Indicators and strategies
Crypto Candle Low Leverage TrackerCrypto Candle Low Leverage Tracker
The Candle Low Leverage Indicator is a powerful tool for long position traders seeking to manage risk effectively when using leverage. By evaluating the current candle's low price, this indicator helps traders make more informed decisions about potential entry points, stop losses, and leverage levels. The indicator matches the low of the candle to the leverage needed for liquidation, giving you a clear view of how leverage impacts your position.
This indicator provides two critical insights:
% from Candle Low: Tracks how much the price has moved from the low of the current candle. For long position traders, this percentage is crucial for understanding how far the price has come off the low and deciding whether it’s safe to enter a position or if further price action is needed.
Leverage Needed: Estimates the leverage required to reach the candle's low as the liquidation price. Long traders can use this information to adjust leverage to a safer level, ensuring they don’t overexpose themselves to liquidation risks by matching leverage to the candle’s low.
Key Features:
Customizable table positioning (top, middle, bottom).
Toggle options to show/hide % from Candle Low and Leverage Needed.
Visual indicators with color changes: green for positive change, red for negative change, and blue for leverage requirements.
Ideal for long traders, this tool helps evaluate market conditions, manage risks, and calculate the best leverage to use in long trades, ensuring that leverage aligns with the candle’s low to prevent unnecessary liquidations.
Trader Criptom4N//@version=5
indicator("Trader Criptom4N", "🐳Criptom4N®🐳"
, overlay = true
, max_labels_count = 500
, max_lines_count = 500
, max_boxes_count = 500
, max_bars_back = 500)
// Get user input
// Get user input
// Instead of inputs, define constants or variables directly
// Instead of inputs, define constants or variables directly
var float nsensitivity = 1
nbuysell = input.bool(true, 'Buy/Sell Signal', inline = "BSNM",group='BUY/SELL SIGNAL')
// SMA
sma4_strong = ta.sma(close, 8)
sma5_strong = ta.sma(close, 9)
// Signal Generation
// Signal Generation Function
supertrend(_src, factor, atrLen) =>
atr = ta.atr(atrLen)
upperBand = _src + factor * atr
lowerBand = _src - factor * atr
prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand )
prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand )
lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or close < prevLowerBand ? lowerBand : prevLowerBand
upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or close > prevUpperBand ? upperBand : prevUpperBand
var int direction = na
var float superTrend = na
prevSuperTrend = nz(superTrend )
if na(atr )
direction := 1
else if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
direction := close > upperBand ? -1 : 1
direction := close < lowerBand ? 1 : -1
superTrend := direction == -1 ? lowerBand : upperBand
= supertrend(close, nsensitivity*7,10)
bull = ta.crossover(close, supertrend)
bear = ta.crossunder(close, supertrend)
// Risk Management
levels2 = input.bool(true, "Show TP/SL Levels2" , group = "Risk Management" , inline = "MMDB2")
lvlLines = input.bool(true, "Show Lines ", inline="levels2", group = "Risk Management")
linesStyle = input.string("SOLID", "", , inline="levels2", group = "Risk Management")
lvlDistance =, "Distance", 1, inline="levels2", group = "Risk Management")
lvlDecimals =, " Decimals", 1, 8, inline="levels2", group = "Risk Management")
atrRisk =, "Risk % ", 1, group = "Risk Management" , inline="levels3")
atrLen =, " ATR Length", 1, group = "Risk Management" , inline="levels3")
decimals = lvlDecimals == 1 ? "#.#" : lvlDecimals == 2 ? "#.##" : lvlDecimals == 3 ? "#.###" : lvlDecimals == 4 ? "#.####" : lvlDecimals == 5 ? "#.#####" : lvlDecimals == 6 ? "#.######" : lvlDecimals == 7 ? "#.#######" : "#.########"
CirrusCloud = input(true, 'Cirrus Cloud', group='TREND FEATURES')
// Plots
windowsize = 100
offset = 0.9
sigma = 6
//plot(ta.alma(source, windowsize, offset, sigma))
windowsize2 = 310
offset2 = 0.85
sigma2 = 32
//plot(ta.alma(source, windowsize2, offset2, sigma2))
// Chart Features
smoothrng(x, t, m) =>
wper = t * 2 - 1
avrng = ta.ema(math.abs(x - x ), t)
smoothrng = ta.ema(avrng, wper) * m
smrng = smoothrng(close, 22, 6)
rngfilt(x, r) =>
rngfilt = x
rngfilt := x > nz(rngfilt ) ? x - r < nz(rngfilt ) ? nz(rngfilt ) : x - r : x + r > nz(rngfilt ) ? nz(rngfilt ) : x + r
filt = rngfilt(close, smrng)
// ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
upward = 0.0
upward := filt > filt ? nz(upward ) + 1 : filt < filt ? 0 : nz(upward )
downward = 0.0
downward := filt < filt ? nz(downward ) + 1 : filt > filt ? 0 : nz(downward )
filtcolor = upward > 0 ?, 50) : downward > 0 ?, 50) :, 0)
// Trend Cloud
tclength = 600
hullma = ta.wma(2*ta.wma(close, tclength/2)-ta.wma(close, tclength), math.floor(math.sqrt(tclength)))
// Chart Features
x1 = 22
x2 = 9
x3 = 15
x4 = 5
smoothrngX1(x, t, m) =>
wper = t * 2 - 1
avrng = ta.ema(math.abs(x - x ), t)
smoothrngX1 = ta.ema(avrng, wper) * m
smrngx1x = smoothrngX1(close, x1, x2)
smrngx1x2 = smoothrngX1(close, x3, x4)
rngfiltx1x1(x, r) =>
rngfiltx1x1 = x
rngfiltx1x1 := x > nz(rngfiltx1x1 ) ? x - r < nz(rngfiltx1x1 ) ? nz(rngfiltx1x1 ) : x - r : x + r > nz(rngfiltx1x1 ) ? nz(rngfiltx1x1 ) : x + r
filtx1 = rngfiltx1x1(close, smrngx1x)
filtx12 = rngfiltx1x1(close, smrngx1x2)
// ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
upwardx1 = 0.0
upwardx1 := filtx1 > filtx1 ? nz(upwardx1 ) + 1 : filtx1 < filtx1 ? 0 : nz(upwardx1 )
downwardx1 = 0.0
downwardx1 := filtx1 < filtx1 ? nz(downwardx1 ) + 1 : filtx1 > filtx1 ? 0 : nz(downwardx1 )
filtx1colorx1 = color.rgb(0, 187, 212, 100)
