EMA Ribbon + Volume Profile (Combined Indicator)I combine the Volume Profile script from kv4coins () with EMA Ribbon (inspired by @mondays_range on X).
⚠️ Only enable the buy signal plot on the total market cap chart like TOTAL, TOTAL2, TOTAL3, or OTHERS. The bigger the tier, the better the signal. This is the first version, I will update this gradually when I have time.
Always DYOR. Don't trust, verify!
Indicators and strategies
indicator("MOATH EMAD", overlay=true)
enableIndicator = input.bool(true, title="تشغيل EMA")
enableIndicator2 = input.bool(true, title="تشغيل RSI")
// حساب EMA 200
ema200 = ta.ema(close, 200)
rsi = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "5", ta.rsi(close, 14))
// المسافة المطلوبة بين الافتتاح والـ EMA
pointDistance = 2 // عدّلها حسب السوق (مثلاً 0.2 للعملات الرقمية)
// التحقق من الشرط
isAbove = open > ema200 + pointDistance
isBelow = open < ema200 - pointDistance
// تحديد اللون بناءً على الشرط
// رسم EMA 200
plotrealclosedots = input(true, title = 'Show real close dots')
realclosecolour = input(color.new(#41ffb0, 1), title = 'Real close dot color') // بدون شفافية
real_price = syminfo.prefix + ":" + syminfo.ticker
real_close = request.security(real_price, "", close, gaps = barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_off)
// رسم النقاط باستخدام plot مع تكبير النقطة
plot(series = plotrealclosedots ? real_close : na,
title = 'Real close dots',
color = realclosecolour,
linewidth = 3, // زيادة حجم النقطة
style = plot.style_circles)
// Input variables
lowhigh_long_prop = input.float(10, title="Low / High Proportion")
body_prop_size = input.float(7, title="Body Proportion Size")
waveLength = input(6, title="Minimum Wave Length") // Number of candles required to determine wave
colorUp = color.new(color.green, 100) // Bullish wave color
colorDown = color.new(color.red, 100) // Bearish wave color
dojiBoxColor = color.new(color.yellow, 90) // Doji box color
defineDojiExtension = 6 // Number of candles to extend the doji box
// Bar calculations
bar_size_h = high - close
bar_size_l = math.max(open, close) - math.min(close, open)
body_size_h = high - low
low_body_prop = close - low
high_body_prop = high - close
// حساب خصائص الشمعة
upper_tail = high - math.max(open, close) // طول الذيل العلوي
lower_tail = math.min(open, close) - low // طول الذيل السفلي
total_tails = upper_tail + lower_tail // مجموع الذيول
// نسبة كل ذيل بالنسبة إلى مجموع الذيول
upper_tail_ratio = (upper_tail / total_tails) * 100
lower_tail_ratio = (lower_tail / total_tails) * 100
// Wave Detection
isBullish = close > open
isBearish = close < open
bullishStreak = ta.barssince(not isBullish)
bearishStreak = ta.barssince(not isBearish)
isWaveUp = isBullish and bullishStreak >= waveLength - 1
isWaveDown = isBearish and bearishStreak >= waveLength - 1
// شرط شمعة التوقف (الذيل الحالي أصغر من الذيل السابق في الاتجاه الصاعد أو أكبر في الاتجاه الهابط)
previous_upper_tail = high
previous_lower_tail = low
is_stop_candle_up = isWaveUp and (high < high or high < high )// شمعة توقف في الاتجاه الصاعد
is_stop_candle_down = isWaveDown and (low > low or low > low ) // شمعة توقف في الاتجاه الهابط
// Boxes for waves
var box bullishBox = na
var box bearishBox = na
if isWaveUp
if na(bullishBox)
bullishBox := box.new(bar_index , high , bar_index, low, border_color=na, bgcolor=colorUp)
box.set_right(bullishBox, bar_index)
box.set_top(bullishBox, math.max(box.get_top(bullishBox), high))
box.set_bottom(bullishBox, math.min(box.get_bottom(bullishBox), low))
if not isWaveUp and not na(bullishBox)
bullishBox := na
if isWaveDown
if na(bearishBox)
bearishBox := box.new(bar_index , high , bar_index, low, border_color=na, bgcolor=colorDown)
box.set_right(bearishBox, bar_index)
box.set_top(bearishBox, math.max(box.get_top(bearishBox), high))
box.set_bottom(bearishBox, math.min(box.get_bottom(bearishBox), low))
if not isWaveDown and not na(bearishBox)
bearishBox := na
// Doji Box Conditions
isDoji = (upper_tail_ratio >= 40 and upper_tail_ratio <= 60) and (lower_tail_ratio >= 40 and lower_tail_ratio <= 60)
// خطوط الدوجي بناءً على الاتجاه السابق
var line dojiLineUp = na
var line dojiLineDown = na
