Consecutive Unswept Lower Highs/ Higher Lows CounterCounts consecutive Lower Highs and Higher Lows; number resets to zero when previous pivot high or low gets swept
-To help give an idea of when a retracement / run-on-stops may be overdue. i.e. the higher the counter number grows, the longer we've gone without a proper retracement.
~pivot lookback/lookforward: increase this for more significant pivot highs and lows.
~number of pivot high 'counter' labels (pairs) to show in history.
~formatting options.
Pivot High/Low ComparisonThis script will show you at a glance the following trends:
Higher Highs (Green line on top)
Lower Highs (Red line on top)
Higher Lows (Green line on bottom)
Lower Lows (Red line on bottom)
It utilizes the Pivot High and Pivot Low functions to determine if the previous pivot was higher or lower than the current pivot .