Williams Percent Range with Trendlines and BreakoutsHere is my "Williams Percent Range with Trendlines and Breakouts" indicator, a simple yet powerful tool for traders. This indicator combines the classic Williams %R oscillator, which helps identify overbought and oversold levels, with added trendlines for easier trend analysis at a glance.
It's designed to make spotting potential breakouts easier by drawing attention to significant price movements. With customizable settings for the Williams %R period and trendline sensitivity, it's a flexible tool for various symbols and trading styles.
Whether you're looking to refine your trading strategy or just need a clearer view of market trends, this indicator should offer a straight forward approach to hopefully enhance your trading decisions.
Disclaimer: This indicator is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Always conduct your own research and analysis before making trading decisions.
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
QQE MOD + SSL Hybrid + Waddah Attar Explosion IndicatorINDICATOR PURPOSE
This indicator is designed to complement my original QQE MOD + SSL Hybrid + Waddah Attar Explosion strategy.
Multiple users have requested that I convert the strategy to an indicator because alertconditions do not work on strategies and people want to specific set alerts for BUY, SELL, CLOSE BUY and CLOSE SELL. This can only be achieved using alertcondition().
This indicator functions in the exact same way as the strategy, but it doesn't have any backtesting functionality. I recomment that you use the original QQE MOD + SSL Hybrid + Waddah Attar Explosion strategy for parameter tuning and backtesting, then if you need more control on alerts you can use this indicator for that purpose.
Only other difference is that I have added grey exit labels on the chart since it's not obvious where the exits would happen like it was in the strategy version.
QQE MOD byMihkel00
SSL Hybrid by Mihkel00
Waddah Attar Explosion by shayankm
RSI in Candlestick MODEDescription:
The "RSI Bar" indicator is a versatile tool designed to enhance your technical analysis on trading charts. This Pine Script™ code calculates the Relative Strength Index (RSI) for open, close, high, and low prices, and represents the results as bars on the chart. The bars are color-coded based on whether the closing RSI is higher or lower than the opening RSI.
Additionally, the indicator incorporates advanced features such as Pareto analysis and Gaussian smoothing. The Pareto analysis helps identify significant lows and highs in the RSI, providing insights into potential trend reversals. The Gaussian smoothing further refines the analysis, contributing to a more accurate representation of the average RSI trend.
Key Features:
RSI calculation for open, close, high, and low prices.
Color-coded bars for easy visualization of RSI trends.
Pareto analysis to highlight key RSI levels indicating potential reversals.
Gaussian smoothing for improved trend analysis and visualization.
RSI Missmatch(Divergence) OSC. by Neo_ with Missmatch Alert█ Definition
A divergence or missmatch occurs when an asset’s price is moving opposite to a specific technical indicator or is moving in a different direction from other relevant data. The divergence indicator warns traders and technical analysts of changes in a price trend, oftentimes that it is weakening or changing direction.
Divergence or missmatch can be either positive, signifying the possibility of a move that is higher in the asset’s price, or it can be negative, signifying the possibility of a move that is lower in the asset’s price.
█ Takeaways
Divergence or missmatch often works with other indicators and data. It is usually used by technical analysts and traders when the asset’s price is moving counter to the direction of another indicator.
As mentioned above, positive divergence or missmatch indicates that the price could start rising and usually occurs when the price is moving lower, but while another indicator counters this direction by moving higher. In other words, showing bullish signals.
Negative divergence or missmatch indicates that the price could start declining and usually occurs when the price is moving higher, while another indicator moves lower as well. In other words, showing bearish signals.
█ What to look for
Divergence or missmatch is most often used to track and analyze the momentum in an asset’s price and the odds of a price reversal within the current trend. While using divergence, traders and analysts can decide on whether or not they would like to exit the position or set a stop loss in the case the divergence is negative and prices begin to fall.
█ Limitations
It is best to use divergence or missmatch with the aid of other indicators and analysis tools in order to help identify and confirm trend reversals and major market patterns. Divergence should not be relied on by itself to tell you the pertinent information you need to know as an investor. Risk control is key in your analysis and the fact that divergence is not always present in price reversals should definitely be what pushes you to combine it with other tools and indicators.
Additionally, divergence or missmatch can reflect long-term or short-term changes. When making snap decisions, acting on divergence alone could prove detrimental to your trading. Make sure you have other risk factors applied to your charting and general market analysis.
█ What exactly is RSI Missmatches discrepancies using a lookback period in trading?
In trading, lookback period is the number of periods of historical data used for observation and calculation. It is how far into the past the system looks when trying to calculate the variable under consideration. The concept was based on the fact that history can provide information about the future, and my aim was to predict the periods when trend changes would begin within these periods with the RSI oscillator. But this is only true if you're locked back far enough, not locked any further or less!
We already use the idea of looking back in different aspects of our lives, and even in the world of financial trading it can be used in various ways. Of course you will want to learn more about the concept, so in this article we will cover the following topics:
█ What kind of hindsight is this?
The aim here is to check whether trends will change in certain cycles, so we chose the High + Low / 2 formula as the source. Because no matter how much the prices swing up or down, sometimes the rebound can go further. The aim here is to notice the points where the price leaves a needle at the levels where it oscillates and the slowdown in momentum.
█ What does look-back period mean in trade?
To understand what a lookback period means in trading, you need to ask yourself: What is a lookback period in trading? In financial trading, period refers to the duration of a particular trading session. For example, a one-week period means one full week of trading sessions or five trading days. In 5 trading days, the average time is 120 hours in FX markets and 40 hours in stock markets. Regardless of what happens in these cycles, I prefer to choose a time period of 55 periods. Because I noticed that in all the charts I examined, the cycles generally changed during this time period.
█ Let's talk about the meaning of catching Missmatches
As you know, technical indicators are all a mathematical calculation using historical market data (price, volume, or a combination of both). It shows the behavior of the price better and helps in the analysis of price movement. But the indicator can only serve your intended purpose if you get the lookback time right. What we mean here is the setting parameter that determines how much historical data it will use in its calculation. In other words, it is the retrospective review period.
For example, on the RSI indicator you can set this period to 13 periods (default setting) or even 2 periods. The period you choose can determine what the indicator tells you, which in turn determines the strategy you can create with the indicator. The 13- period RSI gives you information about price momentum, so you can effectively use it to create a momentum strategy. On the other hand, the 2-periods RSI can be used to create a mean reversion strategy. To catch any incompatibilities, I set this period to 55 periods. Nothing more, nothing less!
█ Summary
The missmatch indicator helps traders assess changes in the price trend and indicates when price will move with or against the direction of another indicator. It can be either positive or negative, but it is important to note its limitations and that it should be used with other indicators that can also monitor price trends.
We wish you to identify these incompatibilities in the market in the best way possible... Good luck.
█ Tanım
Bir varlığın fiyatı belirli bir teknik göstergenin tersi yönünde hareket ettiğinde veya diğer ilgili verilerden farklı bir yönde hareket ettiğinde bir sapma veya uyumsuzluk meydana gelir. Farklılık göstergesi, tüccarları ve teknik analistleri fiyat eğilimindeki değişiklikler konusunda uyarır; çoğu zaman zayıflıyor veya yön değiştiriyor.
Farklılık veya uyumsuzluk, varlığın fiyatında daha yüksek bir hareket olasılığını işaret ederek pozitif olabilir veya varlığın fiyatında daha düşük bir hareket olasılığını işaret ederek negatif olabilir.
█ Çıkarımlar
Farklılık veya uyumsuzluk çoğu zaman diğer göstergeler ve verilerle de çalışır. Genellikle teknik analistler ve yatırımcılar tarafından varlığın fiyatı başka bir göstergenin yönünün tersine hareket ettiğinde kullanılır.