xxx1 = plot(CirrusCloud ? filtx1 : na, color=filtx1colorx1, linewidth=1, title='Trend Tracer', editable = false)
xxx2 = plot(CirrusCloud ? filtx12 : na, color=filtx1colorx1, linewidth=1, title='Trend Tracer', editable = false)
fill(xxx1, xxx2, color= filtx1 > filtx12 ? color.rgb(254, 0, 0, 86) : color.rgb(21, 255, 0, 86))
trigger2 = bull ? 1 : 0
countBull = ta.barssince(bull)
countBear = ta.barssince(bear)
trigger = nz(countBull, bar_index) < nz(countBear, bar_index) ? 1 : 0
atrBand = ta.atr(atrLen) * atrRisk
atrStop = trigger == 1 ? low - atrBand : high + atrBand
// Colors
green = #2BBC4D, green2 = color.rgb(0, 221, 0, 27)
red = #C51D0B, red2 = #c51d0b
adxlen = 15
dilen = 15
dirmov(len) =>
up = ta.change(high)
down = -ta.change(low)
plusDM = na(up) ? na : up > down and up > 0 ? up : 0
minusDM = na(down) ? na : down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0
truerange = ta.rma(, len)
plus = fixnan(100 * ta.rma(plusDM, len) / truerange)
minus = fixnan(100 * ta.rma(minusDM, len) / truerange)
adx(dilen, adxlen) =>
= dirmov(dilen)
sum = plus + minus
adx = 100 * ta.rma(math.abs(plus - minus) / (sum == 0 ? 1 : sum), adxlen)
sig = adx(dilen, adxlen)
// range ADX threshold
sidewaysThreshold ='ADX Sideways Threshold (10-30)', minval=2, defval=15)
// boolean expression to see if the ADX is below tehe sideways threshold
bool isSideways = sig < sidewaysThreshold
// adding the option to color the bars when in a trading range
useBarColor = true
bColor = isSideways ? #b102fc : na
barcolor(useBarColor ? bColor : na)
barcolor(close > supertrend ? #3cff00 : #fe0100)
percentStop = input.float(1, "Stop Loss % (0 to Disable)", 0, group="BUY & SELL SIGNALS")
srcStop = close
lastTrade(src) => ta.valuewhen(bull or bear, src, 0)
entry_y = lastTrade(srcStop)
stop_y = lastTrade(atrStop)
tp1_y = (entry_y - lastTrade(atrStop)) * 1 + entry_y
tp2_y = (entry_y - lastTrade(atrStop)) * 2 + entry_y
tp3_y = (entry_y - lastTrade(atrStop)) * 3 + entry_y
labelTpSl(y, txt, color) =>
label labelTpSl = percentStop != 0 ? + 1, y, txt, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color, label.style_label_left, #000000, size.normal) : na
label.delete(labelTpSl )
if (levels2)
labelTpSl(entry_y, " Entry -- " + str.tostring(entry_y, decimals), color.gray)
labelTpSl(stop_y , " Stop Loss -- " + str.tostring(stop_y, decimals), #f90808)
labelTpSl(tp1_y, " TP 1 -- " + str.tostring(tp1_y, decimals), #00ff08)
labelTpSl(tp2_y, " TP 2 -- " + str.tostring(tp2_y, decimals), #00ff08)
labelTpSl(tp3_y, " TP 3 -- " + str.tostring(tp3_y, decimals), #00ff08)
style2 = linesStyle == "SOLID" ? line.style_solid : linesStyle == "DASHED" ? line.style_dashed : line.style_dotted
lineTpSl(y, color) =>
line lineTpSl = percentStop != 0 ? - (trigger ? countBull : countBear) + 4, y, bar_index + 1, y, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, color, style2) : na
line.delete(lineTpSl )
if (lvlLines)
y1 = low - (ta.atr(30) * 2), y1B = low - ta.atr(30)
y2 = high + (ta.atr(30) * 2), y2B = high + ta.atr(30)
buy = bull and nbuysell ?, y1, sma4_strong >= sma5_strong ? "🚀" : "🚀", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color.rgb(10, 247, 18, 60), label.style_label_up, #000000, size.normal) : na
sell = bear and nbuysell ?, y2, sma4_strong <= sma5_strong ? "🐻" : "🐻", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color.rgb(239, 12, 12, 66), label.style_label_down, #000000, size.normal) : na
int volSen = 3
plotchar(volSen, "volSen", "",
// Get Components
ema1 = ta.ema(ohlc4, 5*volSen)
ema2 = ta.ema(ohlc4, 9*volSen)
ema3 = ta.ema(ohlc4, 13*volSen)
ema4 = ta.ema(ohlc4, 34*volSen)
ema5 = ta.ema(ohlc4, 50*volSen)
alertcondition(bull, title='Buy Signal', message = "BUY")
alertcondition(bear, title='sell Signal', message = "BUY")
color TRANSP_CSS = #ffffff00
string MODE_TOOLTIP = 'Allows to display historical Structure or only the recent ones'
string STYLE_TOOLTIP = 'Indicator color theme'
string COLOR_CANDLES_TOOLTIP = 'Display additional candles with a color reflecting the current trend detected by structure'
string SHOW_INTERNAL = 'Display internal market structure'
string CONFLUENCE_FILTER = 'Filter non significant internal structure breakouts'
string SHOW_SWING = 'Display swing market Structure'
string SHOW_SWING_POINTS = 'Display swing point as labels on the chart'
string SHOW_SWHL_POINTS = 'Highlight most recent strong and weak high/low points on the chart'
string INTERNAL_OB = 'Display internal order blocks on the chart Number of internal order blocks to display on the chart'
string SWING_OB = 'Display swing order blocks on the chart Number of internal swing blocks to display on the chart'
string FILTER_OB = 'Method used to filter out volatile order blocks It is recommended to use the cumulative mean range method when a low amount of data is available'
string SHOW_EQHL = 'Display equal highs and equal lows on the chart'
string EQHL_BARS = 'Number of bars used to confirm equal highs and equal lows'
string EQHL_THRESHOLD = 'Sensitivity threshold in a range (0, 1) used for the detection of equal highs & lows Lower values will return fewer but more pertinent results'
string SHOW_FVG = 'Display fair values gaps on the chart'
string AUTO_FVG = 'Filter out non significant fair value gaps'
string FVG_TF = 'Fair value gaps timeframe'
string EXTEND_FVG = 'Determine how many bars to extend the Fair Value Gap boxes on chart'
string PED_ZONES = 'Display premium, discount, and equilibrium zones on chart'
mode = input.string('Historical'
, options =
, group = 'Smart Money Concepts'
, tooltip = MODE_TOOLTIP)
style = input.string('Colored'
, options =
, group = 'Smart Money Concepts'
, tooltip = STYLE_TOOLTIP)
show_trend = input(false, 'Color Candles'
, group = 'Smart Money Concepts'
//Internal Structure
show_internals = input(false, 'Show Internal Structure'
, group = 'Real Time Internal Structure'
