2nd 3rd 4th Order PivotsThis indicator calculates pivots of 2nd, 3rd and 4th order in the current timeframe.
The idea is borrowed from the book "The Art and Science of Technical Trading" by Adam Grimes:
"A pivot high is a bar that has a higher high than the bar that came before it and the bar that comes after it"
"Second-order pivot highs are first-order pivot highs that are preceded and followed by lower first-order pivot highs.
The type of picot calculation can be found as well in script "Higher Order Pivots" by rumpypumpydumpy. However, this script is different in the following ways:
1. Shows pivots of order 2, 3 and 4
2. The chart timeframe can be different than the pivot timeframe, allowing e.g. to map daily pivots to intraday charts via lines
3. Labels and/or lines can be used to show pivot points
4. Use of extended session data can be enabled/disabled, independently from the current chart settings
5. To disable older pivots, a starting time for the pivot calculation can be set
Please consider following limitations:
1. Maximum of 500 drawing objects per chart. Use Notification option to keep track of when running out of chart objects.
2. Lookback history: The max lookback history is limited by the currently selected timeframe. E.g. on a 5min timeframe, 20000 bars (Premium Plan) result in approx. 5 months of lookback period, meaning you may want to verify with a 30 min or higher chart to get a complete picture of pivots.
Pivot points and levels
PrevHighLow Trend IndicatorPrevHighLow Trend Indicator which is calculated by using prev lowest and highest of p1 -period and p2 -period for two MAs.
First MA is made of prev highest of p1-period / prev lowest of p1-period.
Second MA is faster, made up of p2(<p1)- period(same formula).
Can be used in the next way: slower MA(straight line) shows main trend, faster shows temporary trend.
BUY, when first MA and second MA are green; Exit: second MA changes from green to red.
SELL, when first MA and second MA are red; Exit: second MA changes from red to green.
RSI Assistant basically filtres signals in the way, when signals from RSI and Faster MA are similar? it signals about it with labels: BUY for long, SELL for short. You can either enable or disable it. Also customizable so you can find your setup. RSI Assistant, depending on you customize it, can help you either follow trend or show reversals. Just find your own setup and watch things happen!
Feel free to leave valuable feedback and your setups which you consider to be good.
Hope you PHLTI usefull. Good luck!
Rolling QuartilesThis script will continuously draw a boxplot to represent quartiles associated with data points in the current rolling window.
Description :
A quartile is a statistical term that refers to the division of a dataset based on percentiles.
Q1 : Quartile 1 - 25th percentile
Q2 : Quartile 2 - 50th percentile, as known as the median
Q3 : Quartile 3 - 75th percentile
Other points to note:
Q0: the minimum
Q4: the maximum
Other properties :
- Q1 to Q3: a range is known as the interquartile range ( IQR ). It describes where 50% of data approximately lie.
- Line segments connecting IQR to min and max (Q0→Q1, and Q3→Q4) are known as whiskers . Data lying outside the whiskers are considered as outliers. However, such extreme values will not be found in a rolling window because whenever new datapoints are introduced to the dataset, the oldest values will get dropped out, leaving Q0 and Q4 to always point to the observable min and max values.
Applications :
This script has a feature that allows moving percentiles (moving values of Q1, Q2, and Q3) to be shown. This can be applied for trading in ways such as:
- Q2: as alternative to a SMA that uses the same lookback period. We know that the Mean (SMA) is highly sensitive to extreme values. On the other hand, Median (Q2) is less affected by skewness. Putting it together, if the SMA is significantly lower than Q2, then price is regarded as negatively skewed; prices of a few candles are likely exceptionally lower. Vice versa when price is positively skewed.
- Q1 and Q3: as lower and upper bands. As mentioned above, the IQR covers approximately 50% of data within the rolling window. If price is normally distributed, then Q1 and Q3 bands will overlap a bollinger band configured with +/- 0.67x standard deviations (modifying default: 2) above and below the mean.
- The boxplot, combined with TradingView's builtin bar replay feature, makes a great tool for studies purposes. This helps visualization of price at a chosen instance of time. Speaking of which, it can also be used in conjunction with a fixed volume profile to compare and contrast the effects (in terms of price range) with and without consideration of weights by volume.
Parameters :
- Lookback: The size of the rolling window.
- Offset: Location of boxplot, right hand side relative to recent bar.
