analysis , meaning it has the ability to indicate a potential price move in the short term future.
Hidden bullish and hidden bearish divergences, which indicate a potential continuation of the current trend are sometimes considered a good place for traders to begin, since trend continuation occurs more frequently than reversals, or trend changes.
When trading regular bullish divergences and regular bearish divergences, which are indications of a trend reversal, the probability of it doing so may increase when these occur at a strong support or resistance level . A common mistake new traders make is to get into a regular divergence trade too early, assuming it will immediately reverse, but these can continue to form for some time before the trend eventually changes, by using forms of support or resistance as an added confluence, such as when price reaches a moving average, the success rate when trading these patterns may increase.
Typically, traders will manually draw lines across the swing highs and swing lows of both the price chart and the oscillator to see whether they appear to present a divergence, this indicator will draw them for you, quickly and clearly, and can notify you when they occur.
How do traders use overbought and oversold levels in their trading?
The oversold level is when the Stochastic RSI is above the 80 level is typically interpreted as being 'overbought', and below the 20 level is typically considered 'oversold'. Traders will often use the Stochastic RSI at, or crossing down from an overbought level as a confluence for entry into a short position, and the Stochastic RSI at, or crossing up from an oversold level as a confluence for an entry into a long position. These levels do not mean that price will necessarily reverse at those levels in a reliable way, however. This is why this version of the Stoch RSI employs the triple timeframe overbought and oversold confluence, in an attempt to add a more confluence and reliability to this usage of the Stoch RSI.
This indicator is intended for use in conjunction with related panel indicators including the TSI+ (True Strength Indicator + Realtime Divergences), UO+ (Ultimate Oscillator + Realtime Divergences), and optionally the STRSI+ (MTF Stochastic RSI + Realtime Divergences) and MFI+ (Money Flow Index + Realtime Divergences) available via this authors’ Tradingview profile, under the scripts section. The realtime divergence drawing code will not identify all divergences, so it is suggested that you also have panel indicators to observe. Each panel indicator also offers additional means of entry confirmation into divergence trades, for example, the Stochastic can indicate when it is crossing down from overbought or up from oversold, the TSi can indicate when the 2 TSI bands cross over one another upward or downward, and the UO and MFI can indicate an entry confluence when they are nearing, or crossing their centerlines, for more confidence in your divergence trade entries.
Additional information on the settings for this indicator can be found via the tooltips within the settings menu itself. Further information on feature updates, and usage tips & tricks will be added to the comments section below in due course.
Disclaimer: This indicator uses code adapted from the Divergence for Many v4 indicator authored by Lonesometheblue, and several stock indicators authored by Tradingview. With many thanks.
MTF Stoch RSI + Realtime DivergencesMulti-timeframe Stochastic RSI + Realtime Divergences + Alerts + Pivot lookback periods.
This version of the Stochastic RSI adds the following additional features to the stock UO by Tradingview:
- Optional 3 x Multiple-timeframe overbought and oversold signals, indicating where 3 selected timeframes are all overbought (>80) or all oversold (<20) at the same time, with alert option.
- Optional divergence lines drawn directly onto the oscillator in realtime, with alert options.
- Configurable lookback periods to fine tune the divergences drawn in order to suit different trading styles and timeframes, including the ability to enable automatic adjustment of pivot period per chart timeframe.
- Alternate timeframe feature allows you to configure the oscillator to use data from a different timeframe than the chart it is loaded on.
- Indications where the Stoch RSI is crossing down from above the overbought threshold (<80) and crossing above the oversold threshold (>20) levels on a given user selected timeframe, by printing gold dots on the indicator.
- Also includes standard configurable Stoch RSI options, including k length, d length, RSI length, Stochastic length, and source type (close, hl2, etc)
While this version of the Stochastic RSI has the ability to draw divergences in realtime along with related settings and alerts so you can be notified as divergences occur without spending all day watching the charts, the main purpose of this indicator was to provide the triple multiple-timeframe overbought and oversold confluence signals and alerts, in an attempt to add more confluence, weight and reliability to the single timeframe overbought and oversold states, commonly used for trade entry confluence. It's primary purpose is intended for scalping on lower timeframes, typically between 1-15 minutes. The triple timeframe overbought can often indicate near term reversals to the downside, with the triple timeframe oversold often indicating neartime reversals to the upside. The default timeframes for this confluence are set to check the 1 minute, 5 minute, and 15 minute timeframes, ideal for scalping the < 15 minute charts.
The Stochastic RSI
The popular oscillator has been described as follows:
“The Stochastic RSI is an indicator used in technical analysis that ranges between zero and one (or zero and 100 on some charting platforms) and is created by applying the Stochastic oscillator formula to a set of relative strength index (RSI) values rather than to standard price data. Using RSI values within the Stochastic formula gives traders an idea of whether the current RSI value is overbought or oversold. The Stochastic RSI oscillator was developed to take advantage of both momentum indicators in order to create a more sensitive indicator that is attuned to a specific security's historical performance rather than a generalized analysis of price change.”
How do traders use overbought and oversold levels in their trading?