Yukarıda bahsedildiği gibi pozitif sapma veya uyumsuzluk, fiyatın yükselmeye başlayabileceğini gösterir ve genellikle fiyat düşerken meydana gelir, ancak başka bir gösterge bu yöne yükselerek karşı koyar. Başka bir deyişle yükseliş sinyalleri veriyor.
Negatif sapma veya uyumsuzluk, fiyatın düşmeye başlayabileceğini gösterir ve genellikle fiyat yükselirken başka bir gösterge de düşerken meydana gelir. Başka bir deyişle düşüş sinyalleri veriyor.
█ Nelere bakılmalı
Farklılık veya uyumsuzluk çoğunlukla bir varlığın fiyatındaki momentumu ve mevcut trend içinde fiyatın tersine dönme olasılığını izlemek ve analiz etmek için kullanılır. Farklılaşmayı kullanırken tüccarlar ve analistler, sapmanın negatif olması ve fiyatların düşmeye başlaması durumunda pozisyondan çıkmak isteyip istemeyeceklerine veya zararı durdurma kararı verip veremeyeceklerine karar verebilirler.
█ Sınırlamalar
Trend dönüşlerini ve ana piyasa modellerini tanımlamaya ve doğrulamaya yardımcı olmak için diğer göstergeler ve analiz araçlarının yardımıyla sapmayı veya uyumsuzluğu kullanmak en iyisidir. Bir yatırımcı olarak bilmeniz gereken ilgili bilgileri size söylemesi için farklılığa tek başına güvenilmemelidir. Risk kontrolü analizinizin anahtarıdır ve fiyat dönüşlerinde farklılığın her zaman mevcut olmaması gerçeği kesinlikle sizi onu diğer araç ve göstergelerle birleştirmeye iten şey olmalıdır.
Ek olarak, farklılık veya uyumsuzluk uzun vadeli veya kısa vadeli değişiklikleri yansıtabilir. Ani kararlar verirken yalnızca farklılıklara göre hareket etmek ticaretinize zarar verebilir. Grafiğinize ve genel piyasa analizinize başka risk faktörlerinin uygulandığından emin olun.
█ Ticarette yeniden inceleme dönemi kullanan RSI Missmatches tutarsızlıkları tam olarak nedir?
Ticarette yeniden inceleme süresi, gözlem ve hesaplama için kullanılan geçmiş verilerin dönemlerinin sayısıdır. Söz konusu değişkeni hesaplamaya çalışırken sistemin ne kadar geçmişe baktığıdır. Konsept tarihin geleceğe dair bilgi verebileceği gerçeği üzerine kuruluydu ve amacım RSI osilatörü ile bu dönemler içerisinde trend değişimlerinin başlayacağı dönemleri tahmin etmekti. Ancak bu yalnızca yeterince geriye kilitlenmişseniz geçerlidir, daha fazla veya daha az kilitlenmemişseniz!
Geriye bakma fikrini hayatımızın farklı yönlerinde zaten kullanıyoruz ve hatta finansal ticaret dünyasında bile bu fikir çeşitli şekillerde kullanılabilir. Elbette konsept hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek isteyeceksiniz, bu nedenle bu yazıda aşağıdaki konuları ele alacağız:
█ Bu nasıl bir sonradan görmedir?
Burada amaç belli döngülerde trendlerin değişip değişmeyeceğini kontrol etmek olduğundan kaynak olarak Yüksek + Düşük / 2 formülünü seçtik. Çünkü fiyatlar ne kadar yukarı veya aşağı hareket ederse etsin bazen toparlanma daha da ileri gidebiliyor. Burada amaç fiyatın salınım yaptığı seviyelerde iğne bıraktığı noktaları ve momentumdaki yavaşlamayı fark etmektir.
█ Ticarette geriye bakma süresi ne anlama geliyor?
Ticarette yeniden inceleme süresinin ne anlama geldiğini anlamak için kendinize şu soruyu sormanız gerekir: Ticarette yeniden inceleme süresi nedir? Finansal ticarette dönem, belirli bir ticaret seansının süresini ifade eder. Örneğin, bir haftalık dönem, bir tam haftalık işlem seansı veya beş işlem günü anlamına gelir. 5 işlem gününde ortalama süre döviz piyasalarında 120 saat, borsalarda ise 40 saattir. Bu döngülerde ne olursa olsun 55 periyotluk bir zaman dilimini seçmeyi tercih ediyorum. Çünkü incelediğim tüm grafiklerde bu zaman diliminde döngülerin genel olarak değiştiğini fark ettim.
█ Kaçak Eşleşmeleri yakalamanın anlamı hakkında konuşalım
Bildiğiniz gibi teknik göstergeler, geçmiş piyasa verileri (fiyat, hacim veya her ikisinin birleşimi) kullanılarak yapılan matematiksel hesaplamalardır. Fiyatın davranışını daha iyi gösterir ve fiyat hareketinin analizine yardımcı olur. Ancak gösterge yalnızca yeniden inceleme süresini doğru yaparsanız amacınıza hizmet edebilir. Burada kast ettiğimiz, hesaplamasında ne kadar geçmiş veri kullanacağını belirleyen ayar parametresidir. Bir başka deyişle geriye dönük inceleme dönemidir.
Örneğin RSI göstergesinde bu süreyi 13 döneme (varsayılan ayar) ve hatta 2 döneme ayarlayabilirsiniz. Seçeceğiniz dönem, göstergenin size ne söyleyeceğini belirleyebilir ve bu da gösterge ile oluşturabileceğiniz stratejiyi belirler. 13 dönemlik RSI size fiyat momentumu hakkında bilgi verir, böylece onu bir momentum stratejisi oluşturmak için etkili bir şekilde kullanabilirsiniz. Öte yandan, ortalamaya dönüş stratejisi oluşturmak için 2 dönemlik RSI kullanılabilir. Herhangi bir uyumsuzluğu yakalamak için bu periyodu 55 periyoda ayarladım. Ne fazla ne eksik!
█ Özet
Uyumsuzluk göstergesi, yatırımcıların fiyat eğilimindeki değişiklikleri değerlendirmesine yardımcı olur ve fiyatın ne zaman başka bir göstergenin yönüne göre veya ona karşı hareket edeceğini gösterir. Olumlu ya da olumsuz olabilir, ancak sınırlamalarına dikkat etmek ve fiyat eğilimlerini de izleyebilecek diğer göstergelerle birlikte kullanılması gerektiğini unutmamak önemlidir.
Piyasadaki bu uyumsuzlukları en iyi şekilde tespit etmenizi dileriz... Bol Kazançlar.
RSI Levels On Chart [MisterMoTA]The values of the RSI Levels On Chart are calculated using Reverse Engineering RSI calculations by Giorgos Siligardos, Ph.D.
Instead of using only the 50 line of the RSI on chart I added options for users to define the Extreme Overbought and Oversold values, also simple Oversold and Overbought values, start of Bullish and Bearish zones and the 50 rsi value.
With the RSI Levels On Chart users are able to see on chart the price that a candles need to close for a certain value of the RSI. E.g. what price is needed for the RSI to be at oversold 30 or what would be the price when rsi will cross the 50 line.
The script has the 50 line color coded that will turn red when the line falling and will change to the user input color when it will be rising, helping users to see fast the clear trend of any asset on any timeframe from 1 second to 12 months.
I added few alerts for rsi overbought, oversold, extreme overbought and extreme oversold, crossing 50 level, crossing bullish or bearish zones values and also alerts for the 50 line falling or rising.
