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I'd like to learn more about various chart types
I'd like to learn more about various chart types
What's Range interval and how do I select it?
What do Renko wicks mean?
Kagi Charts
Line Break Charts
Point and Figure (PnF) Charts
Renko Charts
Spread Charts
What does the One Step Back Building option mean?
Heikin Ashi
Why are the bars so thin?
Bar charts: what you need to know and how to use them
Columns Charts
Baseline charts
Why do Spread Charts have different Daily and Intraday calculations?
Chart types
HLC area
Why do Renko, Line Break, Kagi and PnF chart types not work on tick-based intervals?
Volume candles
Time Price Opportunity (TPO) chart
Volume footprint chart
Candles charts: what you need to know and how to use them
Hollow candles charts: what you need to know and how to use them
Line charts: what you need to know and how to use them
Step line charts: what you need to know and how to use them
Line with markers charts: what you need to know and how to use them
Area charts: what you need to know and how to use them
Session volume profile charts: what you need to know and how to use them