- Source data: Data points for observation, default is closing price
- Other options such as color, and whether to show/hide various lines.
Fibonacci + Support/Resistant + Trendline (Price action)This is opening source code version: Fibonacci + Support/Resistant + Trendline (One of Advanced Price action Analysis).
How it works:
It find entry Long/Short by combining: Fibonacci + Support/Resistant + Trendline
1. Find Impulse wave:
To findind Impulse wave, It uses Pivot High/Low to find Impulse wave. In case find entry Long, If having Pivot High higher Pivot High before, it will draw an Impulse wave.
2. Find entry at Fibonacci levels:
Draw Fibonacci fibonacci retracement from Pivot Low to Pivot High. A Fibonacci retracement forecast is created by taking two extreme points on a chart and dividing the vertical distance by important Fibonacci ratios. 0% is considered to be the start of the retracement, while 100% is a complete reversal to the original price before the move. Horizontal lines are drawn in the chart for these price levels to provide support and resistance levels. Common levels are 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, and 61.8%
3. Find entry at Support/Resistant Zone:
Support/Resistant Zone drawed from Pivot High before, which price just breaken and return to retest.
4. Find entry at Trendline:
Trendline drawed from Pivot High/Low before, which price just breaken and return to retest.
How do use it:
+ You can customize the thickness of the lines.
+ You can set up an alert when the price touchs important areas.
Daily Levels Suite + Market BreadthThere are many levels suites out there but many of them use the line series and/or label series to create multiple levels. Pine v5 provides the capability to use line arrays and labels so I wanted to create some code that is extensible to add additional lines/levels and labels to an array of lines with very little effort.
There is also some Market Breadth info that can be shown in the corners of the chart to allow a user to understand how the broader markets are moving compared to the security they are charting.
Current Levels provided are as follows:
Today's Open
Previous Days Close
Previous Days High/Low
Previous Days 50%
T+2 High/Low
All levels and the market breadth table is configurable to be hidden or shown based upon the user's desire.
Pi CycleImplementation of Pi Cycle Top and Pi Cycle Bottom with clear visualization
Pi Circle Top is slightly modified to be closer to Pi sma 113 & sma (355) * 2)
Pi Circle Bottom is ISO sma 571 & ema 150
Script will adapt to timeframe but under hourly it might not work due to the high amount of candles to take into account.
Copy/Paste LevelsCopy/Paste Levels allows levels to be pasted onto your chart from a properly formatted source.
This tool streamlines the process of adding lines to your chart, and sharing lines from your chart.
More than one ticker at a time!
This indicator will only draw lines on charts it has values for!
This means you can input levels for every ticker you need all at once, one time, and only be displayed the levels for the current chart you are looking at. When you switch tickers, the levels for that ticker will display. (Assuming you have levels entered for that ticker)
The formatting is as follows:
Ticker - Any ticker on Tradingview can be used in the field
Color - Available colors are: Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Purple,White,Black,Gray
Style - Available styles are: Solid,Dashed,Dotted
Width - This can be any negative integer, ex.(-1,-2,-3,-4,-5)
Lvls - These can be any positive number (decimals allowed)
Semi-Colons separate sections, each section contains enough information to create at least 1 line.
Each additional level added within the same section will have the same styling parameters as the other levels in the section.
2 solid lines colored red with a thickness of 2 on QQQ, 1 at $300 and 1 at $400.
Remember to not include any spaces between commas and the entries in each field!
ex. ; QQQ, red, dotted, -1, 325; <- Wrong
ex. ;QQQ,red,dotted,-1,325;)<- Right
All fields must be filled out, to use default values in the fields, insert a space between the commas.
ex. ;QQQ,red,dotted,,325; <- Wrong
ex. ;QQQ,red,dotted, ,325; <- Right
While spaces can not be included line breaks can!
I recommend for easier typing and viewing to include a line break for each new line (if changing styling or ticker)
2 solid lines, one red at $300, one green at $400, both default width. Written in a single line AND using multiple lines, both give the same output.
QQQ,red,solid, ,300;QQQ,green,solid, ,400;
QQQ,red,solid, ,300;
QQQ,green,solid, ,400;
In this following screenshot you can see more examples of different formatting variations.
The textbox contains exactly what is pasted into the settings input box.
As you can see, capitalization does not matter.
