[fikira] Volume + MTF MAVolume normally has 1 Moving Average (standard orange coloured)
This script gives 1 extra Moving Average (default blue coloured)
BOTH MA can be shown with Multi Time Frames,
based on the most excellent work of "PineCoders"
(MTF Selection Framework functions)!
This can provide more insights, also the crossovers can be interesting!
So, default there are 2 MA's of the present Time Frame + extra 2 TF's of these MA's
(default 2 and 4 times of the present TF)
All can be enabled/disabled,
Only 1 MA:
With labels and values:
Here 2 MA but + only 1 extra TF:
OBV Traffic LightsThe idea with On-balance volume (OBV) is to see price movement based on volume instead of the distance between the open and close of a candle. This can be used to find the relationship between volume and price action much easier than normal volume bars.
This version spices the OBV up a bit by basing it off of the current and previous close of the Heikin Ashi of the current bar, as well as adding "traffic light"
moving averages to the mix to get a better grasp of trends and when volume has shifted direction as well as by how much.
Thanks to Peter Whipp for the original idea of using the OBV with traffic light moving averages, as well as the default settings for them.
Volume Profile [Makit0]VOLUME PROFILE INDICATOR v0.5 beta
Volume Profile is suitable for day and swing trading on stock and futures markets, is a volume based indicator that gives you 6 key values for each session: POC, VAH, VAL, profile HIGH, LOW and MID levels. This project was born on the idea of plotting the RTH sessions Value Areas for /ES in an automated way, but you can select between 3 different sessions: RTH, GLOBEX and FULL sessions.
Some basic concepts:
- Volume Profile calculates the total volume for the session at each price level and give us market generated information about what price and range of prices are the most traded (where the value is)
- Value Area (VA): range of prices where 70% of the session volume is traded
- Value Area High (VAH): highest price within VA
- Value Area Low (VAL): lowest price within VA
- Point of Control (POC): the most traded price of the session (with the most volume)
- Session HIGH, LOW and MID levels are also important
There are a huge amount of things to know of Market Profile and Auction Theory like types of days, types of openings, relationships between value areas and openings... for those interested Jim Dalton's work is the way to come
I'm in my 2nd trading year and my goal for this year is learning to daytrade the futures markets thru the lens of Market Profile
For info on Volume Profile: TV Volume Profile wiki page at www.tradingview.com
For info on Market Profile and Market Auction Theory: Jim Dalton's book Mind over markets (this is a MUST)
BE AWARE: this indicator is based on the current chart's time interval and it only plots on 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes charts.
This is the correlation table TV uses in the Volume Profile Session Volume indicator (from the wiki above)
Chart Indicator
1 - 5 1
6 - 15 5
16 - 30 10
31 - 60 15
61 - 120 30
121 - 1D 60
This indicator doesn't follow that correlation, it doesn't get the volume data from a lower timeframe, it gets the data from the current chart resolution.