You can use RSI Levels On Chart as a simple indicator or you can add your favorite oscilator(s) to have a clear view of the trends of the markets, in this demo I added RSI + Divergences + Alerts with a moving average set to 50 RMA.
RSI/MFI Selling Sentiment IndexPsychological Sales Index (Psychological Sales Index)
Fundamental Indicators of Market Sentiment: The Importance of MFI and RSI
The two fundamental indicators that best reflect market sentiment are Money Flow Index (MFI) and Relative Strength Index (RSI). MFI is an indicator of the flow of funds in a market by combining price and volume, which is used to determine whether a stock is over-bought or over-selling. RSI is an indicator of the overheating of the market by measuring the rise and fall of prices, which is applied to the analysis of the relative strength of stock prices. These two indicators allow a quantitative assessment of the market's buying and selling pressure, which provides important information to understand the psychological state of market participants.
Using timing and fundamental metrics
In order to grasp the effective timing of the sale, in-depth consideration was needed on how to use basic indicators. MFI and RSI represent the buying and selling pressures of the market, respectively, but there is a limit to reflecting the overall trend of the market alone. As a result, a study on how to capture more accurate selling points was conducted by comprehensively considering technical analysis along with psychological factors of the market.
The importance of ADX integration and weighting
The "Average Regional Index (ADX)" was missing in the early version. ADX is an indicator of the strength of a trend, and has experienced a problem of less accuracy in selling sentiment indicators, especially in the upward trend. To address this, we incorporated ADX and adopted a method of adjusting the weights of MFI and RSI according to the values of ADX. A high ADX value implies the existence of a strong trend, in which case it is appropriate to reduce the influence of MFI and RSI to give more importance to the strength of the trend. Conversely, a low ADX value increases the influence of MFI and RSI, putting more weight on the psychological elements of the market.
How to use and interpret
The user can adjust several parameters. Key inputs include 'Length', 'Overbought Threshold', 'DI Length', and 'ADX Smoothing'. These parameters are used to set the calculation period, overselling threshold, DI length, and ADX smoothing period of the indicator, respectively. The script calculates the psychological selling index based on MFI, RSI, and ADX. The calculated index is normalized to values between 0 and 100 and is displayed in the graph. Values above 'Overbought Threshold' indicate an overselling state, which can be interpreted as a potential selling signal. This index allows investors to comprehensively evaluate the psychological state of the market and the strength of trends, which can be used to make more accurate selling decisions.
Overbought / Oversold Screener## Introduction
**The Versatile RSI and Stochastic Multi-Symbol Screener**
**Unlock a wealth of trading opportunities with this customizable screener, designed to pinpoint potential overbought and oversold conditions across 17 symbols, with alert support!**
## Description
This screener is suitable for tracking multiple instruments continuously.
With the screener, you can see the instant RSI or Stochastic values of the instruments you are tracking, and easily catch the moments when they are overbought / oversold according to your settings.
The purpose of the screener is to facilitate the continuous tracking of multiple instruments. The user can track up to 17 different instruments in different time intervals. If they wish, they can set an alarm and learn overbought oversold according to the values they set for the time interval of the instruments they are tracking.**
Key Features:
Comprehensive Analysis:
Monitors RSI and Stochastic values for 17 symbols simultaneously.
Automatically includes the current chart's symbol for seamless integration.
Supports multiple timeframes to uncover trends across different time horizons.
Personalized Insights:
Adjust overbought and oversold thresholds to align with your trading strategy.
Sort results by symbol, RSI, or Stochastic values to prioritize your analysis.
Choose between Automatic, Dark, or Light mode for optimal viewing comfort.
Dynamic Visual Cues:
Instantly highlights oversold and overbought symbols based on threshold levels.
Timely Alerts:
Stay informed of potential trading opportunities with alerts for multiple oversold or overbought symbols.
## Settings
### Display
The screener displays the values according to the selected timeframe. The default timeframe is "Chart". For example, if the timeframe is set to "15m" here, the screener will show the RSI and stochastic values for the 15-minute chart.
** Theme **
This setting is for changing the theme of the screener. You can set the theme to "Automatic", "Dark", or "Light", with "Automatic" being the default value. When the "Automatic" theme is selected, the screener appearance will also be automatically updated when you enable or disable dark mode from the TradingView settings.
** Position **
This option is for setting the position of the table on the chart. The default setting is "middle right". The available options are (top, middle, bottom)-(left, center, right).
** Sort By **
This option is for changing the sorting order of the table. The default setting is "RSI Descending". The available options are (Symbol, RSI, Stoch)-(Ascending, Descending).
It is important to note that the overbought and oversold coloring of the symbols may also change when the sorting order is changed. If RSI is selected as the sorting order, the symbols will be colored according to the overbought and oversold threshold values specified for RSI. Similarly, if Stoch is selected as the sorting order, the symbols will be colored according to the overbought and oversold threshold values specified for Stoch.
From this perspective, you can also think of the sorting order as a change in the main indicator.
### RSI / Stochastic
This area is for selecting the parameters of the RSI and stochastic indicators. You can adjust the values for "length", "overbought", and "oversold" for both indicators according to your needs. The screener will perform all RSI and stochastic calculations according to these settings. All coloring in the table will also be according to the overbought and oversold values in these settings.
### Symbols
The symbols to be tracked in the table are selected from here. Up to 16 symbols can be selected from here. Since the symbol in the chart is automatically added to the table, there will always be at least 1 symbol in the table. Note that the symbol in the chart is shown in the table with "(C)". For example, if SPX is open in the chart, it is shown as SPX(C) in the table.
## Alerts
The screener is capable of notifying you with an alarm if multiple symbols are overbought or oversold according to the values you specify along with the desired timeframe. This way, you can instantly learn if multiple symbols are overbought or oversold with one alarm, saving you time.
Instant RSI (IRSI)
Instant RSI is tailored for users seeking an effective RSI indicator for charts with limited historical data, such as new symbols or very high time frame charts. Its distinctiveness lies in employing a Chebyshev filter, an innovative approach that allows the RSI to initiate calculations with just two data points. The Chebyshev filter, traditionally used in signal processing, helps in smoothing data while minimizing lag, a critical aspect in fast-moving financial markets.
Key Features:
Chebyshev Filter Integration: The Chebyshev filter is fine-tuned to mimic a 14-period RMA's behavior, enhancing the RSI's responsiveness and accuracy with minimal data.
Customizable RSI and MA Settings: Users can modify the RSI's source, length, ripple effect, and style. An optional moving average overlay, also based on Chebyshev filtering, tuned to mimic an EMA set to 14.
Divergence Detection: I have also included the ability to adjust the divergence settings to allow for more flexibility over the built in RSI.
The script operates by applying the Chebyshev filter to the price movement's up and down components, forming the basis of the RSI calculation. When the moving average feature is activated, it further processes the RSI value through the Chebyshev filter for additional smoothing. This dual application of the Chebyshev filter is central to the script's design, offering a unique solution for situations where traditional RSI calculations might be less reliable due to data scarcity.
The divergence detection feature enhances the script's utility by signaling potential trend reversals, critical for strategic decision-making in trading. These features are visually represented on the chart, ensuring that users can easily interpret and react to the indicators.
In general this indicator should produce the exact same output as the built in RSI. This indicator is specifically designed to be used in conditions where the built in RSI will not work due to limited data.
In summary, the "Instant RSI" script is a practical option for those dealing with limited data scenarios, offering a unique blend of Chebyshev filter application for more responsive market analysis.
Relative Strength Trend Indicator (RSTI)This indicator is called the "Relative Strength Trend Indicator" (RSTI), designed to assess the relative strength of a trend.