Default Values:
Color = optimal contrast color, If this field is filled in with a space it will display the optimal contrast color of the users background.
Style = solid
Width = -1
More Examples:
Multi-Ticker: drawing 3 lines at $300, all default values, on 3 different tickers
SPY, , , ,300;QQQ, , , ,300;AAPL, , , ,300
SPY, , , ,300;
QQQ, , , ,300;
AAPL, , , ,300
Multiple levels: There is no limit* to the number of levels that can be included within 1 section.
* only TV default line limit per indicator (500)
This will be 4 lines all with the same styling at different values on 2 separate tickers.
Semi-colons must separate sections, but are not required at the beginning or end, it makes no difference if they are or are not added.
All the above output the same results.
Hope this is helpful for people,
Rob Booker - ADX Breakout updated to pinescript V5Rob Booker - ADX Breakout. The strategy remains unchanged but the code has been updated to pinescript V5. This enables compatibility with all new Tradingview features. Additonally, indicators have been made more easily visible, default cash settings as well as input descriptions have been added.
Rob Booker - ADX Breakout: (Directly taken from the official Tradingview V1 version of the script)
Rob Booker’s Average Directional Index (ADX) Breakout is a trend strength indicator that affirms the belief that trading in the direction of a trend and continuing to follow its pull is more profitable for traders, while simultaneously reducing risk.
ADX was traditionally used and developed to determine a price’s trend strength. It is commonly known as a tool from the arsenal of Rob Booker, experienced entrepreneur and currency trader.
Calculations for the ADX Breakout indicator are based on a moving average of price range expansion over a specific period of time. By default, the setting rests at 14 bars, this however is not mandatory, as other periods are routinely used for analysis as well.
The ADX line is used to measure and determine the strength of a trend, and so the direction of this line and its interpretation are crucial in a trader’s analysis. As the ADX line rises, a trend increases in strength and price moves in the trend’s direction. Similarly, if the ADX line is falling, a trend decreases in strength and price then enters a period of consolidation, or retracement.
Traditionally, the ADX is plotted on the chart as a single line that consists of values that range from 0-100. The line is non-directional, meaning that it always measures trend strength regardless of the position of a price’s trend (up or down). Essentially, ADX quantifies trend strength by presenting in both uptrends and downtrends of the line.
What to look for
The values associated with the ADX line help traders determine the most profitable trades and where risk lies in the current trend. It is important to know how to quantify trend strength and distinguish between the varying values in order to understand the differences in trending vs. non-trending conditions. Let’s take a look at ADX values and what they mean for trend strength.
ADX Value:
0-25: Signifies an absent of weak trend
25-50: Signifies a strong trend
50-75: Signifies a very strong trend
75-100: Signifies an extremely strong trend
To delve into this a bit further, let’s assess the meaning of ADX if it is valued below 25. If the ADX line remains below 25 for more than 30 or so bars, price then enters range conditions, making price patterns more distinguishable and visible to traders. Price will move up and down between resistance and support in order to determine selling and buying interest and may then eventually break out into a trend or pattern.
The way in which ADX peaks, ebs, and flows is also a signifier of its overall pattern and trend momentum. The line can clearly indicate to the trader when trend strength is strong versus when it is weak. When ADX peaks are pictured as higher, it points towards an increase in trend momentum. If ADX peaks are pictured as lower - you guessed it - it points towards a decrease in trend momentum. A trend of lower ADX peaks could be a warning for traders to watch prices and manage and assess risk before a trade gets out of hand. Similarly, whenever there is a sudden move that seems out of place or a change in trend character that goes against what you’ve seen before, this should be a clear sign to watch prices and assess risk.
The ADX Breakout indicator is a trend strength indicator that analyzes price movements relative to trend strength to signal a user when is best for a trade and when is best to manage risk and assess patterns. As long as a trader recognizes strong trends and assesses the risk of each trade properly, they should have no problem using this indicator and utilizing it to work in their favor. In addition, the ADX helps identify trending conditions, but while doing so, also aids traders in finding strong trends to trade. The indicator can even alert traders to specific changes in trend momentum, allowing them to be primed for risk management.
Price Pivots for NASDQ 100 StocksPrice Pivots for NASDQ 100 Stocks
What is this Indicator?
• This indicator calculates the price range a Stock can move in a Day.