- 6 key values for each session: POC (solid yellow), VAH (solid red), VAL (solid green), profile HIGH (dashed silver), LOW (dashed silver) and MID (dotted silver) levels
- 3 sessions to choose for: RTH, GLOBEX and FULL
- select the numbers of sessions to plot by adding 12 hours periods back in time
- show/hide POC
- show/hide VAH & VAL
- show/hide session HIGH, LOW & MID levels
- highlight the periods of time out of the session (silver)
- extend the plotted lines all the way to the right, be careful this can turn the chart unreadable if there are a lot of sessions and lines plotted
- Session: select between RTH (8:30 to 15:15 CT), GLOBEX (17:00 to 8:30 CT) and FULL (17:00 to 15:15 CT) sessions. RTH by default
- Last 12 hour periods to show: select the deph of the study by adding periods, for example, 60 periods are 30 natural days and around 22 trading days. 1 period by default
- Show POC (Point of Control): show/hide POC line. true by default
- Show VA (Value Area High & Low): show/hide VAH & VAL lines. true by default
- Show Range (Session High, Low & Mid): show/hide session HIGH, LOW & MID lines. true by default
- Highlight out of session: show/hide a silver shadow over the non session periods. true by default
- Extension: Extend all the plotted lines to the right. false by default
- By default this indicator plots all the levels for the last RTH session within the last 12 hours, if there is no plot try to adjust the 12 hours periods until the seesion and the periods match
- For Globex/Full sessions just select what you want from the dropdown menu and adjust the periods to plot the values
- Show or hide the levels you want with the 3 groups: POC line, VA lines and Session Range lines
- The highlight and extension options are for a better visibility of the levels as POC or VAH/VAL
@watsonexchange for all the help, ideas and insights on this and the last two indicators (Market Delta & Market Internals) I'm working on my way to a 'clean chart' but for me it's not an easy path
@PineCoders for all the amazing stuff they do and all the help and tools they provide, in special the Script-Stopwatch at that was key in lowering this indicator's execution time
All the TV and Pine community, open source and shared knowledge are indeed the best way to help each other
IF YOU REALLY LIKE THIS WORK, please send me a comment or a private message and TELL ME WHAT you trade, HOW you trade it and your FAVOURITE SETUP for pulling out money from the market in a consistent basis, I'm learning to trade (this is my 2nd year) and I need all the help I can get
Average Volume at Time (AVAT)Calculation of average volume at current time for a number of previous sessions, known as Average Volume at Time (AVAT).
* period to use for accumulation. "D" is the default value, useful to view data for each session.
* number of previous sessions to average
TODO: more intelligent accumulation of number of bars in a session, since there may be sessions with different values
TODO: interpolate volume according to current time, inside of the last bar
Cumulative VolumeThe script shows how to accumulate volume values during a defined session/period.
The input is the period to use for accumulation. "D" is the default value, useful to view data for each session.
Trend Following or Mean RevertingThe strategy checks nature of the instruments. It Buys if the close is greater than yesterday's high, reverse the position if the close is lower than yesterday's low and repeat the process.
1. If it is trend following then the equity curve will be in uptrend
2. If it is mean reverting then the equity curve will be downtrend
Thanks to Rayner Teo.
Multiple VWAPAn intraday indicator which plots the 3 different VWAP.
1. D-VWAP shows VWAP from the first candle of the day
2. W-VWAP shows VWAP from the first candle of the week
3. M-VWAP shows VWAP from the first candle of the month
BTC Transaction/On-Chain Volume (Basic)Description:
Whale: Whale utilizing discounted prices (increasing on-chain volume & decreasing price)
Recovering: Positive momentum in price after potential whale activity
Cycle Volume Support: The transaction volume support during a cycle
What’s the best time to invest?
After institutions make up their mind at low price levels.
How’s on-chain volume related to whales or institutional money?
On-chain volume is contributed not only by using BTC as payment methods, but more importantly by large custodians using the BTC chain to settle internal whale trades. When OTC volume is estimated 2-3 times of exchange volume, and when total on-chain volume is only a small fraction of the exchange volume, the OTC settlement plays a big factor in moving the on-chain volume around.
Why does the price drop further after spotting whale money?
Does new money equal higher true value? Yes.
Does new money equal higher price? No.
Whales could not only ladder in when they see the price on discount, but also push the price further down to accumulate at better price levels. However, either route chosen, it’s most likely for the price to rise to a higher level compared to the level when the whales enter. Whales are here to make money after all.
ADL - Accumulation Distribution Line [UTS]an underlying asset.
It is determined by the changes in price and volume. The volume acts as a weighting coefficient at the change of price — the higher the coefficient (the volume) is the greater the contribution of the price change (for this period of time) will be in the value of the indicator. The indicator is also known as Accumulation / Distribution Index.
Common known variants of this type of indicator are the On Balance Volume, Chaikin Oscillator or Chaikin Money Flow.
Based on www.metatrader5.com
Extreme VolumeThis indicator colors volume bars that are significantly higher volume than the vol moving average ( SMA ). Utilizes two multiplier that can be adjusted by user. Defaults are that the indicator colors volume bars yellow if 20% higher than average, and orange if over 50% higher than average.