, tooltip = SHOW_INTERNAL)
show_ibull = input.string('All', 'Bullish Structure'
, options =
, inline = 'ibull'
, group = 'Real Time Internal Structure')
swing_ibull_css = input(#089981, ''
, inline = 'ibull'
, group = 'Real Time Internal Structure')
//Bear Structure
show_ibear = input.string('All', 'Bearish Structure'
, options =
, inline = 'ibear'
, group = 'Real Time Internal Structure')
swing_ibear_css = input(#f23645, ''
, inline = 'ibear'
, group = 'Real Time Internal Structure')
ifilter_confluence = input(false, 'Confluence Filter'
, group = 'Real Time Internal Structure'
internal_structure_size = input.string('Tiny', 'Internal Label Size'
, options =
, group = 'Real Time Internal Structure')
//Swing Structure
show_Structure = input(true, 'Show Swing Structure'
, group = 'Real Time Swing Structure'
, tooltip = SHOW_SWING)
//Bull Structure
show_bull = input.string('All', 'Bullish Structure'
, options =
, inline = 'bull'
, group = 'Real Time Swing Structure')
swing_bull_css = input(color.rgb(0, 0, 0), ''
, inline = 'bull'
, group = 'Real Time Swing Structure')
//Bear Structure
show_bear = input.string('All', 'Bearish Structure'
, options =
, inline = 'bear'
, group = 'Real Time Swing Structure')
swing_bear_css = input(#000000, ''
, inline = 'bear'
, group = 'Real Time Swing Structure')
swing_structure_size = input.string('Small', 'Swing Label Size'
, options =
, group = 'Real Time Swing Structure')
show_swings = input(false, 'Show Swings Points'
, inline = 'swings'
, group = 'Real Time Swing Structure'
, tooltip = SHOW_SWING_POINTS)
length =, ''
, minval = 10
, inline = 'swings'
, group = 'Real Time Swing Structure')
show_hl_swings = input(true, 'Show Strong/Weak High/Low'
, group = 'Real Time Swing Structure'
, tooltip = SHOW_SWHL_POINTS)
//Order Blocks
show_iob = input(false, 'Internal Order Blocks'
, inline = 'iob'
, group = 'Order Blocks'
, tooltip = INTERNAL_OB)
iob_showlast =, ''
, minval = 1
, inline = 'iob'
, group = 'Order Blocks')
show_ob = input(true, 'Swing Order Blocks'
, inline = 'ob'
, group = 'Order Blocks'
, tooltip = SWING_OB)
ob_showlast =, ''
, minval = 1
, inline = 'ob'
, group = 'Order Blocks')
ob_filter = input.string('Atr', 'Order Block Filter'
, options =
, group = 'Order Blocks'
, tooltip = FILTER_OB)
ibull_ob_css = input.color(#ffdd0033, 'Internal Bullish OB'
, group = 'Order Blocks')
ibear_ob_css = input.color(#ffdd0033, 'Internal Bearish OB'
, group = 'Order Blocks')
bull_ob_css = input.color(color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 80), 'Bullish OB'
, group = 'Order Blocks')
bear_ob_css = input.color(color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 80), 'Bearish OB'
, group = 'Order Blocks')
show_eq = input(false, 'Equal High/Low'
, group = 'EQH/EQL'
, tooltip = SHOW_EQHL)
eq_len =, 'Bars Confirmation'
, minval = 1
, group = 'EQH/EQL'
, tooltip = EQHL_BARS)
eq_threshold = input.float(0.1, 'Threshold'
, minval = 0
, maxval = 0.5
, step = 0.1
, group = 'EQH/EQL'
, tooltip = EQHL_THRESHOLD)
eq_size = input.string('Tiny', 'Label Size'
, options =
, group = 'EQH/EQL')
//Fair Value Gaps
show_fvg = input(true, 'Fair Value Gaps'
, group = 'Fair Value Gaps'
, tooltip = SHOW_FVG)
fvg_auto = input(true, "Auto Threshold"
, group = 'Fair Value Gaps'
, tooltip = AUTO_FVG)
fvg_tf = input.timeframe('', "Timeframe"
, group = 'Fair Value Gaps'
, tooltip = FVG_TF)
bull_fvg_css = input.color(#ddff006f, 'Bullish FVG'
, group = 'Fair Value Gaps')
bear_fvg_css = input.color(#f2ff0060, 'Bearish FVG'
, group = 'Fair Value Gaps')
fvg_extend =, "Extend FVG"
, minval = 0
, group = 'Fair Value Gaps'
, tooltip = EXTEND_FVG)
//Previous day/week high/low
show_pdhl = input(false, 'Daily'
, inline = 'daily'
, group = 'Highs & Lows MTF')
pdhl_style = input.string('⎯⎯⎯', ''
, options =
, inline = 'daily'
, group = 'Highs & Lows MTF')
pdhl_css = input(#2157f3, ''
, inline = 'daily'
, group = 'Highs & Lows MTF')
show_pwhl = input(false, 'Weekly'
, inline = 'weekly'
, group = 'Highs & Lows MTF')
pwhl_style = input.string('⎯⎯⎯', ''
, options =
, inline = 'weekly'
, group = 'Highs & Lows MTF')
pwhl_css = input(#2157f3, ''
, inline = 'weekly'
, group = 'Highs & Lows MTF')
show_pmhl = input(false, 'Monthly'
, inline = 'monthly'
, group = 'Highs & Lows MTF')
pmhl_style = input.string('⎯⎯⎯', ''
, options =
, inline = 'monthly'
, group = 'Highs & Lows MTF')
pmhl_css = input(#2157f3, ''
, inline = 'monthly'
, group = 'Highs & Lows MTF')
//Premium/Discount zones
show_sd = input(false, 'Premium/Discount Zones'
, group = 'Premium & Discount Zones'
, tooltip = PED_ZONES)
premium_css = input.color(#f23645, 'Premium Zone'
, group = 'Premium & Discount Zones')
eq_css = input.color(#b2b5be, 'Equilibrium Zone'
, group = 'Premium & Discount Zones')
discount_css = input.color(#089981, 'Discount Zone'
, group = 'Premium & Discount Zones')
n = bar_index
atr = ta.atr(200)
cmean_range = ta.cum(high - low) / n
//HL Output function
hl() =>
//Get ohlc values function
get_ohlc()=> [close , open , high, low, high , low ]
//Display Structure function
display_Structure(x, y, txt, css, dashed, down, lbl_size)=>
structure_line =, y, n, y
, color = css
, style = dashed ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid)
structure_lbl =, n)), y, txt
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = css
, style = down ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up
, size = lbl_size)
if mode == 'Present'
line.delete(structure_line )
label.delete(structure_lbl )
//Swings detection/measurements
var os = 0
upper = ta.highest(len)
lower = ta.lowest(len)
os := high > upper ? 0 : low < lower ? 1 : os
top = os == 0 and os != 0 ? high : 0
btm = os == 1 and os != 1 ? low : 0
//Order block coordinates function
ob_coord(use_max, loc, target_top, target_btm, target_left, target_type)=>
min = 99999999.
max = 0.