var int dojiLineUpBarIndex = na
var int dojiLineDownBarIndex = na
var bool labelPlacedUp = false
var bool labelPlacedDown = false
var line dojiLineUp2 = na
var line dojiLineDown2 = na
var int dojiLineUpBarIndex2 = na
var int dojiLineDownBarIndex2 = na
var bool labelPlacedUp2 = false
var bool labelPlacedDown2 = false
if isDoji
if isWaveUp // إذا كان الاتجاه السابق صاعدًا
dojiLineUp := line.new(bar_index, low, bar_index + defineDojiExtension, low, color=color.white, width=1)
dojiLineUpBarIndex := bar_index
labelPlacedUp := false // إعادة تعيين الإشارة للخط الجديد
if isWaveDown // إذا كان الاتجاه السابق هابطًا
dojiLineDown := line.new(bar_index, high, bar_index + defineDojiExtension, high, color=color.white, width=1)
dojiLineDownBarIndex := bar_index
labelPlacedDown := false // إعادة تعيين الإشارة للخط الجديد
if isDoji
if isWaveUp // إذا كان الاتجاه السابق صاعدًا
dojiLineUp2 := line.new(bar_index, low, bar_index + defineDojiExtension, low, color=color.white, width=1)
dojiLineUpBarIndex2 := bar_index
labelPlacedUp2 := false // إعادة تعيين الإشارة للخط الجديد
if isWaveDown // إذا كان الاتجاه السابق هابطًا
dojiLineDown2 := line.new(bar_index, high, bar_index + defineDojiExtension, high, color=color.white, width=1)
dojiLineDownBarIndex2 := bar_index
labelPlacedDown2 := false // إعادة تعيين الإشارة للخط الجديد
// تحديد الشروط للتلامس مع الخطوط
touchesGreenLine = not na(dojiLineUp) and
(low <= line.get_y1(dojiLineUp) and high >= line.get_y1(dojiLineUp)) and
(open > line.get_y1(dojiLineUp) and close < line.get_y1(dojiLineUp)) and // تفتح فوق الخط وتغلق تحته
(real_close < line.get_y1(dojiLineUp)) and // إضافة شرط السعر الحقيقي تحت الخط الأخضر
(bar_index - dojiLineUpBarIndex <= 5) and // فقط خلال 5 شموع
not labelPlacedUp and // التأكد من أن الإشارة لم توضع مسبقًا
(((close < ema200 - pointDistance)and enableIndicator)or not enableIndicator) and
(((rsi >70 )and enableIndicator2)or not enableIndicator2) and not is_stop_candle_up
// الشرط الجديد: الشمعة تحت الـ EMA بمقدار نقطتين
touchesRedLine = not na(dojiLineDown) and
(low <= line.get_y1(dojiLineDown) and high >= line.get_y1(dojiLineDown)) and
(open < line.get_y1(dojiLineDown) and close > line.get_y1(dojiLineDown)) and // تفتح تحت الخط وتغلق فوقه
(real_close > line.get_y1(dojiLineDown)) and // إضافة شرط السعر الحقيقي فوق الخط الأحمر
(bar_index - dojiLineDownBarIndex <= 5) and // فقط خلال 5 شموع
not labelPlacedDown and // التأكد من أن الإشارة لم توضع مسبقًا
(((close > ema200 + pointDistance)and enableIndicator)or not enableIndicator) and
(((rsi<30 )and enableIndicator2)or not enableIndicator2) and not is_stop_candle_down // الشرط الجديد: الشمعة فوق الـ EMA بمقدار نقطتين
// تحديد الشروط للتلامس مع الخطوط
touchesGreenLine2 = not na(dojiLineUp2) and
(low <= line.get_y1(dojiLineUp2) and high >= line.get_y1(dojiLineUp2)) and
(open > line.get_y1(dojiLineUp2) and close < line.get_y1(dojiLineUp2)) and // تفتح فوق الخط وتغلق تحته
(real_close < line.get_y1(dojiLineUp2)) and // إضافة شرط السعر الحقيقي تحت الخط الأخضر
(bar_index - dojiLineUpBarIndex2 <= 5) and // فقط خلال 5 شموع
not labelPlacedUp and // التأكد من أن الإشارة لم توضع مسبقًا
(((close < ema200 - pointDistance)and enableIndicator)or not enableIndicator) and
(((rsi >70 )and enableIndicator2)or not enableIndicator2)and is_stop_candle_up
// الشرط الجديد: الشمعة تحت الـ EMA بمقدار نقطتين
touchesRedLine2 = not na(dojiLineDown2) and
(low <= line.get_y1(dojiLineDown2) and high >= line.get_y1(dojiLineDown2)) and
(open < line.get_y1(dojiLineDown2) and close > line.get_y1(dojiLineDown2)) and // تفتح تحت الخط وتغلق فوقه
(real_close > line.get_y1(dojiLineDown2)) and // إضافة شرط السعر الحقيقي فوق الخط الأحمر
(bar_index - dojiLineDownBarIndex2 <= 5) and // فقط خلال 5 شموع
not labelPlacedDown and // التأكد من أن الإشارة لم توضع مسبقًا
(((close > ema200 + pointDistance)and enableIndicator)or not enableIndicator) and
(((rsi<30 )and enableIndicator2)or not enableIndicator2) and is_stop_candle_down// الشرط الجديد: الشمعة فوق الـ EMA بمقدار نقطتين
if touchesGreenLine
label.new(bar_index, high, text="Sell", color=color.orange, textcolor=color.white, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