Here is a detailed explanation of how it works and how traders can interpret it:
Indicator Operation:
1. Data Source (src): The indicator considers a data source, typically the closing price (close), but this can be adjusted according to the trader's preferences.
2. Period Length (Length): This determines the period used to calculate the simple moving average (SMA) of the data source. A longer period smoothes the indicator, while a shorter period makes it more responsive.
3. Multiplier (Multiplier): This is a multiplication factor applied to the Average True Range (ATR), adjusting the width of the bands.
4. Signal Length (Signal Length): This period is used to calculate the simple moving average of the relative strength (l_strength). It determines the sensitivity of the signal to changes in relative strength.
Interpretation of the Indicator:
1. Upper Strength Band (Upper Level): This line is drawn at 80 and represents a high strength level. When relative strength exceeds this value, it may indicate a potential overbought market.
2. Lower Strength Band (Lower Level): This line is drawn at 20 and represents a low strength level. When relative strength is below this value, it may indicate a potential oversold market.
3. RSTI Strength: The main line of the indicator, representing the calculated relative strength. When this line exceeds 50, it may indicate an uptrend, while a value below 50 may indicate a downtrend.
4. Filling Zones: These colored zones between levels 80 and 50, and between 50 and 20, can help quickly visualize relative strength. A colored zone above 50 indicates positive strength, while a colored zone below 50 indicates negative strength.
Qualities of the Indicator:
1. Adaptability: The use of ATR and the flexibility of parameters (length, multiplier, signal_length) allow the indicator to adapt to different market conditions.
2. Visual Clarity: Colored filling zones and horizontal lines make it easy to visualize relative strength levels.
3. Strength Signal: The signal line (RSTI Strength) allows traders to quickly spot changes in relative strength, facilitating decision-making.
4. Responsiveness: The combination of smoothed moving averages and relative strength indicators allows responsiveness to trend changes while reducing false signals.
It is essential to note that while this indicator can provide valuable insights, it is always recommended to use it in conjunction with other technical analysis tools for informed decision-making.
Ultimate Momentum"Ultimate Momentum" – Elevating Your Momentum Analysis
Experience a refined approach to momentum analysis with "Ultimate Momentum," a sophisticated indicator seamlessly combining the strengths of RSI and CCI. This tool offers a nuanced understanding of market dynamics with the following features:
1. Harmonious Fusion: Witness the dynamic interplay between RSI and CCI, providing a comprehensive understanding of market nuances.
2. Optimized CCI Dynamics: Delve confidently into market intricacies with optimized CCI parameters, enhancing synergy with RSI for a nuanced perspective on trends.
3. Standardized Readings: "Ultimate Momentum" standardizes RSI and CCI, ensuring consistency and reliability in readings for refined signals.
4. Native TradingView Integration: Immerse yourself in the reliability of native TradingView codes for RSI and CCI, ensuring stability and compatibility.
How RSI and CCI Work Together:
RSI (Relative Strength Index): Captures price momentum with precision, measuring the speed and change of price movements.
CCI (Commodity Channel Index): Strategically integrated to complement RSI, offering a unique perspective on price fluctuations and potential trend reversals.
Why "Ultimate Momentum"?
In a crowded landscape, "Ultimate Momentum" stands out, redefining how traders interpret momentum. Gain a profound understanding of market dynamics, spot trend reversals, and make informed decisions.
Your Insights Matter:
Share your suggestions to enhance "Ultimate Momentum" in the comments. Your feedback is crucial as we strive to deliver an unparalleled momentum analysis tool.
Simple Neural Network Transformed RSI [QuantraSystems]Simple Neural Network Transformed RSI
The Simple Neural Network Transformed RSI (ɴɴᴛ ʀsɪ) stands out as a formidable tool for traders who specialize in lower timeframe trading.
It is an innovative enhancement of the traditional RSI readings with simple neural network smoothing techniques.
This unique blend results in fairly accurate signals, tailored for swift market movements. The ɴɴᴛ ʀsɪ is particularly resistant to the usual market noise found in lower timeframes, ensuring a clearer view of short-term trends.
Furthermore, its diverse range of visualization options adds versatility, making it a valuable tool for traders seeking to capitalize on short-duration market dynamics.
In the Image you can see the BTCUSD 1D Chart with the ɴɴᴛ ʀsɪ in Trend Following Mode to display the current trend. This is visualized with the barcoloring.
Its Overbought and Oversold zones start at 50% and end at 100% of the selected Standard Deviation (default σ = 2), which can indicate extremely rare situations which can lead to either a softening momentum in the trend or even a mean reversion situation.
Here you can also see the original Indicator line and the Heikin Ashi transformed Indicator bars - more on that now.
Quantra Standard Value Contents:
To draw out all the information from the indicator calculation we have added a Heikin-Ashi (HA) Candle Visualization.
This HA transformation smoothens out the indicator values and gives a more informative look into Momentum and Trend of the Indicator itself.
This allows early entries and exits by observing the HA transformed Indicator values.
To diversify, different visualization options are available, either a classic line, HA transformed or Hybrid, which contains both of the previous.
To make Quantra's Indicators as useful and versatile as possible we have created options
to change the barcoloring and thus the derived signal from the indicator based on different modes.
Option to choose different Modes:
Trend Following (Indicator above mid line counts as uptrend, below is downtrend)
Extremities (Everything going beyond the Deviation Bands in a Mean Reversion manner is highlighted)
Candles (Color of HA candles as barcolor)
Reversion (HA ONLY) (Reversion Signals via the triangles if HA candles change state outside of the Deviation Bands)
- Reversion Signals are indicated by the triangles in the Heikin-Ashi or Hybrid visualization when the HA Candles revert
from downwards to upwards or the other way around OUTSIDE of the SD Bands.
Depending on the Indicator they signal OB/OS areas and can either work as high probability entries and exits for Mean Reversion trades or
indicate Momentum slow downs and potential ranges.
Please use another indicator to confirm this.
Case Study
To effectively utilize the NNT-RSI, traders should know their style and familiarize themselves with the available options.
As stated above, you have multiple modes available that you can combine as you need and see fit.
In the given example mostly only the mode was used in an isolated fashion.
Trend Following:
Purely relied on State Change - Midline crossover
Could be combined with Momentum or Reversion analysis for better entries/exits.
Ideal entry/exit is in the accordingly colored OS/OB Area, the Reversion signaled the latest possible entry/exit.
HA Candles:
Specifically applicable for strong trends. Powerful and fast tool.
Can whip if used as sole condition.
Shows the single entry and exit bars which have a positive expected value outcome.
Can also be used as confirmation or as last signal.
Please note that we always advise to find more confluence by additional indicators.
Traders are encouraged to test and determine the most suitable settings for their specific trading strategies and timeframes.
In the showcased trades the default settings were used.
The Simple Neural Network Transformed RSI uses a simple neural network logic to process RSI values, smoothing them for more accurate trend analysis.
This is achieved through a linear combination of RSI values over a specified input length, weighted evenly to produce a neural network output.
// Simple neural network logic (linear combination with weighted aggregation)
var float inputs = array.new_float(nnLength, na)
for i = 0 to nnLength - 1
array.set(inputs, i, rsi1 )
nnOutput = 0.0
for i = 0 to nnLength - 1
nnOutput := nnOutput + array.get(inputs, i) * (1 / nnLength)
This output is then compared against a standard or dynamic mean line to generate trend following signals.
Mean = ta.sma(nnOutput, sdLook)
cross = useMean? 50 : Mean
The indicator also incorporates Heikin Ashi candlestick calculations to provide additional insights into market dynamics, such as trend strength and potential reversals.
