Modified Mannarino Market Risk IndicatorThis indicator is meant to give an overall indication of risk and a very basic implementation of the modified mannarino market risk indicator. I take no credit for the original formula, and just decided to hack this together so that it could be useful to the community
US10Y / DXY - 10 Yield correlated This oscillator tracks the US and US10Y , Script is based in SPX/US oscillator by @someguy
Vicious Mortgage Rates V1.0A script that contains real time mortgage rates from Wells Fargo using the QUANDL data link.
Use this lower indicator with US10Y or others on the top.
VIX will be added as well to help inform and predict.
List of Available Mortgage Interest Rates including APR or IR (Interest Rate)
*NOTE* : Not all indicators are up and running yet but will be very soon.
Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|PR_CON_30YFIXED_IR
Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|PR_CON_30YFIXED_APR
Purchase Rate Government Loan 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA Interest Rate|PR_GOV_30YFIXEDFHA_IR
Purchase Rate Government Loan 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA APR|PR_GOV_30YFIXEDFHA_APR
Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 15-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|PR_CON_15YFIXED_IR
Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 15-Year Fixed Rate APR|PR_CON_15YFIXED_APR
*Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|PR_CON_71ARM_IR
*Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 7/1 ARM APR|PR_CON_71ARM_APR
*Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 5/1 ARM FHA Interest Rate|PR_CON_51ARM_IR
*Purchase Rate Conforming Loan 5/1 ARM FHA APR|PR_CON_51ARM_APR
Purchase Rate Government Loan 5/1 ARM FHA Interest Rate|PR_GOV_51ARMFHA_IR
Purchase Rate Government Loan 5/1 ARM FHA APR|PR_GOV_51ARMFHA_APR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|PR_LARGERCON_30YFIXED_IR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|PR_LARGERCON_30YFIXED_APR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Government Loan) 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA Interest Rate|PR_LARGERGOV_30YFIXEDFHA_IR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Government Loan) 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA APR|PR_LARGERGOV_30YFIXEDFHA_APR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|PR_LARGERCON_71ARM_IR
Purchase Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 7/1 ARM APR|PR_LARGERCON_71ARM_APR
Purchase Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|PR_JUMBO_30YFIXED_IR
Purchase Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|PR_JUMBO_30YFIXED_APR
Purchase Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|PR_JUMBO_71ARM_IR
Purchase Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 7/1 ARM APR|PR_JUMBO_71ARM_APR
Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|RR_CON_30YFIXED_IR
Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|RR_CON_30YFIXED_APR
Refinance Rate Government Loan 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA Interest Rate|RR_GOV_30YFIXEDFHA_IR
Refinance Rate Government Loan 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA APR|RR_GOV_30YFIXEDFHA_APR
Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 15-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|RR_CON_15YFIXED_IR
Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 15-Year Fixed Rate APR|RR_CON_15YFIXED_APR
*Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|RR_CON_71ARM_IR
*Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 7/1 ARM APR|RR_CON_71ARM_APR
*Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 5/1 ARM Interest Rate|PR_CON_51ARM_IR
*Refinance Rate Conforming Loan 5/1 ARM APR|PR_CON_51ARM_APR
Refinance Rate Government Loan 5/1 ARM FHA Interest Rate|RR_GOV_51ARMFHA_IR
Refinance Rate Government Loan 5/1 ARM FHA APR|RR_GOV_51ARMFHA_APR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|RR_LARGERCON_30YFIXED_IR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|RR_LARGERCON_30YFIXED_APR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Government Loan) 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA Interest Rate|RR_LARGERGOV_30YFIXEDFHA_IR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Government Loan) 30-Year Fixed-Rate FHA APR|RR_LARGERGOV_30YFIXEDFHA_APR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|RR_LARGERCON_71ARM_IR
Refinance Rate Larger Loan Amounts in Eligible Areas (Conforming Loan) 7/1 ARM APR|RR_LARGERCON_71ARM_APR
Refinance Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 30-Year Fixed Rate Interest Rate|RR_JUMBO_30YFIXED_IR
Refinance Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 30-Year Fixed Rate APR|RR_JUMBO_30YFIXED_APR
Refinance Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 7/1 ARM Interest Rate|RR_JUMBO_71ARM_IR
Refinance Rate Jumbo Loan (Amounts that exceed conforming loan limits) 7/1 ARM APR|RR_JUMBO_71ARM_APR
Feature to be Added:
Stability Max OverloadStability Max Overload was created in another script I have been working on found below.