labelPlacedUp := true
if touchesRedLine
label.new(bar_index, low, text="Buy", color=color.blue, textcolor=color.white, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_up)
labelPlacedDown := true // تم وضع الإشارة
if touchesGreenLine2
label.new(bar_index, high, text="Sell", color=color.orange, textcolor=color.white, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_down)
labelPlacedUp := true
if touchesRedLine2
label.new(bar_index, low, text="Buy", color=color.blue, textcolor=color.white, size=size.small, style=label.style_label_up)
labelPlacedDown := true // تم وضع الإشارة
alertcondition(touchesGreenLine or touchesRedLine or touchesGreenLine2 or touchesRedLine2 , title="Buy/Sell Alert", message="Signal detected: Buy or Sell")
var table statsTable = table.new(position.top_right, 1, 1, border_color=color.purple, bgcolor=color.new(color.black, 90))
table.cell(statsTable, 0, 0, "Moath Emad", text_color=color.white, bgcolor=color.black, text_size=size.auto)
Excess Liquidity IndicatorExcess Liquidity Indicator
This script visualizes excess liquidity trends in relation to risk assets. It estimates excess liquidity by combining various macroeconomic factors such as WW M2 money supply, central bank balance sheets, and interest rates, oil, and the dollar index, and it substracts WW GDP. The tool helps traders analyze liquidity-driven market trends in a structured manner.
Note: This script is for research purposes only and does not provide financial advice.
I cannot point names cause I get banned but work is inspired by others...
Divergence Detector by jithinYour script is designed to detect divergences using either RSI or MACD as the oscillator.
15m EMA RSI Strategy with ATR SL/TP and Candle Break Confirmatio15m EMA RSI Strategy with ATR SL/TP and Candle Break Confirmation
Aggressive Options Trade Strategy - CALLS (2025+) ASalehThis strategy is designed to trade CALL options using a combination of momentum, trend confirmation, and risk management techniques. It ensures early entries into strong uptrends while holding positions longer and exiting only when the trend weakens significantly.
Key Levels Theory with Boxes v3Key Levels Theory with Boxes
This script helps traders visualize important price levels and mark them with lines and boxes on a chart. The lines represent key whole number levels, and the boxes give you a visual reference to see how price interacts with these levels. This tool can be used to track support/resistance areas and anticipate price movement based on round numbers.
Key Functions:
The script draws horizontal lines at key price levels (e.g., 2850, 2855, 2860, etc.) starting from a defined "start level."
The lines are dashed by default and their appearance can be customized (color, style, width).
For each level, a box is drawn above and below the line.
The size of the box is fixed (1.5 units above and below the level) and it can be customized to any other interval.
The box is filled with a green color by default, with 5% opacity, so it doesn’t overpower the chart but still provides a visual reference.
Customizable Inputs:
Start Level: The starting price level from which all other levels will be calculated (e.g., 2850).
Number of Levels: How many levels of lines and boxes you want to display (e.g., 6 levels).
Box Interval: The distance above and below each level to define the size of the boxes (default is 1.5).
Line Style: The appearance of the lines (solid, dotted, or dashed).
Line Color: The color of the lines (default is white).
Line Width: The width of the lines (default is set to 0 for a cleaner look).
Box Color: The color of the boxes (default is green with 5% opacity).
What Does It Do?
Visualizes price levels: The script plots key price levels and helps traders easily identify where price is currently at, relative to whole number levels.
Marks support/resistance: These levels often act as psychological price points, making them useful for spotting potential support or resistance.
Helps with trade decisions: By seeing how the price behaves around these key levels, traders can make more informed decisions about entering or exiting positions.