idx = 1
ob_threshold = ob_filter == 'Atr' ? atr : cmean_range
//Search for highest/lowest high within the structure interval and get range
if use_max
for i = 1 to (n - loc)-1
if (high - low ) < ob_threshold * 2
max := math.max(high , max)
min := max == high ? low : min
idx := max == high ? i : idx
for i = 1 to (n - loc)-1
if (high - low ) < ob_threshold * 2
min := math.min(low , min)
max := min == low ? high : max
idx := min == low ? i : idx
array.unshift(target_top, max)
array.unshift(target_btm, min)
array.unshift(target_left, time )
array.unshift(target_type, use_max ? -1 : 1)
//Set order blocks
display_ob(boxes, target_top, target_btm, target_left, target_type, show_last, swing, size)=>
for i = 0 to math.min(show_last-1, size-1)
get_box = array.get(boxes, i)
box.set_lefttop(get_box, array.get(target_left, i), array.get(target_top, i))
box.set_rightbottom(get_box, array.get(target_left, i), array.get(target_btm, i))
box.set_extend(get_box, extend.right)
color css = na
if swing
if style == 'Monochrome'
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ?, 80) :, 80)
border_css = array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? #b2b5be : #5d606b
box.set_border_color(get_box, border_css)
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? bull_ob_css : bear_ob_css
box.set_border_color(get_box, css)
box.set_bgcolor(get_box, css)
if style == 'Monochrome'
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ?, 80) :, 80)
css := array.get(target_type, i) == 1 ? ibull_ob_css : ibear_ob_css
box.set_border_color(get_box, css)
box.set_bgcolor(get_box, css)
//Line Style function
get_line_style(style) =>
out = switch style
'⎯⎯⎯' => line.style_solid
'----' => line.style_dashed
'····' => line.style_dotted
//Set line/labels function for previous high/lows
phl(h, l, tf, css)=>
var line high_line =,na,na,na
, xloc = xloc.bar_time
, color = css
, style = get_line_style(pdhl_style))
var label high_lbl =,na
, xloc = xloc.bar_time
, text = str.format('P{0}H', tf)
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = css
, size = size.small
, style = label.style_label_left)
var line low_line =,na,na,na
, xloc = xloc.bar_time
, color = css
, style = get_line_style(pdhl_style))
var label low_lbl =,na
, xloc = xloc.bar_time
, text = str.format('P{0}L', tf)
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = css
, size = size.small
, style = label.style_label_left)
hy = ta.valuewhen(h != h , h, 1)
hx = ta.valuewhen(h == high, time, 1)
ly = ta.valuewhen(l != l , l, 1)
lx = ta.valuewhen(l == low, time, 1)
if barstate.islast
ext = time + (time - time )*20
line.set_xy1(high_line, hx, hy)
line.set_xy2(high_line, ext, hy)
label.set_xy(high_lbl, ext, hy)
line.set_xy1(low_line, lx, ly)
line.set_xy2(low_line, ext, ly)
label.set_xy(low_lbl, ext, ly)
//Global variables
var trend = 0, var itrend = 0
var top_y = 0., var top_x = 0
var btm_y = 0., var btm_x = 0
var itop_y = 0., var itop_x = 0
var ibtm_y = 0., var ibtm_x = 0
var trail_up = high, var trail_dn = low
var trail_up_x = 0, var trail_dn_x = 0
var top_cross = true, var btm_cross = true
var itop_cross = true, var ibtm_cross = true
var txt_top = '', var txt_btm = ''
bull_choch_alert = false
bull_bos_alert = false
bear_choch_alert = false
bear_bos_alert = false
bull_ichoch_alert = false
bull_ibos_alert = false
bear_ichoch_alert = false
bear_ibos_alert = false
bull_iob_break = false
bear_iob_break = false
bull_ob_break = false
bear_ob_break = false
eqh_alert = false
eql_alert = false
//Structure colors
var bull_css = style == 'Monochrome' ? #b2b5be
: swing_bull_css
var bear_css = style == 'Monochrome' ? #b2b5be
: swing_bear_css
var ibull_css = style == 'Monochrome' ? #b2b5be
: swing_ibull_css
var ibear_css = style == 'Monochrome' ? #b2b5be
: swing_ibear_css
//Labels size
var internal_structure_lbl_size = internal_structure_size == 'Tiny'
? size.tiny
: internal_structure_size == 'Small'
? size.small
: size.normal
var swing_structure_lbl_size = swing_structure_size == 'Tiny'
? size.tiny
: swing_structure_size == 'Small'
? size.small
: size.normal
var eqhl_lbl_size = eq_size == 'Tiny'
? size.tiny
: eq_size == 'Small'
? size.small
: size.normal
= swings(length)
= swings(5)
//Pivot High
var line extend_top = na
var label extend_top_lbl =, na
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = bear_css
, style = label.style_label_down
, size = size.tiny)
if top
top_cross := true
txt_top := top > top_y ? 'HH' : 'LH'
if show_swings
top_lbl =, top, txt_top
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = bear_css
, style = label.style_label_down
, size = swing_structure_lbl_size)
if mode == 'Present'
label.delete(top_lbl )
//Extend recent top to last bar
line.delete(extend_top )
extend_top :=, top, n, top
, color = bear_css)
top_y := top
top_x := n - length
trail_up := top
trail_up_x := n - length
if itop
itop_cross := true
itop_y := itop
itop_x := n - 5
//Trailing maximum
trail_up := math.max(high, trail_up)
trail_up_x := trail_up == high ? n : trail_up_x
//Set top extension label/line
if barstate.islast and show_hl_swings
line.set_xy1(extend_top, trail_up_x, trail_up)
line.set_xy2(extend_top, n + 20, trail_up)
label.set_x(extend_top_lbl, n + 20)
label.set_y(extend_top_lbl, trail_up)
label.set_text(extend_top_lbl, trend < 0 ? 'Strong High' : 'Weak High')
//Pivot Low
var line extend_btm = na
var label extend_btm_lbl =, na
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = bull_css
, style = label.style_label_up
, size = size.tiny)