I have broken the code down to only display the Stability features.
What this is:
I was trying to find a way that could in some form display the Stability or Instability of the US Treasuries Bond Market. To try and help me do that, I came up with 3 values.
*Stability Overload
*Stability Max Overload.
I started with STABILITY. This value is generated based off the number of side by side inversions in the Bond Market. I wanted this value to range between 0 and 1 while 1 equaling all Bonds inverted and 0 equaling no Bonds inverted and any number of inversions in between would equal a percentage value based off the actual number.
STABILITY OVERLOAD was created based off the average of each inversion.
STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD was then created based off the total of each inversion.
The most stable Yield Curve would have no inversions and therefore would generate a 0 for Stability, Stability Overload and Stability Max Overload. The more inversions the Yield Curve has the higher in value Stability itself would have as Stability is weighted more per inversion. With each inversion, data is taken based off the amount with which the Yields are inverted.
This display shows where we currently stand since Dec 2018. It's a telling story so say the least. I do plan on continuing the mentioned above script but again wanted to release a standalone of the data generated.
Hope you enjoy,
Yield Curve Version 2.55.2Welcome to Yield Curve Version 2.55.2
* Please read description to help understand the information displayed.
* NOTE - This script requires 1 real time update before accurate information is displayed, therefore WILL NOT display the correct information if the Bond Market is Closed over the Weekend.
* NOTE - When values are changed Via Input setting they do take a bit to display based off all the information that is required to display this script.
* Input Features let you view the information the way YOU like via Input Settings
* Displays Current Version Title - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On
* Plots the Yield Curve of the Bonds listed (Middle Green and Red Line)
* Displays the Spread for each Bond (Top Green and Red Labels) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Change Size via Input Settings - Default On
* Displays the current Yield for each Bond (Bottom Green and Red Labels) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Change Size via Input Settings - Default On - Large Size
* Plots the Average of the Entire Yield Curve (BLUE Line within the Yield Curve) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On
* Displays messages based off Yield Inversions (Orange Text) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On if Applicable
* Displays 2 10 Inversion Warning Message (Orange Text) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On if Applicable
* Plots Column Data at the Bottom that tries to help determine the Stability of the Yield Curve (More information Below about Stability) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On
* Plots the 7,20 and 100 SMA of the STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD (More information Below about Stability Max Overload) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On for 100 SMA , 20 SMA and 7 SMA
* Ability to Display Indicator Name and Value via Input Settings - Default On - Displays Stability Max Overload SMA Labels. Toggleable to Non SMA Values. See Below.
**Bottom Columns are all about STABILITY**
* I have tried to come up with an algorithm that helps understand the Stability of the Yield Curve. There are 3 Sections to the Bottom Columns.
* Section 1 - STABILITY (Displayed as the lightest Green or Red Column) Values range from 0 to 1 where 1 equals the MOST UNSTABLE Curve and 0 equals the MOST STABLE Curve
* Section 2 - STABILITY OVERLOAD (Displayed just above the Stability Column a shade darker Green or Red Column)
* Section 3 - STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD (Displayed just above the Stability Overload Column a shade darker Green or Red Column)
What this section tries to do is help understand the Stability of the Curve based on the inversions data. Lower values represent a MORE STABLE curve. If the Yield Curve currently has 0 Inversions all Stability factors should equal 0 and therefore not plot any lower columns. As the Yield Curve becomes more inverted each section represents a value based off that data. GREEN columns represent a MORE Stable Curve from the resolution prior and vise versa.
STABILITY - tests the current Stability of the Curve itself again ranging from 0 to 1 where 0 equals the MOST Stable Curve and 1 equals the MOST Unstable Curve.
STABILIY OVERLOAD - adds a value to STABLITY based off STABILITY itself.
STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD - adds the Entire value to STABILITY derived again from STABILITY.
This section also allows us to see the 7,20 and 100 SMA of the STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD which should always be the GREATEST of ALL STABILTY VALUES.
*Indicator Labels How to use*
Indicator Labels by default are turned On and will display Name and Value Labels for Stability Max Overload SMA values. To switch to (S SO SMO) Labels, toggle "Indicator Labels / SMO SMA Labels", via Input Settings. This button allows you to switch between the two Indicator Label Display options. You must have "Indicators" turned On to view the Labels and therefore is turned On by Default. To turn all of the Indicator Labels Off, simply disable "Indicators" via Input Settings.