Reason why i created this indicator is i typically don't care about volume unless it is significantly higher than average. I find extreme volume useful for confirmation of a breakout, etc. This is why the rest of the volume bars are gray, they are still available for reference, but I dont pay much attention until volume is higher than average.
Also, when you load this indicator it will be in its own pane below the chart. To try and figure out how to add it to same pane as the chart was a huge pain in the ass. Once you figure it out it is pretty easy. I'll try to explain below...
Next to the indicator name you have the following options ... Hide, Settings, Show Source Code{}, Delete(X), and More (3 dots)
1) Click on "More" (3 dots)
2) Click on "Move To" then chose "Existing Pane Above"
3) Volume will likely be too large. Volume scale should be on left side, use your mouse to adjust volume smaller
4) Volume will likely be in the middle of your chart, click on it and drag it down.
ACTION Locator v2.0The indicator is based on making the standard deviation (where the mean is a moving average) a two-lines cross indicator, by applying an MA over it. When the standard deviation is above the MA, there is considered to be enough volatility in the market for trends to form.
Blue background = There is ACTION in the market -- signals it should be safe to trade
Gray background = No ACTION - DO NOT TRADE!
Multi-MA Volume Oscillator with IntraDayTo learn how to read indicator, please refer to
This version combines all major MA's in a Volume Oscillator formula. It then takes the average of all and applies alert conditions.
It also includes Intra-Day trading for each major volume zone - Asia/Europe/USA
Please adjust timing to your local time. Tradingview's time system seems to be 'buggy'. Don't be shocked to find it shift for some weird reason.
Slow Volume Oscillator Indicator - Just a Better Way To TradeThis script is nothing new. However, I feel that traders do not know the full potential it can provide if they just increase the lookback periods.
Tradingview's default Vol Osc uses a fast setting of 5 and a slow setting of 10. It just paints pointless scribbling. Slow all your indicators down and wake up to a whole new world of Technical Analysis.
To create consistency with variables I typically use Fib numbers for lookback periods. (3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987)
As noted in chart. An increase in volume can be either bullish or bearish. It's up to you to decide which way price action will move.
If you use with other indicators you can create more confirmations.
More confirmations = peace of mind
My favorite indicators are (Detrended Price Oscillator, Momentum, MACD, Chaikin Money Flow, Ultimate Oscillator, and this Volume Oscillator)
Here is just one example of MACD strategy indicator that can be used with this Vol Oscillator
Volume Effectiveness [BigBitsIO]This Volume Effectiveness indicator is designed to allow users to try and identify how effective volume is on each candle, and smoothing those values over time to try to find trends.
Volume Effectiveness is the % change in price for each single unit of volume on the associated candle. The value can be positive or negative, but there is an option to just monitor an absolute value.
- Volume Effectiveness
- Toggle if Volume Effectiveness should be an absolute value
- Toggle visibility of bars
- Smoothed moving average of Volume Effectiveness
- Adjustable period on the smoothed moving average
- Several moving average types available to use for the smoothed moving average
- Toggle visibility of smoothed moving average
Volume Price ROC Tracker and Shadow CandlesWhen price goes up on negative volume, then market is telling there is doubts in investors mind.
The SPX upside recent month was a on. Lower volume so, the rally in my view will not last. Read my articles on current market.
This very simple scripts shows if price drop or gain was on a upside volume or down side. It is a visual track on the candle reflecting the volume ROC overlapped as a price movement on the actual candle. So don't mistake it with a moving average. Red means volume was down even if price has gone up. Basically if a price goes up on a increase ROC volume then you can trust it. Otherwise it is likely that it won't last.
If you can improve on this idea, it would be great. I think there is not enough volume related scripts that diggs a bit deeper to describe the market behaviour in the future. After all all technical analysis are supposed to tell us about future price not just how it was in the past.
Relative Volume RVOL AlertsRelative Volume or RVOL is an indicator used to help determine the amount of volume change over a given period of time.