if btm
btm_cross := true
txt_btm := btm < btm_y ? 'LL' : 'HL'
if show_swings
btm_lbl = - length, btm, txt_btm
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = bull_css
, style = label.style_label_up
, size = swing_structure_lbl_size)
if mode == 'Present'
label.delete(btm_lbl )
//Extend recent btm to last bar
line.delete(extend_btm )
extend_btm := - length, btm, n, btm
, color = bull_css)
btm_y := btm
btm_x := n-length
trail_dn := btm
trail_dn_x := n-length
if ibtm
ibtm_cross := true
ibtm_y := ibtm
ibtm_x := n - 5
//Trailing minimum
trail_dn := math.min(low, trail_dn)
trail_dn_x := trail_dn == low ? n : trail_dn_x
//Set btm extension label/line
if barstate.islast and show_hl_swings
line.set_xy1(extend_btm, trail_dn_x, trail_dn)
line.set_xy2(extend_btm, n + 20, trail_dn)
label.set_x(extend_btm_lbl, n + 20)
label.set_y(extend_btm_lbl, trail_dn)
label.set_text(extend_btm_lbl, trend > 0 ? 'Strong Low' : 'Weak Low')
//Order Blocks Arrays
var iob_top = array.new_float(0)
var iob_btm = array.new_float(0)
var iob_left = array.new_int(0)
var iob_type = array.new_int(0)
var ob_top = array.new_float(0)
var ob_btm = array.new_float(0)
var ob_left = array.new_int(0)
var ob_type = array.new_int(0)
//Pivot High BOS/CHoCH
var bull_concordant = true
if ifilter_confluence
bull_concordant := high - math.max(close, open) > math.min(close, open - low)
//Detect internal bullish Structure
if ta.crossover(close, itop_y) and itop_cross and top_y != itop_y and bull_concordant
bool choch = na
if itrend < 0
choch := true
bull_ichoch_alert := true
bull_ibos_alert := true
txt = choch ? 'CHoCH' : 'BOS'
if show_internals
if show_ibull == 'All' or (show_ibull == 'BOS' and not choch) or (show_ibull == 'CHoCH' and choch)
display_Structure(itop_x, itop_y, txt, ibull_css, true, true, internal_structure_lbl_size)
itop_cross := false
itrend := 1
//Internal Order Block
if show_iob
ob_coord(false, itop_x, iob_top, iob_btm, iob_left, iob_type)
//Detect bullish Structure
if ta.crossover(close, top_y) and top_cross
bool choch = na
if trend < 0
choch := true
bull_choch_alert := true
bull_bos_alert := true
txt = choch ? 'CHoCH' : 'BOS'
if show_Structure
if show_bull == 'All' or (show_bull == 'BOS' and not choch) or (show_bull == 'CHoCH' and choch)
display_Structure(top_x, top_y, txt, bull_css, false, true, swing_structure_lbl_size)
//Order Block
if show_ob
ob_coord(false, top_x, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type)
top_cross := false
trend := 1
//Pivot Low BOS/CHoCH
var bear_concordant = true
if ifilter_confluence
bear_concordant := high - math.max(close, open) < math.min(close, open - low)
//Detect internal bearish Structure
if ta.crossunder(close, ibtm_y) and ibtm_cross and btm_y != ibtm_y and bear_concordant
bool choch = false
if itrend > 0
choch := true
bear_ichoch_alert := true
bear_ibos_alert := true
txt = choch ? 'CHoCH' : 'BOS'
if show_internals
if show_ibear == 'All' or (show_ibear == 'BOS' and not choch) or (show_ibear == 'CHoCH' and choch)
display_Structure(ibtm_x, ibtm_y, txt, ibear_css, true, false, internal_structure_lbl_size)
ibtm_cross := false
itrend := -1
//Internal Order Block
if show_iob
ob_coord(true, ibtm_x, iob_top, iob_btm, iob_left, iob_type)
//Detect bearish Structure
if ta.crossunder(close, btm_y) and btm_cross
bool choch = na
if trend > 0
choch := true
bear_choch_alert := true
bear_bos_alert := true
txt = choch ? 'CHoCH' : 'BOS'
if show_Structure
if show_bear == 'All' or (show_bear == 'BOS' and not choch) or (show_bear == 'CHoCH' and choch)
display_Structure(btm_x, btm_y, txt, bear_css, false, false, swing_structure_lbl_size)
//Order Block
if show_ob
ob_coord(true, btm_x, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type)
btm_cross := false
trend := -1
//Order Blocks
//Set order blocks
var iob_boxes = array.new_box(0)
var ob_boxes = array.new_box(0)
//Delete internal order blocks box coordinates if top/bottom is broken
for element in iob_type
index = array.indexof(iob_type, element)
if close < array.get(iob_btm, index) and element == 1
array.remove(iob_top, index)
array.remove(iob_btm, index)
array.remove(iob_left, index)
array.remove(iob_type, index)
bull_iob_break := true
else if close > array.get(iob_top, index) and element == -1
array.remove(iob_top, index)
array.remove(iob_btm, index)
array.remove(iob_left, index)
array.remove(iob_type, index)
bear_iob_break := true
//Delete internal order blocks box coordinates if top/bottom is broken
for element in ob_type
index = array.indexof(ob_type, element)
if close < array.get(ob_btm, index) and element == 1
array.remove(ob_top, index)
array.remove(ob_btm, index)
array.remove(ob_left, index)
array.remove(ob_type, index)
bull_ob_break := true
else if close > array.get(ob_top, index) and element == -1
array.remove(ob_top, index)
array.remove(ob_btm, index)
array.remove(ob_left, index)
array.remove(ob_type, index)
bear_ob_break := true
iob_size = array.size(iob_type)
ob_size = array.size(ob_type)
if barstate.isfirst
if show_iob
for i = 0 to iob_showlast-1
array.push(iob_boxes,,na,na,na, xloc = xloc.bar_time))
if show_ob
for i = 0 to ob_showlast-1
array.push(ob_boxes,,na,na,na, xloc = xloc.bar_time))
if iob_size > 0
if barstate.islast
display_ob(iob_boxes, iob_top, iob_btm, iob_left, iob_type, iob_showlast, false, iob_size)
if ob_size > 0
if barstate.islast
display_ob(ob_boxes, ob_top, ob_btm, ob_left, ob_type, ob_showlast, true, ob_size)
var eq_prev_top = 0.
var eq_top_x = 0
var eq_prev_btm = 0.