// Calculate Heikin Ashi representation
ha = ha(
na(nnOutput ) ? nnOutput : nnOutput ,
math.max(nnOutput, nnOutput ),
math.min(nnOutput, nnOutput ),
Standard deviation bands are used to create dynamic overbought and oversold zones, further enhancing the tool's analytical capabilities.
// Calculate Dynamic OB/OS Zones
stdv_bands(_src, _length, _mult) =>
float basis = ta.sma(_src, _length)
float dev = _mult * ta.stdev(_src, _length)
= stdv_bands(nnOutput, sdLook,sdMult/2)
= stdv_bands(nnOutput, sdLook, sdMult)
The Standard Deviation bands take defined parameters from the user, in this case sigma of ideally between 2 to 3,
to help the indicator detect extremely improbable conditions and thus take an inversely probable signal from it to forward to the user.
The parameter settings and also the visualizations allow for ample customizations by the trader.
For questions or recommendations, please feel free to seek contact in the comments.
Best scalping toolExplanation:
This script is a comprehensive indicator that combines three essential technical analysis tools: Money Flow Index (MFI), Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Bollinger Bands (Bollinger %B). It provides insights into market conditions related to cross points of mfi,rsi and B%B.
A buy condition is created when the last candle RSI and MFI are under the bollinger bands, and then in the actual candle the RSI cross up the bollinger low band.
A sell condition is created when the last candle RSI and MFI are above the bollinger bands, and then in the actual candle the RSI cross down the bollinger high band.
Key Components:
MFI (Money Flow Index):
Utilizes the MFI indicator based on a specified length.
Overbought and oversold levels (80 and 20, respectively).
RSI (Relative Strength Index): (Adapted to the mfi chart)
Allows selection of different moving average types (SMA, EMA, etc.) for the RSI calculation.
RSI along with upper and lower bands (70 and 30).
Bollinger Bands:
Provides upper and lower Bollinger Bands based on the RSI's standard deviation.
Visualization Options:
Allows the user to choose between show the buy (green arrow) and the sell (red arrow) .
How It Works:
The indicator amalgamates these three powerful technical indicators to help traders identify potential entry or exit points. The green arrow its a buy signal and the red arrow is a sell signal.
By offering configurable settings and clear visual cues, this indicator assists traders in recognizing critical market conditions and potential trading opportunities.
Disclaimer: This indicator should be used as a tool in a broader trading strategy and not solely for making trading decisions. It's recommended to combine it with other technical or fundamental analysis for comprehensive trading decisions.
Amazing Oscillator (AO) [Algoalpha]Description:
Introducing the Amazing Oscillator indicator by Algoalpha, a versatile tool designed to help traders identify potential trend shifts and market turning points. This indicator combines the power of the Awesome Oscillator (AO) and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to create a new indicator that provides valuable insights into market momentum and potential trade opportunities.
Key Features:
Customizable Parameters: The indicator allows you to customize the period of the RSI calculations to fine-tune the indicator's responsiveness.
Visual Clarity: The indicator uses user-defined colors to visually represent upward and downward movements. You can select your preferred colors for both bullish and bearish signals, making it easy to spot potential trade setups.
AO and RSI Integration: The script combines the AO and RSI indicators to provide a comprehensive view of market conditions. The RSI is applied to the AO, which results in a standardized as well as a less noisy version of the Awesome Oscillator. This makes the indicator capable of pointing out overbought or oversold conditions as well as giving fewer false signals
Signal Plots: The indicator plots key levels on the chart, including the RSI threshold(Shifted down by 50) at 30 and -30. These levels are often used by traders to identify potential trend reversal points.
Signal Alerts: For added convenience, the indicator includes "x" markers to signal potential buy (green "x") and sell (red "x") opportunities based on RSI crossovers with the -30 and 30 levels. These alerts can help traders quickly identify potential entry and exit points.
Composite RSI [KFB Quant]The Composite RSI (CRSI) is a momentum oscillator that combines 5 adjustable RSI's. It also has a Z-Score to make it easier to identify potential market extremes.
How to adjust the indicator
Inside the Length & Impact Configuration tab you can adjust the length and impact of each RSI as well as the Z-Score length specific to your needs. The default length inputs are 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 (RSI 1 - RSI 5) and the default impact is set to 1.0 for all RSI's. Default length for Z-Score is 360.
Inside the Style Configuration tab you can pick what you want to display(plot). The options are: CRSI, Z-Score, Overview Table and the individual RSI's.
Inside the Color Configuration tab you can customize the color of each plot.
How the script works
CRSI = rsi_sum / imp_sum
Z-Score = (crsi - crsi_mean) / crsi_stdev
rsi_sum = (rsi_1 -50) + (rsi_2 -50) + (rsi_3 -50) + (rsi_4 -50) + (rsi_5 -50)
imp_sum = imp_1 + imp_2 + imp_3 + imp_4 + imp_5
crsi_mean = Average of the crsi over the defined period in Z-Score Length
crsi_stdev = StDev of crsi over the defined period in Z-Score Length
This is not financial advice. Trading is risky & most traders lose money. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This indicator is for informational & educational purposes only.
Christmas Toolkit [LuxAlgo]It's that time of the year... and what would be more appropriate than displaying Christmas-themed elements on your chart?
The Christmas Toolkit displays a tree containing elements affected by various technical indicators. If you're lucky, you just might also find a precious reindeer trotting toward the tree, how fancy!
Each of the 7 X-mas balls is associated with a specific condition.
Each ball has a color indicating:
lime: very bullish
green: bullish
blue: holding the same position or sideline
red: bearish
darkRed: very bearish
From top to bottom:
🔹 RSI (length 14)
rsi < 20 - lime (+2 points)
rsi < 30 - green (+1 point)
rsi > 80 - darkRed (-2 points)
rsi > 70 - red (-1 point)
else - blue
🔹 Stoch (length 14)
stoch < 20 - lime (+2 points)
stoch < 30 - green (+1 point)
stoch > 80 - darkRed (-2 points)
stoch > 70 - red (-1 point)
else - blue
🔹 close vs. ema (length 20)
close > ema 20 - green (+1 point)
else - red (-1 point)
🔹 ema (length 20)
ema 20 rises - green (+1 point)
else - red (-1 point)
🔹 ema (length 50)
ema 50 rises - green (+1 point)
else - red (-1 point)
🔹 ema (length 100)
ema 100 rises - green (+1 point)
else - red (-1 point)
🔹 ema (length 200)
ema 200 rises - green (+1 point)
else - red (-1 point)
The above information can also be found on the right side of the tree.
You'll see the conditions associated with the specific X-mas ball and the meaning of color changes. This can also be visualized by hovering over the labels.
All values are added together, this result is used to color the star at the top of the tree, with a specific color indicating:
lime: very bullish (> 6 points)
green: bullish (6 points)
blue: holding the same position or sideline
red: bearish (-6 points)
darkRed: very bearish (< -6 points)
Switches to green/lime or red/dark red can be seen by the fallen stars at the bottom.
The Last Switch indicates the latest green/lime or red/dark red color (not blue)
Randomly moving snowflakes are added to give it a wintry character.
There are also randomly moving stars in the tree.
Garland rotations, style, and color can be adjusted, together with the width and offset of the tree, put your tree anywhere on your chart!
Disabling the "static tree" setting will make the needles 'move'.
Have you happened to see the precious reindeer on the right? This proud reindeer moves towards the most recent candle. Who knows what this reindeer might be bringing to the tree?
Width: Width of tree.
Offset: Offset of the tree.
