Emibap's HEX Uniswap v3 Liquidity PoolThis script will display a histogram of the Uniswap V3 HEX liquidity pool, versus as many tokens as possible.
Current supported pairs:
HEX/WETH.USD (Ethereum expressed in USD)
HEX/USDT (Just showing the USDC liquidity)
Similar to what you can see in the liquidity section of the Uniswap pool page but conveniently rendered alongside your chart.
It's meant to be used on a HEX / WETH chart only. The price should be expressed in WETH for it to work.
One of the main motivations for using this in your chart is to get an idea of the current sentiment: If most of the volume is above the price it might be an indication of an upcoming move up, for instance.
I'll try to update the liquidity regularly.
Using the 4h, daily, or weekly time frames is highly recommended.
The options are straightforward:
Histogram bars color. Default is blue
Histogram background color. Default is black at 20% opacity
Upper price limit of the diagram: Visible upper bound price limit for the histogram, based on the current price. I.E: 200%: If the price is 1, the histogram will show 3 as the upper bound
Lower price limit of the diagram. Visible lower bound price limit for the histogram, based on the current price. I.E: 99%: If the price is 1, the histogram will show 0. 01 as the upper bound
Width of the widest bar: Width (in bars) for the widest bar of the histogram. The more the higher resolution you'll get
Locked volume marker line thickness
Locked volume marker color
RGB Color Codes Chart█ OVERVIEW
This indicator is an educational indicator to make pine coders easier to input color code.
Color code displayed either in hex or rgb code or both.
RGB Color Codes Chart
Table Color For Pairing Black And White
Hover table cell to see all properties of color such as Hex code and RGB code via tooltip.
Cell can be show either Full, HEX, RGB, R, G, B or na.
This code does not consider usage of color.new()
Code consideration to be used such as color.r(), color.g(), color.b() and color.rgb()
HEX Risk Metric (v0.2)This indicator plots a "risk metric" based on the % increases of the following averages:
ema21, sma50, sma100, sma200, sma300, sma600.
Depending on the rolling 7-day percentage increase of this moving average, a value is assigned to each data point, then normalized to a common range.
This set of metrics attempts to represent data similar to that of a heat map.
Users can adjust filter top, filter bottom, and toggle on/off the different metrics within the set.
HEX Risk Metric (v0.1)This indicator plots a "risk metric" based on the % increases of the following averages:
ema21, sma50, sma100, sma200, sma300, sma600.
Depending on the rolling 7-day percentage increase of this moving average, a value is assigned to each data point, then normalized to a common range.
This set of metrics attempts to represent data similar to that of a heat map.
Users can adjust filter top, filter bottom, and toggle on/off the different metrics within the set.
RGB Color FiddlerKEEP YOUR COINS FOLKS! I DON'T NEED THEM, DON'T WANT THEM. Many other talented authors on TV deserve them.
This is my "RGB Color Fiddler", intended as a toy to play with. This colorcator is rated 'E' for every TV member. With this you can quickly generate about 1.67 million potential colors from color.rgb(). While I have a few preferred colors that are ideal for use, this allows you to finely tune colors to anything that pleases your eye on your canvas.
The overlay chart can be peppered with colors of all varieties, so it's necessary to have properly distinguished coloring and contrast separation. If you employ light charts, you can tweak colors to just the right shade you desire on your display. Not all LCDs are created equal, even when color calibrated. With specific discovered colors tailored to your liking, you may uniquely color code ALL of your indicators.
The input()s in Settings allow up to 4 different colors to tinker with and compare. After selecting focus of an input, you can easily use the up/down keyboard keys to make swift adjustments numerically or with options. The color combos you are creating will be displayed in color hex or a RGB representation within the labels.
Also of great benefit, is the ability to cycle through the currently available plot() styles. Some styles will require you to zoom in closeup to observe their behaviors. There is a few other ways to finagle plot() parameters to also achieve other acrobatic effects that are not demonstrated here. Closer study of plot() parameters in the reference can reveal those. Anyhow, I won't bother you with more elaborate technical jargon, now is the time to fiddle with this toy to your benefit!
Any member has the freedom to use any of the code in this script any way they see fit. It's specifically intended for all. There is absolutely no need for accreditation for any of this code reuse ever, in the present case. Don't worry about, I'm certainly not.
When available time provides itself, I will consider your inquiries, thoughts, and concepts presented below in the comments section, should you have any questions or comments regarding this indicator. When my indicators achieve more prevalent use by TV members , I may implement more ideas when they present themselves as worthy additions. Have a profitable future everyone!
Chart Theme - Change Bar and Background Colors using HEX #sAdds aesthetic ability to charts by allowing the trader to change the color of the bars, background, and plots using HEX colors, rather than TradingView's limited color selector box. This makes for easy application of color palettes to charts. The color palettes can be saved as indicators and applied quickly, as desired.