var eq_btm_x = 0
if show_eq
eq_top = ta.pivothigh(eq_len, eq_len)
eq_btm = ta.pivotlow(eq_len, eq_len)
if eq_top
max = math.max(eq_top, eq_prev_top)
min = math.min(eq_top, eq_prev_top)
if max < min + atr * eq_threshold
eqh_line =, eq_prev_top, n-eq_len, eq_top
, color = bear_css
, style = line.style_dotted)
eqh_lbl =, eq_top_x)), eq_top, 'EQH'
, color = #00000000
, textcolor = bear_css
, style = label.style_label_down
, size = eqhl_lbl_size)
if mode == 'Present'
line.delete(eqh_line )
label.delete(eqh_lbl )
eqh_alert := true
eq_prev_top := eq_top
eq_top_x := n-eq_len
if eq_btm
max = math.max(eq_btm, eq_prev_btm)
min = math.min(eq_btm, eq_prev_btm)
if min > max - atr * eq_threshold
eql_line =, eq_prev_btm, n-eq_len, eq_btm
, color = bull_css
, style = line.style_dotted)
eql_lbl =, eq_btm_x)), eq_btm, 'EQL'
, color = #00000000
, textcolor = bull_css
, style = label.style_label_up
, size = eqhl_lbl_size)
eql_alert := true
if mode == 'Present'
line.delete(eql_line )
label.delete(eql_lbl )
eq_prev_btm := eq_btm
eq_btm_x := n-eq_len
//Fair Value Gaps
var bullish_fvg_max = array.new_box(0)
var bullish_fvg_min = array.new_box(0)
var bearish_fvg_max = array.new_box(0)
var bearish_fvg_min = array.new_box(0)
float bullish_fvg_avg = na
float bearish_fvg_avg = na
bullish_fvg_cnd = false
bearish_fvg_cnd = false
=, fvg_tf, get_ohlc())
if show_fvg
delta_per = (src_c1 - src_o1) / src_o1 * 100
change_tf = timeframe.change(fvg_tf)
threshold = fvg_auto ? ta.cum(math.abs(change_tf ? delta_per : 0)) / n * 2
: 0
//FVG conditions
bullish_fvg_cnd := src_l > src_h2
and src_c1 > src_h2
and delta_per > threshold
and change_tf
bearish_fvg_cnd := src_h < src_l2
and src_c1 < src_l2
and -delta_per > threshold
and change_tf
//FVG Areas
if bullish_fvg_cnd
array.unshift(bullish_fvg_max,, src_l, n + fvg_extend, math.avg(src_l, src_h2)
, border_color = bull_fvg_css
, bgcolor = bull_fvg_css))
array.unshift(bullish_fvg_min,, math.avg(src_l, src_h2), n + fvg_extend, src_h2
, border_color = bull_fvg_css
, bgcolor = bull_fvg_css))
if bearish_fvg_cnd
array.unshift(bearish_fvg_max,, src_h, n + fvg_extend, math.avg(src_h, src_l2)
, border_color = bear_fvg_css
, bgcolor = bear_fvg_css))
array.unshift(bearish_fvg_min,, math.avg(src_h, src_l2), n + fvg_extend, src_l2
, border_color = bear_fvg_css
, bgcolor = bear_fvg_css))
for bx in bullish_fvg_min
if low < box.get_bottom(bx)
box.delete(array.get(bullish_fvg_max, array.indexof(bullish_fvg_min, bx)))
for bx in bearish_fvg_max
if high > box.get_top(bx)
box.delete(array.get(bearish_fvg_min, array.indexof(bearish_fvg_max, bx)))
//Previous day/week high/lows
//Daily high/low
=, 'D', hl()
, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
//Weekly high/low
=, 'W', hl()
, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
//Monthly high/low
=, 'M', hl()
, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on)
//Display Daily
if show_pdhl
phl(pdh, pdl, 'D', pdhl_css)
//Display Weekly
if show_pwhl
phl(pwh, pwl, 'W', pwhl_css)
//Display Monthly
if show_pmhl
phl(pmh, pml, 'M', pmhl_css)
//Premium/Discount/Equilibrium zones
var premium =, na, na, na
, bgcolor =, 80)
, border_color = na)
var premium_lbl =, na
, text = 'Premium'
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = premium_css
, style = label.style_label_down
, size = size.small)
var eq =, na, na, na
, bgcolor = color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 80)
, border_color = na)
var eq_lbl =, na
, text = 'Equilibrium'
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = eq_css
, style = label.style_label_left
, size = size.small)
var discount =, na, na, na
, bgcolor =, 80)
, border_color = na)
var discount_lbl =, na
, text = 'Discount'
, color = TRANSP_CSS
, textcolor = discount_css
, style = label.style_label_up
, size = size.small)
//Show Premium/Discount Areas
if barstate.islast and show_sd
avg = math.avg(trail_up, trail_dn)
box.set_lefttop(premium, math.max(top_x, btm_x), trail_up)
box.set_rightbottom(premium, n, .95 * trail_up + .05 * trail_dn)
label.set_xy(premium_lbl, int(math.avg(math.max(top_x, btm_x), n)), trail_up)
box.set_lefttop(eq, math.max(top_x, btm_x), .525 * trail_up + .475*trail_dn)
box.set_rightbottom(eq, n, .525 * trail_dn + .475 * trail_up)
label.set_xy(eq_lbl, n, avg)
box.set_lefttop(discount, math.max(top_x, btm_x), .95 * trail_dn + .05 * trail_up)
box.set_rightbottom(discount, n, trail_dn)
label.set_xy(discount_lbl, int(math.avg(math.max(top_x, btm_x), n)), trail_dn)
var color trend_css = na
if show_trend
if style == 'Colored'
trend_css := itrend == 1 ? bull_css : bear_css
else if style == 'Monochrome'
trend_css := itrend == 1 ? #b2b5be : #5d606b
plotcandle(open, high, low, close
, color = trend_css
, wickcolor = trend_css
, bordercolor = trend_css
, editable = false)
//Internal Structure
alertcondition(bull_ibos_alert, 'Internal Bullish BOS', 'Internal Bullish BOS formed')
alertcondition(bull_ichoch_alert, 'Internal Bullish CHoCH', 'Internal Bullish CHoCH formed')
alertcondition(bear_ibos_alert, 'Internal Bearish BOS', 'Internal Bearish BOS formed')
alertcondition(bear_ichoch_alert, 'Internal Bearish CHoCH', 'Internal Bearish CHoCH formed')
//Swing Structure
alertcondition(bull_bos_alert, 'Bullish BOS', 'Internal Bullish BOS formed')
alertcondition(bull_choch_alert, 'Bullish CHoCH', 'Internal Bullish CHoCH formed')
alertcondition(bear_bos_alert, 'Bearish BOS', 'Bearish BOS formed')
alertcondition(bear_choch_alert, 'Bearish CHoCH', 'Bearish CHoCH formed')
//order Blocks
alertcondition(bull_iob_break, 'Bullish Internal OB Breakout', 'Price broke bullish internal OB')
alertcondition(bear_iob_break, 'Bearish Internal OB Breakout', 'Price broke bearish internal OB')
alertcondition(bull_ob_break, 'Bullish Swing OB Breakout', 'Price broke bullish swing OB')
alertcondition(bear_ob_break, 'Bearish Swing OB Breakout', 'Price broke bearish swing OB')
alertcondition(eqh_alert, 'Equal Highs', 'Equal highs detected')
alertcondition(eql_alert, 'Equal Lows', 'Equal lows detected')
alertcondition(bullish_fvg_cnd, 'Bullish FVG', 'Bullish FVG formed')
alertcondition(bearish_fvg_cnd, 'Bearish FVG', 'Bearish FVG formed')
OAT Multiple Alert ConditionsOverview:
The OAT Multiple Alert Conditions indicator is designed to enhance TradingView’s alert functionality by allowing users to set multiple conditions for webhook-based alerts. This script enables traders to define up to four independent conditions using different event types (e.g., crossing, greater than, rising, etc.), making it ideal for automated trading strategies and webhook integrations.
✅ Supports up to 4 independent conditions.
✅ Multiple event types: Crossing, Crossing Up, Crossing Down, Greater Than, Less Than, Rising, Falling.
✅ Choose between value-based or source-based conditions.
✅ Custom timeframes for each condition.
✅ Optional session filtering and expiration settings.
✅ Visual markers for triggered conditions.
✅ Alerts for individual conditions or all conditions being met.
How It Works:
Configure each condition by selecting the event type and input values.
Define whether the alert should trigger on bar close or real-time.
Enable session filtering to limit alerts to specific trading hours.
Set an expiration date for alerts if needed.
Alerts can be sent via TradingView’s webhook feature for automated execution.
Intended Use:
This script is a utility tool for traders using automated strategies with the Options Auto Trader. It does not generate trading signals or provide financial advice. It is designed to enhance alert flexibility and efficiency for trading through webhooks.