Schwarzman Custom ORB with Box DisplayIndicator Overview
The Schwarzman Custom ORB (Opening Range Breakout) Indicator is a fully self-developed script designed for traders who utilize opening range breakout strategies. This indicator allows users to customize their ORB settings, apply them to historical price data, and visually connect multiple ORBs to analyze past performance. The goal is to provide traders with a tool to backtest and refine their breakout strategies based on historical ORB data.
How the Indicator Works
1️⃣ User-Defined ORB Settings
• The user selects a custom start time (hour and minute) for the ORB.
• The user defines a duration (e.g., 15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc.) for the ORB period.
• A timezone offset is included to adjust for different market sessions.
2️⃣ ORB High and Low Calculation
• The script records the highest and lowest prices within the selected ORB time window.
• The recorded values remain static after the ORB period ends, ensuring accurate range plotting.
3️⃣ Historical ORB Visualization
• Instead of only showing a single ORB for the current session, this indicator connects multiple ORBs across past data.
• This allows traders to visually analyze previous breakout performance.
• The plotted ORBs remain fixed and do not repaint, ensuring an accurate backtesting experience.
4️⃣ Stepline Visualization & Range Filling
• The high and low ORB levels are displayed using stepline plots to maintain clear horizontal levels.
• A shaded box is applied between the ORB high and low for better visualization.
Use Cases & Strategy Application
📌 Backtesting Historical ORBs – See how past ORBs performed under different market conditions.
📌 Custom ORB Settings – Adjust the start time and duration for different trading sessions.
📌 Multi-ORB Analysis – Connect ORBs over multiple trading days to study trends and breakouts.
📌 Breakout Strategy Optimization – Use the historical ORB connections to refine entry and exit points.
This indicator is particularly useful for day traders, scalpers, and breakout traders looking for a data-driven approach to trading.
Indicator Development & Transparency Statement
As a trader, I have tested various ORB (Opening Range Breakout) indicators available in the TradingView community. Through these experiences, I aimed to develop a version that best fits my own trading needs and strategy.
This script is a self-developed ORB tool, created from scratch while drawing inspiration from the concept of opening range breakouts, which is widely used in trading. Since I initially coded in Pine Script v4, I used ChatGPT to help refine and migrate the script to Pine Script v6 to ensure compatibility with the latest TradingView features. However, the core logic, structure, and customization were entirely designed and implemented based on my own approach.
I am making this indicator public not to violate any TradingView guidelines but to share my work with the trading community and provide a tool that can help others analyze ORB-based strategies. If there are any compliance concerns, I am open to adjusting the script accordingly, but I want to clarify that this is not a copy of any existing ORB script—it is a custom-built indicator tailored to my own trading preferences.
I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the community and would welcome any specific feedback from TradingView regarding rule compliance.
Best regards,
Janko S. (Schwarzman)
Appeal to TradingView
Dear TradingView Team,
This script is 100% self-developed and does not copy or replicate any third-party code. It is a customized ORB tool designed for traders who wish to backtest and analyze opening range breakout strategies over multiple sessions. We kindly request specific clarification regarding which exact line(s) of code violate TradingView’s guidelines. If there are any compliance concerns, we are happy to adjust the script accordingly.
Please let us know the precise rules or community guidelines that were violated so we can make the necessary modifications.
🚀 Summary
✔ Fully Custom & Self-Developed – No copied or third-party code.
✔ Innovative Feature – Connects past ORBs for strategy backtesting.
✔ Transparent & Compliant – Requesting exact details on any potential rule violations.
Key Levels with Boxes v2Places Lines & Boxes at intervals of your choice, adjustable in the settings. The settings are for gold at default, for currency pairs set spacing to 0.0025. Allows for border on/off, changing of line colors, and box colors . Credit to: MrPresident for the original indicator idea, and Evanture (Evan Cabral) for the inspiration.
Allows you to set boxes at intervals of your choice (1.5 for gold)
Allows you to set lines at intervals of your choice (5-10-25 for gold)
Border On/Off Function
Border Color of your choice
Box Color to your choice
Line Color to your choice
Left Box Shift (how far left you would like the box to go left)
Right Box Shift (how far right you would like the box to go right)
The Up or Down Indicator (TUDI)The Up or Down Indicator
This indicator provides a comprehensive view of trend direction, strength, potential breakout opportunities, as well as trend reversals, helping traders quickly assess the market's overall bias and identify potential entry points.
Key Features:
Directional Bias Line: A color-coded line (seafoam green for uptrend, coral red for downtrend, and orange for transition) that visually represents the current trend direction. The saturation of the color indicates the strength or momentum of the trend.
Confirmation Dots: Seafoam green dots appear at the bottom of the chart to confirm potential bullish moves, while coral red dots appear at the top to confirm potential bearish moves. The saturation of the dot colors indicates the momentum.
Background Color: A subtle seafoam green or coral red background shading provides an additional visual cue for the overall trend direction.