Advantages of this Indicator
• This is a Leading indicator, not Dynamic or Repaint.
• Helps to identify the tight range of price movement.
• Can easily identify the Options strike price.
• Develops a discipline in placing Targets.
Disadvantages of this Indicator
• The indicator is specifically made for NASDQ 100 stocks. The levels won't work for other stocks.
• The indicator shows nothing for other indexes and stocks other than above mentioned.
• The data need to be entered manually.
Who to use?
Highly beneficial for Day Traders, it can be used for Swing and Positions as well.
What timeframe to use?
• Any timeframe.
• The highlighted levels in Red and Green will not show correct levels in 1 minute timeframe.
• 5min is recommended for Day Traders.
When to use?
• Wait for proper swing to form.
• Recommended to avoid 1st 1 hour or market open, that is 9.15am to 10.15 or 10.30am.
• Within this time a proper swing will be formed.
What are the Lines?
• The concept is the price will move from one pivot to another.
• Entry and Exit can be these levels as Reversal or Retracement.
Gray Lines:
• Every lines with price labels are the Strike Prices in the Option Chain.
• Price moves from 1 Strike Price level to another.
• The dashed lines are average levels of 2 Strike Prices.
Red & Green Lines:
• The Red and Green Lines will appear only after the first 1 hour.
• The levels are calculated based on the 1st 1 hour.
• Red Lines are important Resistance levels, these are strong Bearish reversal points. It is also a breakout level, this need to be figured out from the past levels, trend, percentage change and consolidation.
• Green Lines are important Support levels, these are strong Bullish reversal points. It is also a breakdown level, this need to be figured out from the past levels, trend, percentage change and consolidation.
What are the Labels?
• First Number: Price of that level.
• Numbers in (): Percentage change and Change of price from LTP (Last Traded Price) to that Level.
How to use?
• Enter when price is closer to the Red or Green lines.
• Enter after considering previous Swing and Trend.
• Note the 50% of previous Swing.
• Enter Short when price reverse from each level.
• If 50% of swing and the pivot level is closer it can be a good entry.
• Use the logic of Entry, each level can be a target.
• Exit when price is closer to the Red or Green lines.
Indicator Menu
• Custom: Enter the price manually after choosing the Source as Custom to show the Pivots at that price.
• LTP: Pivot is calculated based on Last Traded Price.
• Day Open: Pivot is calculated based on current day opening price.
• PD Close: Pivot is calculated based on previous day closing price.
• PD HL2: Pivot is calculated based on previous day average of High and Low.
• PD HLC3: Pivot is calculated based on previous day average of High, Low and Close.
"Time (Vertical Lines)"
• This is a marker of every 1 hour.
• Usually major price movement happen between previous day last 1 hour to today first 1 hour.
• Two swings can happen between first 2 hour of current day.
• At the end of the day last 1 hour another important movement will happen.
• Usually rest of the time won't show any interesting movement.
To the Users
• Certain symbols may show the levels as a single line. For such symbols choose a different Source or Timeframe from the indicator menu.
• Please inform if any of the Symbol's price levels don't react to the pivots , include the Symbol a well.
• Also inform if you notice any wrong values, errors or abnormal behavior in the indicator.
• Feel free to suggest or adding new features and options.
General Tips
• It is good if Stock trend is same as that of Index trend.
• Lots of indicators creates lots of confusion.
• Keep the chart simple and clean.
• Buy Low and Sell High.
• Master averages or 50%.
• Previous Swing High and Swing Low are crucial.
Important Note
• Currently the levels are in testing stage.
• Eventually the levels of certain symbols will be corrected after each update and test.
1+KillZoneLiteRemove plot line for a better view. I've made this to work on "US30 Global Prime" probably works on other pairs the codes left open to mod.
This Indicator shows 3 sessions to help you focus on timing. This will help you with learning pattern recognition aswell.
