Liquidity Pair Impermanent Asset LossWith limited tracking of impermanent loss for liquidity pairs across all chains, I wanted a very simple display of live dollar value loss in an asset pair. This should allow you to set alerts based on how much you are down and take action if needed. The output column is by default set to show your losses in USD. For those that need it, I also setup an option to track the output in something other than USDT, e.g., GBP or ETH, etc..
Liquidity Pair EvalWhile there are many tools for generating your impermanent loss in liquidity pools, depending on your choice of chain, I was mostly concerned about monitoring the creep between the pairs. This V0.1 attempt should give us a general comparison of the selected asset returns given your time period and also display the percent loss assuming the initial purchase price values are input correctly.
This is a work in progress and I am open to suggestions to make this even better.