License & Compliance:
This script is published under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 and follows TradingView’s guidelines. It does not execute trades but simply provides an enhanced alerting mechanism.
SMA 200 & RSI Buy IndicatorLook for short-term reversal with small stop loss to get rewarding return-risk reward
2 Non-Wick Heikin Ashi Consecutive Candles DetectorHeikin Ashi Consecutive No-Wick Detector
This indicator is designed to detect and highlight consecutive Heikin Ashi candles without wicks. It identifies patterns where two bullish or two bearish Heikin Ashi candles appear without wicks, which can indicate strong trend momentum.
Ideally, you want to enter when the signal is printed, becasue there is usually continuation afterwards. Nonetheless, always use context in the markets, a signal is stronger if it is near a strong suppor and resistance zones, MA, etc.
Heikin Ashi Candles Calculation: The indicator calculates Heikin Ashi candle values for precise pattern identification.
Bullish No-Wick Candles: Detects bullish Heikin Ashi candles with no lower wick.
Bearish No-Wick Candles: Detects bearish Heikin Ashi candles with no upper wick.
Consecutive Candle Detection: Identifies two consecutive bullish or bearish no-wick candles to signal strong trend momentum.
Visual Highlights: Highlights detected patterns on the chart with green or red background colors.
Alerts: Provides customizable alerts for detected patterns to aid in trading decisions.
Visual Markers: Plots visual markers for easy spotting of bullish and bearish no-wick patterns.
How to Use:
Add the indicator to your chart.
The indicator will automatically calculate Heikin Ashi candles and detect patterns.
Look for highlighted areas on the chart:
Green background for two consecutive bullish no-wick candles.
Red background for two consecutive bearish no-wick candles.
Use the alerts and visual markers to aid in your trading strategy.
This indicator helps traders identify strong trend momentum by detecting consecutive no-wick Heikin Ashi candles. It provides visual highlights, alerts, and markers to enhance your trading decisions.
Bionic -- Expected Weekly Levels (Public)This script will draw lines for Expected Weekly Levels based upon Previous Friday Close, Implied Volatility (EOD Friday), and the square root of Days to Expire (always 7) / 365.
Script will draw 2 high and low levels:
*1st levels are 1 standard deviation from the Previous Friday Close.
* 2nd levels are 2 standard deviation from the Previous Friday Close.
There are also a 1/2 Low and 1/2 Low 1st level. These are 1/2 a standard deviation and act more as a point of interest level. 1/2 levels have 34% probability.
* All lines styles are individually configurable
* All lines can individually be turned on/off
* Text for all lines can be changed
* Global config allows for the
* Lines to show the price on the label
* Lines to have text in the label
* Hide or show all labels
* Lines offset from price is configurable
* Label size is configurable
144 EMA Dynamic Support/Resistance ZonesHow to Use:
Adding the Indicator:
Open TradingView and navigate to your chart.
Click on the "Pine Editor" tab at the bottom.
Paste the above code into the editor.
Click "Add to Chart" to apply the indicator.
Configuring Settings:
EMA Length: Set the period for the main EMA (default is 144).
Zone Type: Choose between "Percentage" or "ATR Multiplier" to define the width of the support/resistance zones.
Zone Value: Specify the percentage or ATR multiplier for the zones.
Use Trend Confirmation: Enable or disable the secondary trend confirmation using a shorter EMA.
Trend EMA Length: Set the period for the trend confirmation EMA (default is 21).
Interpreting Signals:
Buy Signal: A "Buy" label appears when the price crosses above the upper zone, indicating potential upward momentum.
Sell Signal: A "Sell" label appears when the price crosses below the lower zone, indicating potential downward momentum.
Note: This indicator is designed to assist in identifying dynamic support and resistance levels and potential entry points. It's recommended to use it in conjunction with other analysis tools and risk management practices.
Feel free to customize the parameters to suit your trading style and preferences. If you have any specific features or modifications in mind, please let me know, and I can adjust the code accordingly.
[TEST gpt ]RSI & Volume Contrarian Strategy vtest okaytest okaytest okaytest okaytest okaytest okaytest okaytest okaytest okaytest okaytest okay
dine1197 15m Trend Strategy for XAUUSD This is the best strategy for trading on XAUUSD at 15 Minutes timeframe for which you get a signal as per the trend.
EMA Analyses Intramir EMA 8
EMA 50
EMA 200
Crosses 8-50
in constant development ....
With more Indicator for more backtesting Strategies
Shax Trader
Kapil arora Trading Indicatorthis indicator world best indicator . making profit is best . loss less profit more 60 % accuracy this indicator
4EMA+3EMA+WMAAll Important Moving Average including 4 configurable EMA, 3 EMA200 (High, Close, Low) and WMA 720. It it essential MA must use.
Crypto Intraday Futures Strategy//@version=5
strategy("Crypto Intraday Futures Strategy", overlay=true, margin_long=100, margin_short=100, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.05, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100)
// Input parameters
fast_length =, "Fast EMA Length")
slow_length =, "Slow EMA Length")
rsi_length =, "RSI Length")
overbought =, "Overbought Level")
oversold =, "Oversold Level")
stop_loss = input.float(1.0, "Stop Loss (%)") / 100
take_profit = input.float(2.0, "Take Profit (%)") / 100
session_close = input.session("2300-0000", "Session Close Time")
// Calculate indicators
fast_ema = ta.ema(close, fast_length)
slow_ema = ta.ema(close, slow_length)
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsi_length)
// Time condition for session close
is_session = time(timeframe.period, session_close)
close_time = not is_session and is_session
// Trading conditions
ema_bullish = ta.crossover(fast_ema, slow_ema)
ema_bearish = ta.crossunder(fast_ema, slow_ema)
rsi_bullish = rsi < oversold
rsi_bearish = rsi > overbought
// Entry conditions
long_condition = ema_bullish and rsi_bullish
short_condition = ema_bearish and rsi_bearish
// Exit conditions
stop_level = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - stop_loss)
take_level = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + take_profit)
// Execute strategy
if close_time
if long_condition and not close_time
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
strategy.exit("Exit Long", "Long", stop=stop_level, limit=take_level)
if short_condition and not close_time
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
strategy.exit("Exit Short", "Short", stop=stop_level, limit=take_level)
// Plotting
plot(fast_ema,, title="Fast EMA")
plot(slow_ema,, title="Slow EMA")
hline(overbought, "Overbought",
hline(oversold, "Oversold",
BTC Future Gamma-Weighted Momentum Model (BGMM)The BTC Future Gamma-Weighted Momentum Model (BGMM) is a quantitative trading strategy that utilizes the Gamma-weighted average price (GWAP) in conjunction with a momentum-based approach to predict price movements in the Bitcoin futures market. The model combines the concept of weighted price movements with trend identification, where the Gamma factor amplifies the weight assigned to recent prices. It leverages the idea that historical price trends and weighting mechanisms can be utilized to forecast future price behavior.