The oversold level, that is when the Stochastic RSI is above the 80 level is typically interpreted as being 'overbought', and below the 20 level is typically considered 'oversold'. Traders will often use the Stochastic RSI at an overbought level as a confluence for entry into a short position, and the Stochastic RSI at an oversold level as a confluence for an entry into a long position. These levels do not mean that price will necessarily reverse at those levels in a reliable way, however. This is why this version of the Stoch RSI employs the triple timeframe overbought and oversold confluence, in an attempt to add a more confluence and reliability to this usage of the Stoch RSI.
What are divergences?
Divergence is when the price of an asset is moving in the opposite direction of a technical indicator, such as an oscillator, or is moving contrary to other data. Divergence warns that the current price trend may be weakening, and in some cases may lead to the price changing direction.
There are 4 main types of divergence, which are split into 2 categories;
regular divergences and hidden divergences. Regular divergences indicate possible trend reversals, and hidden divergences indicate possible trend continuation.
Regular bullish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current downtrend, to an uptrend.
Regular bearish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current uptrend, to a downtrend.
Hidden bullish divergence: An indication of a potential uptrend continuation.
Hidden bearish divergence: An indication of a potential downtrend continuation.
Setting alerts.
With this indicator you can set alerts to notify you when any/all of the above types of divergences occur, on any chart timeframe you choose, and also when the triple timeframe overbought and oversold confluences occur.
Configurable pivot lookback values.
You can adjust the default pivot lookback values to suit your prefered trading style and timeframe. If you like to trade a shorter time frame, lowering the default lookback values will make the divergences drawn more sensitive to short term price action. By default, this indicator has enabled the automatic adjustment of the pivot periods for 4 configurable timeframes, in a bid to optimise the divergences drawn when the indicator is loaded onto any of the 4 timeframes. These timeframes and the auto adjusted pivot periods on each of them can also be reconfigured within the settings menu.
How do traders use divergences in their trading?
A divergence is considered a leading indicator in technical analysis , meaning it has the ability to indicate a potential price move in the short term future.
Hidden bullish and hidden bearish divergences, which indicate a potential continuation of the current trend are sometimes considered a good place for traders to begin, since trend continuation occurs more frequently than reversals, or trend changes.
When trading regular bullish divergences and regular bearish divergences, which are indications of a trend reversal, the probability of it doing so may increase when these occur at a strong support or resistance level . A common mistake new traders make is to get into a regular divergence trade too early, assuming it will immediately reverse, but these can continue to form for some time before the trend eventually changes, by using forms of support or resistance as an added confluence, such as when price reaches a moving average, the success rate when trading these patterns may increase.
Typically, traders will manually draw lines across the swing highs and swing lows of both the price chart and the oscillator to see whether they appear to present a divergence, this indicator will draw them for you, quickly and clearly, and can notify you when they occur.
Disclaimer: This script includes code from the stock UO by Tradingview as well as the Divergence for Many Indicators v4 by LonesomeTheBlue.
Strength of Divergence Across Multiple IndicatorsOverview:
One-stop shop for all your divergence needs, including:
(1) A single metric for divergence strength across multiple indicators.
(2) Labels that make it easy to spot where the truly strong divergence is by showing the overall divergence strength value along with the number of divergent indicators. Hovering over the label shows a breakdown of each divergent indicator and its individual divergence strength value.
(3) Fully customizable, including inputs for pivot lengths, divergence types, and weights for every component of the divergence strength calculation. This allows you to quickly and easily optimize the output for any chart. Don't worry, the default settings will have you covered if you're not interested in what's going on under the hood.
The Divergence Strength Calculation:
The total divergence strength value is the sum of the divergence strengths of all indicators for which divergence was detected at a given bar. Each indicator's individual divergence strength is comprised of two basic components: (1) |ΔPrice| - the magnitude of the change in price over the divergence period (pivot-to-pivot), and (2) |ΔIndicator| - the magnitude of the change in indicator value over the divergence period.
Because different indicators' scales and volatility can vary greatly, the Δ values are expressed in terms of standard deviation to ensure that the values are meaningful and equitable across all indicators and assets/instruments/currency pairs, etc:
|ΔIndicator| = |indicator_value_1 - indicator_value_2| / 2 * StDev(indicator_series,100)
Calculation Weights:
All components of the calculation are weighted and can be modified on the Inputs page in settings (weights are simply multipliers). For example, if you think hidden divergence should carry less weight than regular divergence, you can assign it a lesser weight. Or if you think RSI divergence is worth more than OBV divergence, you can adjust their weights accordingly. List of weights:
Regular divergence weight - default = 1
Hidden divergence weight - default = 1
ΔPrice weight - default = 0.5 (multiplied by the ΔPrice component)
ΔIndicator weight - default = 1.5 (multiplied by the ΔIndicator component)
RSI weight - default = 1.1
OBV weight - default = 0.8
MACD weight - default = 0.9
STOCH weight - default = 0.9
Development for additional indicators is ongoing, as is research into the optimal weight configuration(s).
Other Inputs:
Pivot lengths - specify the number of bars before and after each pivot high/low to consider it a valid candidate for divergence.
Lookback bars and Lookback pivots - specify the number of bars or the number of pivots to look back across.
Price sources - specify separate price sources for bullish and bearish divergence
Display settings - specify how lines and labels should display, including which divergence strength values should show the largest labels. Include/exclude specific divergence types and indicators.
Please report any bugs, or let me know if you have any enhancement suggestions or requests for additional indicators.