Squeeze Arrows: White arrows (upward and downward pointing) appear when a squeeze (Bollinger Bands inside Keltner Channels) and high volume are detected, suggesting a potential breakout. Upward arrows indicate potential long breakouts, while downward arrows indicate potential short breakouts.
How to Use:
Follow these steps to effectively use the Up or Down Indicator:
1. Identify the Primary Trend: Use the Directional Bias Line to determine the overall trend direction.
- Seafoam green = Uptrend (stronger as the green becomes more saturated)
- Coral red = Downtrend (stronger as the red becomes more saturated)
- Orange = Caution, Potential Trend Change (suggesting you should tighten stops or wait for further confirmation)
2. Watch for Confirmation Signals: Look for Confirmation Dots to confirm potential bullish or bearish moves.
- Increasing saturation in dots = Growing momentum
3. Anticipate Breakouts: Use Squeeze Arrows to anticipate potential breakouts.
- Upward arrow during uptrend = Potential strong continuation
- Downward arrow during downtrend = Potential strong continuation
4. Confirm Signals: Always consider the overall market context and use other indicators or analysis techniques to confirm signals before making any trading decisions.
This indicator is for informational purposes only and should not be used as the sole basis for making trading decisions. Trading involves risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always conduct thorough research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
IKNOW 4SMA Strategy with Targets and Stop LossDescription:
The IKNOW 4SMA Strategy is a simple yet effective trading strategy designed for trend-following traders. It utilizes a 4-period Simple Moving Average (SMA) to identify trend direction and generate Buy (B) and Sell (S) signals when the price crosses the SMA. This strategy also includes a customizable Take Profit (%) and Stop Loss (%) to help traders manage risk efficiently.
How It Works:
✅ Buy Signal (B - Blue): When the price crosses above the 4SMA, a long position is entered.
✅ Sell Signal (S - Red): When the price crosses below the 4SMA, a short position is entered.
✅ Take Profit & Stop Loss: The strategy automatically sets a Take Profit (default 2%) and Stop Loss (default 1%), both of which can be adjusted as per trading style.
✔ Clear Buy (B) & Sell (S) Labels – Small and non-intrusive for easy chart analysis.
✔ Customizable Take Profit & Stop Loss – Adjust percentage values to fit your strategy.
✔ Simple & Effective for Trend Following – Based on SMA crossovers for quick entries and exits.
✔ Works on Multiple Timeframes – Can be used on Forex, Crypto, Stocks, and Commodities.
✔ Lightweight & Non-Lagging – Does not overload your TradingView chart.
How to Use:
Add to Chart: Click on "Add to Chart" after enabling the script in TradingView.
Adjust Parameters: Modify Take Profit (%) and Stop Loss (%) to suit your risk appetite.
Follow the Signals: Enter Long when a B (Blue) appears and enter Short when an S (Red) appears.
Manage Risk: Keep an eye on the Stop Loss and Take Profit levels for controlled risk exposure.
🚀 This strategy is perfect for traders who prefer quick, trend-based entries and exits with proper risk management! 🚀
This strategy is for educational purposes only. Always backtest and demo trade before using it in live markets. Trading involves risk; trade responsibly.
🔹 Created by: Kashif Abbas (IKNOW Digital Marketing & eCommerce Solution)
🔹 Trademark: IKNOW 4SMA Strategy
Moving Average Crossover StrategyCertainly! Below is an example of a professional trading strategy implemented in Pine Script for TradingView. This strategy is a simple moving average crossover strategy, which is a common approach used by many traders. It uses two moving averages (a short-term and a long-term) to generate buy and sell signals.
Input Parameters:
shortLength: The length of the short-term moving average.
longLength: The length of the long-term moving average.
Moving Averages:
shortMA: The short-term simple moving average (SMA).
longMA: The long-term simple moving average (SMA).
longCondition: A buy signal is generated when the short-term MA crosses above the long-term MA.
shortCondition: A sell signal is generated when the short-term MA crosses below the long-term MA.
Trade Execution:
The strategy enters a long position when the longCondition is met.
The strategy enters a short position when the shortCondition is met.
The moving averages are plotted on the chart.
Buy and sell signals are plotted as labels on the chart.
How to Use:
Copy the script into TradingView's Pine Script editor.
Adjust the shortLength and longLength parameters to fit your trading style.
Add the script to your chart and apply it to your desired timeframe.
Backtest the strategy to see how it performs on historical data.
This is a basic example, and professional traders often enhance such strategies with additional filters, risk management rules, and other indicators to improve performance.
Enhanced Ultimate Squeeze Pro🚀 Ultimate Squeeze Pro – Unlock Powerful Breakouts! 🚀
Discover explosive market moves with an advanced squeeze indicator that identifies high-pressure zones and provides clear breakout signals!