Garland rotations: Amount of rotations, a high number gives other styles.
Color/Style: sets the color & style of garland stars.
Needles: sets the needle color.
Static Tree: Allows the tree needles to 'move' with each tick.
Reindeer Speed: Controls how fast the deer moves toward the most recent bar.
It has been an honor to contribute to the TradingView community and we are always so happy to see your supportive messages on our scripts.
We have posted a total of 78 script publications this year, which is no small feat & was only possible thanks to our team of Wizard developers @alexgrover + @dgtrd + @fikira , the development team behind Pine Script, and of course to the support of our legendary community.
Happy Holidays to you all, and we'll see ya next year! ☃️
RSI/MFI Ultimate MAHello!
Today, I want to discuss a special indicator that I've developed. centers around a weighted moving average based on RSI/MFI.
1. Development Purpose
The primary goal of this indicator is to provide clearer insights into bullish and bearish signals in the market. It applies a weight to the RSI (Relative Strength Index) and MFI (Money Flow Index) values to offer more sensitive and predictive trend signals than traditional moving averages.
2. Usefulness
This indicator aids traders in identifying market volatility and bullish or bearish trends more easily. It is particularly responsive to market volatility, providing more accurate information for trading decisions.
3. Real-World Usage Examples
When applied to actual market data, this indicator clearly delineates bullish or bearish sections with its weighted moving average line. For instance, an upward trending moving average line indicates a bullish signal, while a downward trend suggests bearish momentum.
4. Meaning of Parameter Values
option: Allows choosing between RSI or MFI, each analyzing different market signals.
osc_len: Adjusting the oscillator length alters sensitivity.
ma_len: Setting the moving average length helps to modulate responsiveness to market fluctuations.
weight: Changing the weight fine-tunes the sensitivity of the moving average line.
By adjusting these parameters, the indicator can be customized to suit various market conditions.
Wishing you a successful trading day. Thank you!
[PUZ]Relativ Strength Index [MTB]Here I provide you with my new RSI indicator.
This RSI has some advantages over the normal Tadingview RSI.
The RSI is usually calculated exclusively on a Candel Close basis. My RSI is calculated on a Candel Close, Open, High, Low basis, which makes it look a little smoother. Furthermore, there are not only 3 support and resistance lines but a total of 7 where the rsi can bounce. These lines can all be set variably under the Style settings.
In addition, the RSI also shows divergences and hidden divergences via red and blue lines.
There is also the option to make trend settings
Option one involves determining the trend based on various selectable moving averages. You can also select the time frame for trend determination.
The trend is shown by coloring the background in the RSI green and red. Of course you can also switch the background on and off.
The second trend option is to determine a Fibbonacci line which is displayed red or green on LVL 100 depending on the trend direction.
In this trend calculation you can also select the time frame yourself and you can use the sensitivity to determine how many previous candels are taken into account to determine the trend.
If a candel close occurs above the 0.5 and 0.236 Fibb LVL, the trend turns green.
If a candel close occurs below the 0.5 and 0.786 Fibb LVL, the trend turns red.
A final additional feature is an output module where the RSI data is scaled between 0 and 1 in order to further process this data in future scripts.
A huge thank you goes out to djmad for providing his math library and another thank you to jdehorty for providing his MLExtension library
Custom RSI with RMA SmoothingCustom RSI with RMA Smoothing is smoothing the classic Relative Strength Index to enhance the effectiveness of using the RSI for trend-following through noise reduction.
1. RSI is smoothed by the Rolling Moving Average (RMA) and averaged Gains & Losses instead of the classic RSI calculation.
2. A RMA is plotted over the RSI where the crossovers can be entry and exit points.
How is RSI smoothed by the RMA:
1. Outside the common price sources a few new options like hhhlc or hlcc can be chosen where the emphasis is more on the high or the close of the chosen period.
2. Calculation of Price Change: After selecting the price source, the indicator calculates the price change by subtracting the previous period's price from the current price.
3. RMA Smoothing of Price Change: The key step in smoothing the RSI is the application of the Running Moving Average (RMA) to the price change. The length of this RMA is set by the user and determines the extent of smoothing. RMA is a type of moving average that gives more weight to recent data points, making it more responsive to new information while still smoothing out short-term fluctuations.
4. Determining Gains and Losses: The smoothed price change is then used to calculate the gains and losses for each period. Gains are considered when the smoothed price change is positive, and losses when it is negative.
5. Averaging Gains and Losses: These gains and losses are further smoothed by calculating their respective RMAs over the user-defined RSI length. This step is crucial as it dampens the impact of short-term price spikes and drops, giving a more stable and reliable measure of price momentum.
6. RSI Calculation: The standard RSI formula (100 - ) is then applied to these smoothed values. This results in the initial RSI value, which is already more stable than a typical RSI due to the previous smoothing steps.
7. Final RMA Smoothing of RSI: In a final layer of refinement, the RSI itself is smoothed using another RMA, over a length specified by the user. This additional smoothing further reduces the impact of short-term volatility and sharp price movements, providing a more coherent and interpretable RSI line.
Perfect RSIOverview:
The "Enhanced RSI" is a comprehensive TradingView indicator designed to provide traders with a nuanced and detailed analysis of market conditions using the Relative Strength Index (RSI). It amalgamates various RSI calculation methods to offer a more robust and adaptable approach to technical analysis.
This script is unique in its synthesis of multiple RSI calculation techniques, including Regular RSI, Dynamic RSI, DMI RSI, Wilder's RSI, TSI RSI, Momentum RSI, and PPO RSI. By combining these methods, the script creates a distinctive and versatile tool for traders seeking a holistic view of RSI dynamics.
How It Works:
Diverse RSI Calculations:
Regular RSI: Calculates standard RSI with user-defined length and source.
Dynamic RSI: Adjusts RSI dynamically based on price movement direction.
DMI RSI: Uses Directional Movement Index for RSI calculation.
Wilder's RSI: Implements Wilder's smoothing technique for RSI.
TSI RSI: Utilizes True Strength Index for RSI calculation.
Momentum RSI: Calculates RSI based on momentum.
PPO RSI: Applies Percentage Price Oscillator for RSI calculation.
Composite RSI:
Combines the individual RSIs into three composite indices (RSI1, RSI2, RSI) using a weighted average approach.
Dynamic Level Adjustment:
Uses the correlation coefficient to dynamically adjust overbought and oversold levels, enhancing adaptability to market changes.
Visualization and Background Coloring:
Visualizes overbought and oversold zones on the chart.
Adjusts background color based on these conditions for clearer interpretation.
How to Use:
Copy and paste the script into the Pine Editor on TradingView.
Adjust parameters as needed.
Utilize the "Enhanced RSI" as a comprehensive analysis tool for RSI dynamics.
Consider it as a confirmation tool alongside other technical indicators.
Experiment with different RSI lengths and methods to align with your trading strategy.
Backtest the script to validate its effectiveness.
The script is sophisticated; users are advised to understand each calculation method before reliance.
Parameter Sensitivity:
Effectiveness may vary based on chosen parameters; thorough backtesting and parameter optimization are recommended.
Gradient Value Overlay
This script helps with identifying certain conditions without cluttering too much of the candles.
Some use cases:
It helps identify rsi low and high values.
Directional price movement becoming difficult.
low and high volume.
it uses a percent rank to distinguish low and high values.
It then uses a gradient to match the percentile rank to heatmap type colors.
i.e. dark blue for lowest volume, white for highest volume.
Current options are:
max bars to use.
approximate color - This value will attempt to give an approximation of what the color might be for the candle close.
e.g. If you're on the 1-hour chart, and only 30 minutes have past, it will multiple the current volume by 1.5. As time passes, if no volume comes in eventually, it will multiply current volume by 1.