1. Gray zone is spreads. The gray zone will show up 30 min before spreads open up.
2. Blue is new york
3. Red is london reversal zone.
4. Look between the zones and also how price reacts within the zones and at what time.
5. This indicator also prints the sessions 1 day in advance to help with back testing aswell.
PharshK RSI and Zigzag with H/LIt is with RSI level
and Zigzag Pattern that Market goes on Maximum level and Lower Level
And it is also Showing High and Law Level of last Moving Candle so it is easy to entry and Hold
PharshK RSI and Zigzag with H/LIt is with RSI level
and Zigzag Pattern that Market goes on Maximum level and Lower Level
And it is also Showing High and Law Level of last Moving Candle so it is easy to entry and Hold
Contraction LevelsA contraction candle is a candle whose body engulfs both left and right candlesticks' bodies. This indicator shows those contraction candlestick patterns which consists of successive candles. Then draws a horizontal level line to its defined % of its body size and also draws +/- filter lines which are shown as dashed lines, also with an option to define those filters' percentage.
Bullish Contraction:
Whenever a new candle closes above the maximum high of 3 contraction candles pattern, that contraction is called bullish contraction and its lines are shown as green lines ( you can change the color as well)
Bearish Contraction:
Whenever a new candle closes below the maximum low of 3 contraction candles pattern, that contraction is called bearish contraction and its lines are shown as red lines ( you can change the color as well)
Volume Analysis*Sourced code from Volume Flow v3 by oh92 for Bull\Bear volume flow calculations. Thank you so much for your engineering skills!
This indicator integrates the Ma-over-MA crossover strategy in oh92's V3 DepthHouse calculation with a volume-over-MA
calculation to further narrow down "Areas of Interest" levels for a potential re-test zone to the right of the chart.
I added a Moving Average calculation for a multi-level cloud and further broke down more conditions to highlight both
volume flow crossover on the High and Extreme High MA's and also high and extreme high volume spikes on set period average
without bull\bear conditions. Original Bull/Bear Spikes are still viewable although that was the only plot from oh92's script
that was integrated.
Session backgrounds set for research purposes.
Please note: Setting MA Cloud to "None" will remove all plots calculated with the MA Cloud from the chart entirely. Turn off visuals
in the Style tab.
Auto Round levels by Script051This indicator is designed to show psychological levels/round levels.
The difference between this version and the others is that :
It will automatically show round levels for each symbol you select without having to enter "tick value" manually.
Gap : If the value is equal to zero, the round levels will be found automatically, but if you change the value, the gap between the lines will be adjusted based on the value you specified.
X2 and /2 : doubles or halves the distance between round lines
Number of lines : Specifies the number of lines to be displayed
Day Week Month High & LowThis is a small little script that helps visually mark the high and lows of the DAY, WEEK or MONTH (of your choosing). It's best when paired with my High and Low Fibonacci Pivot Points indicator to help emphasize the high and lows of the day, week or month.
Turk Pivot Candle Order BlocksOrder Blocks based on pivot reversal candle
When a pivot High or Pivot Low is found and confirmed, a box will be plotted on the open and close values of that pivot candle
You also have the ability to change the amount of candles the box stretches over as well as the colors of the bullish and bearish boxes
How To Use:-
Pivot points often provide Support and Resistance points on their own,
one way of marking up order blocks is by taking the pivot candle and marking that up as a resistance area where you could be looking for price to reverse
Customizable Pivot Support/Resistance Zones [MyTradingCoder]This script uses the standard pivot-high/pivot-low built-in methods to identify pivot points on the chart as a base calculation for the zones. Rather than displaying basic lines, it displays a zone from the original pivot point to the closest part of the available body on the same candle. The script comes in handy by utilizing Pinescripts available input.source() function to allow for an external indicators output value to be used within the indicator. Make sure to read all of the TOOLTIPS in the indicator settings menu to get a full understanding of what each setting does, and how it can affect the results that end up on the chart.
By enabling the custom filter in the indicator settings, you will notice you have the ability to filter out zones using an external indicator such as an RSI. Maybe you only want zones to be calculated/drawn when the RSI is overbought or oversold, or maybe you only want the zones to calculate/draw if the Supertrend is green or red. The list of possible filters that you can implement is too many to count. Feel free to play around with the indicator however you like, and configure something that you find to be the most useful for your trading.
On top of everything listed above, the indicator has pre-programmed built-in alertconditions so that you can potentially automate trading, or get a notification to your cell phone when a zone is being touched/broken.
Pivot Points with Slopes - By Necromancer█ OVERVIEW
- This script draws array-based Pivot Points with the calculated slope on the next connecting point.
- The script works left to right, but could be be modified.
- Looks best with Label-Style on Diamonds, without Slope Text drawn.