✅ TTM Squeeze + Dynamic Averages + ADX Strength – a powerful combination
✅ Smart Color Coding – Instantly spot trend strength and market squeezes
✅ Real-Time Alerts – Never miss a breakout opportunity again
✅ Works on All Timeframes – Perfect for scalpers, swing traders, and investors
💥 Add Ultimate Squeeze Pro now and catch breakouts before they happen! 💥
Let me know if you want any refinements! 🚀
3-1 Setup Detector (Multi-Timeframe)📌 3-1 Setup Detector (Multi-Timeframe) – Description
The 3-1 Setup Detector (Multi-Timeframe) is a powerful price action indicator designed for The Strat trading method. It automatically detects 3-1 setups, where an outside bar (3) is followed by an inside bar (1), signaling potential breakout opportunities.
🔥 Key Features:
✅ Multi-Timeframe Support – Works on 1H, 2H, 3H, 4H, 6H, 12H, Daily, 2D, 3D, Weekly, 2W, 3W, Monthly, Quarterly
✅ Real-Time Alerts – Get notified when a 3-1 setup forms
✅ Easy Visualization – Plots markers on the chart for quick recognition
✅ Customizable Timeframe – Select a specific higher timeframe for confirmation
📊 How It Works:
Identifies an outside bar (3), where the high is higher and the low is lower than the previous bar.
Detects an inside bar (1), where the high is lower and the low is higher than the previous bar.
If a 3-1 sequence occurs, the indicator marks the setup on the chart and triggers an alert.
🎯 Trading Applications:
Breakout Strategy: Trade breakouts when the 3-1 setup forms near key levels.
Reversal Signals: Use in combination with support/resistance for confirmation.
Multi-Timeframe Analysis: Detect setups on higher timeframes while trading lower ones.
🚀 Perfect for traders who use The Strat method and want real-time, high-probability trade setups across multiple timeframes!
Fixed Gap Price LevelsIndicator Description:
The Fixed Gap Price Levels indicator draws horizontal price levels at user-defined intervals on the chart.
Users can select a starting price level (e.g., 71 or 2.1).
Lines are drawn at fixed gaps (e.g., if 71 is chosen, lines appear at 71, 142, 213, etc.).
An optional midpoint line can be enabled to appear halfway between the main levels.
Customizable colors for both main and midpoint lines.
Lines extend across the entire screen for easy visualization of price levels.
This tool helps traders quickly identify key price levels based on predefined spacing, aiding in technical analysis.
Candle Range TheoryCandle Range Analysis:
Calculates the true range of each candle
Shows a 14-period SMA of the range (adjustable)
Dynamic bands based on standard deviation
Visual Components:
Colored histogram showing range deviations from mean
Signal line for oscillator smoothing
Expansion/contraction zones marked with dotted lines
Arrow markers for extreme range conditions
Key Functionality:
Identifies range expansion/contraction relative to historical volatility
Shows normalized range oscillator (-100% to +100% scale)
Includes visual and audio alerts for extreme range conditions
Customizable parameters for sensitivity and smoothing
Red zones indicate above-average volatility/expansion
Green zones indicate below-average volatility/contraction
Crossings above/below zero line show range expansion/contraction
Signal line crossover system potential
Turtle Soup Model [PhenLabs]📊 Turtle Soup Model
Version: PineScript™ v6
The Turtle Soup Model is an innovative technical analysis tool that combines market structure analysis with inter-market comparison and gap detection. Unlike traditional structure indicators, it validates market movements against a comparison symbol (default: ES1!) to identify high-probability trading opportunities. The indicator features a unique “soup pattern” detection system, comprehensive gap analysis, and real-time structure breaks visualization.