This approximate value is only set to work with volume-based options.
option - select the type of value you'd like to see the gradient for.
timeframe - get values from a different chart timeframe.
on/off - turns the gradient on or off.
Gradient type - color wheel or heatmap. Currently these are the only two gardient options.
color wheel's colors for low to high values:
color wheel's current colors:
dark blue
heatmap's current colors from low values to high values:
dark blue
reverse gradient - will reverse the colors so dark blue will be the high value and white will be the low value. Some charts based on previous data; you might need to switch the gradient colors.
moving average length while inside timeframe - an exponential moving average is applied to the values. At 1, there is no moving average applied.
Use case for this is to smooth out the gradient.
An example use case - if your currently on the 1-hour chart, you can set the timeframe to 1 minute and then the moving average length inside timeframe to 60. You will then be seeing the color sixty 1-minute bars.
current timeframe moving average length - an exponential moving average applied to current gradient (helps with smoothing gradient).
Smooth, further smooths values.
There is no set rule for what moving average lengths to use. Adjust timeframe, and moving average lengths to get an insight.
RSI-Divergence Goggles [Trendoscope®]🎲 Introducing the RSI-Divergence Goggle
🎯 Revolutionizing Divergence Analysis in Trading
While the concept of divergence plays a crucial role in technical analysis, existing indicators in the community library have faced limitations, particularly in simultaneously displaying divergence lines on both price and oscillator graphs. This challenge stems from the fact that RSI and other oscillators are typically plotted in a separate pane from the price chart. Traditional Pine Script® indicators are confined to a single pane, thus restricting comprehensive divergence analysis.
🎯 Our Innovative Solution: RSI on the Price Pane
The RSI-Divergence Goggle breaks through these limitations. Our innovative approach involves plotting the RSI directly onto the price pane within a movable and resizable widget. This groundbreaking feature allows for the simultaneous drawing of zigzag patterns on both price and the oscillator, enabling the effective calculation and visualization of divergence lines on both.
🎯 The Foundation: Our Divergence Research and Rules
Our journey into divergence research began three years ago with the launch of the "Zigzag Trend Divergence Detector." The foundational rules established with this script remain pertinent and form the basis of all our subsequent divergence-based indicators.
🎯 Understanding Divergence: Key Concepts
Divergence Varieties : We identify two main types - Bullish Divergence (and its hidden counterpart) occurs at pivot lows, while Bearish Divergence (and its hidden version) appears at pivot highs.
Contextual Occurrence : Bullish divergence is a phenomenon of downtrends, whereas bearish divergence is unique to uptrend. Conversely, hidden bullish divergence arises in uptrends, and hidden bearish divergence in downtrends.
Oscillator Behavior : In standard divergence scenarios, the oscillator lags behind price, signaling potential reversals. In hidden divergence cases, the oscillator leads, suggesting trend continuation.
🎯 Visual Insights: Divergence and Hidden Divergence
For a clearer understanding, refer to our visual guides:
🎯 A Word of Caution
While divergence is a powerful tool, it's not a standalone guarantee of trend reversals or continuations. We recommend using these patterns in conjunction with support and resistance levels, as demonstrated in our "Divergence Based Support Resistance" implementation.
🎯 Using the RSI-Divergence Goggles
Upon applying the indicator to your chart, you'll be prompted to select two corner points, defining the widget's placement and size. This widget is the stage for your RSI plotting and divergence calculations. Choose these points carefully to ensure they encompass your area of interest without overlapping important price bars.
An example as below.
🎯 Innovative Features:
Plotting RSI: RSI values are scaled from 0 to 100 within the widget. This unique plotting may not align with individual bar values, but pivot labels and tooltips provide detailed RSI and retracement ratio information.
Zigzag and Pivots: Our adjusted RSI plots determine the zigzag pivot highs and lows, which may not always correspond with visible price pivots. However, calculations based on close prices ensure minimal deviation.
Divergence Display: Divergence types are identified following our established rules, with a simple moving average employed to discern the prevailing trend.
🎯 Trend Detection Mechanism
A simple moving average is used as base for determining the trend. If the difference between moving averages of the alternate pivots is positive, then the sentiment is considered to be uptrend. Else, we consider the sentiment to be in downtrend.
This is a simple method to identify trend, implemented via this indicator. The indicator does not provide alternative methods to identify trend. This is something that we can explore in the future.
🎯 Interactive and Customizable
The RSI-Divergence Goggle isn't just a static tool; it's an interactive feature on your chart. You can move or resize the widget, allowing for dynamic analysis and focused study on different chart segments.
Major Currency RSI Indicator (MCRSI)Experience the power of multi-dimensional analysis with our Multi-Currency RSI Indicator (MCRSI). This innovative tool allows traders to simultaneously track and compare the Relative Strength Index (RSI) of eight different currencies in a single chart.
The MCRSI calculates the RSI for USD (DXY), EUR (EXY), JPY (JXY), CAD (CXY), AUD (AXY), NZD (ZXY), GBP (BXY), and CHF (SXY), covering a broad range of the forex market. Each RSI line is color-coded for easy differentiation and equipped with labels at the last bar for a clutter-free view.
Our indicator is designed with user-friendly customization features. You can easily adjust the length of the RSI and the time frame according to your trading strategy. It also handles gaps in the chart data with the barmerge.gaps_on option, ensuring accurate and consistent RSI calculations.
Whether you are a novice trader seeking to understand market dynamics better or an experienced trader wanting to diversify your technical analysis, the MCRSI offers a unique perspective of the forex market. This multi-currency approach can help identify potential trading opportunities that could be missed when analyzing currencies in isolation.
Harness the power of multi-currency RSI analysis with our MCRSI Indicator. It's time to step up your trading game!
Tracks 8 different currencies simultaneously
Color-coded RSI lines for easy identification
Customizable RSI length and time frame
Handles gaps in chart data
Last bar labels for a clutter-free view
Ideal for forex traders of all experience levels
How to Use:
Add the MCRSI to your TradingView chart.
Adjust the RSI length and time frame as needed.
Monitor the RSI lines and their intersections for potential trading signals.
Happy trading!
Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI [Elysian_Mind]Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI Indicator
The Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI Indicator is a powerful tool designed for traders seeking a unique approach to RSI-based signals. This indicator combines traditional RSI analysis with dynamic threshold calculation and optional Bollinger Bands to generate weighted buy and sell signals.
Dynamic Thresholds: The indicator calculates dynamic thresholds based on market volatility, providing more adaptive signal generation.
Performance Analysis: Users can evaluate recent price performance to further refine signals. The script calculates the percentage change over a specified lookback period.
Bollinger Bands Integration: Optional integration of Bollinger Bands for additional confirmation and visualization of potential overbought or oversold conditions.
Customizable Settings: Traders can easily customize key parameters, including RSI length, SMA length, lookback bars, threshold multiplier, and Bollinger Bands parameters.
Weighted Signals: The script introduces a unique weighting mechanism for signals, reducing false positives and improving overall reliability.
Underlying Calculations and Methods
1. Dynamic Threshold Calculation:
The heart of the Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI Indicator lies in its ability to dynamically calculate thresholds based on multiple timeframes. Let's delve into the technical details:
RSI Calculation:
For each specified timeframe (1-hour, 4-hour, 1-day, 1-week), the Relative Strength Index (RSI) is calculated using the standard 14-period formula.
The Simple Moving Average (SMA) is applied to each RSI, resulting in the smoothing of RSI values. This smoothed RSI becomes the basis for dynamic threshold calculations.