Theoretical Background:
1. Momentum in Financial Markets:
Momentum is a well-established concept in financial market theory, referring to the tendency of assets to continue moving in the same direction after initiating a trend. Any observed market return over a given time period is likely to continue in the same direction, a phenomenon known as the “momentum effect.” Deviations from a mean or trend provide potential trading opportunities, particularly in highly volatile assets like Bitcoin.
Numerous empirical studies have demonstrated that momentum strategies, based on price movements, especially those correlating long-term and short-term trends, can yield significant returns (Jegadeesh & Titman, 1993). Given Bitcoin’s volatile nature, it is an ideal candidate for momentum-based strategies.
2. Gamma-Weighted Price Strategies:
Gamma weighting is an advanced method of applying weights to price data, where past price movements are weighted by a Gamma factor. This weighting allows for the reinforcement or reduction of the influence of historical prices based on an exponential function. The Gamma factor (ranging from 0.5 to 1.5) controls how much emphasis is placed on recent data: a value closer to 1 applies an even weighting across periods, while a value closer to 0 diminishes the influence of past prices.
Gamma-based models are used in financial analysis and modeling to enhance a model’s adaptability to changing market dynamics. This weighting mechanism is particularly advantageous in volatile markets such as Bitcoin futures, as it facilitates quick adaptation to changing market conditions (Black-Scholes, 1973).
Strategy Mechanism:
The BTC Future Gamma-Weighted Momentum Model (BGMM) utilizes an adaptive weighting strategy, where the Bitcoin futures prices are weighted according to the Gamma factor to calculate the Gamma-Weighted Average Price (GWAP). The GWAP is derived as a weighted average of prices over a specific number of periods, with more weight assigned to recent periods. The calculated GWAP serves as a reference value, and trading decisions are based on whether the current market price is above or below this level.
1. Long Position Conditions:
A long position is initiated when the Bitcoin price is above the GWAP and a positive price movement is observed over the last three periods. This indicates that an upward trend is in place, and the market is likely to continue in the direction of the momentum.
2. Short Position Conditions:
A short position is initiated when the Bitcoin price is below the GWAP and a negative price movement is observed over the last three periods. This suggests that a downtrend is occurring, and a continuation of the negative price movement is expected.
Backtesting and Application to Bitcoin Futures:
The model has been tested exclusively on the Bitcoin futures market due to Bitcoin’s high volatility and strong trend behavior. These characteristics make the market particularly suitable for momentum strategies, as strong upward or downward movements are often followed by persistent trends that can be captured by a momentum-based approach.
Backtests of the BGMM on the Bitcoin futures market indicate that the model achieves above-average returns during periods of strong momentum, especially when the Gamma factor is optimized to suit the specific dynamics of the Bitcoin market. The high volatility of Bitcoin, combined with adaptive weighting, allows the model to respond quickly to price changes and maximize trading opportunities.
Scientific Citations and Sources:
• Jegadeesh, N., & Titman, S. (1993). Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers: Implications for Stock Market Efficiency. The Journal of Finance, 48(1), 65–91.
• Black, F., & Scholes, M. (1973). The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities. Journal of Political Economy, 81(3), 637–654.
• Fama, E. F., & French, K. R. (1992). The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns. The Journal of Finance, 47(2), 427–465.
Camarilla Trading Strategy//@version=5
strategy("Camarilla Trading Strategy", overlay=true)
// Input levels
S1 = input(100, title="S1")
S2 = input(98, title="S2")
S3 = input(96, title="S3")
S4 = input(94, title="S4")
R1 = input(104, title="R1")
R2 = input(106, title="R2")
R3 = input(108, title="R3")
R4 = input(110, title="R4")
open_price = input(97, title="Open Price")
// Current price
current_price = close
// Trading Logic
var string trade_signal = "No trade signal"
var float stoploss = na
var float target1 = na
var float target2 = na
var float target3 = na
if open_price > S3 and open_price < R3
if current_price < S3
trade_signal := "BUY if price moves above S3"
stoploss := (S3 + S4) / 2
target1 := R1
target2 := R2
target3 := R3
if current_price > R3
trade_signal := "SELL if price moves below R3"
stoploss := (R3 + R4) / 2
target1 := S1
target2 := S2
target3 := S3
if open_price >= R3 and open_price <= R4
if current_price > R4
trade_signal := "BUY"
stoploss := R3
target1 := R3 * 1.005
target2 := R3 * 1.01
target3 := R3 * 1.015
if current_price < R3
trade_signal := "SELL"
stoploss := (R3 + R4) / 2
target1 := S1
target2 := S2
target3 := S3
if open_price >= S4 and open_price <= S3
if current_price > S3
trade_signal := "BUY"
stoploss := (S3 + S4) / 2
target1 := R1
target2 := R2
target3 := R3
if current_price < S4
trade_signal := "SELL"
stoploss := (S3 + S4) / 2
target1 := S4 * 0.995
target2 := S4 * 0.99
target3 := S4 * 0.985
if open_price >= R4
if current_price < R3
trade_signal := "SELL"
stoploss := (R3 + R4) / 2
target1 := S1
target2 := S2
target3 := S3
if open_price <= S4
if current_price > S3
trade_signal := "BUY"
stoploss := (S3 + S4) / 2
target1 := R1
target2 := R2
target3 := R3
// Plot trade signals on chart
label =, y=current_price, text=trade_signal, color=color.white, size=size.small)
// Execute trades
if trade_signal == "BUY"
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
strategy.exit("Exit Long", from_entry="Long", stop=stoploss, limit=target3)
if trade_signal == "SELL"
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
strategy.exit("Exit Short", from_entry="Short", stop=stoploss, limit=target3)
Fib Speed Resistance Fan"Fib Speed Resistance Fan," automatically draws Fibonacci Speed Resistance Fan lines based on the first and third candles of the trading session. Here’s a breakdown of its functionality:
Session Start Time Identification
The script identifies the first candle at 9:15 AM using timestamp(), which ensures it captures the market's opening candle.
Candle Indexing
It determines the index of the first candle (firstCandleIndex) using ta.barssince(time >= sessionStart).
The third candle is found by adding two bars to the first candle's index (thirdCandleIndex = firstCandleIndex + 2).
Ensuring Single Execution
A boolean flag hasDrawn ensures that the lines are drawn only once and do not update on future candles.
Validating Data
It checks if the firstCandleIndex and thirdCandleIndex are valid (validSession).
If conditions are met, it extracts the highs and lows of the first and third candles.
Fibonacci Calculation
The script calculates a 0.75 level price between the first candle high/low and third candle low/high.
This level helps in drawing intermediate Fibonacci fan lines.
Drawing the Fibonacci Speed Resistance Fan
If conditions are valid and hasDrawn is false, the script draws:
Main fan lines from:
First candle high → Third candle low (Blue line)
First candle low → Third candle high (Blue line)
Candle Range ColumnsRange of each candle plotted as a column, with an adjustable moving average to show the average range of the last x days.
Market open (Asia) vertical markerShows a vertical shaded marker on the start of the trading day , which is in the Asia open. It puts a thicker marker on Monday's open, to visually see start of weeks in multi-day charts