It is often used to help traders determine how in-play a ticker is.
General rule of thumb is the higher the RVOL, the more in play a stock is.
I myself like to use it as a substitute of the volume indicator itself.
Basic Calculation:
Relative Volume = Current Volume / Average Volume
Crossover Signals:
Any time there is a volume spike which causes a crossover of the user set 'Smoothed Moving Average' or 'Threshold' a green/red dot will appear at the top. The color of the dot is dependent on closing of the candle. Therefore it does not necessarily mean price will continue in that direction since volume spikes often happen in peaks or valleys.
The level at which custom alerts and signal can be set. The higher the value, the more volume required to trigger.
Built in Alerts:
You can set custom alerts for the crossovers of the adjustable threshold, or the average RVOL band.
VRSI-MARSI StrategyI wanted to create an indicator which resembles price movement, aside to volume movement.
The "yellow-blue" line is the MA(5) of the RSI (9) of closing price.
The "orange" line is the MA(5) of the RSI (9) of Volume .
(Default plot of RSI and VRSI is not visible but can be made visible ("Settings" > "Style" > set "Opacity" of "RSI & VRSI"))
The Long (Buy) condition is triggered when the MA(5) of the RSI (9, close) goes up.
The Short (Sell) condition is triggered when the MA(5) of the RSI (9, close) goes down.
Comparing the price movement with the "orange" Volume line helps to spot a possible trend change,
for example when price goes up and an ascending Volume line starts to flatten or starts descending,
this could be a sign that the Bullish trend is weakening, predicting a possible trend change.
Or, when for example a downwards price movement is accompanied with a rising Volume line, this can be a sign of large Bearish power.
Because it still is a RSI indicator, the midline (50), and Oversold/Overbought area's (20-30 & 70-80) are important to watch, especially the MARSI!
A second strategy is made (VRSI-MARSI Strategy 2) where the Long/Short condition is triggered when "MA RSI (close) - MA RSI ( Volume )" crosses.
The Long & Short entries, as well as the Entry Close are visible 1 bar after the trigger.
When the blue line changes in a yellow line (and vice versa) it will show a candle earlier (see yellow dashed lines = (1)).
Also, the condition is fulfilled when the candle closes (2), but the order doesn't take place in the same bar, but the next (3).
Because this is a strategy the "actual Order" will not take place at the "Close" of the candle (2), but at the "Open" at the NEXT candle (3).
I also have this strategy as a study (A+B), where the "Buy" & "Sell" shows a candle earlier.
The entries are default 5% of equity, without pyramiding, which already gives large profits.
A large part of the profit is because of the Entry Close of the Long & Short entries.
You can easily turn these off (Settings > Inputs) to see what profit the strategy gives without Entry Close.
Here they are disabled:
More information available in the script ;-)
VRSI-MARSI AI wanted to create an indicator which resembles price movement, aside to volume movement.
MARSI (= MA RSI(close)) = "yellow-blue" line which is the MA(5) of the RSI (9) of closing price.
VRSI (= MA RSI(Volume)) = "orange" line which is the MA(5) of the RSI (9) of Volume .
(Default plot of RSI and VRSI is not visible but can be made visible ("Settings" > "Style" > set "Opacity" of "RSI & VRSI"))
Because it still is a RSI indicator, the midline (50), and Oversold/Overbought area's (20-30 & 70-80) are important to watch, especially the MARSI!
Comparing the price movement with the "orange" Volume VRSI line helps to spot a possible trend change,
for example when price goes up and an ascending Volume VRSI line starts to flatten or starts descending,
this could be a sign that the Bullish trend is weakening, predicting a possible trend change.
Or, when for example a downwards price movement is accompanied with a rising Volume VRSI line, this can be a sign of large Bearish power.
This study comes with Bollinger Bands as an assisting tool, it is default made not visible but can be made visible
("settings" > "style" > Set "Opacity" of "basis, upper & lower")
You can see where the MARSI ("yellow-blue" line) crosses the "basis", or bounces off the bands, ...