Remember - All information displayed can be tuned On or Off besides the Curve itself. There are also other Features Accessible Via the Input Settings.
I will continue to update this script as there is more information I would like to gather and display!
I hope you enjoy,
Yield Curve Version 2.41Welcome to Yield Curve Version 2.41
* Please read description to help understand the information displayed.
* NOTE - This script requires 1 real time update before accurate information is displayed, therefore WILL NOT display the correct information if the Bond Market is Closed over the Weekend.
* NOTE - When values are changed Via Input setting they do take a bit to display based off all the information that is required to display this script.
* Input Features let you view the information the way YOU like via Input Settings
* Displays Current Version Title - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On
* Plots the Yield Curve of the Bonds listed (Middle Green and Red Line)
* Displays the Spread for each Bond (Top Green and Red Labels) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Change Size via Input Settings - Default On
* Displays the current Yield for each Bond (Bottom Green and Red Labels) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Change Size via Input Settings - Default On - Large Size
* Plots the Average of the Entire Yield Curve (BLUE Line within the Yield Curve) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On
* Displays messages based off Yield Inversions (Orange Text) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On if Applicable
* Displays 2 10 Inversion Warning Message (Orange Text) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On if Applicable
* Plots Column Data at the Bottom that tries to help determine the Stability of the Yield Curve (More information Below about Stability) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On
* Plots the 7,20 and 100 SMA of the STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD (More information Below about Stability Max Overload) - Toggleable On/Off via Input Settings - Default On for 100SMA Off for 7 and 20 SMA
**Bottom Columns are all about STABILITY**
* I have tried to come up with an algorithm that helps understand the Stability of the Yield Curve. There are 3 Sections to the Bottom Columns.
* Section 1 - STABILITY (Displayed as the lightest Green or Red Column) Values range from 0 to 1 where 1 equals the MOST UNSTABLE Curve and 0 equals the MOST STABLE Curve
* Section 2 - STABILITY OVERLOAD (Displayed just above the Stability Column a shade darker Green or Red Column)
* Section 3 - STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD (Displayed just above the Stability Overload Column a shade darker Green or Red Column)
What this section tries to do is help understand the Stability of the Curve based on the inversions data. Lower values represent a MORE STABLE curve. If the Yield Curve currently has 0 Inversions all Stability factors should equal 0 and therefore not plot any lower columns. As the Yield Curve becomes more inverted each section represents a value based off that data. GREEN columns represent a MORE Stable Curve from the resolution prior and vise versa.
STABILITY tests the current Stability of the Curve itself again ranging from 0 to 1 where 0 equals the MOST Stable Curve and 1 equals the MOST Unstable Curve.
STABILIY OVERLOAD adds a value to STABLITY based off STABILITY itself.
STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD adds the Entire value to STABILITY derived again from STABILITY.
This section also allows us to see the 7,20 and 100 SMA of the STABILITY MAX OVERLOAD which should always be the GREATEST of ALL STABILTY COLUMNS.
Remember - All information displayed can be tuned On or Off besides the Curve itself. There are also other Features Accessible Via the Input Settings.
I will continue to update this script as there is more information I would like to gather and display!
I hope you enjoy,
Yield CurveThanks to @gwaaf for his post on how to draw the curve!!
* Charts and displays the current Treasury Yield Curve and the Spread.
* Colors Lines and Labels based off price.
* Dynamically adjusts the position of the labels as prices change.
Top Labels:
Top labels display the Spread between listed bonds in regards to Longer term Bonds minus Shorter term Bonds. This label points to the mid point on the curve. If the Spread is greater than the previous Spread at the current resolution, the label and line color on the curve turn Green. If the Spread is less than the previous Spread at the current resolution, the line on the curve and label will turn Red.
Bottom Labels:
Bottom labels display the current for each bond listed. This label points to the (POINT) in the curve that corresponds with the current price of the Bond. The label will turn Green if the current price is higher than the previous price at the current resolution and vise versa!
Known issues:
There seems to be a color swapping issues when the changed is very small. I believe I can fix this with rounding the numbers and will leave that for another time.