Dynamic Adjustment:
The dynamically adjusted threshold for each timeframe is computed by adding a constant value (5 in this case) to the respective SMA of RSI. This dynamic adjustment ensures that the threshold reflects changing market conditions.
2. Weighted Signal System:
To enhance the precision of buy and sell signals, the script introduces a weighted signal system. Here's how it works technically:
Signal Weighting:
The script assigns weights to buy and sell signals based on the crossover and crossunder events between RSI and the dynamically adjusted thresholds. If a crossover event occurs, the weight is set to 2; otherwise, it remains at 1.
Signal Combination:
The weighted buy and sell signals from different timeframes are combined using logical operations. A buy signal is generated if the product of weights from all timeframes is equal to 2, indicating alignment across timeframe.
3. Experimental Enhancements:
The Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI Indicator incorporates experimental features for educational exploration. While not intended as proven strategies, these features aim to offer users a glimpse into unconventional analysis. Some of these features include Performance Calculation, Volatility Calculation, Dynamic Threshold Calculation Using Volatility, Bollinger Bands Module, Weighted Signal System Incorporating New Features.
3.1 Performance Calculation:
The script calculates the percentage change in the price over a specified lookback period (variable lookbackBars). This provides a measure of recent performance.
pctChange(src, length) =>
change = src - src
pctChange = (change / src ) * 100
recentPerformance1H = pctChange(close, lookbackBars)
recentPerformance4H = pctChange(request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "240", close), lookbackBars)
recentPerformance1D = pctChange(request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "1D", close), lookbackBars)
3.2 Volatility Calculation:
The script computes the standard deviation of the closing price to measure volatility.
volatility1H = ta.stdev(close, 20)
volatility4H = ta.stdev(request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "240", close), 20)
volatility1D = ta.stdev(request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "1D", close), 20)
3.3 Dynamic Threshold Calculation Using Volatility:
The dynamic thresholds for RSI are calculated by adding a multiplier of volatility to 50.
dynamicThreshold1H = 50 + thresholdMultiplier * volatility1H
dynamicThreshold4H = 50 + thresholdMultiplier * volatility4H
dynamicThreshold1D = 50 + thresholdMultiplier * volatility1D
3.4 Bollinger Bands Module:
An additional module for Bollinger Bands is introduced, providing an option to enable or disable it.
// Additional Module: Bollinger Bands
bbLength = input(20, title="Bollinger Bands Length")
bbMultiplier = input(2.0, title="Bollinger Bands Multiplier")
upperBand = ta.sma(close, bbLength) + bbMultiplier * ta.stdev(close, bbLength)
lowerBand = ta.sma(close, bbLength) - bbMultiplier * ta.stdev(close, bbLength)
3.5 Weighted Signal System Incorporating New Features:
Buy and sell signals are generated based on the dynamic threshold, recent performance, and Bollinger Bands.
weightedBuySignal = rsi1H > dynamicThreshold1H and rsi4H > dynamicThreshold4H and rsi1D > dynamicThreshold1D and crossOver1H
weightedSellSignal = rsi1H < dynamicThreshold1H and rsi4H < dynamicThreshold4H and rsi1D < dynamicThreshold1D and crossUnder1H
These features collectively aim to provide users with a more comprehensive view of market dynamics by incorporating recent performance and volatility considerations into the RSI analysis. Users can experiment with these features to explore their impact on signal accuracy and overall indicator performance.
Indicator Placement for Enhanced Visibility
The design choice to position the "Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI" indicator both on the main chart and beneath it has been carefully considered to address specific challenges related to visibility and scaling, providing users with an improved analytical experience.
Challenges Faced
1. Differing Scaling of RSI Results:
RSI values for different timeframes (1-hour, 4-hour, and 1-day) often exhibit different scales, especially in markets like gold.
Attempting to display these RSIs on the same chart can lead to visibility issues, as the scaling differences may cause certain RSI lines to appear compressed or nearly invisible.
2. Candlestick Visibility vs. RSI Scaling:
Balancing the visibility of candlestick patterns with that of RSI values posed a unique challenge.
A single pane for both candlesticks and RSIs may compromise the clarity of either, particularly when dealing with assets that exhibit distinct volatility patterns.
Design Solution
Placing the buy/sell signals above/below the candles helps to maintain a clear association between the signals and price movements.
By allocating RSIs beneath the main chart, users can better distinguish and analyze the RSI values without interference from candlestick scaling.
Doubling the scaling of the 1-hour RSI (displayed in blue) addresses visibility concerns and ensures that it remains discernible even when compared to the other two RSIs: 4-hour RSI (orange) and 1-day RSI (green).
Bollinger Bands Module is optional, but is turned on as default. When the module is turned on, the users can see the upper Bollinger Band (green) and lower Bollinger Band (red) on the main chart to gain more insight into price actions of the candles.
User Flexibility
This dual-placement approach offers users the flexibility to choose their preferred visualization:
The main chart provides a comprehensive view of buy/sell signals in relation to candlestick patterns.
The area beneath the chart accommodates a detailed examination of RSI values, each in its own timeframe, without compromising visibility.
The chosen design optimizes visibility and usability, addressing the unique challenges posed by differing RSI scales and ensuring users can make informed decisions based on both price action and RSI dynamics.
To ensure you receive updates and enhancements seamlessly, follow these steps:
Open the TradingView platform.
Navigate to the "Indicators" tab in the top menu.
Click on "Community Scripts" and search for "Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI Indicator."
Select the indicator from the search results and click on it to add to your chart.
This ensures that any future updates to the indicator can be easily applied, keeping you up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.
Review Code
Open TradingView and navigate to the Pine Editor.
Copy the provided script.
Paste the script into the Pine Editor.
Click "Add to Chart."
The indicator offers several customizable settings:
RSI Length: Defines the length of the RSI calculation.
SMA Length: Sets the length of the SMA applied to the RSI.
Lookback Bars: Determines the number of bars used for recent performance analysis.
Threshold Multiplier: Adjusts the multiplier for dynamic threshold calculation.
Enable Bollinger Bands: Allows users to enable or disable Bollinger Bands integration.
Interpreting Signals
Buy Signal: Generated when RSI values are above dynamic thresholds and a crossover occurs.
Sell Signal: Generated when RSI values are below dynamic thresholds and a crossunder occurs.
Additional Information
The indicator plots scaled RSI lines for 1-hour, 4-hour, and 1-day timeframes.
Users can experiment with additional modules, such as machine-learning simulation, dynamic real-life improvements, or experimental signal filtering, depending on personal preferences.
The Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI Indicator provides traders with a sophisticated tool for RSI-based analysis, offering a unique combination of dynamic thresholds, performance analysis, and optional Bollinger Bands integration. Traders can customize settings and experiment with additional modules to tailor the indicator to their trading strategy.
Disclaimer: Use of the Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI Indicator
The Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI Indicator is provided for educational and experimental purposes only. The indicator is not intended to be used as financial or investment advice. Trading and investing in financial markets involve risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results.
The creator of this indicator is not a financial advisor, and the use of this indicator does not guarantee profitability or specific trading outcomes. Users are encouraged to conduct their own research and analysis and, if necessary, consult with a qualified financial professional before making any investment decisions.
It is important to recognize that all trading involves risk, and users should only trade with capital that they can afford to lose. The Advanced Dynamic Threshold RSI Indicator is an experimental tool that may not be suitable for all individuals, and its effectiveness may vary under different market conditions.
By using this indicator, you acknowledge that you are doing so at your own risk and discretion. The creator of this indicator shall not be held responsible for any financial losses or damages incurred as a result of using the indicator.
Kind regards,