All this is seen in "VRSI-MARSI B"
"VRSI-MARSI A" contains the alerts:
1) Long/Short = "Triangle UP/DOWN", color: lime/red
Condition: Movement of MA(5) of RSI (9) of price (close )
2) Long2/Short2 = ">", color: lime/red
Condition: Long/Short condition is true for 2 or more bars (= continuation)
3) Long3/Short3 = "•", color: lime/red
Condition: MA RSI (Close) crosses MA RSI ( Volume )
1 or more alerts can easily be disabled if desired (settings > inputs)
More information available in the script ;-)
VRSI-MARSI BI wanted to create an indicator which resembles price movement, aside to volume movement.
MARSI (= MA RSI(close)) = "yellow-blue" line which is the MA(5) of the RSI (9) of closing price.
VRSI (= MA RSI(Volume)) = "orange" line which is the MA(5) of the RSI (9) of Volume .
(Default plot of RSI and VRSI is not visible but can be made visible ("Settings" > "Style" > set "Opacity" of "RSI & VRSI"))
Because it still is a RSI indicator, the midline (50), and Oversold/Overbought area's (20-30 & 70-80) are important to watch, especially the MARSI!
Comparing the price movement with the "orange" Volume VRSI line helps to spot a possible trend change,
for example when price goes up and an ascending Volume VRSI line starts to flatten or starts descending,
this could be a sign that the Bullish trend is weakening, predicting a possible trend change.
Or, when for example a downwards price movement is accompanied with a rising Volume VRSI line, this can be a sign of large Bearish power.
This study comes with Bollinger Bands as an assisting tool, it is default made not visible but can be made visible
("settings" > "style" > Set "Opacity" of "basis, upper & lower")
You can see where the MARSI ("yellow-blue" line) crosses the "basis", or bounces off the bands, ...
All this is seen in "VRSI-MARSI B"
"VRSI-MARSI A" contains the alerts:
1) Long/Short = "Triangle UP/DOWN", color: lime/red
Condition: Movement of MA(5) of RSI (9) of price (close )
2) Long2/Short2 = ">", color: lime/red
Condition: Long/Short condition is true for 2 or more bars (= continuation)
3) Long3/Short3 = "•", color: lime/red
Condition: MA RSI (Close) crosses MA RSI ( Volume )
1 or more alerts can easily be disabled if desired (settings > inputs)
More information available in the script ;-)
MARKET VOLUME by BeloTrade (@XeL_Arjona)Indicator to see the market buyers and market sellers.
Important for a sentiment analysis
QuantNomad - Bitcoin NVT/NVTSIn this script I included 2 quite interesting indicators for Bitcoin:
* NVT (Network Value to Transactions Ratio)
* NVTS (NVT Signal)
Both indicators are based on Bitcoin Network Value (Market Cap) and 24h transaction volume.
For both these values I'm using Quandl datasets from Blockchainc.com:
Calculation for both indicators are pretty simple:
NVT = median(market_cap / transac_vol, 14 bars)
NVTS = market_cap / sma(transac_vol, 90 bars)
NVT and NVTS are cryptocurrency's answers to P/E ratio. They can help you to understand if bitcoin is under/overvalued.
When NVT or NVTS is relatively high it can be a pretty good point to short bitcoin, if it's low it good time to buy bitcoin.
NVT Ratio - was created by Willy Woo
NVT Signal - was created by Dimitry Kalichkin
Because of different sources of transaction volume data, these indicators can differ in values from originals, but magnitude should be the same.
This is a pretty simple example where you can select only static overbought/oversold levels and when indicator will be above/below it you will see in changing in color.
I have many more things in my head how these indicators can be developed further and what strategies can be derived from them, but as is they can be a pretty good base for you. Will share my advanced findings later.
Volume Based Buy and Sell Momentum by 2tmThis is Volume based Buy and Sell Momentum script.
Basically I'd just adjusted PVI and NVI
But It's easy to understand current Volume trends and Momentums
Thank you and Wish your successful investment.