CDC RSI Divergence 15-10-2016An updated version of CDC RSI Divergence
The last version have fixed reversal amount to weed out false signal.
The reversal amount, however, needs to be calibrated to different chart.
The new one uses ATR instead, user can customize the ATR multiplier.
though it can be used in such a way it is not designed to.
The system helps identify Bullish and Bearish Divergence to help trader change their bias accordingly and should be used in conjunction with a trend following signal.
BULLISH DIVERGENCE is displayed with a green fill over 50 line.
BEARISH DIVERGENCE is displayed with a red fill under 50 line.
The indicator start on the bar where divergence is detected and persists for another 25 bars for easy regcognition.
CDC RSI DivergenceThis script alerts when a bullish or bearish divergence occurs.
The alert have minor repainting so do not use this as an entry / exit signal
but rather a guideline to be considered with other indicators. (MACD for example)
MACDouble & StochRSI w/ safeties and variable time interval v0.3UPDATE:
IMPORTANT!!! MAKE SURE "RECALCULATE AFTER ORDER FILLED" IS CHECKED. I will have it on by default in the future.
This is a continuation of my previous scripts of two MACD indicators with a Stochastic RSI indicator.
New features:
- Alternate MACD time interval
You can now set the time interval for the second MACD indicator to a different resolution than the displayed chart.
Uncheck the box and select the desired interval. For example, if your chart is set to 15min then first MACD will be set at 15 min and you can select 5 min for the second MACD.
- Alternate StoRSI time interval
You can (and should) set the StochRSI to a different time interval as well. StochRSI hasn't worked great with previous versions. Now you can set it to a different time resolution as well. I strongly recommend you set it at a higher (slower) resolution; for example if your chart is set at 15min then you should test setting the StochRSI at 30 or 45min.
- ' True" StochRSI logic
Trading logic for StochRSI is now a true StochRSI, instead of just reading "k" and ignoring "d", K now has to be greater than D to buy and less than to sell.
- Safeties
A primitive but low risk safety in the form of an uptrend/downtrend price safety. If current close+high isn't greater than the previous close and high then the buy order will not be executed. The same applies for sell orders.
- Cap on losses from short positions
A stop loss safety set to 9000 for exiting sell positions. This will need refinement in the future but this puts a cap on losses from any sell position. At an initial currency of 10,000 this translates to 90.00. If it is giving you problems simply delete line 78 from the source code.
Please feel free to ask any questions or send me suggestions. This is still very much a work in progress and I'll try to polish up the rough spots but it is fully functional. With a slower StochRSI and the safeties I have gotten it to consistently outperform the old 2x MACD strategy script---typically by 3-fold.
eRSI++Contains RSI; EMA of RSI; EMA of EMA of RSI; Stochastic Oscillator; 2 Inverse Fisher Transforms on RSI - IFRSI89 and IFRSI233 XOVER on higher timeframes from oversold/overbought is useful signal; RSI Trend/Divergence Candles with color variation based on multiple RSI length detection of trend decay; Chart candle overlay coloring based on RSI, eRSI, and eeRSI EMA55 & EMA233 Xover indicator on bottom for trend direction with color variations for counter trend movements.