What are the meanings behind each TradingView badge?
We offer different badges, each telling you something different about a member. Let’s go through them one by one.
The red MOD badge is given to our moderators to identify them among our members. This badge provides extra security for our members and identifies who is a mod and who isn’t in case you have a question or need help. Members with this badge are official TradingView reps, so be sure to follow their guidance at all times.

The colored BROKER badge, either in blue (platinum), gold, or silver, is given to broker accounts on TradingView. Members sporting this specific badge are the only official broker reps. The broker page provides extensive information on the Terms of Use and reviews from live-account owners. All brokers presented in your country can be found in our Brokers list.

The green WIZARD badge is for our Pine Script™ Wizards. They are top programmers working with Pine Script™, the language used to create indicators and strategies on our platform. Pine Script™ Wizards make an outstanding contribution to the community, helping numerous traders with their codes. If you’d like to learn more, please follow this link.

TradingView employee badges
TradingView official account, as well as TradingView employees, has a blue badge with a TV logo.

Note: You can also hover over the badges for additional information about the user’s plan.
Other badges
Black badges (white in dark mode) show that a user has bought an upgraded plan, which helps our community and our platform grow. Just because a user has such a badge, it does not mean he is a professional trader.