█ Thank You!
- Many more to come which will utilize these fundamentals!
Grid Settings & MMThis script is designed to help you plan your grid trading or when averaging your position in the spot market.
The script has a small error (due to the simplification of the code), it does not take into account the size of the commission.
You can set any values on all parameters on any timeframe, except for the number of orders in the grid (from 2 to 5).
The usage algorithm is quite simple:
1. Connect the script
2. Install a Fibo grid on the chart - optional (settings at the bottom of the description)
3.On the selected pair, determine the HighPrice & LowPrice levels and insert their values
4.Evaluate grid data (levels, estimated profit ’%’, possible profit ‘$’...)
And it's all)
Block of variables for calculating grid and MM parameters
Variables used regularly
--- HighPrice and LowPrice - constant update when changing pairs
--- Deposit - deposit amount - periodically set the actual amount
Variables that do not require permanent changes
--- Grids - set the planned number of grids, default 5
--- Steps - the planned number of orders in the grid, by default 5
--- C_Order - coefficient of increasing the size of orders in the base coin, by default 1.2
--- C_Price - trading levels offset coefficient, default 1.1
--- FirstLevel - location of the first buy level, default 0.5
--- Back_HL - number of candles back, default 150
*** For C_Order and C_Price variables, the value 1 means the same order size and the same distance between buy levels.
The fibo grid is used for visualization, you can do without it, ! it is not tied to the script code !
You can calculate the levels of the Fibo grid using the formula:
(level price - minimum price) / (maximum price - minimum price)
For default values, grid levels are as follows:
1 ... 0.5
3 ... 0.211
Short description:
in the upper right corner
--- indicator of the price movement for the last 150 candles, in % !!! there is no task here to "catch" the peak values - only a relative estimate.
in the upper left corner
--- total amount of the deposit
--- the planned number of grids
--- “cost” of one grid
--- the size of the estimated profit depending on the specified HighPrice & LowPrice
in the lower left corner
--- Buy - price levels for buy orders
--- Amount - the number of purchased coins in the corresponding order
--- Sell - levels of profit taking by the sum of market orders in the grid
--- $$$ - the sum of all orders in the grid, taking into account the last active order
--- TP - profit amount by the amount of orders in the grid
CHS Zig ZagCHS ZigZag stands for Changeable Source ZigZag
The original ZigZag indicator offered by TradingView doesn't have the ability to measure the tips and troughs based on closing prices (line chart), however, this indicator is capable of receiving an input from user that determines the price source used for further calculations.
The default inputs of the original ZigZag indicator have been also changed in order to make it adapt to pivots formed on line chart but users can change arbitrarily.
3C QFL Mean reversalWhat is QFL trading strategy?
QFL stands for Quickfingersluc, and sometimes it is referred to as the Base Strategy or Mean Reversals. Its main idea is about identifying the moment of panic selling and buying below the base level and utilizing Safety orders.
What is Base level or Support Level?
Base level or Support Level refers to the lowest price level that was reached before the moment the price started increasing again. At that level, you can notice that buyers of some cryptocurrencies make a strong reaction.
In this strategy we can also reverse the strategy and go short. But i must warn you that that is alot riskier.
QFL is meant to be used on higher TF's like 1hr, 2hr and 4hr. But this strategy also work well on lower Timeframes.
The script also simulates DCA strategy with parameters used in 3commas DCA bots for futures trading.
Experiment with parameters to find your trading setup.
Beware how large your total leveraged position is and how far can market go before you get liquidated!
Do that with the help of futures liquidation calculators you can find online!
An internal average price and profit calculating, instead of TV`s native one, which is subject to severe slippage.
A graphic interface, so levels are clearly visible and back-test analyzing made easier.
Long & Short direction of the strategy.
Table display a summary of past trades
Vertical colored lines appear when the new maximum deviation from the original price has
been reached
All the trading happens with total account capital, and all order sizes inputs are expressed in percent.
Flag DetectorThis script attempts to find consolidations or retracements within the context of a previous uptrend - basically looking for flag type patterns. It first measures an initial move (referred to as the flag pole in this script) and then looks for consolidation after that move within a certain range. If the consolidation is within the rage, it plots a dot under the candle to show you the consolidation areas. It's not fool proof, but seems to do a decent job of identifying pullbacks and sideways consolidations reasonably well.