Innovation Points:
First indicator to combine structure analysis with gap detection and inter-market validation
Advanced memory management system for efficient long-term analysis
Sophisticated pattern recognition with multi-market confirmation
Real-time structure break detection with comparative validation
🔧 Core Components
Structure Analysis: Advanced pivot detection with inter-market validation
Gap Detection: Sophisticated gap identification and classification system
Inversion Patterns: “Soup pattern” recognition for reversal opportunities
Visual System: Dynamic rendering of structure levels and gaps
Alert Framework: Multi-condition notification system
🚨 Key Features 🚨
The indicator provides comprehensive analysis through:
Structure Levels: Validated support and resistance zones
Gap Patterns: Identification of significant market gaps
Inversion Signals: Detection of potential reversal points
Real-time Comparison: Continuous inter-market analysis
Visual Alerts: Dynamic structure break notifications
📈 Visualization
Structure Lines: Color-coded for highs and lows
Gap Boxes: Visual representation of gap zones
Inversion Patterns: Clear marking of potential reversal points
Comparison Overlay: Inter-market divergence visualization
Alert Indicators: Visual signals for structure breaks
📌 Usage Guidelines
The indicator offers multiple customization options:
Structure Settings:
Pivot Period: Adjustable for different market conditions
Comparison Symbol: Customizable reference market
Visual Style: Configurable colors and line widths
Gap Analysis:
Signal Mode: Choice between close and wick-based signals
Box Rendering: Automatic gap zone visualization
Middle Line: Reference point for gap measurements
✅ Best Practices:
🚨Use comparison symbol from related market🚨
Monitor both structure breaks and gap inversions
Combine signals for higher probability trades
Pay attention to inter-market divergences
⚠️ Limitations
Requires comparison symbol data
Performance depends on market correlation
Best suited for liquid markets
What Makes This Unique
Inter-market Validation: Uses comparison symbol for signal confirmation
Gap Integration: Combines structure and gap analysis
Soup Pattern Detection: Identifies specific reversal patterns
Dynamic Structure Management: Automatically updates and removes invalid levels
Memory-Efficient Design: Optimized for long-term chart analysis
🔧 How It Works
The indicator processes market data through three main components:
1. Structure Analysis:
Detects pivot points with comparison validation
Tracks structure levels with array management
Identifies and processes structure breaks
2. Gap Analysis:
Identifies significant market gaps
Processes gap inversions
Manages gap zones visualization
3. Pattern Recognition:
Detects “soup” patterns
Validates with comparison market
Generates structure break signals
💡 Note: The indicator performs best when used with correlated comparison symbols and appropriate timeframe selection. Its unique inter-market validation system provides additional confirmation for traditional structure-based trading strategies.
Angel Signal proA fully prepared indicator:10 in 1, numerical values of such indexes as-Rsi,Masd,CCI. Look at the rectangle and all the values are in front of you
Ethereum COT [SAKANE]#Overview
Ethereum COT is an indicator that visualizes Ethereum futures market positions based on the Commitment of Traders (COT) report provided by the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission).
This indicator stands out from similar tools with the following features:
- **Flexible Data Switching**: Supports multiple COT report types, including "Financial," "Legacy," "OpenInterest," and "Force All."
- **Position Direction Selection**: Easily switch between long, short, and net positions. Net positions are automatically calculated.
- **Open Interest Integration**: View the overall trading volume in the market at a glance.
- **Comparison and Customization**: Toggle individual trader types (Dealer, Asset Manager, Commercials, etc.) on and off, with visually distinct color-coded graphs.
- **Force All Mode**: Simultaneously display data from different report types, enabling comprehensive market analysis.
These features make it a powerful tool for both beginners and advanced traders to deeply analyze the Ethereum futures market.
#Use Cases
1. **Analyzing Trader Sentiment**
- Compare net positions of various trader types (Dealer, Asset Manager, Commercials, etc.) to understand market sentiment.
2. **Identifying Trend Reversals**
- Detect early signs of trend reversals from sudden increases or decreases in long and short positions.
3. **Utilizing Open Interest**
- Monitor the overall trading volume represented by open interest to evaluate entry points or changes in volatility.
4. **Tracking Position Structures**
- Compare positions of leveraged funds and asset managers to analyze risk-on or risk-off environments.
#Key Features
1. **Report Type Selection**
- Financial (Financial Traders)
- Legacy (Legacy Report)
- Open Interest
- Force All (Display all data)
2. **Position Direction Selection**
- Long
- Short
- Net
3. **Visualization of Major Trader Types**
- Financial Traders: Dealer, Asset Manager, Leveraged Funds, Other Reportable
- Legacy: Commercials, Non-Commercials, Small Speculators
4. **Open Interest Visualization**
- Monitor the total open positions in the market.
5. **Flexible Customization**
- Toggle individual trader types on and off.
- Intuitive settings with tooltips for better usability.
#How to Use
1. Add the indicator to your chart and click the settings icon in the top-right corner.
2. Select the desired report type in the "Report Type" field.
3. Choose the position direction (Long/Short/Net) in the "Direction" field.
4. Toggle the visibility of trader types as needed.
- Data is provided by the CFTC and is updated weekly. It is not real-time.
- Changes to the settings may take a few seconds to reflect.
Double Bollinger with Outer Movement RangeThis double BB indicator shows an inner and outer band. The extra outer band picks up on extreme price movement, to allow for more aggressive entries or exits.
As a candle's value changes, it changes the value of the Bollinger band. This causes the BB to "retreat" from the candle as it approaches the band. It also means that if a candle retraces toward the centre basis line, the Bollinger bands will close in. This can lead to "passive crosses", where price never actually penetrated the Bollinger band, but instead the returning Bollinger band crossed the price.
Looking at the historic chart, these passive crosses make it look like price crossing the outer BB is a reliable indicator for entries and exits. Unfortunately, the intracandle movement may lead to disappointment.
The outer movement range of this indicator shows how far the outer BB moved in response to each candle's price movement. If the candle did not penetrate the outside of the movement range, it did not actively penetrate the Bollinger band. Instead, the band crossed the price as the candle retraced.
Useful for fine-tuning entry and exit signals, especially when looking for real-time bar signals. It's better to trigger an entry or exit by the candle's high or low being higher or lower than the Bollinger Band, to capture as much as possible of the likely mean reversion.
Dynamic SL - 1 Pip (Up and Down)The Dynamic SL - 1 Pip Up and Down indicator creates two dynamic lines that follow the price at a distance of 1 pip above and below the closing price. This feature can be particularly useful for traders who want to visualize small stop-loss (SL) levels or track price movement in a highly responsive manner.
Unlike traditional stop-loss indicators, this script ensures that the lines only last for 5 seconds, keeping the chart clean and focusing only on the most relevant price movement.
Key Features
✔ Dynamic Stop-Loss Visualization:
The script draws a green line above the price (+1 pip).
A red line below the price (-1 pip) is also drawn.
✔ Auto-Clearing for a Clean Chart:
Each line lasts for 5 seconds only before automatically disappearing.
This prevents unnecessary clutter on the chart and ensures only the latest price movements are visualized.
✔ Adaptable to Multiple Assets:
Automatically calculates the pip size based on the instrument type:
Forex → Uses 0.0001 per pip.
Futures & Stocks → Uses the minimum tick size.
✔ Ideal for High-Frequency Traders & Scalpers:
Designed for 1-minute (M1) or lower timeframes where traders need to monitor price action closely.
Helps visualize ultra-tight stop-loss levels in scalping strategies.
The Commitment of Traders (COT) IndexThe COT Index indicator is used to measure the positioning of different market participants (Large Traders, Small Traders, and Commercial Hedgers) relative to their historical positioning over a specified lookback period. It helps traders identify extreme positioning, which can signal potential reversals or trend continuations.
Key Features of the Indicator:
COT Data Retrieval
The script pulls COT report data from the TradingView COT Library TradingView/LibraryCOT/3).
It retrieves long and short positions for three key groups:
Large Traders (Non-commercial positions) – Speculators such as hedge funds.
Small Traders (Non-reportable positions) – Small retail traders.
Commercial Hedgers (Commercial positions) – Institutions that hedge real-world positions.
Threshold Zones for Extreme Positioning:
Upper Zone Threshold (Default: 90%)
Signals potential overbought conditions (excessive buying).
Lower Zone Threshold (Default: 10%)
Signals potential oversold conditions (excessive selling).
The indicator plots these zones using horizontal lines.
The COT Index should be used in conjunction with technical analysis (support/resistance, trends, etc.). A high COT Index does not mean the market will reverse immediately—it’s an indication of extreme sentiment.
If the script does not recognize or can't find the ticker currently viewed in the COT report, the COT indicator will default to U.S. Dollar.
FCPO 5-Minute Moving Average Crossover Strategy Hazmi### EMA 15 & 35 Crossover Strategy Explanation
This strategy uses two Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) with periods of 15 and 35 to identify potential buy and sell signals based on crossovers.
#### Key Components:
1. **EMA 15**: A faster-moving average that reacts quickly to price changes.
2. **EMA 35**: A slower-moving average that smooths out price fluctuations and provides a broader trend perspective.
#### Strategy Rules:
1. **Buy Signal**: When the **EMA 15** crosses **above** the **EMA 35**, it indicates a potential uptrend. This is a signal to **buy** or go long.
2. **Sell Signal**: When the **EMA 15** crosses **below** the **EMA 35**, it indicates a potential downtrend. This is a signal to **sell** or exit the position.
#### How It Works:
- The crossover of the faster EMA (15) above the slower EMA (35) suggests increasing momentum and a potential upward trend.
- Conversely, the crossover of the faster EMA (15) below the slower EMA (35) suggests weakening momentum and a potential downward trend.
#### Example:
- If the **EMA 15** moves from below to above the **EMA 35**, it’s a **buy signal**.
- If the **EMA 15** moves from above to below the **EMA 35**, it’s a **sell signal**.
#### Advantages:
- Simple and easy to implement.
- Effective in trending markets.
#### Disadvantages:
- Can produce false signals in sideways or choppy markets.
- Lagging indicator, as it relies on past price data.
This strategy is commonly used in technical analysis to capture trends and generate trading signals. You can backtest it on historical data to evaluate its performance.